Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 74 Pursuit Battle (2)

Chapter 74 Pursuit Battle ([-])
"So fast."

The reminder that Sha Hanyang was out resounded through the entire building again, making the guests who were playing the game shudder.

In less than half an hour, two people were eliminated, and they were Sha Hanyang and Yao Junyuan.

Especially Yao Junyuan, everyone knows his speed. Even if he can't win, he should be able to run away. It's really surprising that Lin Qirong tore him up so quickly.

This is a tough fight.

With such a thought in their minds, they involuntarily sped up their movements. The open and secret fights between the various teams were also much less, and the efficiency of searching for boxes was also much faster.

But most of them were empty boxes, which made them smile helplessly again and again.

But if you want to find the box, you have to take the risk of being found by the Bell Man.

Sun Minchuan was blocked by Lin Qirong in a corner.

"Can you let me go?" Sun Minchuan immediately confessed.

Lin Qirong shook his head.

"I can do anything." Sun Minchuan said hard, "like dancing."

He did an impromptu dance, and it turned out to be very good, showing a charming style and taste.

It's a pity that this can't change the outcome of his nameplate being torn off at all. He can only watch and let Lin Qirong tear off the nameplate from his back.

"I have a premonition," Sun Minchuan said with a helpless wry smile, "In the future, I will die miserably every issue of such brand-tearing games."

Lin Qirong patted him on the shoulder to show comfort.

His feeling is not wrong, in this kind of brand-tearing game that pays attention to strength and skill, height and strength are very big advantages, and he is short, he seems to be at the bottom of the food chain.

Except for those who are intellectually demanding like Brain Burning Special, he will become a typical underdog in the game.

However, the weak also have the weak's way of playing, and they can also show their own characteristics to win the audience's love.

He will always find his suitable position.

Twenty minutes later, Lin Qirong met Lu Songwen.

Under the rule of being unable to fight back, Lu Songwen could only turn around and run away, with Lin Qirong chasing after him closely.

The place where they met was on the third floor. Lu Songwen quickly ran down to the second floor, then fled to a place, and jumped directly on a step.

It turned out that a lot of special props had already been placed there, and all kinds of props were connected together, extending from the second floor to the lobby on the first floor.

This is a place that has been arranged long ago. If Lin Qirong meets Lu Songwen, he will chase him to this place, and use these props to show the process of the pursuit.

For this reason, two cameras were arranged to a special fixed position, specially used to film this intense chase.

Of course, what the final result will be and what effect it will have depends on the strength of the two actors.

Lu Songwen has indeed practiced it, his skills are very vigorous, he can jump freely among various props, and he uses all kinds of cool movements, which are wonderful.

But behind him, Lin Qirong also followed closely with all kinds of standard cool parkour moves, and his speed was faster than him, and his movements were more daring.

"Elementary parkour allows the host to control the basic movements of parkour and make various cool movements that are different from ordinary people."

The miraculous system gave Lin Qirong sufficient confidence, coupled with the fact that he has been adhering to fitness for a long time, he has created a good physical fitness, allowing him to perform these movements with ease.

Under the watchful eyes of the director team, the two of them chased down from the heights of the second floor like those in a martial arts movie. Many movements were very difficult, which made this special chase extremely exciting.

"This is too..."

Lu Songwen felt extremely helpless when he saw Lin Qirong following closely behind him with parkour movements that were no worse than him.

He was able to do this because he himself liked this sport. He not only practiced it specially, but also added some martial arts postures to form his own style, thus he has the qualifications to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry.

I didn't expect that I would be pursued so closely here, it's really unexpected.

When he reached the lobby on the first floor, he had no advantage, and Lin Qirong finally caught up and tore off his name tag.

The fourth man is out.

"I didn't expect that." Lu Songwen shook his head helplessly, "I thought you didn't catch up to me so quickly, this movement seems to have been practiced for several years, tsk tsk."

"I also like this sport, let me go." Lin Qirong bowed his hands to him, expressing his respect to him.

Lu Songwen quickly returned the gift, "In the future, if you are interested, you can make movies together. You must be good at making action movies."

"Have a chance, thank you for the compliment."

Lin Qirong smiled and turned to leave. For him, the game was not over yet.

"It's almost there." Hong Ming at the side signaled Director Han Long, "Let's get ready for the next one out."

"What a wonderful chase." Director Han Long came back to his senses, he was still intoxicated in the chase just now.

Hong Ming nodded, "So we can't let him have too few enemies, otherwise I'm afraid that other people can't beat him, and it will be boring."

Director Han Long naturally understood what he meant, nodded and ordered the matter.

The most important job of the director team is to control the entire game process and show the most exciting content as much as possible.

Tonight's content is exciting enough, but he is looking forward to the real battle between the two sides.

A thrilling battle.

"It seems that the chance is not great."

Lin Qirong walked slowly, with a hint of understanding in his heart.

As the game progressed, the four guests had already been eliminated. While the record was brilliant, it also made it more difficult for him to find others.

With the previous experience, they have already understood the rules and will not be easily exposed to him.

Especially the two powerful factions Tian Yuxiang and Yuntianzhong, the two people he most wanted to find and tear out had never met him until now.

Most importantly, the director team won't give him too much time.

Should be next?
Half an hour later, he finally met another person.

Today's special guest is Wu Feiming.

He hid quickly, but the follower PD who followed him exposed his position, and he was picked out by Lin Qirong.

Wu Feiming was also staunch, and he resisted for a while before Lin Qirong seized an opportunity to tear off his name tag.

"Thank you."

Wu Feiming shook his head and gave him a thumbs up.

He participated in this program today, although he was abused a lot, but the rewards were not small.

After the broadcast, he should also attract a wave of fans, so he will be satisfied.

He sincerely admires Lin Qirong, who can come up with these gameplays and wins against the crowd in the brand-tearing game.

"An opportunity to work together?"

"Okay. Lin Qirong nodded, returned the name tag to him, and then turned and left.

"It should be almost right?"

he muttered as he walked.

Sure enough, 10 minutes later, the director's team's voice resounded throughout the building.

"All the clues have been found, and the identity of the Bell Messenger has been revealed."

(End of this chapter)

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