Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 624 Meeting (3)

Chapter 624 Meeting ([-])

In everyone's complicated minds, the morning meeting ended, leaving countless topics for everyone.

Throughout noon, the guests present were discussing these matters.

This meeting is not a simple seminar, and it is not a formality as everyone imagined, but pointedly pointed out many problems existing in the Chinese film industry.

Lin Qirong directly threw out many suggestions, each of which was like a thunderbolt. It had been considered by everyone countless times but dared not be raised, which attracted everyone to discuss it enthusiastically.

More importantly, as the leader of the competent department, the existence of Xu Anshun made everyone realize that this meeting may directly determine the future development direction of China's film industry. No one knows Xu Anshun's attitude towards the film industry. Naturally, your opinion deserves your attention.

Lin Qirong seems to be very familiar with Xu Anshun, so does that mean that he has already communicated with Xu Anshun about these issues he raised?What does he think of these?
All this determines that it is impossible for everyone to face these problems easily. At noon, they are discussing and thinking nervously, trying to make a difference in the afternoon and gain some benefits for themselves.

"I was also taken aback."

After eating, Xu Anshun and Lin Qirong said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to directly ask such a sharp question."

"Someone must say these words and do these things, otherwise everyone is unwilling to burst those bubbles and continue to live in fairy tales." Lin Qirong said.
"I'm still young. If I say the wrong thing, everyone can think it is young and frivolous. Let's take it as a throwing brick to attract jade. Now, judging by everyone's enthusiasm, the effect is still good."


Xu Anshun shook his head helplessly. He naturally knew what Lin Qirong meant by doing this. It was nothing more than throwing out these questions first. Everyone should get used to it first. When they make some decisions by themselves later, everyone should be mentally prepared and won't criticize themselves. Generate too much resistance.

Even if there was, it was aimed at Lin Qirong, because he was the first to bring it up, so it attracted my attention.

It's much easier to do things by yourself.

He knows that Tonghua Group, Ant Group and other major capital giants are aggressively entering the film industry. With their funds and operational capabilities, it is not difficult to fill the vacuum after the collapse of Shengshi Entertainment. An even bigger alliance force will emerge from the Shengshi Entertainment Alliance, and Lin Qirong is the key figure in it.

He could have made a lot of money by making use of these muffled voices, and he didn't need to stand up and face the accusations, but he did it anyway, and this responsibility moved him very much.

He believed that Lin Qirong was really working hard for the future of Chinese films.

"The film field is the core of the entertainment industry and an important part of the development of the cultural industry. If Chinese culture wants to be exported to other countries, film must be the vanguard, there is no doubt about it.

Today's Huaxia Film can't afford such a heavy responsibility, so the burden on me is very heavy, and reform is imperative.

And if you want to reform, the idea you put forward is the most suitable, and it coincides with what I thought before. I really want to thank you. "

Lin Qirong smiled, "I just did what I could, and it's up to you to make the final decision."

"This is my duty, isn't it?" Xu Anshun spread his hands, "You set the stage for me, if I don't sing this play well, it will be a waste of all your hard work."

"Then I look forward to your wonderful performance."

"of course."

The meeting in the afternoon became extremely lively. After thinking at noon, everyone had their own opinions on the questions raised by Lin Qirong, and they all took the stage to speak and express their opinions.

Different positions naturally have different opinions. Under the collision of multiple opinions, many sparks have been generated, but more things that agree with each other have also been produced.

For example, everyone agrees that China's film industry must make some changes, otherwise there will be no development at all, investors will not be able to make money, capable actors will not be able to get high salaries, and there are more bad films than good films. People's confidence in China's films There is more and more shortage, and fewer and fewer audiences walk into the cinema. In the case of forming a vicious circle, no one can be alone.

Even the representatives of the theater chain, although noncommittal about the share negotiation, still put forward many useful suggestions, so that everyone can see their willingness to change.

Lin Qirong was the target of everyone's siege, sitting on the stage answering waves of questions from everyone, explaining in detail the many considerations of his proposal, and constantly improving his proposal, so that each idea is more in line with everyone's interests.

"There is no one solution that can satisfy everyone. This is an inevitable thing, but as long as it is beneficial to most people and the development of Chinese films, it can bring the audience back to the cinema and allow more and better films to be produced. , I think it’s a good idea.”

Lin Qirong's remarks were recognized by everyone.

The first thing to reach consensus was the establishment of the China Film Art Association and the preparations for the "Fengtai Award". Everyone is involved in the film field, so naturally they are happy to have a certain influence in this aspect.

"Fengtai Award" met their needs.

This award ceremony may not benefit everyone, but as long as it can meet a standard, that is, excellent works will not be buried, excellent actors will not be suppressed, and enough fairness and professionalism will be maintained. To be welcomed and recognized by all.

"This matter will be further brewed tonight, and the first preparatory committee will be established tomorrow morning to prepare for the establishment of the association and preparations for the Fengtai Award."

This important matter was decided in this way.

Then, everyone ushered in the most important moment. Xu Anshun finally stepped onto the stage to express his opinions on many issues today.

This is the first time he has expressed his opinions and opinions in public since he became the head of the competent department, so it has attracted much attention.

"When Qirong invited me before, he said that this was just a seminar. I thought it was just to meet and get to know everyone. I didn't expect that there would be so many sensitive topics, which made my heart pound. , I have to ask him for mental damage fees."

Xu Anshun was the first to speak, and his words made everyone laugh, which was really exciting.

"Tonight, I will invite you to dinner as my host, and I will make amends for you." Lin Qirong replied, "But we have such a topic, and it is because you promised to attend that we came up with a whim.

Because the opportunity is rare, everyone wants to know your attitude on these issues.

Everyone said, right? "


"Yeah, we're all concerned."

Everyone replied one after another.

Xu Anshun's attitude really attracted everyone's attention.

Xu Anshun did not let everyone down, and did not use a bureaucratic tone. Instead, he actually shared with everyone some of his thoughts on the entertainment industry and the film industry after he took office, answered many of your questions, and solved your problems. doubt.

In such a process, his style is also familiar to everyone. This is a style of forging ahead, reforming and innovating, which is refreshing and encouraging.

If Xu Anshun can introduce more autonomy to everyone, then everyone can flex their muscles.

Xu Anshun also gave his own thoughts on several issues that everyone is most concerned about.

"We must implement a movie grading system. The one-size-fits-all movie situation before has its own special circumstances. It cannot be said wrong, but there is no doubt that this has caused many excellent movies to lose their original charm due to editing. A good movie Being cut into bad pieces is believed to be a pain in the hearts of many people."

His words made many people feel sad, because the review by the relevant departments is too strict. As long as there is any content that does not conform to the requirements, they will be cut out indiscriminately, destroying the integrity of the film and making it full of scars. Kong, a good movie turns into a bad movie.

"This situation has hindered the development of our film industry." Xu Anshun said seriously, "Next, we will focus on the implementation of the film rating system and strictly formulate various levels of standards so that these films can get the rating they deserve, and then Broadcast to the right audience."

People responded with warm applause. This was definitely good governance. Naturally, everyone welcomed it with raised hands.

"Of course, we will step up our efforts to review the movies submitted for review. The implementation of the rating system does not mean that all movies can be broadcast. We will list some negative lists. For these movies, we will never pass the review , I hope everyone can abide by the regulations.”

Everyone responded with an understanding smile. Although the review was relaxed, there will definitely be standards, and not all content can be broadcast. Everyone understands this very well, and naturally they will not object.

Xu Anshun expressed his support for the establishment of the "Fengtai Award".

"Market matters should be left to the market to decide. The award ceremony is like this. We encourage everyone to hold a professional, fair and just top-level award ceremony, so that it can become China's Oscar and Golden Bear Awards, and promote the healthy development of China's film industry."

With the support of Xu Anshun, there will be no problems in the preparation of the "Fengtai Award", which makes everyone very happy.

A brand-new, professional and top-level awards ceremony is expected.

Xu Anshun did not stand on any side on the issue of the sharing of interests among all parties.

"This is a market problem and should be resolved by the market, we will not force it, because it will only make all parties dissatisfied.

From my personal point of view, everyone should sit down and discuss the matter to find a solution that everyone can accept, just as Qirong emphasized that win-win cooperation is the best way to solve the problem. Monopolizing the big pie in the market will only lead to a vicious circle in the market, and ultimately both sides will suffer. "

This is an amicable statement, but it has been recognized by everyone. If he is biased towards one side, other parties will definitely have their own ideas.

Sit down and talk is the best solution, the key is how to talk.

"Finally, let's talk about the last issue: the issue of the compensation system."

(End of this chapter)

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