Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 681 Panda Cyclone

Chapter 681 Panda Cyclone
On the second day, news of the premiere of "Kung Fu Panda" became the hottest topic. Media reporters who participated in the premiere commented on the animated film and gave their praises.

The most prestigious "Movie Magazine" dedicated a special section to evaluate this movie.

"Like many Hollywood animated films, this "Kung Fu Panda" is not only an animated film for children, but also suitable for audiences of all ages with its humorous language and brilliant special effects.

The story is very simple, it tells a passionate dream-chasing story, even a bit cliché, but the director made such a cliché plot look great.

Anthropomorphism is one of the most important features of animated films, so that the audience can have a sufficient sense of substitution.

In this animated film, we feel the vivid inner world of those animals with different characteristics. If you don't look at the appearance, they are living people.

Because of this, we can be brought into this animated movie, feel the passionate story, and laugh because of the humorous language and actions. In this regard, Tonghua animation is very wonderful.

In addition to the story of panda Po and his friends chasing dreams and fighting against evil, there is also a story that is worth pondering.

The vicious and vicious dragon, in fact, was spoiled by the mouse master and finally embarked on this path, which makes people feel embarrassed. Such situations are not uncommon in reality, aren't they?

All in all, this is a rare and excellent animated film, it can even be said to be phenomenal, and it will definitely have a major impact on the future.

It draws on the successful experience of Hollywood, incorporates many attractive factors, puts a lot of effort into special effects, and adds two unique cultural symbols of kung fu and pandas. I believe this animated film will definitely achieve good results. .

To be able to produce such an excellent animation film, Tonghua Animation is undoubtedly the top animation company in China. Whether it is talent reserve, special effects technology, creative concept or courage, they are all at the forefront of China.

They have pointed out the direction for China's animation companies and even all cultural companies.

As ordinary movie fans, we can expect this animation company to bring us more and more exciting animation movies, and expect them to achieve better results in the world. "

Under such circumstances, "Kung Fu Panda" achieved a good score of over 8.5 million in a single day on the first day of its premiere, and its word-of-mouth reached a high score of [-].

Audiences who watched the movie praised this animated movie one after another, calling it the best animated movie in so many years, and it is a rare work of conscience.

Of course, many viewers complained that the anime used a bad story that couldn't be worse to perfuse the audience. It was completely nothing new, and it didn't make people see the thought-provoking and shocking plot of "Sky Castle".

This was quickly refuted by many viewers.

"Animated movies are for children. What do you need such a complicated plot? I think this kind of plot is very good. Children can understand it. The characters in it, such as Panda Po and Master Tiger, have distinctive personalities and are very attractive. After reading it, they can still speak clearly and learn something from it, which is already very good.

Moreover, Tonghua animation has carried out very exquisite packaging on the basis of this plot. Whether it is the beautiful scenery or the original kung fu, it has Chinese characteristics, and the gorgeous special effects are not inferior to the animated films produced by Hollywood. What reason do we not like or support the work? "

"Happily taking my children to watch such an animated movie, I feel very good. Children watch pandas and fight scenes, and they are often amused to laugh, and I am occasionally amused by humorous lines. I can also appreciate Very good special effects, the scenery is also very good, the whole family is very happy."

"Rare and excellent animated films, how else can we ask for them?"

As time goes by, "Kung Fu Panda" has set off a panda whirlwind in China, quickly becoming the most watched and talked-about movie in the country.

The box office has also risen accordingly, and the single-day box office has steadily exceeded [-] million, becoming the biggest winner of this schedule.

And after the arrival of the summer vacation, a large number of family audiences flocked to the cinema, which continued to maintain sufficient popularity and box office data.

This also allowed many theaters to make an exception and extend the release time of this animated film. It was not gradually released until more than a month after the summer vacation. It lasted more than two months and the total box office reached an astonishing more than 50 billion, making history in one fell swoop. At the forefront of the total box office list, it is surprising.

This is just the data of the Chinese film market. Shortly after its premiere, "Kung Fu Panda" was screened in dozens of countries such as North America, Neon, South Korea, Southeast Asia, and Europe, and achieved excellent results.

You must know that Kung Fu and Panda are both unique cultural symbols of China, which are familiar and recognized by people all over the world. The combination of the two, coupled with a humorous and relaxed style, and special effects comparable to Hollywood, has produced a very good effect. .

It was shown in more than 5000 theaters in Beimi area alone. The box office reached more than 6000 million in the first week, won the championship in the weekend, and continued to maintain a good attendance rate, and finally reached nearly 7 million. yuan box office.

The total global box office outside of China has reached 15 billion yuan, a result that few works even Disney can achieve.

As a result, Tonghua Animation became famous and established its status as a world-class animation company in one fell swoop.

In addition to the box office, the peripheral products derived from this movie are also a big head. The images of animals such as Panda Po appear on various commodities around the world, and various models of figures and toys are sold all over the world. .

Tonghua Toys has another blockbuster product, which will usher in a new development.

Such a good result is much better than the previous "Kung Fu Panda", Lin Qirong is naturally very happy.

More importantly, after the success of this animated film, it has also been recognized by relevant departments, and Tonghua Group has obtained a lot of convenience, which is conducive to the next step of development.

For this reason, Lin Qirong naturally wanted to highly commend the production team of Tonghua Group's "Kung Fu Panda". Not only did they hold a grand celebration banquet, but everyone received generous bonuses, and the main production staff also participated in dividends. jealous.

"In my plan, this animated film will form a series, and at least three or more films will be produced."

Lin Qirong and Xiao Yunfang said.

"Everyone should take a good rest first, and then start the preparation and production of the second film as soon as possible.

With the success of the first film, we have reason to expect better results for the second film. "

Xiao Yunfang smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, everyone is very excited now, and they can't wait to start the production of the second part."

"That's good." Lin Qirong knew that he didn't need to worry about it anymore.

"Kung Fu Panda will become a big business card of our company, but this alone is not enough, we need more and better animated films.

Therefore, we must pay attention to new themes and new scripts to prepare for the future. "

Xiao Yunfang's face was solemn, "We are already doing this, not only digging potentials from within to find suitable themes and ideas, but also proactively looking for suitable scripts outside, but we haven't found a suitable one yet.

But I'm sure you'll find something suitable in the future. "

"It will take time." Lin Qirong said with a smile, "The reason why we don't have it now is because this industry is not attractive enough. When it shows enough attractiveness, more people will invest in it and the base will expand. We There are more choices.

Later I have a new script, you can try it. "

Xiao Yunfang was not surprised by Lin Qirong's new scripts that popped up from time to time, so she nodded in agreement.

I just need to trust Brother Rong, and then concentrate on making this work.

These things are for later, let's go back in time.

After "Kung Fu Panda" became a movie-watching whirlwind, Lin Qirong stopped paying attention to this matter.

His attention is on the second Golden Piano Awards to be held at the end of June.

After the first Golden Piano Awards were held, the Chinese music scene ushered in a year of explosion. Many singers showed their strong strength and many excellent songs appeared.

All these singers once showed their brilliance at the Golden Piano Awards, and have since proved their strength and the fairness of the Golden Piano Awards.

Creation has received great attention. The original situation where words and songs were king is gone forever. Originality has received more attention. There are more and more high-quality songs, and the income of creators has also increased.

After many years of detours, the Chinese music scene seems to have suddenly opened up, and quickly embarked on a fast track.

All these have made many singers attach great importance to this awards ceremony. The Golden Qin Awards, which have only been established for one year, have surpassed the traditional Chinese music award ceremonies such as the Golden Music Awards in a short period of time, showing a thriving situation.

Under such circumstances, this year's Golden Piano Awards have received a lot of attention. In addition to mainland Chinese musicians, singers from Xiangjiang, Baodao, and other Chinese-speaking regions have also expressed their intentions to participate in this year's Golden Piano Awards. Award ceremony, participating in the competition for various awards.

This can be seen when the Golden Piano Award Organizing Committee announced the shortlist in the first half of the year. The Golden Piano Award has been recognized by the entire Chinese music industry for its professionalism, inclusiveness and fairness. It has replaced the Golden Music Award as the Chinese music award. The largest and most professional award ceremony in the music industry.

In the announced list, people also unexpectedly saw that many foreign singers also participated in the competition for some awards. For example, the popular angel singer Shirley participated in this year's Golden Piano Award. In the competition of foreign language songs.

Patram, Liz, Alyssa and other foreign singers are also among them.

It is conceivable that this session will surely become a grand event in the Chinese music scene.

(End of this chapter)

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