Super Plane Mall

Chapter 67 Plasma Thruster 3

Chapter 67 Plasma Thruster III

Zhu Lei came to the weapons testing ground with the blueprint. When he arrived at the weapons testing ground, the plasma engine had already been placed on a coastal artillery position left over from the war, and it was now preparing to start the test.

He quickly walked towards them, and when he got to the side, he saw the workers fixing the plasma engine. Seeing that he was fine, he said to the steward next to him: "Housekeeper! This is me. I asked for it from Lao Li, the construction drawing of the ground test car platform, I will give it to you now, you can arrange it as soon as possible, and turn it into a reality as soon as possible, we will use it a lot in the future." Said, he Pass the blueprint in your hand to the butler.

"Okay, master, I will arrange it as soon as possible and build this ground test platform as soon as possible!" The butler said as he took the blueprint in his hand.

The workers and masters quickly fixed the engine. After the engine was fixed, they began the final inspection of the engine before the long-term test.

Since there is no power equipment that can provide this engine without the engine, and there is no high-voltage line, they can only use gold-fine batteries as the energy source for the engine.

For the durability test of the engine, they prepared a whole half ton of gold essence battery as the energy source for this ion engine. You must know that the power storage capacity of one kilogram of gold essence battery has reached 50 kWh, and Half a ton of gold battery can store [-] million kilowatt-hours of electricity, and this much electricity has been exported for testing.

As for the various testing equipment to be used in the test, the various equipment in the laboratory can only be moved out first. After all, the test platform for the ion engine has not yet started to be built.So we can only do this first.

After a while, the staff finished checking the engine, and all kinds of test equipment were adjusted, and the long-term test began only after he gave an order.

"Let's start the long-term test?" With his order, the long-term test began, and Zhu Lei stood quietly watching them busy.

Hearing his order, the employee who was already standing next to the switch pressed the power-on button of the engine. With the input of power, the engine gradually started to run, and the sound gradually became louder. I heard the engine's power-on button in the laboratory before. The sound is not very good, but when we arrive at the weapon testing ground, the sound of the engine is completely different from before. Although the sound of the engine is not very loud, the sound is very clear and clear, and can be heard several kilometers away To the screeching sound of the engine.

When I was in the laboratory before, due to the limited space, the sound was very dull, but here, due to the large space, the sound is completely different.

After the engine started working, the staff on the side carefully recorded various data of the engine.

Since none of the people present had any experience with plasma engine testing, they could only test in the same way as traditional chemical engines. However, many steps that plasma engines do not have were omitted, such as starting with oxygen supplementation and adding fuel.

Since this engine, is the first to conduct long-lasting tests.So this test will last for twelve hours. By this time tomorrow, this test will stop, and after the stop, the engine will be disassembled to observe the degree of wear of the aura in the engine.

As time goes by, as the power output increases, the engine works faster and faster, and the sound from the engine becomes smaller and smaller, but the sound becomes more and more penetrating. Finally, the control of the power switch Public staff, adjust the power output to the maximum, and the engine has entered the maximum power output state. This is a real test. The maximum power output state of the engine is a very huge test for any engine. , and about the same for plasma engines.

Since Zhu Lei wanted to test all the data of this engine in a short time, he came up with the most stupid method, which is to use the maximum power output state for the whole test, but fortunately, because their engine is a plasma The body propeller, and the material used in this engine is also a high-strength new material, so it is the state of maximum power output. For a plasma engine, the output of the engine is also very stable.

As time passed slowly, the staff were still carefully recording the working status and data of the engine, and she saw that all the laboratory employees present looked relaxed, obviously very confident, after all, this is not For traditional chemical reaction engines, it should be known that plasma engines are generally used in spacecraft engines, and the flight time required by a spacecraft for a flight usually takes at least several months.Many even have to sail for several years, or decades, so it should be very easy in theory for this plasma thruster to maintain the maximum output power state for twelve hours, and the employees present are all experimental The employees in the laboratory, they have all participated in the design and manufacture of this engine, so they are very confident in their products, not to mention twelve hours, even if it is the maximum output power state for twelve months, they are very confident. I am confident that there will be no accidents with this plasma engine.

Of course, if this propeller is a traditional jet engine, then everyone present is not sure, because they all understand the shortcomings of traditional jet engines, let alone twelve hours, even if it is Twelve minutes, or 12 seconds, something unexpected could happen, but plasma engines are different.Twelve hours of maximum power output state, for plasma engines, is just drizzle.

Zhu Lei stood aside and watched the staff, carefully recording the status of the engine, and they needed to record the data of this engine for [-] hours without interruption.

After looking at it for a while, he turned his head and said to Zhu Ziyan, the housekeeper next to him: "Housekeeper! Now this engine has entered a normal long-term test state, so I don't have much to do when I stay here, so I will return it first. I went to the factory and come back at this time tomorrow, if you need anything, or if there is any problem in the middle, you can call me."

"Okay, master, then go slowly!"

After the butler finished speaking, Zhu Lei turned around and walked towards the gate of the weapons testing ground.

He walked out of the gate of the weapon testing ground, got into the car and drove for a long distance. He could still clearly hear the screeching sound of the plasma engine.

When Zhu Lei returned to the factory, it was already 05:30 in the afternoon, and the workers in the factory had already left work, so he also went to the office to organize his things and was ready to go home. After all, his sister and Zhang Rou and the two are still waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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