Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 98 "Happy Running" starts broadcasting

Chapter 98 "Happy Running" starts broadcasting

On the way back, Hu Mei asked Lin Qirong how he felt about this studio.

"Our company is still relatively small, and those famous dubbing studios with top voice actors are not willing to accommodate us.

Especially if we still want to participate in the dubbing cooperation, they will think that we are playing tricks and insulting the profession. This is the reason for Qiman Studio.

But Menglan Studio is different. First, they don't have that much strength, so they don't dare to reject a client easily. As long as the conditions are not too excessive, they will be willing to accommodate.

Second, I think they will not be able to get along any longer. Adhering to this concept is incompatible with the current trend of making quick money and complete marketization in the market. It is difficult to get orders from large customers, and the pressure to survive will be great. It is against us. The cooperation will be very dedicated.

Thirdly, I just saw the cosplay performance outside. They have good professional skills and meet our requirements. After all, our works do not have too high requirements for dubbing. "

Lin Qirong explained to them in detail why he decided to cooperate with Menglan Studio.

"The boss is right." Xiao Yunfang agreed, "We can only let them toss about working with Qiman, and if they are not satisfied in the end, they may say that we are professional and dismiss us.

As for Menglan, we can do it according to the requirements. The time may be longer, but the quality may not be worse than that of Qiman. "

Hu Mei and Liu Xueying nodded thoughtfully. It turns out that there is so much knowledge in it.

"Fangfang and Hu Mei have more contact with Menglan studio. I think they must be under great financial pressure. The president is a soft girl who is obsessed with the animation world. Qin Lan can't support her alone. It would be a pity if such a good studio closes down. up.

Dubbing is an important part of the animation industry, and it is very professional, so we need to plan ahead. "

"Do you mean to buy it?" Xiao Yunfang asked with a smile.

Lin Qirong hesitated for a moment and shook his head, "Forget about the acquisition. Only by maintaining its independence can it maintain its characteristics. Let's see if there is a chance to reach a long-term cooperation. If necessary, we can inject capital or invest.

Of course, if our works become popular, their studios will naturally rise, and maybe they don't need our help. "

"I understand." Xiao Yunfang nodded, "Hu Mei is in charge of this matter, let me assist you."

"Okay." Hu Mei took out her notebook and wrote it down.

She has developed the habit of recording at any time, and she will read a lot of books every day when she returns to the dormitory.

With the rapid development of Tonghua Entertainment, she felt a little powerless, and if she didn't study hard, she might not be able to keep up with her boss.

She was unwilling to do this no matter what, so she could only race against time to learn more.


Menglan Studio still needs to make full preparations before the official dubbing. Lin Qirong and Tong Tong also often go there to participate in joint training and receive professional guidance, and have made considerable progress.

In such a fulfilling day, finally ushered in a very important day.

The new season of "Happy Running" is finally about to start broadcasting.

One advantage of variety shows is that the shooting time is short, and the content will be broadcast for three months. In fact, the total shooting time is less than one month.

So "Happy Running", which will be launched later, is ready to start broadcasting, while "The First Half of My Life" over there is still being filmed intensely, and it is still unknown when it will be finished.

In addition to the various programs in the later stage, it is impossible to know when it will be broadcast.

Of course, the preparation time and post-editing of variety shows also take a lot of time.

But in general, compared with movies and TV dramas that last several months, the production time of variety shows is still much less.

And the content of each episode is almost irrelevant, and it is entirely possible to adopt the mode of filming and broadcasting at the same time.

For example, variety shows in Europe, America, and South Korea usually start broadcasting after shooting one or two episodes. During the broadcasting process, the shooting content can be adjusted according to audience feedback to achieve a seamless connection.

Domestic variety shows are relatively conservative. Generally, four or five episodes will be filmed before the broadcast is considered to prevent accidents.

As for celebrities, participating in variety shows takes very little time, is not so tiring, earns a lot of money, and has guaranteed popularity, so why not do it.

There are even cases where many out-of-date stars became popular by relying on their performance in a certain show and returned to the front-line position.

This is also one of the reasons why all kinds of variety shows in China are blooming, but movies and TV shows are on the decline.

As the former overlord of variety shows, "Happy Running" naturally attracts attention, especially the changes in the last season make people look forward to the new season.

And Red Maple Satellite TV did not disappoint everyone. After the end of the last season, it has made frequent moves. While retaining the full set of running family members, it has carried out drastic reforms to the program mode, boldly solicited program ideas from the outside world, and created a new season non-stop.

There is only one season between the end of the last season and the start of the new season. "Happy Running" will release some news almost every day, which makes the concerned audience full of expectations.

Naturally, this is also the method of the program group, releasing some program-related materials from time to time to maintain the popularity of "Happy Running" and whet the fans' appetites. Only when the new season of the program is broadcast, it is possible to achieve an explosive effect.

At present, the effect is still very good. After the news that the new season of the program is scheduled to start, many fans have become active, and the popularity of the program has continued to rise.

The TV station's full-channel, full-time pilot film also let the audience see a lot of content, brand new games, brand new rules, it can be said that there is a huge difference from the previous "Happy Run".

This also fully proves that the program group has not broken its promise, and has indeed carried out drastic reforms, and "Happy Running" has ushered in a new look.

But these means can only be means, not decisive things.

The key is to see whether the content of the program can surprise everyone and make everyone like it. Otherwise, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, the higher the hanging, the worse the fall, and Red Maple TV will only usher in a fiasco.

However, judging from the fact that Red Maple TV spared no effort in publicity and the title sponsorship of various well-known brands, Red Maple TV has sufficient confidence in this program, and the same is true of major merchants.

Not only the audience of "Happy Running" is looking forward to the start of the new season, but Red Maple TV's major competitors are also very concerned about the start of the show.

Shonan Satellite TV, a super-entertainment tycoon based on entertainment, naturally pays close attention to the launch of "Happy Running" all the time.

As the overlords of variety shows, they naturally don't need to worry about any threats from Red Maple TV, but if "Happy Running" returns to the top level or even surpasses the original level, it will have a huge impact on their major variety shows.

This season "Happy Running" chose to be broadcast in the fourth quarter. If it is a big success, then there is no doubt that next year it will be adjusted back to the summer season, and it will be a head-on confrontation with the variety show of Shonan Satellite TV. It will be a tragic battle then up.

Blue Ocean Satellite TV also has the same idea as Shonan Satellite TV. As Shonan Satellite TV’s biggest rival, they also don’t want to see "Happy Running" return to the top variety show position. focus on.

Amidst the turmoil of speculation, the new season of "Happy Running" finally ushered in the start of the prime time on Friday.

(End of this chapter)

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