Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 62 The Embarrassed Xue Yuzhi

Chapter 62 The Embarrassed Xue Yuzhi
The two people were Xue Yuzhi and her daughter.

It's just that they looked a little embarrassed at the moment, pushing two big boxes, Xue Yuzhi's beautiful face looked a little pale and haggard.

It seems that Tan Xing's death still had a great impact on her.

"Hello." Lin Qirong nodded with them.

"Hello." Xue Yuzhi replied in a low voice, with complicated eyes.

"Where are you going?" Lin Qirong saw the boxes in their hands, and subconsciously glanced at the door next to him, but unexpectedly saw two seals on it.

"This is?" He frowned slightly.

Why is her house sealed off?So what should they do?Isn't it homeless?
Xue Yuzhi lowered his head and said nothing, his body trembling slightly, obviously he was very excited.


Her daughter couldn't help crying, "Do we have no place to live?"

"No." Xue Yuzhi put his arms around her and said, "Mom will find a place, let's go."

After speaking, she struggled to pull two suitcases, and wanted to bypass Lin Qirong and get into the elevator.

"Hold on."

Lin Qirong stopped her, frowned and said, "I don't know what happened to you, but what should you do if you go out like this?
Not to mention that you are a weak woman, even a child is not suitable for running around. "

With his back turned to him, Xue Yuzhi wiped away the tears in his eyes and said, "Don't worry, although our house is sealed off, we won't die of hunger. We'll just go back to the countryside."

"Oh," Lin Qirong sighed, "Sit down with me first. Although I don't know what happened, I know that there must be my reasons.

Anyway, for the sake of the child, sit down and rest for a while. "

"Thank you." Xue Yuzhi shook his head, "The divorce is my own decision and has nothing to do with what you said.

Tan Xing's death was his own fault. I am guilty, but it has nothing to do with you.

I appreciate your kindness. "

So that was the case, Lin Qirong suddenly realized that Xue Yuzhi made up his mind to divorce because of what he said and the impact of that book.

And Tan Xing also became irritable because of this incident, drunk all day long, and finally something serious happened.

Speaking of it, it still has nothing to do with myself.

Then it is even more impossible for me to sit idly by.

"You divorced for the sake of the children, so why not think about it for the sake of the children?
No matter what, you can't let your child suffer with you, and school will start soon. Does she stop studying? "

Xue Yuzhi stood there in a daze, his expression fluctuating.

Obviously Lin Qirong's words touched her heart.

"Auntie." Tongtong stretched out his hand to hold her hand, looking up at her.

Xue Yuzhi lowered his head and looked at Tongtong's clear eyes, which revealed a look of struggle.

Her daughter is as well-behaved, cute and sensible as Tongtong, but without a good father, the future will be so confusing.

If you go back to the countryside, both education and growth environment will be very different, and it is almost impossible to return to this place.

I just don't want her to follow her old path again, and hope that she can become an independent person instead of a canary in captivity.

"Sit down and rest for a while, explain things slowly, and then see what can help you, what do you think?"

Xue Yuzhi was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, let's go."

Lin Qirong led Lin Yitong around and walked to the door of the room, took out the key and opened the door.

Xue Yuzhi pushed the suitcase and held his daughter's hand, followed behind them, hesitated at the door for a while, and finally walked in.

After the door was closed, a door opened in the far part of the corridor, and an old woman came out, looking around for a while, the fire of gossip burning in her eyes.

It took a long time before she cursed in a low voice and closed the door again.


"Please sit down." Lin Qirong stretched out his hand to gesture to Xue Yuzhi, then turned to Tongtong and said, "Tongtong, can you take this sister to visit your room and read Peggy's comics with her?"

"Okay." Tong Tong nodded vigorously, looked at the little girl, "Sister, shall we play together?"

The little girl looked at Xue Yuzhi.

Xue Yuzhi nodded, "Jiajia, play well with your sister."

Jiajia nodded and followed Tongtong into her room.

"Drink water, please." Lin Qirong poured a glass of plain water and put it in front of Xue Yuzhi, and sat down opposite her, "I'm sorry about your husband, I didn't expect this to happen."

Xue Yuzhi shook his head, with a sarcastic smile on his face, "I said it has nothing to do with you anymore, although it was indeed because of your wake-up call that I finally made up my mind, which ultimately led to his accident. The reason was between me and you. It’s irrelevant.”

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Xue Yuzhi didn't hide anything, and simply told the whole story.

Because of Lin Qirong's words and the novel "Don't Talk to Strangers", Xue Yuzhi, who was already in a stagnant state, had a new idea.

She knew that Tan Xing had a woman outside, because Tan Xing had always suspected her of cheating since he came out of prison, and whenever the two sides met, they quarreled, and Tan Xing would be violent to her every time.

Even though she seldom talks to other people, even if she wears thick long-sleeved clothes and long trousers in summer, Tan Xing can't let it go.

Gradually, Tan Xing hardly came home anymore. He had a mistress outside and only came home once in a while. Every time, it was the same script, without exception, until Lin Qirong appeared.

She is like a bird in a cage, having lost her mind about the outside world.

When she read the novel, she was almost completely immersed in it. The Mei Xiangnan in the novel was almost exactly like herself, and she slowly turned into a walking zombie due to her husband's domestic violence.

The only difference is that she has a daughter, all her sustenance is her strong motivation to survive.

As long as her daughter lives well, she can bear any kind of domestic violence or mistress.

But Lin Qirong's note in the book woke her up.

Will Jiajia, who grew up in such a family environment, be mentally healthy?
Tan Xing used to love Jiajia very much, but recently he has shown a trend more and more: he doesn't care about this daughter anymore, maybe Jiajia will suffer what she is doing now in time.

This is something she absolutely does not want to see.

For several days in a row, she was full of conflicts in her heart, and finally made up her mind one night that she wanted to divorce Tan Xing.

The next day she left home with Jiajia and stayed in a hotel.

The next day she went to court to file for divorce.

It is conceivable what effect the court's notice will have when it reaches Tan Xing's hands.

It's no wonder he didn't go crazy, who has always had a strong desire to control.

This is why she dare not live at home.

"I originally wanted to wait for the court to make a decision and start a new life again, but I didn't expect that Tan Xing would cause such a thing because of this incident, and finally put my life on it."

After learning such news, she did not ignore it, but dealt with Tan Xing's funeral as a widow.

But Tan Xing's so-called mistress was never seen.

Xue Yuzhi spoke very calmly. In fact, what she didn't tell Lin Qirong was that at Tan Xing's funeral, she was besieged by Tan Xing's old family, who thought she was the cause of Tan Xing's death.

Her mother-in-law cursed her like crazy and scratched her with her fingers. If she hadn't blocked her face, there would probably be a few bloodstains on it.

She didn't refute, and didn't tell them that Tan Xing was actually a pervert.

It was the last thing she did for him as a wife.

"Then he should have left a lot of property? After all, he is doing business.

What about this house? "

Lin Qirong pointed to the house outside and asked.

Xue Yuzhi smiled wryly when he heard the words, "He never gave any other money except living expenses.

He is in business, but I don't know where his money is. Maybe it has been stolen by that mistress, because that mistress is his company's finance. "

"As for this house," she shook her head, with a hint of pain in her eyes, "you know that the most important way to start a loan business is to find a way to get a sum of money from the bank at a low interest rate, and then loan it out at a high interest rate. Otherwise, where would they have so much money to lend?

In order to get a loan, Tan Xing had already mortgaged his house.

When he died, the bank immediately seized the house. "

"I also found out after handling Tan Xing's funeral today. When I came back here, I saw the seal and called for consultation. So our mother and daughter are homeless."

That's the way it is, but Lin Qirong has also heard that the way for small and micro loans to survive is to deal well with banks, get low-interest loans and then release them at higher interest rates.

If the customer is stable and the loan can be recovered in time, this business is completely profitable.

However, this kind of leveraged business is also very risky. Once the capital chain is broken, it will collapse immediately, because the bank will stop the loss immediately.

This is why their house was seized.

It's just that Xue Yuzhi's mother and daughter are pitiful, and there is no shelter for a moment.

"So what are you going to do?"

Xue Yuzhi used to be just a housewife. Now that she has lost her source of income, it is almost impossible to survive in the Shanghai stock market.

And with her appearance and character, finding a job will only cause more trouble.

"I don't know." Xue Yuzhi shook his head, his eyes were a little confused, "I originally wanted to go back to my hometown, where I have my family, and I can always live on.

But what should Jia Jia do?I don't know either. "

When something like this happened suddenly, she really didn't know what to do.

Lin Qirong pondered for a moment, then said cautiously, "I have a suggestion, if you think it's okay, listen to it, if you don't think it's appropriate, just ignore it."

Xue Yuzhi looked up at him.

"I am very sorry that such a thing happened to Tan Xing. Although I hate him very much and tried my best to get rid of such neighbors, I don't want this kind of thing to happen and make you mother and daughter suffer in the end.

It is possible to go back to the countryside, but it will be difficult to come back. Your daughter will have to leave her familiar classrooms, classmates and teachers, and start over in the countryside. "

How could Xue Yuzhi not know, this is exactly where she struggled, and also the reason why she came here.

"If you think it's acceptable, you can stay in our house temporarily and see what other options are available."

Lin Qirong said, "If you want to find a job, I have a small company. You can try it to see if it is suitable for you."

Xue Yuzhi looked at Lin Qirong in surprise.

"Aren't you afraid of what they will say about you?"

Lin Qirong shrugged, "Even if they don't do it, they will say so.

If you don't think it's suitable, I can send you out now and find a hotel to settle down first. "

Xue Yuzhi bowed his head and remained silent for a long time without saying anything.

"Think slowly, I'll prepare dinner first." Lin Qirong stood up, "They should be having a good time in the room, would you like to take a look?"


(End of this chapter)

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