Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 643 Los Angeles Branch

Chapter 643 Los Angeles Branch
After arriving in Los Angeles, Lin Qirong brought Zuo Youran and Tong Tong to play in Los Angeles for a few days.

As one of the most famous metropolises in the world, Los Angeles is famous for its high-tech and cultural industries. More than 80.00% of the cultural and entertainment industries in the United States are concentrated in Los Angeles, forming a huge cultural and entertainment industry chain.

The most famous is of course Hollywood. Every year, countless commercial blockbusters are produced here, and then released around the world, earning a lot of money.

This is also a holy place in the hearts of movie fans all over the world. Every year, a large number of movie fans come to travel and check in.

Naturally, Lin Qirong would not miss these scenic spots, and took Tongtong to visit them one by one, listening to the tour guide explain the historical stories carried by these places.

Three days later, Lin Qirong sent Zuo Youran and Tongtong to the airport, ready to send them back to China, because the new semester was about to start.

"Father has a job here, and he will go back as soon as it is finished." Lin Qirong said dotingly to Tong Tong.

"I know." Tong Tong nodded understandingly, "Dad wants to show "Laputa in the Sky" to people here. Mom said this is a very important thing, and Dad must succeed."

"Of course, Dad will work hard." Lin Qirong said with a smile, "Baby must also study hard, don't be proud."


Lin Qirong hugged Zuo Youran lightly, there was no need to say anything more between the two.

After watching the plane carrying the two of them fly into the sky, Lin Qirong sighed softly, and took a car to a building near Hollywood.

This is the branch of Tonghua Group in Los Angeles.

The general manager of the branch, Deng Xinpeng, greeted him in person, and was able to be appointed by the group as the general manager of the North Rice branch. Deng Xinpeng naturally had two talents. He had studied in the United States and had a deep understanding of the cultural and entertainment industry in the United States. Work in major companies in the United States.

After returning to China, he worked as an executive in a company. Due to some reasons, he was unable to fully exert his ability. In the end, he was recruited by Tonghua Group and entrusted with an important task. He showed good ability in a short period of time. Appointed as the general manager of Beimi branch, he can fully display his talents.

"Since the establishment of the branch office half a year ago, the situation has not been ideal. The company is basically doing one thing, poaching people." After sitting down in his office, Deng Xinpeng talked about his work helplessly.

"Although the boss has given me a lot of work, it is too difficult to really open up the situation. The exclusivity here is much greater than we imagined. They basically dismiss our works. In their eyes , we cannot do well in the cultural and entertainment industry.”

"It's good to be able to recruit people." Lin Qirong smiled, "This is also our important job. Thanks to your efforts, the group has been filled with talents in various fields, which has played a very important role in the development of the company. effect."

Deng Xinpeng nodded, he naturally understood this.

"Why is the cultural and entertainment industry in the United States so developed?"

Lin Qirong said, "If we talk about screenwriters or plot stories, our Huaxia is actually not inferior to them. If it weren't for the limitations of some themes, the brains of our Huaxia screenwriters are definitely better than their screenwriters. The key is the backwardness of the entire industrial system.

This industrial system includes a series of industries from investment project establishment to filming, post-production, and distribution. The United States has matured and matured, and has even begun to decline. However, our industrial system has not yet been established. This is the biggest gap.

Now we have the conditions to establish such an industrial system, but it still cannot be established?Why?
It's not because of funds and equipment, these are easy to solve, the key is talents, we don't have enough talents to support this system.

Especially technical talents. The huge technical talents in the United States are the key to their industry leading the world. If we want to become better, we must have more talents.

Therefore, we insist on introducing more talents, let these talents with mature technologies be used by us, and let our own talents follow them to learn and grow faster.

Up to now, our group has introduced a large number of talents, and has formed a mature team in various aspects such as animation production, film and television shooting, post-production, and special effects production. Gotta mature.

It can be said that your work in the past six months has been very good, and we have all seen it. "

Deng Xinpeng said, "This is what we should do. I am very happy to contribute to the company and make the company develop better."

Lin Qirong said with a smile, "The company's other businesses are difficult to develop. Don't worry about this. We will open the door to this market step by step and bit by bit. If TV stations are unwilling to broadcast our cartoons, then we will try to land some Video sites allow more netizens to see them. If the advertising effect is not good, we can find another way, starting from social networking sites, so that our animation videos can be seen by more people.

We can also participate in various comic exhibitions and invite a professional COSPLAY team to promote it. In short, be patient and don’t forget that this is a country that belongs to Mickey Mouse, Transformers, superheroes and princesses. We want to directly impact these deep-rooted The field is too difficult, and we must be prepared for piecemeal and long-term resistance.

Make more friends, look for more opportunities, I believe that opportunities will come, you must have such confidence. "

Deng Xinpeng nodded lightly. In fact, he was not discouraged. He was just habitually worried that Lin Qirong would not be satisfied with his work. It was like this in other companies before. Everything should see results immediately, regardless of the normal development of things.

Is it that easy to open the US market?If Lin Qirong also asked him to do so, then he could only say that there was nothing he could do.

Fortunately, Lin Qirong was not like this. While he was relieved, he also made up his mind in his heart that he still didn't work hard enough, didn't think enough, and he must strive for a big breakthrough in the future.

"Actually, we are not helpless." Lin Qirong said.

"You also know that we are currently cooperating closely with Disney and other animation companies, especially the construction of the animation and game business center that is currently in full swing. They are very actively involved in it. After all, this is conducive to their further development of China. market.

We can cooperate with these companies and use their strength to open up the Beimi market. "

Lin Qirong looked at Deng Xinmeng's eyes that were getting brighter and brighter, and knew that he had understood.

"We should not underestimate ourselves, we must believe that our works are good enough, otherwise we would not be able to have such an influence in China in a short period of time.

This is our core competitiveness, even if we come to the United States, it is no worse than any children's animation in the United States, just lack of channels.

Boldly cooperate with them and use their channels to help us develop the market, even if some profits are acceptable, you have to understand this. "

Deng Xinmeng nodded vigorously, "I know what to do, I was wrong before."

Lin Qirong smiled and said, "It's just that the starting point is different. I think more comprehensively, but you are not me, so you must consider how to make more money.

Now that the mind is open, it is definitely better for you to do it than I do. "

Seeing that Deng Xinmeng understood, Lin Qirong stopped talking about this matter and turned to other content.

"How was the cooperation with Huaying Group in the early stage?"

"It's okay." Deng Xinpeng nodded, "Huaying Group has a lot of power in the United States, and all major manufacturers have a good relationship with them."

"This is for sure. In a market as big as Huaxia, as long as you send your own movies in, you will just lie down and collect money. Huaying Group holds a lot of power, so it must be able to enjoy it. This is what we are willing to cooperate with Huaying Group The reason is that it is too difficult to re-operate a line by yourself.

However, Mr. Ma and the others have said that relying on Huaying Group is to put one's own lifeline in the hands of others. It is still not a problem. Even if Huaying Group is our partner, it is the same.

Therefore, we plan to jointly fund and establish an overseas distribution company of our own, which will not hold the lifeline import rights of Huaying Group, but will only be responsible for the distribution of our overseas works.

In the future, several companies will strengthen their investment in the film field. This is something that must be done, and there is also a huge demand. We must be one step ahead.

Beimi is the largest film market in the world. If you want to establish a distribution company, you will definitely choose Los Angeles. I hope you can play an important role in it. "

Deng Xinmeng was refreshed, he knew exactly what this meant.

Ant Group, Fengteng Group, Hongda Group, and Longhai Group are all well-funded capital giants, and Tonghua Group has always been happy to cooperate with them.

With these five groups as the core, other entertainment companies and TV stations have formed a huge cultural industry alliance, which now has a great voice in the country.

But now they are just preparing to enter the film field, and only Hongda Group has certain experience in film investment.

He didn't expect them to see such a long-term view, and now they are starting to prepare for an overseas distribution company, and he is too clear about what it represents.

If I can play an important role in it, then I am very likely to control this overseas distribution company in the future, and release many of Huaxia's excellent film and television works around the world.

I will become the vanguard of Chinese culture export, what could be more challenging and fulfilling than such a career?
"I'll do my best."

"I believe in you, otherwise I wouldn't have told you about it."

"thank you boss."

Deng Xinmeng said sincerely that he respected this boss from the bottom of his heart.

In front of him, all my pride will be put away unknowingly, because he is so dazzling and possesses extraordinary charm, even if he is as proud as he is after staying in Tonghua Group for a period of time, he is determined to become his fans.

It must be very exciting to follow him to conquer the world.

(End of this chapter)

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