Chapter 131 Scary Yield
Seeing this, Du Ruhui stood up quickly, he didn't dare to sit here on an equal footing with the Supreme Emperor, after all he was not Wang Yin. . .

"Keming, you should sit down if you are not in good health." Seeing him standing up, Li Yuan said, "I have granted it to you, don't worry, no one dares to say anything."

"I'm terrified!" Du Ruhui hastily expressed his opinion.

"Okay, don't do that to me, sit down now," Li Yuan said impatiently, "Don't you want to resist the order?"

Seeing this, Du Ruhui had no choice but to respond, and sat down bravely.

"Wang Yin, you are indeed the lucky star of Datang!" Li Yuan reached out and patted Wang Yin's shoulder, and said excitedly, "With these potatoes, the people of Datang will have enough to eat!"

"Ah, ah, it's just enough to eat, basic operation, basic operation." Wang Yin quickly pressed Li Yuan's arm to prevent him from shaking.

This damn is shaking non-stop, don't have a stroke or something in the end, then it really can't stop. . . . . .

Cheng Lingxue was worthy of being the woman who cast the shadow of the dandyism in Chang'an City, she easily carried two potato plants and went to the side to weigh them.

"36 catties, 42 catties." The weigher said in a flat tone after being numb after many shocks.

Weigh, drop potatoes, record, next. . .A set of operations is smooth and smooth.

Xueba Tai looked at the potatoes in his hand, and his first reaction was not how many were there or how high was the output, but how many ways to weigh them?What is the volume?How to calculate surface area. . . . . .

Li Chengqian wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned his head and glanced at Wang Yin, full of expectations for the future of Datang: With Brother Yin's help, Datang will definitely develop to an unimaginable level in the future!

"Brother Prince, help me, I can't pull it." Li Lizhi used all her strength to pull the potato in her hand, but the potato didn't move at all, and Li Lizhi's small mouth suddenly pouted.

"Lizhi, I'll help you." Li Chengqian hurried over and helped to lift up the potatoes. The two of them dragged the potatoes to the side of the weigher after a lot of effort.

"Six... 63 catties..." Although the weight of potatoes has been impacted many times, the yield of this plant still shocked the weighers again.

"Wow! There are so many!" Li Lizhi didn't think too much about it. Seeing that the potatoes he dug weighed so much, he immediately became happy.

"The beauty is amazing, I dug up such a heavy one all at once." Li Chengqian gave Li Lizhi a thumbs up, a gesture he has learned.

The other civil servants and generals were naturally shocked and excited, after all, the yield of potatoes is really scary.

However, Niu Jinda was the most excited.

Niu Jinda came from a standard poor family background, and his family members were starved to death one after another. He survived by struggling, so Niu Jinda has an almost morbid obsession with food.

Seeing such a high yield of potatoes now, Niu Jinda suddenly trembled with excitement, as if he had gone mad: "Immortal food! Immortal food! God bless Tang! God bless Tang!"

"What are you doing?!" Niu Jinda scolded when he saw the person next to him preparing to weigh the potatoes delivered by others.

"General Niu...I'm weighing..." The person who weighed returned with a dazed expression, not knowing why Niu Jinda suddenly scolded himself.

"My hands and feet, be careful! If you damage the potatoes, I will kill you!" Niu Jinda said viciously.

The person who weighed was confused again: Where am I messing around?Haven't I been doing this all the time?

"Ignore him, continue with your work." Cheng Yaojin said to the weigher, picked up Niu Jinda and walked outside.

"Let go of me! You have to go back to collect potatoes!" Niu Jinda immediately protested being dragged by Cheng Yaojin.

"Okay, there are so many people, and you are not bad. I'm afraid you'll beat someone up if you stay there for a while." Cheng Yaojin said helplessly.

He knew about Niu Jinda's paranoia about food, but seeing Niu Jinda's current epileptic state, if he didn't get rid of it quickly, he might really beat him up in a while. . .

"Old Cheng, what's the situation?" Wang Yin looked at the two in front of him, wondering.

"This guy is ill again, don't bother him." Cheng Yaojin learned Wang Yin's oral language very quickly, and immediately said what happened just now.

Being told his embarrassing things face to face, Niu Jinda felt embarrassed for a while, thinking about his situation just now, it was indeed very wrong, so he didn't say anything because he was wronged.

Wang Yin stroked his forehead: Another crazy one. . . . . .

Under the busyness of a kind of monarch in Tang Dynasty and the villagers of Shangshui Village, the potatoes of one mu of land were harvested in a short time. Several people who weighed together gathered together the weights they had recorded and started. Calculate the total weight.

"Your Majesty... I figured it out..." The leader walked up to Li Shimin and said tremblingly, "The total is... 690 seven catties..."

"How much?" Li Shimin suspected that he had heard wrong.

"Seven thousand 690 seven catties!" The man took a deep breath and said excitedly.

"More than 7000 catties?..." Li Shimin muttered in a low voice, rolled his eyes and passed out. . .

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" The man panicked immediately, he supported Li Shimin, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Come quickly! Your Majesty has passed out!"

The people around heard the shout and rushed over: "What's going on? Why did Your Majesty faint?"

"I'm fine, it's just that I was so happy just now." Li Shimin passed out quickly, and woke up quickly, seeing a group of people surrounding him, he quickly comforted him.

"The yield per mu of potatoes has come out..." Li Shimin glanced around at the surrounding ministers, took a deep breath and said, "It's 690 seven catties in total!"



"Zhang Shangshu!"

. . . . . .

As soon as Li Shimin finished speaking, he fainted a few more times. . . . . .

After some tossing, everyone finally woke up and stood there with embarrassing faces, but no one laughed at them. After all, they themselves were not much better. The reason why they didn't faint was because they were in better health than them. . .

Li Shimin quickly ordered someone to move the potatoes to one piece, and went through the scale again.

This time, in order to prevent errors, I specially used a large scale.

After a lot of busy work, the total weight was calculated again: 680 nine catties.

As for some errors, this is a normal situation. After all, the scales in this era are all observed by human eyes. Naturally, they cannot be as accurate as electronic scales. There will always be a little error in each weighing, and the number of times is too many. , the cumulative error value is naturally high.

And the total weight difference is only less than ten catties, which is already a very powerful thing!
"Continue! Harvest the potatoes on the remaining two acres of land!" After the excitement, Li Shimin ordered.

As for some old and poor officials, they were ordered by Li Shimin to rest.

When the potatoes on the three acres of land were harvested, everyone was more or less sweaty, and some weak civil servants were sweating profusely from exhaustion.

On the other hand, Empress Changsun had a relaxed expression on her face and didn't sweat much.

Seeing that they were not as good as a woman like the queen, these men felt ashamed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in. . . . . .

Qin Qiong looked at the state of Empress Changsun, and then at Wang Yin in the distance: It seems that this medicine is not only for curing diseases!

"Your Majesty, the results are here!" After the weighing, the man came up to the crowd again and said excitedly, "The yields of the remaining two acres of land are 420 three catties and 67 catties respectively!"

Everyone who had experienced a production shock before was already prepared in their hearts at this moment, but no one fainted this time.

After listening to the report, Li Shimin was overjoyed, then took a deep breath, and led everyone towards Wang Yin.

"Wang Yin, I thank you on behalf of the people of Tang Dynasty." After saying that, Li Shimin bowed to Wang Yin.

"On behalf of the people in this world, I thank General Wang for his kindness in giving food." A kind of minister also bowed and saluted.

"Fuck, what are you doing, get up, get up!" Wang Yin was taken aback, he was not used to being thanked by so many people like this.

"Wang Yin, you can afford this obeisance!" Li Yuan looked at Wang Yin and said solemnly, then bowed down too.

"Stop! Stop!" Wang Yin quickly helped Li Yuan up, and then walked over to help Li Shimin up.

"Old Li, don't bring such a joke." Wang Yin whispered next to Li Shimin.

"Wang Yin, I'm not mistaken, you are indeed the lucky star of Datang!" Li Shimin patted Wang Yin's shoulder and said happily.

At this moment, everyone present realized one thing: Wang Yin has completely taken off!He is no longer the idle general in name only, and he is no longer a small county uncle!
It is no exaggeration to say that with this potato, the Wang family's status will be unbreakable within a hundred years, and no one can shake it!

And this Wang Yin's reputation among the people will also reach an unprecedented height!

(End of this chapter)

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