Chapter 688

National Day, also known as Golden Week, is an important holiday in China.

For many film companies, the National Day holiday is also a festival worthy of attention. The National Day file is listed as equally important as the Spring Festival file and the summer file, and it is the first choice for many film schedules.

In the past year, capital giants such as Tonghua Group, Ant Films, and Fengteng Films have aggressively entered the film market. The first thing they do is not to shoot movies, but to invest in theaters, which has greatly increased the number of theaters in China.

This change not only allows more people to watch more movies, but also gives companies such as Tonghua Group sufficient say in the pricing and sharing of theaters.

Therefore, under the leadership of Xu Anshun, many theater chains finally chose to sit on the negotiating table, and started negotiations with many film companies on the share ratio and box office price, and finally reached an agreement.

Although the theater chain was forced to cut meat and paid a lot of money, it was still a win-win result for all parties, and it can be said to be a huge boost to the development of China's film industry.

With the joint efforts of all parties, going to the cinema to watch a movie has become a favorite form of entertainment for the public, and a lot of ticket prices have been reduced, which has also increased everyone's impulse and motivation to watch movies.

The entire movie market has shown a trend of opening low and going high. Although the ticket price has become lower, the number of viewers has increased, the base has become larger, and the box office has also become higher.

"Kung Fu Panda" aired this summer is a famous example.

The number of movie viewers has increased, and while movie theaters have maintained their previous income in terms of box office dividends, the income from peripheral products, including food and beverages, has also become more substantial.

In the end, they didn't suffer a loss, and the anger in their hearts disappeared.

The entire film market is showing a dynamic phenomenon.

In this case, this National Day file is very eye-catching.

Not only are there imported Hollywood blockbusters, but many movies choose to be released at this time. "Dear" is not famous among them, and it would not be surprising if it achieves poor results.

However, the announced pre-sale results have surprised many people.

With nearly [-] million in pre-sales, "Dear" surpassed many blockbusters and became the movie that audiences most wanted to see.

Netizens' comments basically represent their thoughts.

""Dear" is said to be an anti-trafficking movie. I don't know what it will be like. I'm looking forward to it."

"The actors are not famous, but they are basically capable. They don't have some embarrassing names, and their acting skills are definitely not a problem."

"The director and screenwriter are not a problem. Who is Han Ying? An ice beauty in the entertainment industry, and a recognized capable director.

Although it is the first time to shoot a movie, her strength is unquestionable. "Ode to Joy" and "Don't Talk to Strangers" have proved her strength.

I am looking forward to this movie very much, maybe it will cause a national topic like "Don't Talk to Strangers". "

"Produced by Tonghua, it must be a high-quality product, not to mention the film written by Lin Qirong. The name alone is enough for us to buy a movie ticket and go in to watch it once."

"I look forward to the release of Lin Qirong's first movie. Although I have seen animated movies before and he wrote the screenplay, but the live-action movies are still different."

On the first day of the National Day, the entrances of major movie theaters are already covered with promotional posters of various movies. The posters of the movie "Dear" are not as cool as other movies, but the desperate faces make people worry. .

After the premiere at the Huaxia Theater last night, the comments on the film have been overwhelming, attracting the attention of many viewers.

Although there are many belittling voices, praise still accounts for the vast majority. Many reporters wrote down their feelings with emotion, calling on everyone to watch this movie together,
"Abduction is really a pain of the times, and it is also a deep-seated social problem. If you don't experience such a thing, you will never understand the despair and unforgettable pain in your heart. You can't understand what you have to look for for a ten-thousandth hope. persist in.

Similarly, we never thought that on the other side, there is another family that suffers because of this problem, that is, those who raise abducted children as their own children. For them, life is also a The huge vortex is irresistible.

After watching this movie, my first feeling is that if you have a child of your own, you must take good care of him and don't let him leave your side, otherwise, in case of an accident, you will definitely suffer for the rest of your life. "

"Lin Qirong's screenwriter and Han Ying's director let us see a real group and see the living conditions at the bottom.

The loss of a child is devastating to a family.

This is a life after the child is gone, no one can not be moved by it. "

"When can we stop worrying about this problem? When can we safely let our children play to their heart's content?"

Many people immediately bought tickets to watch this movie because of this movie, because of these comments, because of Lin Qirong, because of Han Ying, and because of Tonghua Entertainment.

Then they left the theater one by one in tears.

There were not many surprising aspects of the plot from the beginning. Everyone has seen a lot of the details of the lost child and the search for the child in the news, and there was not much emphasis on it.

Surprisingly, the protagonists in the film, Tian Wenjun and Lu Xiaojuan, a divorced couple, found a "mutual aid organization" led by Han Dezhong and his wife after losing their child. Encourage support and find children together.

And in the back of the story, Li Hongqin, played by Wang Yuhan, after losing the two children she raised since childhood, was unwilling to succumb to fate and began her own struggle against fate.

Every step she took was very arduous and persistent. The legendary encounters and complex and intense inner emotions infected every audience, and at the same time revealed another unknown world for everyone.

The protagonist of this world is Li Hongqin, a "village woman" who shows up without makeup, wears rustic clothes, and has messy short hair.

The pain of losing the child and the hatred for the traffickers accumulated by the audience following Tian Wenjun all the way, but at this moment, it was reversed by the "stepmother" Li Hongqin who also loved the child deeply and fell into pain because she did not want to be separated from the child: see It seems that the solution of one tragedy has become the beginning of another tragedy.

Every character in the story is deeply affectionate, whether it is Tian Wenjun and Lu Xiaojuan who are looking for their children everywhere, or Li Hongqin who secretly takes the older child, or Han Dezhong, a man who is full of stories, there are many stories and stories. My own helplessness, which also makes the whole "Dear" welcome the climax of the characters anytime and anywhere, making the audience feel a little breathless.

So when the premiere ended, all the audience stood up and gave warm applause to Lin Qirong, Han Ying and their team who created this movie, for this excellent movie.

This kind of situation also happened in major movie theaters, and the audience was sincerely moved by that individual character.

"After reading it, I always feel panicked. I don't know why?"

"I feel that except for the children, no one is innocent, but everyone is a tragedy, a big tragedy."

"Before, when I saw information about looking for children posted on Weibo or Moments, I would not retweet. Before, when I saw children begging on the corner of the subway, I would not give alms, ask questions, take pictures, or surf the Internet. It seems that the distance is very far away.

But, in the future I will, because maybe this message is a hope for the heartbroken and anxious parents behind it.And people, there must always be some hope.This is the kindness and conscience in human nature. "

"This is the deepest sorrow of this era. From today, I support Lin Qirong and Tonghua Entertainment.

Not only because Lin Qirong captured the thoughts of all parents, but more importantly, he made more parents in the world become a community of life and death.

My dear, three words are worth the weight of a lifetime. "

Throughout the National Day file, the movie "Dear" became the brightest name. Although other movies have made great achievements, the topic level is completely incomparable with "Dear".

From the first day of its release, "Dear" has been the best at the box office, and has become an existence that other movies cannot compete with. It can only compete for the second place, even for Hollywood blockbusters.

On the third day, the official media commented on "Dear" for the first time.

“The backwardness and lack of the system are more responsible for this social phenomenon than careless parents.

The character of Gao Xia is also a tragic character. He is a very small link in the dysfunctional judicial organization, as inactive as a mayfly. When the brilliance of human nature shines, he wants to fight against the huge judicial organization, but is powerless.

At the end of the film, there is no result. Maybe Gao Xia in reality is still on the way to struggle. I hope he is still persisting and not giving up, which shows that he still has hope.

And this is exactly the direction we want to work for, so that the law can truly become the support of the disadvantaged, rather than a high wall to stop them.

When sympathy and pity are ignored, and rough treatment is ignored, you can see those emotions erupting like a tide, and the next time, maybe it will be a bigger thing.

The story of "Dear" makes people cry, and it also makes people look forward to it.

In our life, we need to face family affection with love, sincerity, and kindness.

We all need to have a common spiritual home, to look forward to and share the happiness of life together.

We need a real society ruled by law, so that ordinary people can live and work in peace and contentment without worrying about disasters, so that bad people can be brought to justice, and even have no chance to do evil.

We have a long way to go ahead. "

(End of this chapter)

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