Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 628 Golden Piano Award (2)

Chapter 628 Golden Piano Award ([-])
On Saturday night, the "Golden Piano Award" awards ceremony was full of seats, and the atmosphere was extremely enthusiastic.

After a week of warm-up, the climax finally came. Both the singer and the fans are very excited, looking forward to the start of the awards ceremony.

Since the announcement of the nominees, this "Golden Piano Award" has shown many differences from other award ceremonies. Under the strong publicity, many shortlisted singers were analyzed one by one, and their advantages and disadvantages were fully revealed to the public.

They have withstood the test of public opinion, proved their strength in the shortlist, and made the "Golden Piano Award" as the most important fairness of an award ceremony to be recognized by everyone.

And the exposure rate of these musicians has also increased greatly. Many powerful but not well-known singers have become familiar to the public, and their personal careers have been greatly improved.

All of this has allowed the "Golden Piano Award" to be double recognized by musicians and fans.

Musicians pay more attention to this awards ceremony, and regard being shortlisted or even winning relevant awards as a kind of glory and the best way to prove themselves.

Fans regard this awards ceremony as China's Grammy, expecting the singers they support to win awards, and hoping to see wonderful live performances.

These gave the "Golden Piano Awards" considerable influence before it was held. The venue was full of seats, and there were still a lot of fans waiting outside the venue, hoping to have the opportunity to enter the venue.

And more fans watched the live broadcast through various channels, and the numbers fed back from various platforms surprised the nervous Yang Daiqiu and others.

Since the start of the live broadcast, the data of watching the live broadcast on various platforms has been rising all the way. Especially after the red carpet started, the ratings have increased a lot. The musicians attending the award ceremony have appeared one after another, so that fans who support them can see them.

In particular, many female singers competed for their beauty, each showed their talents, contributed countless highlights and topics, and pushed the ratings to a high level.

This is just the first small climax, the real ratings climax will definitely appear at the awards ceremony, and one can imagine what kind of grand occasion it will be.

The fans' support was much better than they expected, which made them feel relieved.

After all, it is the first "Golden Piano Award", the beginning is very important, everyone has no idea, and now everything is moving in a good direction, everyone is relieved.

"The preparations made in the early stage were finally not in vain." Yang Daiqiu said with a sigh of relief.

For this awards ceremony, everyone in the organizing committee can be said to have tried their best, used their own resources, and done a lot of work on publicity. It can be said that since the announcement of the shortlist, the entire Chinese entertainment industry has been flooded with overwhelming publicity. The news promotion, analysis and reporting of this awards ceremony from all aspects, aroused the attention of many fans and non-fans, so it is possible to have today's grand event.

"The key is to look at the award ceremony itself." Lin Qirong poured cold water on them at the right time, "If the award ceremony cannot satisfy everyone, then everything will come to naught. Everyone only knows that this award ceremony has not met their expectations. , without thinking about what we paid for it.”

Geng Bowei nodded, "Qirong is right, it's just the beginning, we can't be happy yet, we still have a long way to go."

Yang Daiqiu also calmed down, "I know, so whether it's the selection of the award presenters or the selection of the results, we are all cautious, without any selfishness, even Qirong did not participate in the competition for each award because of this, We just hope that everyone can see our professionalism and fairness.

The first edition is very important. If it gets off to a good start, it will get better and better in the future, and finally become the top music awards ceremony recognized by the entire Chinese music scene and even the world. This is the goal I will strive for in the rest of my life. "

Geng Bowei stretched out his palm, "I think so too."

Lin Qirong also smiled and said, "I believe there will be no problem."


"It's about to start."

"Well, it's time for me to prepare." Lin Qirong said.

Yang Daiqiu patted him on the shoulder, "Thank you for your hard work, give everyone a shocking opening with your music."

Lin Qirong smiled, "Of course, this is my favorite thing."

He left Yang Daiqiu and the others, and walked backstage, took the coat handed over by the staff and put it on, and then put on a hair tie. His whole appearance changed, as if he were a rock singer.

"Go ahead and have fun."

He, Tang Fang and others fisted each other before walking onto the stage together, picking up their instruments and preparing to start playing.

At this time, the lights in the audience suddenly dimmed, and the audience realized that the show was about to start, and they all fell silent, preparing for a new future of Chinese music.

In the darkness, a ray of light lit up, and then the big screen on the stage lit up, and the subtitles that appeared were very surprising.

"The following songs will cause people to be extremely excited. If you can't bear the blood boiling in your body, then just let go of your heart and sing along with the music to your heart's content."

The thoughtless sentence made the whole audience look strange, but they couldn't help but focus on the stage, anticipating what kind of song it would be, which could make everyone extremely excited.

The screen gradually dimmed, and the entire venue was once again plunged into darkness.

After a while, the melodious piano sounded softly. In the darkness, the beautiful melody made people feel as if they were among the clouds and above ten thousand people, and it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Immediately after the fierce drums and other instruments joined in, the rhythm instantly became tense, and there was a bit of high-spirited fighting spirit in the mystery, like a peak duel, which made people get an electric shock, and the blood in the body began to boil, making people almost want to It's like jumping up.

The lights came on, and the figure of the band performing on the stage appeared. The figure of Lin Qirong seriously bowed his head and played the guitar, which instantly made everyone excited.

It turned out to be him, so everything can be explained. It is very normal for such beautiful and exciting music to appear in his hands.

As the music continued, Lin Qirong raised his head and smiled with the audience, then raised his hand and made a gesture of consolation to everyone, signaling that everyone can enjoy his music to the fullest.

The next moment, some of his fans stood up and unconsciously followed the rhythm of the music.

"Oh oh oh oh..."

Lin Qirong smiled gratifiedly, walked to the front of the stage with the guitar in his arms, and continued to pluck the strings violently, making the music more intense.

The passionate music continued, and more and more audience members stood up and joined the chorus. In the end, even many musicians stood up unconsciously, joined the harmony, and merged with the passionate music on the stage.

When the music entered the second section, the prelude was full of solemnity and tranquility before the rainstorm, which made people extremely depressing, and they had to shout out the voice in their hearts with all their strength, trying to break through the depressing atmosphere.

Then ushered in a climax again, as if the boat was sinking, although thousands of people went to it, it made people feel extremely shocked.

Lin Qirong smiled and retreated to the middle of the stage, standing in front of the microphone stand.

"As The last ship sailed towards the distant horizon
I sat there watching on a rock
My mind slowly drifting away
Forming into my Dreamtale”

The bewildered English monologue is just like the first ray of sunshine appearing in the darkness before dawn, piercing the infinite darkness and giving people a direct and real feeling.

The music also ushered in the climax since then, as if two armies were facing each other, thousands of troops fighting together, extremely fierce.

At the moment when victory was finally ushered in, the entire battlefield fell into silence, leaving endless associations for people.

At this time, the audience realized that they had been yelling for a long time, and their throats were dry, so they quickly picked up the water glass beside them and drank, but the passion in their hearts was still surging, and they were eagerly looking forward to the next content.

The atmosphere in the entire venue became extremely warm.

Lin Qirong lifted the veil for the "Golden Piano Award" with his wonderful performance, revealing its beautiful face.

When Lin Qirong and others disappeared behind the scenes, people hadn't reacted yet. A man appeared in the center of the stage. Before he could see his face clearly, his voice, like a machine gun, reached people's ears.

The rap-like opening speech with a unique charm made everyone laugh.

Feng Ruifan, a host who has risen rapidly in the past few years, has won the love of many audiences with his machine-gun-like speech speed and passionate hosting style, especially in some evening parties. Instant boiling.

Compared with stable hosts such as Han Bing, he may not have the ability to control the field, but his unique hosting style is very popular, and it has risen rapidly in recent years.

Unexpectedly, he was able to defeat Han Bing and other big-name hosts and become the host of the "Golden Piano Award" award ceremony.

But it makes everyone feel good, especially after the baptism of "Battle Hymn".

A unique awards ceremony requires such a passionate host, doesn't it?

On the stage, Feng Ruifan tried his best to popularize the origin of the "Golden Piano Award" with everyone while laughing and cursing, and from time to time turned the topic to the many guests in the audience. Interact with him in a face-saving way, even if he is teased, he doesn't take it seriously, but laughs hard.

This is very different from the serious party mode in the past, but it makes everyone like it very much, and they understand the good intentions of the organizing committee.

Lin Qirong returned to the backstage and breathed a sigh of relief. This performance was different from any other party performance. Even he was a little nervous.

Fortunately, the result is very satisfying.

With such a "Song of God of War"

When he returned to the guest seat and sat down, Feng Ruifan had finished playing with his words, and the atmosphere of the scene was heated up a lot.

The award ceremony officially began.

 The undead overture is composed by Roger, and it is a classic MV about the undead of Warcraft 3 that is widely circulated on the Internet. The animation part is edited by the cutscene CG in WarCraft3, and the background music is The Dawn, the song of the Finnish Dreamtale band. The original meaning is dawn, dawn, and dawn, but on the domestic Internet, it is widely rumored as "Prelude to the Dead", which is a wonderful misunderstanding.Finally, for Azeroth!

(End of this chapter)

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