Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 692 Preliminary Preparations

Chapter 692 Preliminary Preparations

After arriving at the hotel, he saw Tongtong waiting there, and flew into his arms.

"I miss you so much." Tongtong hugged his neck tightly and refused to let go, his tone choked up.

Lin Qirong held Tongtong who had grown up a lot, and felt sore in his heart.

This time, I haven't seen each other for more than three months, and because I am in Africa, I can't go home to meet with each other during weekend breaks like before.

It's normal for Tongtong to behave like this.

Zuo Youran, who was by her side, looked at Lin Qirong carefully, he had darkened a lot and lost a lot of weight, he must have suffered a lot in Africa, which made her feel a little distressed.

Lin Qirong smiled slightly at her, stretched out his other hand to hold hers, and kept everything in silence.

Back in the room, Tongtong chatted with Lin Qirong about what she had experienced in the past three months. In addition to attending classes normally, she went to Vienna with Zuo Youran and Zhao Ping on New Year's Day to participate in the conference held there again. New Year's concert.

She is already a small celebrity now, and she is also a frequent guest at the New Year's concert, and she performed very well this time.

Lin Qirong also told them a lot about things in Africa, the customs completely different from those in China, the enthusiastic locals, the strange food, and all kinds of interesting things during the filming. Tong Tong listened to these things with his eyes wide open. Into it, exclaiming from time to time.

"Dad, is it an explosion hazard?"

"Of course it's dangerous, but there are many uncles who are responsible for this matter, and they will ensure everyone's safety."

"Oh, that's good." Tongtong heaved a sigh of relief.

Seeing her cute appearance, Lin Qirong couldn't help laughing, and rubbed her hair affectionately, "Baby is so good, Dad has to work hard."

"Well, let's work together."

After learning that Lin Qirong had come to the United States, Shirley and the others came to find him that night.

Liz is still sexy and charming, Alisa is still as cold as frost, and Shirley has changed the most.

I haven't seen her for half a year. She seems to have grown up a lot, and her whole temperament seems to have changed.

But as soon as she saw Lin Qirong, she was beaten back to her original form, greeted Lin Qirong happily, and started playing with Tongtong.

"Okay, I'm a child again, and my birthday is coming soon." Liz couldn't help laughing.

"It's a happy thing too, isn't it?"

Liz nodded and then shook her head again, "If it wasn't for Miranda and you pampering her, she would have been scarred by the cruel reality outside and had to mature."

Seeing her expression, Lin Qirong understood that this was indeed the truth.

"But this is also a good thing." Liz smiled, "In this circle, it is also a good thing to be able to maintain such a mentality. I also hope that she will not grow up so quickly."

In fact, they all know that this is unrealistic. Omi is different from Huaxia. He can take the pure route when he is not an adult, but as his body develops and grows, it will seem strange to take such a route.

This is why many child stars will take a 180-degree turn after they grow up, and suddenly take the sexy route.

This is determined by many factors.

"Perhaps this will also become one of her characteristics." Lin Qirong said, "The combination of pure and sexy will form a very unique temperament. I believe Shirley will control this style."

"I hope it's what you want."

"How did Miranda arrange it?" Lin Qirong asked Xueli.

"It's just what Mr. Lin and Miranda suggested," Shirley said excitedly, "I'm going to hold a grand concert birthday party in New York, let all the fans celebrate my birthday with me, the venue is arranged at MetLife Stadium, that's A large venue that can accommodate more than 8 people, I believe it will be spectacular when the time comes."

Shirley's eyes were full of longing.

"Wow, that's really amazing." Lin Qirong admired, and couldn't help but marvel at Miranda's generosity, and for Shirley, she really did her best.

I believe that after this concert, Shirley's reputation will rise to another level.

8 people celebrated her birthday with her, such a scene is shocking enough.

"Yeah, it's amazing." Shirley affirmed again, "So I've been practicing hard recently, so as not to regret when I don't perform well."

She became excited again, "By the way, I really like the songs that Mr. Lin prepared for me. It's as if I wrote them myself. They are exactly the same as my mood."

"Really? That's great." Lin Qirong nodded, "I was able to create this work because I felt something in my heart. If it is helpful for you to hold this concert, that would be the best."

"Of course I have." Shirley said, "This time Miranda promised me that I can do what I want by myself. The first thing I want to do is to try different styles of music. The songs you gave me are really suitable. , I like it so much."

"That's fine."

Shirley and Lin Qirong talked about the arrangement of the whole party. Lin Qirong, Liz, Alisa and others will appear on the stage to bring their own performances, and Tongtong will cooperate with her.

In addition, there will be a superstar, Diva Jenny Edith will also be there to sing.

She is Miranda's good friend and also watched Shirley grow up.

"so amazing."

Lin Qirong could only shake his head helplessly. Shirley is really the darling of the heavens, with enviable musical talent, angelic face, and perfect body that is gradually opening up. She is protected by strong people like Miranda and Jenny Edith. Escort, Liz, Alisa and other sisters care and love...
As long as nothing goes wrong, the future queen position is basically reserved.

Properly the proud daughter of heaven.

But she was not proud of it, and she was still working hard, leaving people speechless.

The next day, Miranda brought Lin Qirong to the MetLife Stadium, which can accommodate 8 people, and it looks really spectacular.

"The reason why I chose it is mainly because it is the stadium with the most advanced equipment and the best performance."

Miranda explained, "Originally, indoor stadiums such as Madison Garden were also very good, but you know, there are so many games now, and the venue is a bit small, so in the end I decided to stay in this stadium."

Lin Qirong looked around and nodded in understanding.

"Being able to perform in such a large stadium must be an unforgettable memory for Shirley, and it is also an unforgettable birthday party.

Now that you're an adult, you've got a heart for giving her such a gift. "

Miranda smiled slightly. Lin Qirong understood her very well compared to other people who first considered Shirley as a cash cow and would not let go of her birthday.

As long as Shirley likes it, the rest is just incidental.

"You have a lot of ideas, what suggestions do you have for stage design?"

Lin Qirong frowned slightly, "Since I want to give Shirley an unforgettable birthday party, a well-regulated stage is definitely not suitable. She is not very old, and an exaggerated stage is not suitable either."

Miranda nodded, "Yes, so the final plan has not been finalized."

"Maybe we can try this." Lin Qirong blurted out a flash of light in his mind.


Lin Qirong expressed his thoughts, which made Miranda's eyes shine.

"It's an interesting idea, let's do it."

"I think everyone will be amazed."


Miranda nodded, feeling a lot more relaxed, "When will the singers from your company come here to develop?"

Lin Qirong smiled helplessly, "Their strength has not reached the level of development here, and it is not good to come here."

"They actually have potential, and their strength is also very good."

Lin Qirong shook his head, "It's not just a question of strength, but a huge obstacle in the middle.

Huaxia's music pays attention to expressing emotions, everything is to move the audience, and it is a skill flow.

And Miguo follows the rhythmic flow, which will make the audience's whole body cells move at any time.

It is not suitable for them to come and develop. "

Miranda thought for a while before nodding, "You are right. Except for a genius like you, there are not many people who can change styles so freely."

"What am I? Shirley is a real genius."

Miranda thought about Shirley's practice during this period, and nodded, it was indeed so.

Shirley, who has always followed the style of country music, quickly got started playing rock and pop music, which is amazing.

"That's what I planned." Lin Qirong said with a smile, "They still have some problems in their development, but coming to study and broaden their horizons will be very beneficial to their future development.

So I want to arrange for them to take turns to study, see different styles, learn from each other, and wait until they improve themselves before officially coming to develop. "

Miranda smiled and said, "You can decide. Anyway, our studio will provide them with the necessary brokerage services. I will make arrangements according to your requirements."

"Thank you Ms. Miranda."

Miranda waved her hand, "Thanks to you, Shirley, she has improved a lot now, and while trying to follow the rock and pop route, she didn't give up the country route.

Especially your two songs are enough to make her go a long way on this road, and it is the most difficult road. "

"It's my pleasure."

Lin Qirong was very happy to get Miranda's promise.

In this case, Ma Xiaoyang, Leng Wanning, Su Ziping, Jin Mantong and others can all come to the United States to study.

Sometimes vision directly determines a person's height. If they have been developing in Huaxia, although their grades will not be bad, but the path will become narrower and narrower, and eventually they will walk into a dead end. A little bit of popularity.

And if they come to the United States, with the help of Miranda, they can see singers from all over the world perform and experience different styles. They will naturally absorb what is beneficial to them, and rebuild their own music structure based on their own characteristics. Get out of your own way.

Their development path will become wider.

(End of this chapter)

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