Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 140 Li Shimin's Sacrifice to Heaven

Chapter 140 Li Shimin's Sacrifice to Heaven

"It's in the house." After the three brothers said, they led Wang Gonggong to the room where Wang Yin was.

"Congratulations, Duke Wang." Duke Wang congratulated Wang Yin first.

"Ah...oh...Old Wang..." Wang Yinmi stared blankly at Wang Gonggong and said weakly.

"What's wrong with him?" Eunuch Wang looked at the three brothers suspiciously.

Eunuch Wang was wondering: Why did Wang Yin look like he was half dead? . .

"We don't know either. We saw him become like this when we came here today." The three brothers shook their heads.

"Duke Wang, Your Majesty wants to help you make some clothes for you to use when offering sacrifices to heaven." The Duke looked at Wang Yin and said, "You can come into the palace with our family."

"Forget it, I don't want to move..." Wang Yin replied half dead.

Wang Yin was hopeless at this moment, so he had no idea whether to enter the palace or not. At this moment, he was still completely immersed in huge disappointment.

In his opinion, the gods are Datang, Li Shimin, common people, and potatoes. . .Everything is not important anymore, I am already a dead fish. . .

"This..." Wang Gonggong was in trouble.

If others dare to do this, they will immediately buckle the hat of resisting the decree.

But this is Wang Yin. . .

In the end, Wang Gonggong had no choice but to say goodbye to Wang Yin, and went back to the palace to report to Li Shimin.

Royal Palace
"You mean that kid looks like he's in a daze?" Li Shimin said with a puzzled look on his face after hearing the report from the prince.

"Return to Your Majesty, that's exactly the case." The prince replied.

"Hey, this is really weird." Li Shimin was even more puzzled: "Forget it, since he doesn't want to come, let's take people to him."

"Here." The prince led the order and went down.

General House

About an hour later, Eunuch Wang appeared in front of Wang Yin again, with a few more tailors beside him.

"Mr. Jun, please get up so that we can try the clothes on to see if they fit you." Several tailors said respectfully to Wang Yin.

"Ah..." Wang Yinmi pronounced a syllable in a daze, and then there was no more words.

"This..." The whole room looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

In desperation, the three brothers ran home and found Cheng Yaojin.

After Cheng Yaojin understood the situation, he smacked his teeth and said, "Help him up and change him directly..."

Several tailors helped Wang Yin up tremblingly, and took out the Taoist robes they had made to help Wang Yin change into them.

Wang Yin didn't resist, and just let others play around in a daze, like a hanging string puppet.

"I really saw a ghost, it's the first time I saw this kid like this." Cheng Yaojin shook his head and said in puzzlement.

In his opinion, although Wang Yin is a little lazy on weekdays, at least he looks like a person, doesn't he?
But look at what Wang Yin looks like now?
He looked as if he had lost his soul, his eyes were dull and expressionless, and he looked as if he was half dead. . .

"Could it be that immortals also suffer from loss of soul?" Cheng Yaojin suddenly thought suspiciously.

After a lot of tossing around by several tailors, they finally found a set that fit better.
On this day, the people in Chang'an City got a piece of news: Your Majesty has obtained high-yield immortal food from the immortals, and tomorrow he will sacrifice to the sky at Zhuquemen.

The first reaction of the people is disbelief!

Are you kidding me? !
Seven thousand catties per mu?Don't even dare to dream about it!Why does Your Majesty say such things to fool people?
But then I thought: Doesn’t it make sense?Your Majesty, there is no need to deceive people with this kind of thing. By the time the production is released, won’t everyone know about it?
All day long, the people in Chang'an City were discussing this matter. Of course, most of them didn't believe it. Only a small number of people held a dubious attitude, and most of these people had heard about Wang Yin's deeds to some extent. people.

"Maybe the immortal His Majesty is talking about is this General Wang?" These people pondered in their hearts.

From their point of view, it seems that it can only be Wang Yin. After thinking about it, they can't find another person? !

. . . . . .

In the evening of the same day, Li Shimin, who was worried, took someone to Wang Yin's house in person.

After several tailors helped Wang Yin put on the modified Taoist robe, Wang Yin looked instantly different.

This product itself is handsome, and this robe is also gorgeous and finely made, so it is quite interesting to wear it on the body.

Of course, if you don't look at Wang Yin's expression. . .

Seeing Wang Yin's half-dead appearance, Li Shimin suddenly felt a pain in his stomach: "Wang Yin, okay, why did you become like this?"

"Dreams are shattered..." Wang Yin said weakly: "I want to go home..."

Is this kid homesick?
That's right, even if he's a fairy, he looks like he's only in his teens, so it's not surprising that he's homesick after being away for a long time.

Especially after learning that there is basically no chance of going back, he can be regarded as a human being. . .Fairy-like nature. . .

Li Shimin had no choice but to bite the bullet and began to enlighten, so to speak, his mouth was bald, and Wang Yin's condition finally got better.

Of course, it's just a little bit. . .

"Wang Yin, what are you holding this thing for?" Li Shimin looked at the wooden keyboard in Wang Yin's hand and asked in confusion, "What's the use of this thing?"

"This is a magic weapon." Wang Yin said about the keyboard, and regained a little energy: "It is also my belief and final sustenance as a warrior."

"Is this a weapon?" Li Shimin asked puzzled.

No matter how you look at it, this thing has nothing to do with weapons?There is no sharp edge to chop and kill, and no weight to smash people.But since Wang Yin took it out, it must be a good thing.

"How do you use this thing?" Li Shimin asked curiously.

"Heaven didn't give birth to me... Forget it" Wang Yin shook his head: "You Tang Dynasty can't use this thing..."

Seeing this, Li Shimin could only shake his head: It seems that there is no game again.

"The clothes are fine." Li Shimin walked around Wang Yin a few times: "By the way, Wang Yin, can you ride the clouds?"

It may be because of getting used to it for a day, but Wang Yin's condition is better now, and he is already in the mood to despise Li Shimin.

"Or, it's okay to create the feeling of flying through the clouds...?" Seeing Wang Yin looking at him with an idiot-like expression, Li Shimin said uncertainly.

After all, Wang Yin can often come up with some unimaginable things, maybe he really has it?

"Okay..." Wang Yin rummaged through the mall.

Small dry ice sprayer: 50 Wen/piece

Wang Yin aimed the nozzle at a place where there was no one in front of him, and lightly pressed the switch, and suddenly a mist filled the room.

"It's amazing!" Li Shimin said in surprise when he saw this, and stared straight at the sprayer in Wang Yin's hand.

After receiving the sprayer from Wang Yin, Li Shimin played with it for a while: "Tomorrow this thing will come in handy..."

After Li Shimin left, the three brothers and Qin Huaiyu took a sprayer and practiced how to use it.

The sprayer itself is not big, and it is limited in size than a cup for drinking water. It is very light to hold in the hand, and the operation is not complicated. Several people learned how to use it in a short time.

It was rare for the three brothers of the Cheng family to encounter such a fun thing, and they immediately sprayed each other with sprayers.

"Stop playing." Seeing this, Qin Huaiyu stopped and said, "Your Majesty will still use it tomorrow. This thing doesn't look too big, and it probably won't be sprayed a few times."

The three brothers had to give up after hearing the words.

After all, looking at Wang Yin's state, if you look for him again, you may not be able to give it to him. If you finish spraying it because of your own fun, then His Majesty will blame you, and you will be in big trouble!
next day
Early in the morning, the Suzaku Gate was surrounded by spectators, and the city defense army and palace guards joined forces to maintain order and prevent accidents from happening.

Today's morning ceremony was naturally omitted. At around eight o'clock in the morning, Li Shimin led his group of officials to the altar built in front of Suzaku's gate.

The common people saw Li Shimin salute one after another, Li Shimin appeased the common people, and started to go through the process.

Li Shimin was busy in front, while Qin Huaiyu and the three brothers of the Cheng family were in a blind spot where the crowd could not see, holding sprays and waiting for orders at any time.Wang Yin stood beside him stupidly waiting to appear. Although he was not as half-dead as yesterday, he still looked listless.

If it were in the past, the common people would still be interested in watching this ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven. After all, it is rare to have an entertainment event, isn't it?

But now people's minds are all on the [-] jin of immortal food and immortals, and they are somewhat lacking in interest in this ritual of worshiping heaven.

Finally, after Li Shimin finished reading the rites to heaven, the process was finally over.

"Brother Yin, it's your turn to play." Qin Huaiyu saw Li Shimin secretly sign with his hands behind his back, and hurriedly said to Wang Yin.

"Got it," Wang Yin straightened his clothes and walked towards the stage.

Seeing Wang Yin approaching, the four quickly pressed the switch of the dry ice sprayer.

Just when the common people were curious about who the immortal was, or whether it was Wang Yin, they were all startled when they suddenly saw fog on the stage.

Seeing the commotion among the people, the security guards quickly stopped them to prevent them from rushing to the stage.

"What's going on? Why is it suddenly foggy?"

"Could it be that the immortal is casting spells?"

"Look, it seems that someone has appeared!"

. . . . . .

Just as the common people were discussing, Wang Yin's figure came out from the mist.

(End of this chapter)

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