Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 684 Farewell

Chapter 684 Farewell
The tour concert was successfully held, and it can be said that it was sold out everywhere and it was hard to get a ticket.

Even in South Korea and Neon, where the entertainment industry is well developed, this is still the case.

Among them, Lin Qirong, Shirley and others naturally have the greatest credit. They are all world-class singers. Even these two places are very famous and have a lot of fans.

One of the highlights is that Jin Mantong returned to South Korea for the first time, showing her excellent singing skills and captivating dance in front of countless fans.

Liz is also a good dancer, and even she is full of praise for Jin Mantong's unique dance, and Jin Mantong is also very active in learning a lot of skills from Liz, and her dancing skills have become more and more profound.

Several shows she performed were enthusiastically sought after by South Korean fans, and the hot scene made Jin Mantong burst into tears.

This is the place where her dream started, and no matter what happens, it can't erase the position of this place in her heart.

Returning home this time made her feel deeply, and once again strengthened her mind. The original choice was extremely correct, and Tonghua Entertainment was her final destination.

For singers such as Ma Xiaoyang, this concert tour will open their eyes. The promotion of fame is only a trivial matter. This concert really builds their confidence and begins to look at the world.

For Shirley and others, this is a rare opportunity to further expand their influence and enhance their reputation in China and other Asian regions.

This will help them advance towards world-class superstars.

And Tonghua Entertainment has also gained a lot. It not only established the company's reputation, but also proved that it can organize such a large-scale and long-span concert tour. Its overall planning and organizational skills have been honed, and a large number of staff members have grown rapidly. stand up.

According to Chen Meng, Tonghua Entertainment can't stay in Huaxia all the time, it also has to go out boldly.

Even if there are barriers to language communication, even if there are barriers to cultural exchanges, even if there is still a big gap between the artists under the banner and the world's superstars, we must go out and then we can achieve greater growth.

Lin Qirong expressed support for this.


The fiery August passed, the concert tour came to an end, and it was time for Shirley and others to leave.

Lin Qirong held a family banquet at his home to send them off, accompanied by company executives such as Hu Mei and Chen Meng, and singers who participated in the concert tour, such as Xiao Ying and Ma Xiaoyang, also participated. Over the past time, they have established a deep friendship with each other .

Singers such as Ma Xiaoyang have learned a lot from Shirley and the others, which is conducive to the improvement of their strength.

The atmosphere of the banquet was a bit solemn because everyone knew that Shirley and others were about to leave.

"We had a great time." Liz offered a toast to Lin Qirong.

"We have been in Huaxia for more than three months. We have traveled all over China's major scenic spots, ate special delicacies from various places, met many friends, participated in many activities, gained a lot of fame, and made a lot of money. .

It can be said that these three months have achieved more than our hard work in the past year. Thank you very much.

Just like what you said on the O’Meara talk show, Huaxia is a very charming place. Only when you come here to experience the scenery and customs here for yourself will you understand, and then you will fall in love with this country and people here.

To be honest, I really don't want to go back. "

The life in China is really too relaxed and happy, and they like it more than the complicated American music circle.

It's a pity that this kind of time will end after all, and they still have to go back to the United States, where they will continue to work hard.

Lin Qirong smiled and said, "The world is too small now, as long as you like, you can come to Huaxia anytime, I welcome you anytime, as long as you tell me in advance."

Liz smiled sweetly, "I know, we will also remember you. You are a very good man, but unfortunately you already have a girlfriend. I am not sure that I can snatch you away from Zuo, otherwise I will never Will miss it."

Lin Qirong shrugged flatteredly, "It's my honor, it seems that at least I'm more attractive than Patraim."

Liz said in a low voice, "Can you not talk about him? It's embarrassing."

What she said was that after Patram stayed here for a while, he finally couldn't help the turmoil in his heart, and went to some entertainment places to have fun, especially in South Korea and Neon, which was even more special Crazy.

These were exposed by the media, which made Liz and others feel very ashamed.

Up to now, Patram still doesn't get a good look in front of the three of Liz.

"He is such a person, isn't he?" Lin Qirong said helplessly, "Besides being playful, he is actually really good."

"Maybe." Liz spread her hands.

Lin Qirong could only sigh inwardly, he could only help him so much.

Alisa still had a calm face, her icy aura was enough to drive away many people, but it just melted a little when Lin Qirong arrived.

"The enthusiasm on the stage is like fire, and the stage is as cold as frost. As long as you stand there, people can't turn their eyes away." Lin Qirong laughed.

A smile appeared on Alisa's face, and she clinked glasses with him, "Music is music, life is life, I know it very well."

"However, if you can combine music with yourself and use music to express yourself, it should be even better?" Lin Qirong said, "I sincerely hope that you will be happier."

Alisa pondered for a while, then nodded slowly, "Thank you, I will try."

"This is great." Lin Qirong was very happy.

When I found Shirley, she was happily drinking and talking with Tongtong. The two young girls had a lot to say every day. During the previous concert tour, the two had become good friends. friend.

"Mr. Lin." Xue Li jumped up and said reluctantly, "We are leaving tomorrow."

"Yeah, I wonder if you're having fun during this time?"

"Of course I'm happy." Shirley smiled, "There are a lot of delicious and fun things, and you and Tongtong are around, and I can often perform on stage. I am very happy every day.

I still have a lot of inspirations, and I'm going to create them when I get back. "

"that would be great."

Shirley waited for a while, bit her lip and said, "Mr. Lin, will you go to America in the future?"

"Of course, I will definitely go." Lin Qirong said, "That is the World Entertainment Center. If we want to go further, we must conquer this market."

"Great." Shirley jumped up, and then asked expectantly, "When will you come over next time? Can you come next February?"

"No time has been set yet. Why in February?"

"Nothing." Shirley shook her head.

"She was born in February, so I hope you can go to her birthday party in February next year, because she will be an adult next year." Liz didn't know when she walked up to Shirley and held her in her arms He smiled, "Am I right? Shirley."

Shirley lowered her head in embarrassment.

"I see." Lin Qirong rubbed Shirley's blond hair, "I will try my best to go there with Tongtong, if there is nothing special.

Shirley's coming-of-age party, I want to go too. "


"Of course, I think I'm going to worry about what gift I should prepare now." Lin Qirong laughed.

"That's great." Shirley smiled happily, her bright smile was dazzling like an angel's.

Lin Qirong and Liz smiled at each other, they were still a child.

Miranda was sitting alone in a corner drinking, and the terrifying aura made others dare not approach.

Lin Qirong sat beside her and clinked glasses with her.

"It's been a long time."

Miranda took a sip of her drink before slowly saying, "Compared to America, it's much more relaxed here, at least I don't have to worry about Shirley's safety.

It can be said that these few months have been a rare and easy time since I entered this industry. "

Lin Qirong shrugged, "It seems that those busy jobs didn't cause you any pressure."

"These are my pleasures."

"Okay." Lin Qirong said helplessly, "It seems you really enjoy it."

After coming to China for a few months, Miranda spent every day in a busy way. The reputation of Shirley and others was rising every day. She had to face all kinds of invitations, and she was so busy that she still enjoyed it. It has to make people feel emotional.

This is the Devil, a true workaholic.

"Xue Li and the others have been here for a few months. Thanks to your care, they had a great time." Miranda said, "When are the artists from your company planning to go there?"

In the previously signed contract, Tonghua Entertainment helped Shirley and others develop in China and Asia, while Miranda Studio took over many matters related to the activities of Tonghua Entertainment artists in the North Rice area. The two parties reached a mutually beneficial agreement. agreement.

"Don't worry about this." Lin Qirong said, "They are still too immature, and they are almost ready, but I think it should be soon. Only when they go to the world, they will understand their own shortcomings."

"It's already very good." Miranda said, "They all have good strength, but they lack some things. If you go to the United States, you should be able to learn a lot."

"I will arrange for them to pass as soon as possible."

Miranda nodded, "Have you received the Grammy invitation?"

"Yes, thank you for your recommendation."

"You deserve it. Now your reputation in Beimi and even the world is not small, comparable to that of Liz and the others." Miranda said, "Participating in the Grammy can be said to be a matter of course, I What you are fighting for is, do you have the confidence to perform on this stage?"

"Are you going to perform on the Grammy stage?" Lin Qirong raised his head after thinking for a while and said, "If there is an opportunity, I don't want to miss it."

"That's good, you just wait for my news."

"Thank you." Lin Qirong said heartily.

Miranda really helped him a lot and he was very grateful.

"You are worth it." Miranda said, "If you can, come here in February next year, just to attend Shirley's coming-of-age ceremony, and she has grown up too."

"Okay, I figured it must be a big event."

"Of course." Miranda said proudly.

Shirley is the person she values ​​most.

The next day, Lin Qirong, Tongtong and others bid farewell to Miranda, Shirley and others and boarded the plane to fly back to the United States.

In a trance, Lin Qirong still heard Xue Li's silver bell-like laughter.

"We'll see you again soon."

(End of this chapter)

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