Movie martial arts

Chapter 117 The Death of the Martial Arts Conference

Chapter 117 The Death of the Martial Arts Conference
"Hehehehe!", the sudden weird laughter broke the stalemate atmosphere here, a person wearing a red and green robe floated from the distance, and in a few bounces he stood on the stage. This light skill attracted people look sideways

But seeing this man's face is white and beardless, he is about thirty years old, his eyes are full of coquettishness, a pair of slender white hands gently covering his delicate red lips, he giggled, unable to distinguish between men and women: "Ah la! It's so lively! What do you think? Yu'er?"

Yuer?Dugu Yu's face was full of coldness, and he snorted coldly: "I have already said before, I will deal with these people, why are you here to meddle? Also, if you dare to call me Yu'er again, I will cut off your tongue Hey dog! Yu’er was also called by you!”

"Yoyo! You're angry! Our family is just joking!" The visitor didn't care, shook his head and looked around, seeing the mighty Zuo Lengchan and teased again: "Yeah ! What a big beast!"

"Bastard!" Zuo Lengchan was one of the top people in the arena, with a head and a face, how could he tolerate such insults?Immediately said angrily: "Whose dog is so uneducated? Let it out to bite people? Dugu sect master! Don't you want to say something?"

Duguyu walked towards her throne without saying a word, but "looked" in the direction of Hanwen, her expression was rather guilty. She used Hanwen as early as at the foot of Songshan Mountain, and used Hanwen to inquire about the news. At the expense of his innocence;

Falsehood and obscenity obviously wouldn't make her so sad. In fact, she gradually fell in love with Hanwen during this period of time. She likes the relaxed and happy feeling, not like the current situation, struggling, but still unable to break free from such a thread ;

Maybe Han Wen had guessed Duguyu's identity long ago, but he didn't reveal it, especially when Han Wen asked her sincerely that day: Don't you have anything to say to me?He expressed his heart, even if there are difficulties, he is willing to face Duguyu together, but Duguyu left;
"If I'm not wrong, this is the father-in-law in the palace, right? I don't know if it's the governor of the West Factory, or the pawn standing in front of the horse?" Han Wenshao shook the folding fan, and the golden fan almost didn't dazzle everyone Eye;

"Little brother is so knowledgeable! You know the origin of our family! Hehe! Leader Zuo, we disabled people are the eagle dogs of the emperor. You are right, we are dogs, but if you want to say that we are uneducated, hehe ! This is your fault!"

While trimming his sharp nails, the seductive eunuch said casually: "I have heard that the martial arts world is very chaotic, and it is true! Is it the land of the king in the whole world, and the land of the land? Wangchen, criticizing the court, criticizing the emperor is a capital crime!"

"Hehe! The father-in-law is serious! Applying rote and fabricating accusations have always been a good show of Xichang, but I can't hide it from me. If you want to be more beautiful, you might as well be a bachelor. Tell your purpose, everyone here. They are all famous figures in the Jianghu, so don't bully them too much!"

Hanwen smiled playfully, squinted his eyes at the eunuch, and said, "I know better than you the tricks in the West Factory, really! This father-in-law, I don't know your last name! Who is the adult behind you? The eunuch holding the pen? The eunuch who is the supervisor of ceremonies and seals? Or..."

As a former governor of the West Factory, Han Wen knows the twists and turns very well. The face of the eunuch who ran away in a few words changed drastically. Of course, it also impressed everyone present. There is no deep taboo, what they know, I am afraid it is just how high a certain person is an official;
"Our family name is Huang!", this Eunuch Huang squinted his eyes, and said with a smile: "The person behind me is not any adult, but the current Majesty, and the current Majesty has always been ambitious, so no one can tolerate anyone under his nose." If you violate the ban and cause chaos, the chivalrous use martial arts to violate the ban, so order our family to clean up the Jianghu martial arts as soon as possible!"

"Oh? Then I don't know how hard Eunuch Huang's so-called purge is? Is it eradication or coexistence?" Han Wen asked with a smile, looking harmless to humans and animals, but in the eyes of Eunuch Huang, this guy is really too difficult It's too difficult to deal with these innocent martial arts people;

Eunuch Huang laughed and said: "Weeds can't be burnt out, and spring breeze blows and regenerates. Our family understands this truth. Even after 1000 years, Jianghu sects will still exist, so our family didn't dream of completing this task that the predecessors could not do." It is something that future generations will not be able to do, but——

Our family must at least ensure that the current emperor cannot see you, so that the head of our family can continue to stay on this beautiful neck, ha ha!So I'm going to feel sorry for you!What do you think of my answer, little brother? "

"Oh! It's not bad!" Han Wen smiled, lowered his head to drink tea, and kept silent for a long time. He pointed to the Wudang Taoist behind him with a faint smile, and then pointed to the Shaolin monk beside him, like Proclaiming something silently;
Others may not know it, but Eunuch Huang knows what Hanwen wants to say. The current emperor is fond of Buddhism and Taoism. He has kept a group of Buddhists and Taoists in the palace for a long time, and even established a separate courtyard. What is it called? Dengxian Pavilion;

Wudang Mountain and Shaolin Temple are the orthodox schools of Buddhism and Taoism. The current emperor has invited the heads of the two sects several times, but these two places are no less than the holy places in the hearts of the emperor. The head is also unstoppable;

A trace of fear flashed in Huang Gonggong's eyes. Even if he is a master of martial arts, he is still the emperor's servant, and his fear of the emperor is deeply rooted in his bones. Revolt!

Taking a deep breath, Eunuch Huang regretted coming out so early. He actually wanted to announce that the Tiancan Sect has now been included in the royal power. He wanted to drag the Tiancan Sect into the water, but Who would have thought that the current situation is a bit special;
Zuo Lengchan saw that the atmosphere was weird, and this Eunuch Huang was so arrogant, he dared to ignore himself, he walked forward with his hands behind his back, and said: "It is rumored that the current emperor ordered a master to lead the heroes, and he is going to wipe out the martial arts. I don't know that Is it you?"

"You can't be called a master, but if you kill chickens and dogs, our family can still be competent!" Eunuch Huang seemed to smile very modestly, and then said: "It seems that the rules of the game are about to change. I represent the imperial court. Interests, and you are used to the life of idle clouds and wild cranes, this is an irreconcilable contradiction!
So, let's find a condition together to reach a consensus, Zuo Dazong, what do you think?Hehe, don't look at me like that, what I mean is, each side has nine players, and if they fight, the winner will be the loser! "

"Nine games? What if we win? What should you do?" Zuo Lengchan sneered. For him, this condition is too naive. Even if this Eunuch Huang loses, there will still be Eunuch Li and Eunuch Zhang. , Countless father-in-laws, if they are defeated by themselves, they will never admit it, naive;

Eunuch Huang smiled and said: "If I am the one who loses, then I will defy the emperor's order and cover it up for you, and try my best to create a scene of peace in the world. If you lose, I'm sorry, I ask you to close the mountain and close the door." , Within ten years, you are not allowed to roam the rivers and lakes!"

"This condition, no matter how it sounds, is not good for us! You must know that there are not many top masters in the world today, and I can't fully represent everyone's meaning! For example, Master Fangzheng of the Shaolin School, Wudang Mountain Daoist Chongxu, and even Dongfang Bubai from Heimuya! How can I make a decision for them? Or, make another appointment?"

As soon as Zuo Lengchan rolled his eyes, he spoke in a word, probing;

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of war drums came from outside. Along with the shouts of killing Zhentian, countless factory guards surrounded the main altar of Tiancanmen. Not long after, after a burst of noise, many martial arts people They filed in and surrounded everyone in the courtyard;

Several people dressed in different costumes walked through the camp of martial arts figures without changing their expressions, and came to Eunuch Huang, clasped their fists in salute, and shouted in unison: "Eunuch Huang, Wanan! I am late, I hope Eunuch will make amends!"

Counting carefully, there are five people in total, and they are all famous figures in the Jianghu. Someone exclaimed and reported their names, and they are all famous people. Now, they have all joined the court!

The appearance of one of them was so angry that the Taoist priest of Tianmen collapsed on the seat clutching his chest, and stretched out his arms tremblingly: "Senior brother? You! didn't die? Why did you become a lackey of the court? You deserve to die Master?"

The man was dressed in Taoist robes, his beard and hair were gray, and he had a good face. Although he looked not young, he also had a suave look. Hearing this, he smiled lightly and said, "Master? Then why don't you ask Master, Why did you kill me?"

Han Wen got up, leaned on Qingxu's shoulder, stepped on the chair, looked around, and said in shock: "It's really a big deal! The factory guards with at least 1000 people in the periphery, forked bows and arrows, fortunately there is no magic. The battalion is out!
Eunuch Huang, even though you are a crippled man, I admire you very much!In a short period of time, you have recruited at least 800 people from the martial arts world. Such methods are amazing!Today, the number of people on both sides is about four to one. It seems that if we do not follow, we must follow. What do you think?Leader of the left! "

Zuo Lengchan took a deep breath, and stared intently at the martial arts masters present, his eyes were full of inquiries. Under such circumstances, he could not act arbitrarily, otherwise, if something happened to him, he would be the target of public criticism;

Yue Buqun laughed and said, "The Wuyue Sword Sect is united in spirit, so it will naturally fully support the leader of the Left Alliance, but I don't know what other people think! Brother Han, Master Fang Sheng? Brother Xie from the Beggar Gang? And others Brothers?"

Good guy, it's interesting, Han Wen glanced at Yue Buqun, pretended to be stupid and smiled and said: "Okay! Okay! I just like to watch the ring fight!"

"Amitabha! The poor monk has no objection! It's all up to the left master to make the decision!" With the Wuyue Sword Sect, Shaolin, and Wudang starting, how can other people have any objections?At that moment, everyone unanimously expressed their support for Zuo Lengchan. It all depends on the leader of Zuo Lengchan!

(End of this chapter)

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