Chapter 305
Seeing that Han Wen dodged his own move and was still sticking to his own hand, Taoist Jizu's inner strength shook, and he jumped back quickly. It can be seen that he still has a certain understanding of Wudang's martial arts. Otherwise, it would not be so decisive;
Staring at Han Wen closely, Taoist Jizu's hoarse voice opened again, with some doubts: "Who are you from the Wudang sect? Shi Yan's apprentice? Or Mu Taoist's apprentice? No! No! They are not so young. Disciple!"

"Don't think about it! If you really think about it, I am much older than Daoist Shi Yan!" Han Wen said with a smile, as if joking, but in fact it is true;

Because he joined the Wudang Sect, and it was a hundred years after the Wudang Sect was established, and now, the Wudang Sect has been established for more than 200 years, right?
How could Taoist Jizu hear his "nonsense"?Frowning slightly, he felt a little tricky, but he still didn't give up. After all, King Pingnan promised that whoever could find the stolen jewels would give him some ordinary ones!

He has been wandering and wandering for half his life, so he naturally wants to live a stable life!It's better to catch these two people first, and then slowly press them!As for King Pingnan's promise?With treasure, where can't you go to the world?Why give him half of it back?

This is already treating those treasures as one's own!If he hadn't betrayed King Pingnan, why wouldn't Taoist Jizu inform King Pingnan?Instead, he rode through the barrier alone!Because although the risk is high, the benefits are relatively high!

Jizu Daoist's greed was burning in an instant. He took a step, stabbed his claws with his right hand, and grabbed Han Wen's chest. Go up, come first, grab Han Wen's face, the trick is so strange, it is really rare.

Using softness to overcome hardness and using stillness to stop is the winning method of Tai Chi. Han Wen did not panic. When he saw the chicken-footed Taoist grabbing hold with his left paw, he immediately used Tai Chi to perform the "grab the bird's tail" move. His right foot was strong and his left foot was weak. , using the "Squeeze" formula, adhesion and adhesion followed, the right palm had already covered his left wrist, and horizontal strength was released.Jizudao couldn't help but rush forward, took two steps, and then stood still.

Being squeezed like this, Taoist Jizu felt as if the force of a thousand catties in his claws had been driven into the vast ocean, without a trace or sound, but his body was moved two steps obliquely by the force of his claws.

Secretly said, such a young person actually beat many masters of Wudang Mountain, who have never been able to comprehend Taijiquan so exquisitely, he was startled, then angry, filled with anger, quick claws attacked continuously, and his arms swayed , as if dozens of arms and claws were striking out at the same time.

The pressure on Hanwen increased greatly, but he still resisted the idea of ​​drawing his sword to meet him. He was going to use battle to support the fight and practice his close combat skills. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a disadvantage if he was approached by someone in the future?

The Tai Chi moves "Single Whip", "Hand Hand Sign", "White Crane Spreading Wings", "Hands on the Knees and Steps" are used one by one. When the move "Waving the Pipa" is reached, the right hand is pressed and the left hand is withdrawn, but I suddenly had an understanding and further understood the subtleties and mysteries of Tai Chi's purpose. As a result, this move became like flowing clouds and flowing water, extremely free and unrestrained.

Taoist Jizu only felt that all the roads in Shangpan were covered by the double palms of Hanwen, there was no way to dodge, no way to resist, so he had to use his strength to catch his palm, and at the same time swung his right paw fiercely, hoping The two each received a move, and they forced him to retreat first.

Unexpectedly, Han Wen circled his hands, like holding Tai Chi, an incomparably majestic force formed a vortex, which only made him spin around in place seven or eight times, like spinning a top, like spinning a spindle, and finally used the "thousand catty pendant". "The strength to stabilize the figure, but his face was already flushed with swelling, and he was in a panic.

"I'm old! I'm old! It really is a hero born a boy! Amazing! Amazing! Your Taijiquan attainments, even in the Wudang Mountains where old monsters gather, can be ranked in the top ten! Very good!", Jizu Taoist As expected of a temperamental character, even if he almost hated Han Wen in his heart, at this moment, he still remained calm.

Han Wen rolled his eyes, intending to anger him and make him lose his mind. He also sighed: "Old! Old - old and immortal!"

Jizu Daoist suddenly heard this sentence, his face turned from red to blue in anger, roared, and jumped on him, this time, he no longer used the simple "Chicken Foot Kungfu", his left hand was either a fist or a palm, changing Unpredictable, but the right hand is still the pure finger kung fu of "Chicken Foot Kungfu", grasping and poking, hooking, digging and brushing, the five fingers are like a judge's pen, like acupuncture points, like a knife like a sword, like a spear like a halberd, offensive Extremely fierce.

Although Taijiquan in Korean has been honed for a long time, it is rarely used in actual combat. It is natural for ordinary people to deal with it, but is Taoist Jizu an ordinary person?Obviously not!

I was not yet familiar with the fist moves, I was in a hurry and couldn't handle it, suddenly there was a snort, and a part of my sleeve was torn off, so I had to use lightness kung fu and dodge back and forth, avoiding this unprecedented and extremely fierce evil kung fu for the time being. "Chicken Foot Skill", although the name is vulgar, but this strength is really not covered by his meow!
Just how much shelter can there be in this small room?After two jumps, Han Wen's body was about to hit the wall, and when he turned around next, he made a Tai Chi "wild horse split mane" stance with both hands, as motionless as a mountain!
On the surface, this guy is calm and calm, but he is thinking in his heart that he will be killed sooner or later if he continues to fight like this, it's time to use swordsmanship!
"Intention does not require force, Tai Chi circles, and there is no interruption. When the opportunity is gained, the opponent's roots will be cut off. Every move must be continuous, like the Yangtze River, flowing continuously.";
Gongsun Lan, who was lying on the bed, suddenly smiled and said: "I have the honor to have seen the head of Wudang Daoist Shi Yan make a move. His Taijiquan is so exquisite that dozens of people are drawn by him and cannot move! You are the sword!" For a master of martial arts, even this punch is too angular and too sharp, and I haven't understood the meaning of "circular and continuous" in Taijiquan! Little girl's stupid opinion! What does Mr. Han think?"

"Very good!" Even though Hanwen hates this woman who is as beautiful as peaches and plums and has a heart like snakes and scorpions, she has to admire her vision. Just one shot by Daoist Shi Yan can understand the core idea of ​​Taijiquan, I am a fan of the authorities!
Contemplating the essentials of using the Tai Chi Sword, and imagining in his heart the meaning of the Tai Chi Diagram turning round and changing, Han Wen let out a long breath and said, "Come again!"

"Are you using me to hone your own martial arts? How courageous!" Taoist Jizu was furious!
What does Gongsun Lan mean?It means that Han Wen is a master of swords, but he is not using the martial arts that he is good at fighting against him. Isn't this belittle himself?

Masters naturally have the arrogance of masters. Although everyone has different dispositions, they are still different in this respect!
"Too much nonsense! You came to kill me! I will definitely kill you too! So! It's more important to see who dies first!", suddenly comprehending the essence of Tai Chi, Han Wen's confidence increased greatly, saying When he was talking, he rushed forward, turned his right hand forward, and swung towards Taoist Jizu's face.

Jizu Daoist's right hand puts five fingers together, cuts down in the shape of a knife, performs "double wind piercing ears" in Korean, eliminates and strikes, and strikes with both hands in a circle. Jingyi, then circled left and right, one circle after another, big circle, small circle, flat circle, vertical circle, straight circle, oblique circle, Taiji circles were sent out one by one, immediately caught the Taoist with chicken feet stumbled and couldn't help it The Lord's footing was unstable, like a drunken stupor.

"good chance!";
The sudden change made both Hanwen and Jizu Taoist unable to react!I saw Gongsun Lan jumping up from the bed, screaming, and the sword was cold!It pierced the back of Taoist Jizu!

Daoist Jizu looked at the sword edge revealed in his chest in disbelief, let out a low growl angrily, and poked out his five fingers violently, struggling to the death!But precisely because this was his last struggle, it seemed even more terrifying!
Han Wen didn't dare to be negligent, and resorted to a "cloud hand", with his left hand high and his right hand low, a circle encircled his arm, his left hand turned into an invincible Vajra hand and folded down, with a click, the right arm of Taoist Jizu The upper and lower arm bones were broken.

The strong strength of the hand made Taoist Jizu's arm and arm bone broken into six or seven pieces immediately, and the bones were shattered into pieces, making them look disfigured.

As far as this strength is concerned, it is far beyond the reach of Taijiquan, which focuses on soft strength.Han Wen was afraid that he would still have the strength to struggle, so when he used the "cloud hand", it was continuous, as if he was walking in the air, one circle was not completed, the second circle was formed, and there was another click, and his left arm was also lifted. It was broken, not only that, but also injured his two legs, because he was afraid that he would escape.

After doing all this, he looked at Gongsun Lan and said with a sneer, "I said what's going on, even if your 'Neon Clothes Sword' was broken by him, it wouldn't be so miserable with your sword skills, you Is it because I realize that his martial arts are too high, and I am afraid that he will report to King Pingnan, take advantage of his greed, and use bitter tricks to lure him to me and silence him, right?"

"Sorry! I don't have many friends! I can only borrow your hand! But you are wrong about one thing, I am not pretending! The 'Neon Clothes Sword Tool' was broken, and my sword skills have dropped badly, otherwise, I I won't grab a claw, and I'm on the verge of death!" Gongsun Lan said slowly, and then sat on the bed, clutching her abdomen, her face pale.

Taoist Jizu collapsed on the ground, and he really didn't want to die. Even though the Korean Taijiquan is so advanced, he suffered some hidden losses, but as long as he keeps fighting, he believes that with his own strength, it will not take long to win, but who? Thinking, that girl behind her is actually acting?

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills. Gongsun Lan was injured and escaped, looking like a bereaved dog struggling to his death. But now?Unexpectedly, Long Jinghu gave him a fierce sword and ended his life!Fortunately, he is still a giant of evil... The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and a new generation replaces the old!
 PS: In the new month, try hard to code and seek everything.

(End of this chapter)

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