Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 613 Tongzhang Group (2)

Chapter 613 Tonghua Group ([-])

Lin Qirong's words made all the staff feel excited, even Xiao Yunfang and others on the stage were in agitated mood.

Most of them followed Lin Qirong from the very beginning, watching the birth of miracles one after another. It can be said that they are the most aware of the rise of Tonghua Entertainment and the prospects of Tonghua Entertainment.

Today's Tonghua Entertainment has begun to go global, and has established branches or studios in South Korea, Neon, New Zealand and other parts of the world, responsible for local animation production, promotion and sales.

Although it is just the beginning, as many works of Tonghua Entertainment go further to the world, they will surely usher in a new development climax.

Tonghua animation is a brand new beginning for everyone, and they are the group of people standing at the forefront, they are the trendsetters of the times, how can they not be excited about it?

After Lin Qirong finished speaking, the topic was handed over to Hu Mei again. She will announce the new structure of Tonghua Group, which involves many personnel adjustments. It has always been concerned by people, and today it will finally unveil its mystery.

Standing on the speaking table, Hu Mei was also full of emotions. Who would have thought that such a young girl under the age of 30 would actually become the real No. [-] person in the entire Tonghua Group?
From that sunny morning, from the momentary kindness between her and Liu Xueying in the bathroom, and from their encounter with Lin Qirong, her life took a completely different path, which was full of excitement, and the scenery on the top of the mountain was also unforgettable.

She has been working hard, harder than everyone else, and is known as the desperate third mother. Only then can she keep up with Lin Qirong's footsteps, and then she can stand behind him and take a look at the mountains.

All the employees also looked at her enviously. Hu Mei's experience is also a legend, and she is a role model for everyone to learn from, but no one thinks that she is not qualified to stand in this position.

Because she worked hard enough, and because she was good enough.

Hu Mei was stunned for a while before waking up, and then read out the new structure after Tonghua Entertainment was upgraded to Tonghua Group.

The group is divided into the headquarters and many branches. The chairman is Lin Qirong, followed by the general manager Hu Mei and other high-level leaders of the headquarters. Together with the general managers of many branches, they form a board of directors and are responsible for major decision-making matters of the group.

In addition to the necessary departments, many businesses of the group will be divested from the headquarters, and with business as the core, Tonghua Animation, Tonghua Toys, Tonghua Logistics, and Tonghua Entertainment will be established respectively (Chen Meng insists on removing the word "dream" and fully integrated into Tonghua Among the branches of Tonghua Group), Tonghua Games, Tonghua Culture, Tonghua Network, Tonghua Foundation, etc. Xiao Yunfang and other branch leaders stood up one by one to meet with all the employees.

All of them are young, energetic, experienced, and have proven abilities. They are role models for all employees to learn from and catch up with.

Then many overseas branches, studios, Lan Kejun, Mapel and other leaders also appeared one by one, and they are responsible for the important work of opening up overseas markets.

Finally, there is a special department: Tonghua Castle.

This department is not an ordinary department, but a research studio, specializing in strategic research on various industries, research on many cutting-edge technologies, and transforming research results into practical results.

It can be said that this is the industrial incubator of Tonghua Group, which was designated by Lin Qirong himself, just like the Bodhidharma Academy of Ant Group, with a very special status, belonging to a strategic research institution, and also a department that determines the future of Tonghua Group. The personnel are all elite.

After some adjustments, the scale of the entire Tonghua Group has begun to emerge. The group will cover animation, games, novels, logistics, film and television production, entertainment brokerage, trade, charity, scientific research and other fields, covering the entire cultural industry, and can A work is professionally developed separately, breaking through many barriers, covering the entire industrial chain from design, production, production, and sales, and has actually become a giant in the field of Chinese cultural industry that cannot be ignored.

And all the employees present will usher in brand new opportunities. As long as they work hard enough and are talented in a certain field, they will quickly stand out and become excellent employees of Tonghua Group, stepping onto a higher platform to display their talents.

"Don't look at the size of our group."

Lin Qirong finally concluded, "But every business is inseparable from everyone's most basic work. I ask you to continue to work hard, and on the basis of implementing the concept of quality first, give full play to your ingenuity and wisdom to contribute to the development of the group. The cause contributes its own strength.

Please remember that Tonghua Group is not only mine, but also everyone present. God rewards hard work, and the future of Tonghua Group is in your hands.

I would like to encourage you all. "

The audience burst into applause, and everyone's eyes flashed with hope.

After the plenary meeting of the group, many senior executives of the group also held the first meeting to discuss the work of the group.

Tonghua Animation and Tonghua Entertainment are the two branches with the heaviest tasks.

"Peppa Pig and other animation works that our company relies on for survival will be produced as scheduled. While ensuring the quality, we will expand the content as much as possible to bring more surprises to the children.

Shonen animation has already started, and it has made a good start. We will strive to produce more and better works in the future.

The animation magazine "Tonghua Animation" is developing very rapidly and has received a lot of praise. This will be the source of more excellent works for us, and we must pay attention to it.

In addition, we have reached a cooperation with Fengteng Animation, and the two parties will work together to develop some popular IPs of Fengteng Culture.

Those popular IPs can be said to have a very grand view of the world. Whether it is character modeling, scene pictures, or battle scenes, they are very gorgeous. It is a great challenge for our production staff. We will demand ourselves with high standards and try our best to Restore the content of these works. "

Xiao Yunfang talked eloquently, "Our focus in the future is the production of animated films. At present, the production of "Laputa in the Sky" has come to an end, and it is expected to be released in the summer; the theatrical versions of some animation works will also be produced and released one after another, staggered from each other. Time to strive for better results.

The establishment of the Animation Association has come to an end, and the first meeting will be held next month. The purpose is to integrate many animation companies together, share resources, encourage newcomers to create, purify and improve themselves, and then promote the development of the animation and game business center together. building.

At present, Shueisha and other companies have set up their offices one after another. We must speed up and welcome the arrival of a new era of animation. "

Tonghua Animation can be said to be the key department of Tonghua Group, and everyone is very concerned about the existence of the whole body.

Seeing Xiao Yunfang's plans for the future of Tonghua Animation, everyone is full of confidence. Tonghua Animation will undoubtedly become the largest and most influential animation company in China.

Chen Meng of Tonghua Entertainment was more modest.

"Our company involves brokerage, film and television production, film and television investment, film and television distribution, etc. The situation is very complicated, and our employees lack experience, and it will take some time to get familiar with it.

Our basic business is brokerage business and film and television production business. We are not worried about this. The boss is the backbone of our company. He has enough attraction and influence in the company.

Then Leng Wanning, Ayimu and other artists have grown up and gradually become well-known artists in the circle, bringing a lot of benefits to the company, as long as they stick to it, there will be no problem.

We are currently mainly engaged in the production of TV dramas, supported by the script of the boss, and three directors Han Ying, Li Guangsheng, and He Yijun are in charge. Don't worry about the ratings, and the profit is also very considerable.

In addition, we already have a large number of mature technical personnel, and we are about to enter the film industry. We have no experience in this point. After all, the film industry is much more complicated than the TV industry.

But now the film market is undergoing a major reshuffle, and we have many partners. Now is the right time, and we will go all out.

Then our boss won two great benefits for us.One is the Golden Piano Award. We are one of the initiators, and the boss is a member of the jury, which has considerable influence. At least we don’t have to worry about our artists being suppressed at this awards ceremony.

The film and television cultural city in Guanzhong has basically been built. We have an excellent shooting base and Tianqin Special Effects Company, a company with very powerful special effects production technology. These will be of great help to our company's entry into the film industry.

Therefore, thanks to the boss, we are still very optimistic about the development of Tonghua Entertainment. "

Lin Qirong smiled and waved his hands, "I just did what I should do, Sister Meng's management and charm are the most important.

It is necessary to enter the film industry. With the appointment of director Xu Anshun, I believe that the film and television industry will usher in a spring of development in the future. We must seize this opportunity to enter the film market, make a big cake with our partners, and then work together Divide this cake.

The most important thing is that compared with TV, music, and animation, movies naturally have higher influence and are easier to be accepted by foreigners. It is related to the internationalization process of the group and must be taken seriously.

Please invite Ms. Meng to attend the seminar to be held in the Guanzhong area next month. I believe that some good things will happen then. "

Chen Meng nodded, she had to go.

Lin Qirong looked around, "You also know that I am a person who likes to be lazy, so please work hard, give full play to your ingenuity in your position, and make your own achievements.

Especially for several newly established companies, you don't have much time to adapt, and you have to work harder to make achievements.

Again, our Tonghua Group has always used quality to win the market. The saying that Tonghua products must be high-quality goods is not just talk, but must be implemented. Please understand this point.

The future of Tonghua Group is up to everyone. "

Xiao Yunfang and the others nodded solemnly. They will face more and greater challenges in the future, but they are fearless.

(End of this chapter)

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