Chapter 206
In Yangzhou City, Han, who just extorted thousands of 10 taels of silver, is quite wealthy. He bought a small manor and temporarily settled Suxin there. Of course, all of this was to avoid Wansan Qian's eyes and ears did it, and then he took Wan Sanqian to the biggest restaurant in Yangzhou.

If you want to give Han Wen a name from Dongying, um, probably, maybe, maybe he will be called-"Little Eyes"?Although it is said that this matter has been exposed, but in fact?He didn't think so, Wan Sanqian's behavior was a little outrageous, which made him very angry, just cutting off one of his fingers was really too cheap for him, especially that Luo Jusheng, who really thought he was a big shot!Gossip in front of yourself!
"Mr. Han! Stay on the front line when doing things, I really want to see you in the future! I think you mean, I'm afraid you don't plan to be good at what happened today!", tied to the window of the restaurant, Wan Sanqian struggled again and again, He said depressedly in his heart: "You have already taken my 10 taels of silver, and we have promised not to reveal your identity! What else do you want?"

"Promise? Zhu Tiedan promised to share the world with me back then! Do you think I will believe you? If the news does not get out, the best way is to let you all die! Because - dead people can't speak Yes!", Han Wen slowly poured himself, but he brought his own identity into the role of Gu Santong, pretending to be someone else, and being able to pretend to be as painstaking as him is really hard to know what to say What's so good!
"Han Wen! Don't go too far!" Wan Sanqian struggled again and again. He really felt the murderous aura in Han Wen, and his heart was beating with fear!Especially since his treasure chest has also been confiscated by Han Wen, and it is useless at all, he can only hope to persuade Han Wen to let him go. As for his guards?forget it!They were all hired with money. Can he trust those people at the critical moment?A relationship maintained with money is the most reliable relationship, but it is also the least reliable relationship.

Han Wen stood up slowly and stuffed a chicken drumstick into Wan Sanqian's mouth, causing him to make a whining sound. He smiled coldly and said, "From the time you started plotting against me, We are enemies rather than friends! You should be prepared for this! What’s ridiculous is that you still believe that I can rebuild our old relationship with you? Haha! What I hate most is being blackmailed and I hate being deceived by others. It’s just right! You do both Take it! Wait for me to use you as bait, kill those ungrateful idiots first, and then clean up this inconvenient thing like you!"

Rivers and lakes, please enjoy your kindness and hatred!Especially in the eyes of the world, the so-called bad guys and villains are all doing their own way. As long as you like it, you can do anything. Just rely on your own mind, so you have become a bad guy, a villain, and even the so-called—” "Magic", to put it simply, these people did not follow the so-called rules of the rivers and lakes!

Sitting on the wine table, Han Wen closed his eyes and meditated, and stopped eating. He just turned the chopsticks in his hands in different patterns. He was waiting, waiting for someone to come. After a long time, there was a smile on his face. A chopstick flew through the air. There was a soft sound, but a man was standing on the roof outside the window. Behind him, there was a chopstick embedded in the tiles. It was very fast and entered very violently. , therefore, the chopsticks pierced the tile, but the tile did not break. Instead, it remained as usual, except that there was an extra chopstick stuck on it!
The clothes on the visitor's shoulders were also pierced with a hole, scratching the shoulder blades. Although there was no bleeding, it was still a burning pain. He raised his eyes like a beast, and stared closely at the Hanwen in the window on the third floor of the restaurant. He waved the three-foot-long knife in his hand and shouted: "Mr. Han! Why did you suddenly hurt me?"

"Is it true? It seems that the four ghosts of Xiangxi, the Luo family, and the wind wanderer who holds a knife but uses swordsmanship have also arrived, right? Come out if you should come out! I really want to kill people now ! Especially those who deceived me! You are as hateful as Zhu Tiedan!"

"No! Mr. Han! You are considered a senior! Even if you were not rumored back then, you were still a person who kept your promise! You are doing this now, but it is difficult for us people! If you don't pay attention to this , Reveal your identity! That's it." Luo Jusheng said slowly, his small eyes were full of menacing light.

"Chi——!", Han Wen sneered, and said: "You dare to threaten me when you are about to die? Luo Jusheng! Others don't know your identity, but I know it! The traitor of Shaolin Temple back then is successful! Don't come All right? Hahaha! Just a few cats and dogs dare to tell me what to do! This world! It’s really changed! Let me learn your Shaolin Powerful Vajra Finger first! Let’s see where the gap is between you and Master Liaofan!”

With a few wild laughs, Han Wen jumped up and kicked over the wine table. The plates, bowls and chopsticks and the delicacies in them flew towards Luo Jusheng together with the soup. Luo Jusheng dodged quickly, but half of his body was still covered in soup. When it was soaked, the whole person looked embarrassed, Han Wen laughed even more freely, a cold light came out of its sheath, and the flying sword struck!

"I don't know good or bad! I really thought you were the old three links! I wanted to meet you a long time ago!" Luo Jusheng's complexion was very bad, his hands moved a few times quickly, he stepped on the horse, and pointed at Han Wen, The powerful vajra finger went straight to Han Wen's chest with fierce force, and Han Wen's left hand was instantly replaced with a diamond arm. There was a crisp sound of gold and iron clashing, and the whole person was already bullied in front of Luo Jusheng, which was unreasonable It was a punch.

Luo Jusheng greeted each other with straight fingers, and the two of them shook again. The sword in Han Wen's right hand quickly pierced Luo Jusheng's neck, shoulder blade, chest, lower abdomen and other vital points. Use it again, but don’t forget, I can still do it! With just a left arm, I am confident that I can beat you to death!”

"King Kong is indestructible? So what? Hmph!" Luo Jusheng sneered while blocking Han Wen's sword, "It's nothing more than that! You should be careful, don't just fall away! We still have seven people I didn’t make a move! It’s unknown who will live and who will die! But now, I really want to capture you first, and then let Yalier torture you severely, and let you hand over the secret book of the indestructible magic skill of King Kong! What do you think? senior?"

"Hahaha! It's very creative! It's simply unconstrained! But! I won't let you catch it! And I will capture this beautiful Persian cat! Ravage it fiercely! And all this is because It's your troubles caused by your chattering stinky mouth!", Han Wen said coldly, but his momentum changed, his vajra arm faded, and he hit Luo Jusheng's bottom with a cold and clear move.

Luo Jusheng's kung fu in his hands is really good, and he has Shaolin's powerful diamond finger, which can also be called a breakthrough, but he is like a student who is not good at the exam. Han Wen's icy palm almost broke his legs. He was flustered and shouted, "What are you watching? Why don't you come up and help me? The secret of King Kong's invincibility! As long as we catch him, all of us will die!" Participate!"

"Wishful thinking! You haven't seen the situation yet! I'll give you a lift!" Han Wen sneered. Xuan Ni's sword technique was extremely fast. Luo Jusheng parried again and again. Suddenly, there was a sound like an egg breaking. Come!Luo Jusheng's two eyeballs protruded a lot, and his small eyes finally became bigger. He didn't expect that such a famous senior expert at that time would actually use such a dirty move - teasing the vaginal feet. !

Of course he wouldn't think of it!He is still using his understanding of the "ancient three links" 20 years ago to deal with Korean, and Korean is not an "ancient three links" at all, but just borrowed the name of the ancient three links!Moreover, his favorite move is to flirt with his feet. Think about the character who was defeated by this strong and powerful foot before. Isn't that dead worse than Luo Jusheng?

One moment he was still shouting, but the next moment he knelt down on the ground, stared at Han Wen with wide eyes, his eyes were full of reconciliation, he clutched his crotch, twitched, for a long time, rolled his eyes, and died!Good guy!All the men present felt a gust of cold wind blowing, and their crotches were icy cold!Especially the very lustful Variety God, swallowed with difficulty, and the look of horror on his face became more and more intense.

Han Wen looked at his feet triumphantly, and Mimi's smile scared these people even more. However, he noticed a detail, that Yalier, that is, the unlucky Luo Ju Sheng's wife didn't even have any pain in her eyes. Instead, she looked at Han Wen greedily. Yes, she was greedy!

Her official speech is very jerky, but it can still be understood: "Catch him! King Kong is not bad! Ours!", "You can actually use Persian, or any language to say I understand what you said!" Han Wen stared at the Persian cat with eyes wide open, but his heart became colder and colder!He was actually planning on his King Kong Immortality Magical Art!I really don't know how to live or die!

King Kong is not bad, or King Kong is not bad, Han Wen really knows how to practice, he can't practice it by himself, but he won't let others take advantage of him, and he won't let others take advantage of him, especially this one way.

Ya Lier's words really touched the hearts of those present. Don't look at everyone who is calm, in fact, they are very utilitarian. People from the Jianghu, power, money, magic skills, sharp weapons, these are all they need!The Vajra Immortality Magical Art is also known as the best magical art in the world. Back then, the ancient three links were invincible all over the world!Relying on this exercise, who can not be tempted?Who dare not be moved?

"Stop talking nonsense! Come on! I am not afraid! Especially you bitch! After I kill them, I will hang you up and ravage you! You have to be mentally prepared!", Han Wen smiled Looking at the people surrounding him, he was fully prepared psychologically. The phantom magic skills of the four Xiangxi ghosts were comparable to his own speed. These three people who haven't made a move yet, if they are not careful, he will suffer a loss, and he will suffer a big loss. On the surface, he can laugh and laugh, but he must take it seriously and seriously in his heart!
"You are no longer what you were back then! You must deeply understand the truth that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead, and that each generation is stronger than the next generation!" Ya Lier slowly said something in her jerky official words, and then, a small dagger fell silent It fell on the hand without breath, and the whole body seemed very soft. It circled around and stabbed at Hanwen like a snake. The technique was quite strange.

"What kind of martial arts is this?" Han Wen had never seen such martial arts before. He was a little surprised, and even thought of trying a move, but the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi also made a move, very fast, like a gust of wind, all eight hands copied Looking at the guy, the eight-armed arhat came to attack the Korean storm, and Feng Youzi, who used this sword technique to control the hatchet, also joined the battle, which was quite sharp.

Only Bai Bian Shen Xing did not participate in the battle. He rolled his eyes, took advantage of Han Wen's entanglement with the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi and others, and saved Wan Sanqian. With Wan Sanqian in one hand and the treasure chest in the other, he jumped out of the window and fled. He doesn't have the greed of these people, or in other words, he knows that he is not qualified enough to participate in this battle, even if he kills Han Wen, and after he gets the Vajra Immortal Kung Fu, he is afraid that these people will cause another civil strife. The person with the weakest strength must be the first to become a ghost under the sword, this is wise!

When Han Wen saw this scene, he acted as if he hadn't seen it, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. If no one escaped, how would the news of him playing Gu Santong get out?How can I achieve my own goal?Immediately, Fenghuaxueyue slapped out forcefully, forced a distance away from these six people, pretended to look resentfully at Wansanqian who was running away, and said, "Ah la la! Little Xiami escaped! Wait for me Kill you first, and then go after them!"

"Arrogance!", the four ghosts in Xiangxi let out a roar in unison, their figures flashed, and they turned into a person and attacked Han Wen. This is where the Phantom Magic Art can confuse people the most. It uses extreme speed to confuse the enemy. Look and feel, so as to find opportunities to kill opponents!But it's a pity that Hanwen, like them, is quite good at speed, and, unlike them, he is one person, while the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi are four!
The Four Ghosts of Xiangxi can use this extreme speed, and there is a kind of cooperation between them. If you look carefully, every time after they make a move, two people attack the enemy, and the two people will stand in place, because the one standing in place The two people pushed the two attackers at the moment just now, helping them to speed up, that is to say, the reason why they can achieve this speed is the result of mutual cooperation. The exercises that work together!

Just kill one of them!Breaking the tacit understanding they have raised since they were young, they will mess up!This is common sense. When the four of them work together, their power is great. Two plus two is greater than four. But if one of them is killed and their tacit understanding and skills are broken, their power will plummet. Two plus two is greater than four. One must be less than three!

(End of this chapter)

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