Movie martial arts

Chapter 44 Wang Zhi and Ji Shi

Chapter 44 Wang Zhi and Ji Shi

What about Wang Zhi, you can regard him as Wei Xiaobao, the only thing missing is that he is really not a man, but a eunuch... In the third year of Chenghua, the Yaomin rebellion in Datangxia, Guangxi became An event that changed the world, because in that rebellion, two people were brought to the capital, one was Ji Ling, and the other was Wang Zhi;
He entered the palace as a child, but at the age of seventeen or eighteen, he became the absolute confidant of the current emperor. The post of eunuch in charge of the imperial horse was his duty. Guarding the eunuch's position and controlling the military affairs of the northwestern provinces can be said to be the power of the government;
His most formidable feature is his military ability. He won several battles with the Tatars... But he is young and vigorous, he does things too directly, and there are countless enemies. With troops outside, he was demoted to Nanjing on some pretext;
This is a legendary figure, but now he has cut his own face and lived in seclusion in this Xichang prison. attitude, no more worries in the heart;

But who would have thought that what Wang Zhi did yesterday was for a woman?Unlike Ji Ling, Wang Zhi's becoming a eunuch is not a kind of sublimation, because he himself was born in poverty, and he is an out-and-out poor boy, but Ji Ling is different, she is originally a rich lady, with a scholarly family;

It was a torment for her to enter the palace and become a court lady... Once upon a time, Wang Zhi looked at that gentle woman with a silly smile from a distant place. The woman who deeply attracted him, once upon a time...

Who says eunuchs can't have love?Maybe this is not love, because he died before it even started, at most it is a secret love, a one-sided secret love, right?Even after becoming the great eunuch with power over the world, Wang Zhi still looks up to her existence;

Once you enter the official door, it's as deep as the sea, so there's no real love left here?The danger in the palace has always reminded Wang Zhi to be careful and cautious, but even so, he still suffered a lot at the beginning, only the girl from the same place as him smiled and comforted him , chat with him, teach him to write;
Wang Zhi realized a truth. Eunuchs are not men after all. Their incomplete bodies and incomplete minds are destined to be deformed products. How can they be born?Maybe it doesn't make sense, but for him, alive, he can protect that girl from the wind and rain!
He thought he could do it, so he climbed up step by step with difficulty, crossed the peaks and obstacles, and walked through the mountains of corpses and blood, step by step, until later he realized that when his manpower was exhausted, he was really not the one. Ling, the mountain that shelters the wind and rain!

Five or six years ago was Wang Zhi's last moment in the court, and he left Ji Ling with a sentence, not an affectionate confession letter, nor a sad parting letter, only a sentence full of scheming, which can be your mountain peak Yes, only the emperor!
"Concubine Wan Gui has been in control of the ** for many years. She is responsible for the restoration of the West Factory this time. In the past six months, the West Factory has also killed many dragon species... I also discovered this by accident. That child They are five or six years old and don't even have a name;
It is really not easy to live by relying on Empress Wu, who was thrown into the cold palace, and many eunuchs and court ladies!So many years have passed, and the current emperor has only such a child, Ji's current situation is very dangerous, Eunuch Wang, don't you have any thoughts? ", Han Wen earnestly persuaded;

Wang Zhi rubbed his scar-covered cheek and looked up at the torch not far away with a smile on his lips. The torch swayed in the cold wind and glowed in the dark cell. Just like Wang Zhi's heart at the moment, it was full of energy. Light, unyielding light;
"I heard that you, the governor of the West Factory, came here because of Concubine Wan Gui. What? You want to betray her?" Wang Zhi stood up straight, and Han Wen also got up to look at him. Unlike before, Wang Zhi The eyes are very sharp now, which means that the former governor of Xichang who killed and cut down is back!

"I can't talk about betrayal, I just... I don't have a good life for a few years! I don't want to continue to commit crimes, and I also set up a big game, preparing to solve the problems that have plagued the world for many years. Since Confucianism is an existence that we can't move, we can only wrong those so-called knights!" Han Wen said with a smile;

"A few years to live? What do you mean?" Wang Zhi was a little surprised and asked in puzzlement;

Shall I tell you that lying is my best science?Someone in Han sighed, and said: "Accidentally got some inexplicable poisons, not to mention that my skills are gone, and my life will not be easy for a few years. This is one of the reasons why I hate those reckless quacks. one!"

"Clatter...crack!", Wang Zhi in the fence stretched out his hand and clasped Han Wen's wrist, tried Han Wen's pulse, and frowned: "No wonder the last time I saw you was very different from the past, your steps are vain... It's just what kind of poison is this that is so powerful?"

"The world is full of wonders, God knows?" Han Wen shook his head and said, "Eunuch Wang! How is it? Don't you plan to go out with me for a walk? Isn't it more enjoyable to see this beautiful river and mountain than this dark and humid place?" ?”

"Your conditions! I'm used to explaining everything clearly. Straightforward and winding are not my style!" Wang Zhi grinned, his face even more ferocious: "As for my conditions, it's very simple. That child, I Keep him!"

Han Wen smiled and said: "Eunuch Wang, I can accept your condition, and mine is also very simple, you help me do things! One year! Only one year, help me unconditionally for one year! That’s all!”

"Deal!", Wang Zhi smiled, shook the shackles on his hands and feet, and said, "Then... should you let me go?"

"Of course! By the way, Eunuch Wang's name is too famous, can you feel wronged and change his name?" Han Wen asked;

Wang Zhi nodded: "That's right, let's call it... Wang Zhi! The king of King Zheng of Zhou Wu, the Zhi of ambition!"

Recruiting Wang Zhi really made Han Wen very happy. Wang Zhi is not only a capable man in the military, but also a well-known figure in the Jianghu. He used to be a very prosperous existence, with a superb swordsmanship. I don't know how many people hate him;

"This is Ma Jinliang, the head of the West Factory. This is Wang Zhi! From now on, you must work together!" Han Wen smiled and introduced Wang Zhi to Ma Jinliang, and he was also introducing Ma Jinliang to Wang Zhi. He tore off a piece of cloth from his sleeve and said: "Wang Zhi, cover your eyes and live in a dark place for a long time. It's easy to be blinded by the sun when you go out!"

Wang Zhi didn’t believe it at first, but when the glare outside made his eyes blurred with tears, he had no choice but to believe it. He hurriedly asked for a cloth strip, covered his eyes, grinned in Korean, and thought to himself: Believe in science!

Ma Jinliang whispered next to Han Wen: "Master... this man is a famous lunatic, isn't it a bit... wrong for you to release him?"

"Hehe! Crazy? Anyone who treats him as a lunatic is a fool! You! Don't be stupid! He is not a lunatic!" Han Wen smiled and said nothing, just a wink, and Ma entered his conscience nodded clearly;

Although Wang Zhi has been far away from the temple for several years, there are still remnants of the former power and influence, and his own means, Han Wen is also jealous. It can be said that Wang Zhi is a double-edged sword, and it is no problem to use it well. , use it badly to hurt others and yourself;

On the other side, Dao Kuang, who was ordered to look for the Kuai brothers, also found them, but he didn't have to go far. Dao Kuang found the Kuai brothers in the territory of Shuntian Prefecture. The two were packing up and preparing to go west. Woolen cloth!

Knife mad Guo Ke holds a guillotine in his hand, which is modeled after Jinyiwei's standard equipment, but the materials and forging methods are different. The seemingly insignificant thing is the most deadly thing, not to mention this thing itself is the murder weapon;
"Brothers Kuai, the governor ordered you to go back!" Dao Kuang leaned against the doorpost of the escort office here and picked his teeth slowly with a straw stick;

Seeing Dao Kuang coming, Kuai Hu was obviously startled, and touched something in his hand, Kuai Leopard slid in front of Kuai Hu, and said with a smile on his face: "Dao Kuang! Are you really willing?" ?”

"Being willing? What is being willing? What is not being willing?" Dao replied with a wild smile, showing great interest;
PS: Ask for recommendations, favorites, and Sanjiang tickets;
I also recommend a book, the fantasy-type "Peerless Master Trains the Song Dynasty", the author is a handful of water, there are a lot of words, you can kill it;
(End of this chapter)

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