Movie martial arts

Chapter 152 Murong's Conspiracy

Chapter 152 Murong's Conspiracy
Satisfied looking at his toes, Han Wen squinted his eyes with a provocative face, tilted his head to look around, and occasionally looked at someone's lower body, and the person he was staring at suddenly felt cold hands and feet, I couldn't help but took two steps back, this vicious guy is really a bad guy!
The battle in Juxian Manor, or the battle where Han Wen and Duan Yanqing teamed up to fight against the heroes was temporarily in shackles. Han Wen and Duan Yanqing are almost exhausted now, while everyone on the other side is chilled by being killed. Knowing what to do, the two sides fell into a confrontation;

The east roof and the downstairs are still fighting, piercing palm power, shocking palm shadows are flying all over the sky, rumbling, like the sound of muffled drums, but it is also the same as the scene in Juxian Manor, and it is impossible to tell the winner for a while Negative, it depends on who can consume more energy than whom;

Butcher Lin and Xiao Yuanshan teamed up to fight Murong Bo and Jiumozhi. Among the four, Jiumozhi had the easiest time. Both Butcher Lin and Xiao Yuanshan only made symbolic moves when facing him. As long as he didn't If you do something too outrageous, you will basically ignore it;
Comparatively speaking, Murong Bo was in a much more embarrassed state. Which one of Butcher Lin and Xiao Yuanshan didn't have a blood feud with him?Everyone's time for a stick of incense is basically desperate and merciless, and the moves can be used as fiercely as they can. Those dirty tricks, secret tricks, and tricks that are not usually used are all greeted to him, As long as they can get revenge, they don't care about anything, which shows how much Murong Bo was hurt in their hearts;

Another Shaolin Temple 72 stunt, this time it is the wood-burning saber technique!The invisible internal force turned into a sword and slashed, and the embarrassed Murong Bo flew into the sky. Now he is only in a mess, and it is not so easy to kill him!Can barely dodge this wood-burning saber technique, he turned around and looked, the big tree outside Juxian Manor fell in response, the flames shot into the sky, he smacked his lips, Xiao Yuanshan is indeed a formidable person, he has been there since 30 years ago, now, even more !

"I have something to say! I don't know if brother Xiao is interested in listening to it? If you agree! My life will be handed over to you, so what? I, Murong Bo, will never fight back!", Zhao Shen closed his fingers to temporarily repel Xiao Yuanshan, Murong Bo, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke, everyone was shocked!What does he mean by that?Do you want to die?
Xiao Yuanshan smiled sinisterly and shook his head: "No matter how sweet you talk, don't ask me not to avenge my wife's murder! My wife and children are scattered and my family is destroyed! All of these are caused by you, Murong Bo! Now you have such a saying ! Hahaha! Dog thief! Take your life!"

Murong Bo dexterously hid aside, frowned faintly, some parts of his body were in pain, and Xiao Yuanshan's situation was similar, it was the root cause of Shaolin 72 stunt training, neither of them dared to Fight again, confronting each other, Murong Bo said slowly: "You want to kill me for revenge, with today's situation, I'm afraid you may not be able to. Our party seven is against your father and son, plus brother Lin, who will take the most?" Victory?"

Butcher Lin sliced ​​through Jiumozhi, and said in a cold voice: "Of course you have the upper hand. A man is outnumbered, so why not be afraid? Murong Bo, the hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable, even if you say something , I also want to tear you apart and chop you into minced meat!"

Murong Bo shook his head: "Father Xiao and his son are famous all over the world, who will they be afraid of in their life? Although brother Lin is not well-known now, he was also a giant who ruled the world 30 years ago. When you ruled the world, those little babies were not born yet. Well! But who is not afraid of anyone, it is very difficult to kill me today. I will make a deal with you, and I will allow you to renege on your wish for revenge, but you must promise me one thing."
Xiao Yuanshan and Butcher Lin looked at each other, both feeling surprised: "What kind of tricks does this old thief have?" One must know that Murong Bo is a top-notch existence in terms of intelligence and martial arts, and there are a lot of people who have been tricked by him , If you are not careful, you will fall into his way!How can we not be more careful?
Several muffled sounds came from the big hole on the roof, Nan Murong and Bei Xiaofeng came upwards, swords and swords, fists and feet facing each other, Murong's four great officials arrived in an instant, but these four were somewhat embarrassed, Deng Baichuan was originally wounded in one arm by Xiao Yuanshan, and now he was slapped by Xiao Feng again, with blood on the corner of his mouth, Gongzhi lost feeling in one of his legs, Bao Bu Bu and Feng Bo E had disheveled hair, they didn't look injured light;

"Nan Murong, North Xiao Feng! It's really amazing! Father and son are so proud!" Murong Bo was full of admiration, glanced at Murong Fu who was still confronting Xiao Feng, smiled and waved, saying: "Fu'er! Come here! Don't Let's do it! Brother Xiao! Brother Lin! As long as your father agrees to this matter, you can come forward and kill me for revenge. I will stand by and wait for death. I will never resist, and senior brother Jiumo and Fu'er will not come to the rescue! This is not Just kidding, I'm negotiating terms with you!"

With the ears of South Murong and North Xiaofeng, they also heard what Murong Bo was saying, even so, they were still shocked when Murong Bo said this, Jiumozhi and Murong Fu were also quite frightened.Murong Fu said eagerly: "Father, we are widowed"

Jiumozhi clasped his hands together, shook his head and said firmly: "Mr. Murong, why did you say that? My little monk, Danjiao has a breath, and he will never allow anyone to point a finger at him. Why do you have to do this, sir? Wouldn't it hurt the relatives?" Is the enemy coming soon?"

"Hahahaha! No! No!", Murong Bo waved his hands again and again, looked at Jiumozhi gratefully, and sighed: "Master Gao Yi, I have made such a friend, what is the regret even if I die? Brother Xiao, I have something to ask for your advice. Back then I sent false information and caused a huge disaster, Brother Xiao, do you know what I mean by doing such a dishonorable thing?"
Xiao Yuanshan was filled with anger, he pointed his halberd and cursed: "You are a despicable person, you are doing evil, taking pleasure in misfortune, why do you have any intentions?" After speaking, he took a step, and hit him with a palm.But it was the Shaolin Great Vajra Palm, extremely fierce!Jiumozhi flashed in with a slanting stab, and clasped his palms together. There was a bang sound, the wind from his fists and palms vibrated with each other, and he rushed forward, causing the dust to fall from the roof.This palm and fist intersected, there is no distinction between superior and inferior, both of them secretly admired.

Murong Bo said: "Brother Xiao suppress your anger for a while, and listen to what I have to say. Although Murong Bo is unscrupulous, he is well-known in the world, and he has never met Brother Xiao, so he has no grudges or enmities. As for Abbot Xuanci of Shaolin Temple, I have been on good terms with him for many years. Since I have tried my best to provoke troubles, there must be a major reason for both parties to fight and lose both sides."
Xiao Yuanshan's eyes were about to burst into flames, and he shouted: "What's the big reason? say it, you say it!"
Murong Bo said: "Brother Xiao, you are from Khitan. King Jiumo Zhiming is from the Tubo country. They all say that you are barbarians from other countries, not from the upper kingdom. Your son is obviously the leader of the beggar gang, and your martial arts skills are shocking to the world. He is really a rare hero in the ancient and modern times of the Beggar Clan. But when the beggars knew that he was a Khitan alien, they immediately turned their faces and turned against him. Not only did they not recognize him as the leader of the Clan, but everyone wanted to kill him willingly. Brother Xiao, what do you say about this matter? Is it fair?"
Xiao Yuanshan raised his eyebrows, what kind of tricks is this Murong Bo trying to do?He couldn't figure it out, so he said slowly at the moment: "The Song and Liao feuds, the two countries have fought against each other for more than a hundred years. On the frontier, people from Song and Liao killed each other when they met. It has always been like this. Beggars Since the middle-aged people know that my son is from Khitan, how can they take revenge as the main priority? This is normal and there is nothing unfair." After a pause, he continued: "Abbot Xuanci, Wang Jiantong and others killed my wife and subordinates. , it was not the original intention. But even if it is intentional, it is still a dispute between Song and Liao, it is not surprising, it is just that you set up a frame, but you will not let it go."
Murong Bo laughed loudly: "In Brother Xiao's opinion, the two countries are fighting each other, attacking and killing, and only want to defeat the enemy and win the victory, do they need to pay attention to benevolence, righteousness and morality?" Xiao Yuanshan said: "Soldiers never tire of deceit. , It has been like this since ancient times. Why do you speak these irrelevant words?";
Murong Bo smiled slightly, and said: "Brother Xiao! You must have heard what the kid downstairs said before? My Gusu Murong family is not Han! We are from the Xianbei tribe! It is a pity that the enemy is vicious and vicious, and overthrows our country. I named Fu'er and used the word "Fu", which means that he will never forget the legacy of his ancestors, and he must revive the Great Yan and seize Return the country! Fu'er! You take out the jade seal of the Great Yan Kingdom and show it to Hero Xiao."
Murong Fu didn't understand what exactly his father was going to do, he just replied: "Yes!", reached into his bosom, and took out a square seal carved out of black jade.On the top of the jade seal was carved a vivid leopard, Murong Fu turned the seal over to reveal the printed text.Jiumozhi saw that there were six big characters "Treasure of Emperor Dayan" engraved on the seal.Xiao's father and son didn't know seal script, but they saw that the jade seal was exquisitely carved, but the corners were quite damaged. It was obviously made over the years and suffered many disasters.
Murong Bo said: "Take out the genealogy of Emperor Dayan and ask Old Xia Xiao to have a look." Murong Fu said: "Yes!" Putting the jade seal into his bosom, he took out an oilcloth bag, opened the oilcloth, and shook it He took out a pair of yellow silk and raised it with both hands.
Xiao Yuanshan and the others saw two kinds of characters written with a vermilion brush on the yellow silk, and the curved line on the right was unknown to everyone, so they thought it was Xianbei characters.On the left side are Chinese characters, the top of which reads: "Taizu Civilized Emperor Taboo", below it reads: "Lie Zu Jingzhao Emperor Taboo Juan", and below it reads: "Youdi Taboo".A separate line reads: "Emperor Wucheng, the ancestor of the ancestors", wrote: "Emperor Liezonghui's taboo treasure", and below it wrote: "Kaifeng Gong Taboo Details", "Zhao Wang Taboo Lin".

Later on the silk were written: "Emperor Zhongzong Zhaowu Taboo Sheng", "Emperor Zhaowen Taboo Xi" and so on. The names of the emperors were tabooed, each with missing characters.In the sixth year of the Supreme Emperor, after Murong Chao of Nanyan destroyed the country, the descendants of the descendants were common people, not emperors and princes.It's been a long time, and descendants have multiplied, Xiao Yuanshan, Xiao Feng, Jiumozhi, and Lin Butufu didn't have the heart to take a detailed look at it for a while.But I saw that the last writing on the lineage was "Murong Bi", and above it was "Murong Bo".
Jiumozhi was greatly surprised, and said: "Before, I thought that kid surnamed Han was talking nonsense and instigating everyone to attack Murong's family! Unexpectedly, it turns out that Mr. Murong is really the grandson of the Great Yan. I'm sorry! ,sorry!"
Murong Bo sighed: "It is a great fortune among misfortunes for the survivors of the subjugated country to be able to protect the leader. It's just that the legacy of the ancestors of the past dynasties is based on Xingfu. Murong Bo is incompetent. , I, the Murong family of Xianbei, intend to restore the motherland, do you think it is right or not?"
Xiao Yuanshan said: "If you succeed, you will be the king, if you lose, you will be a bandit. A lot of heroes compete in the Central Plains, what should or should not be said?"
Murong Bo said: "Yes! Brother Xiao's words really touch my heart. If the Murong family wants to revive Dayan, they must take advantage of it. Thinking about my Murong family's small population and weak power, it is really not easy to rebuild the country? The only chance is that the world is in chaos and there are endless battles."
Xiao Yuanshan said grimly: "You fabricate news and sow discord, so you want Song and Liao to provoke a big fight?"
"Exactly, if the war between Song and Liao resumes, Dayan will be able to take advantage of the time to move. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was a rebellion among the Eight Kings, and the Sima clan killed each other. Only then did we, the Five Hus, be able to separate the land of the Central Plains. Today's heat is the same! ", Murong Bo said excitedly with a slight fanaticism on his face;

Jiumozhi nodded and said: "That's right! If the Song Dynasty had both foreign aggression and internal strife, not only would Mr. Murong be able to restore the country, but we would also be able to get a piece of the pie. This has been the case since ancient times. For military affairs, do everything you can!"
Xiao Yuanshan snorted coldly, and looked sideways at the two of them, but Butcher Lin pursed his lips and said, "What about me? I'm just an ordinary person, even if I have martial arts, it shouldn't be within your calculation range, right? Murong Bo You have to suffer so much!"

"If I say that it was really just an accident, brother Lin, can you believe it?" Murong Bo shook his head in distress: "I just got a secret report that the prince of the Song Dynasty was exiled to the people, and there are experts to take care of him. You took away the prince, but because of the wrong information, you suffered an indiscriminate disaster!"

"An indiscriminate disaster! An indiscriminate disaster! Hahaha! It's funny! It's so fucking funny!", Lin Butcher's eyes were red, he was jumping around like crazy, and the reason for all of his today was really just an accident!It was an accident!

Murong Bo ignored Butcher Lin and turned to Xiao Yuanshan: "The Xiao family is a descendant of the Empress Dowager Xiao of the Liao Kingdom. I want to use your father and son's methods to return to the Liao Kingdom, grant the title of Marquis, worship the Prime Minister, and crack the earth." It is not impossible to be crowned a king! At that time, if you hold the military talisman and sit in Nanjing, if you send your army southward, occupy all the land north of the Yellow River in the Southern Dynasties, and establish great achievements, you can then establish yourself as a king, and you can maintain your wealth forever after retreating. At that time Smoothly gathering together the heroes of the Central Plains and annihilating them is like stepping on ants. The bad breath of being repelled by the Beggar Clan in the past will soon be vomited."
Xiao Yuanshan glanced at Murong Bo, and the more he looked at it, the more he couldn't see it for a moment. Isn't this bastard a little whimsical?At this time, you still want to use me! : "Do you think our father and son will do our best for you, so that you can fish in troubled waters, so as to revive the ambition of Yan Kingdom?"
Murong Bo stretched out his arms enthusiastically, and said in an excited tone, "Yes, at that time, I, the Murong family, built a flag of righteousness and sent troops to Shandong to support the Daliao. The Great Song Dynasty is not a difficult task either. Our country of Yan does not dare to take an inch of land from Daliao. If we want to build a country, we should take it from the Southern Dynasty. This will be of great benefit to Daliao, so why not do it?"

When he said this, he suddenly flipped his right hand, and there was already a shining dagger in his palm, with a wave of his hand, he put the dagger under Xiao Feng's feet beside him, and said: "Brother, you only need to follow my advice, please immediately I will take my life to avenge my wife, and I will never resist." With a snort.Tear open the placket, exposing the chest skin.
These words were beyond the expectation of the Xiao father and son, this person was willing to hold back and wait to die in a situation of great advantage, he didn't know how to answer for a while. !Murong Fu, on the other hand, suddenly remembered the Korean language in the courtyard, saying almost the same thing as his father!

"Amitabha! Mr. Murong, the old saying is good: If you are not of my race, your heart must be different. What's more, in military and state affairs, you will not tire of tricks. If Mr. Murong dies willingly, Xiao and his son will not act according to Mr.'s words afterwards, Mr. This...isn't this death easier than a feather?" Jiumozhi couldn't help interjecting;

"Old Xia Xiao has lived in seclusion for decades, and his traces rarely show up in the world. Hero Xiao has become famous all over the world. How can he go back on his word? He is willing to take all risks for a girl who has no relatives and no reason, and joins the party alone. Xian Zhuang seeks medical treatment, how can he break his promise after killing the old man with his own hands? After planning for a long time, this is a golden opportunity for a thousand years. The old man is dying, and one life is exchanged for the foundation of the world, why not do this business?", Murong Bo face Lu smiled, stared at Xiao Feng, only hoped that he would strike soon.
Xiao Yuanshan said: "Feng'er, this person's intention seems to be true, what do you think?" As long as Murong Bo is killed, the wish of many years will be fulfilled, the next step is to kill that old bald donkey Xuanci, then It will be avenged!Xiao Yuanshan didn't even know what to think!

"No way!", Xiao Feng kicked out suddenly, and the dagger under his feet flew with it, turning into a stream of light, without a trace, and said solemnly: "Mother killing is a big revenge, how can it be regarded as a business transaction? This revenge can be repaid if it can be repaid. , if it cannot be repaid, then my father and son will die here. How can I, Xiao and my son, despise such dirty things?"
Murong Bo looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, and said in a loud voice: "I've always heard Xiao Feng Xiao's great talent and extraordinary insight, but I didn't know that when I saw him today, he was a brave man who didn't understand the righteousness and showed his ambition. Hehe, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous!"
Xiao Feng knew that he was provoking each other with words, so he said coldly: "Whether Xiao Feng is a hero or an ordinary person, he can't fall into your trap and become a murderous knife in your hand! He has a tongue like a spring! Let's talk after fighting! First If you try my trick, Kanglong will regret it!"
"Kill—!", Butcher Lin over there also suddenly roared, and the whistling wind of the bone-evisculating knife dance will come over!He always thought that Murong Bo had some deep hatred with him, so he did not hesitate to design a whole set, to put himself and his son to death, but Murong Bo told him that it was just an accident, could he bear it?
(End of this chapter)

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