Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 60 Unexpected News

Chapter 60 Unexpected News
After running around with Tongtong for more than an hour, he finally finished all the inspection items.

After going back to the consulting room and taking it to the doctor for examination, he wrote the examination conclusion on it, and stamped the official seal of the medical examination department on the guidance desk, and the physical examination was considered to be over.

Lin Qirong carefully put the medical examination form into a file bag and put it in his backpack before leading Tongtong away from the hospital.

"Baby performed very well today, please give me a thumbs up."

Coming out, Lin Qirong praised Tongtong's performance fiercely, and gave her a thumbs up on her forehead.

"Hee hee, I'm very brave, and I'm not afraid of having blood drawn, and it doesn't hurt at all." Tong Tong said proudly, "I'm not afraid of getting vaccinated either."

"Yes, baby is the best." Lin Qirong praised again, "Let's go to the mall to play together, shall we?"


He led her to a nearby shopping plaza, which is the largest shopping plaza in this area. It integrates catering, shopping, movie entertainment, and is the favorite leisure place for urbanites.

The employees of Tonghua Entertainment often come here to play.

Girls like Liu Xueying and Hu Mei have also been invited to watch movies here many times, but so far, it seems that they have not accepted the invitation, and prefer a few girls to come here to watch movies together.

Several boys in the company want to pursue them, and they must continue to work hard.

Tongtong was still young, so it was naturally impossible for Lin Qirong to take her to the movies. Their destination was the square on the first floor.

There is a small playground with a carousel, a trampoline, a small train, and more.

Seeing these games, Tongtong's eyes straightened.

"Father, I want to play." She pulled Lin Qirong and said.

"Okay, let's play one by one."

Lin Qirong told her that he bought a game card at the ticket office, the kind with a bonus number of recharges, and led Tongtong to queue up to play the carousel.

As soon as the music stopped and the staff opened the door, Lin Yitong couldn't wait to run inside with her short legs.

"Don't worry." Lin Qirong grabbed her and gave the game card to the staff to register before leading her in.

"Which horse do you want to ride?"

Looking at the wooden horses with different colors, shapes and expressions, Tongtong was in a dilemma, his dark eyes rolled around, and finally chose a pink wooden horse near her.

Because she likes pink.

"Okay, hurry up." Lin Qirong hugged her and lifted her to the wooden horse, let her hold the pole where the horse's head was, and stood beside the wooden horse.

"Drip drip."

Along with the beautiful music, the feet began to rotate, and the wooden horse under him also started to move up and down.


It was the first time for Tong Tong to play such a game. He was startled at first, but he quickly reacted and smiled happily.

You can tell she loves playing on the carousel.

Seeing her bright smile, Lin Qirong couldn't help but took out his mobile phone and took a few photos of her for collection.

After a few minutes, the music stopped, and so did the wooden horse.

"Dad, I still want to play."

Tongtong begged with his arms around the front railing.

Lin Qirong stretched out a finger, "I can only play it again, and then I can play other games."

"Okay." Tongtong nodded happily.

Lin Qirong asked her to sit still, then walked to the staff and asked her to register again before returning to Tongtong again.

Another batch of new children came in, and then felt the joy brought by the carousel in the sound of music.

For children, such games have a huge appeal.

In fact, Lin Qirong was also playing a carousel for the first time. He grew up in the countryside when he was a child. How could he have the opportunity to play this game?
Seeing Lin Yitong's happy face now, he thinks it's all worth it.

After playing the merry-go-round, the two played games such as the little train and the spinning car, and played almost all the games in the playground before leaving.

Tong Tong was a little reluctant to part with him, "Dad, can we come and play next time?"

"Of course." Lin Qirong rubbed her little head, "As long as Dad is free, I will accompany you to play, and we can go to more interesting places to play more interesting games, okay?"

"Yeah, play a game." Tongtong clapped happily.

"It's time to eat now."

I found a noodle shop in the shopping mall and ordered two bowls of noodles. The father and daughter ate happily.

After eating, he strolled leisurely in the mall again, bought a beautiful doll for Tongtong, saw her start to yawn, and was ready to go home.

When she got home, Tongtong had fallen asleep in his arms. She was used to taking naps, but she couldn't bear it.

A smile appeared on his sleeping face, as if he was still immersed in the joy of playing games.


In the evening, Qiao Feng unexpectedly visited.

"Tan Xing has an accident." He said solemnly.

"What happened?" Lin Qirong was stunned for a moment, then asked.

"It's amazing to say the least." Qiao Feng sat down on the sofa and said, "Tonight he took someone to a family to collect debts. It was a normal thing. For a microfinance company like them that wanders in a gray area In other words, if you dare to take out a loan, you must have the ability to get it back, and the company also has such a team.

It's just that tonight was a little tricky, and something happened. "

Lin Qirong sat down beside him, "Let's listen."

"It's normal to collect debts, intimidate, confirm the debtor's situation, and see if necessary measures should be taken.

Tonight Tan Xing personally led the team. For some reason, he threatened and used hands against the debtor, forcing the debtor to kneel on the ground.

In the end, he took out a knife from the car and threatened to cut off one of the debtor's fingers, which made him remember. "

Lin Qirong frowned, "Why do people like this still exist?"

"A lot of things seem to be gone, but they have always existed," Qiao Feng sighed, "It's just that they have been restrained, and the methods are not as drastic and courageous as before."

"Then what happened to Tan Xing? The other party called the police?"

Qiao Feng shook his head, "No, Tan Xing didn't know what was going on, but he swung the knife in his hand and fell to the ground.

It doesn't matter if it fell, the key is that the debtor was stunned by him before, just saw the knife fell in front of him, didn't know what to think, picked up the knife and stabbed it out, stabbed the vital point, Tan Xing didn't wait The ambulance came and hung up. "


Lin Qirong opened his mouth wide, "Isn't that too exaggerated?"

This is not the era of fighting for supremacy in Shanghai, and it doesn't matter if someone dies. However, this situation is a bit complicated and difficult to determine.

Especially in today's Internet-advanced world, even a slight movement will set off an upsurge of public opinion.

Tan Xing had killed himself.

Qiao Feng smiled bitterly, "Yeah, it's just that exaggerated.

My friend told me the news as soon as he knew it. He heard that Tan Xing was drunk and made such a scene.

The debtor was also very frightened, he knelt and danced the knife in front of him, and lost his composure all of a sudden.

Speaking of which, he was still in self-defense. "

"Really, I didn't expect such a thing to happen." Lin Qirong shook his head, "Drinking was wrong, it seems that Tan Xing drank a lot."

Qiao Feng glanced at him, "According to her colleague's confession, recently Tan Xing has a very bad temper, often talking about stinky bitches, bitches, and men and women, and often gets drunk.

This time, he happened to be drunk too, so he wasn't supposed to go, but he insisted on going, and he couldn't stop him. "

Lin Qirong frowned slightly, "Do you think it has something to do with me?"

Qiao Feng nodded, "You said before that you have your own way."

Lin Qirong sighed, "Yes, I did say that, and I did it.

But I told Tan Xing's wife and asked her if she could endure what Tan Xing did, because Tan Xing had been committing domestic violence against her.

The reason why Tan Xing was hostile to me was because he suspected that his wife was having an affair. He had driven away many neighbors because of this in the past. "

He spread his hands, "I met his wife once or twice at most, and I didn't even say a word. God knows how he would doubt me."

"Then it's very clear." Qiao Feng chuckled, "It seems that the unsatisfactory family affairs made him feel bad, and this happened after drinking too much alcohol. It has nothing to do with us."

As long as it wasn't deliberately arranged by Lin Qirong.

It is really because Lin Qirong's performance recently is too unbelievable, which made him think too much.

"You think I'm a god?" Lin Qirong smiled, "Can I still lead Tan Xing by the nose?"

"Haha." Qiao Feng lay down on the sofa, "This seems to be a good thing, your worries have been completely eliminated."

"Elimination in this way is not my wish." Lin Qirong shook his head.

And Tan Xing died, what about Xue Yuzhi's mother and daughter?
He believed that Tan Xing was provoked because of Xue Yuzhi.

Xue Yuzhi hadn't appeared next door for a while, and it seemed that he deliberately avoided Tan Xing. Something must have happened between them, which is why Tan Xing made such a fuss.

Don't look at Tan Xing beating and scolding her, and making a mistress outside, but he should still have special feelings for her.

It's just that the feeling is distorted.

He died, Xue Yuzhi mother and daughter don't know what to do.

"Whatever it is, it has nothing to do with us anyway." Qiao Feng stood up and stretched, "I have to go back to sleep, I've been exhausted recently."

Lin Qirong stood up to see him off, "The program team is busy?"

Qiao Feng nodded, "The new season is about to start filming, Director Hong can't wait.

We've been getting ready for all sorts of things lately, so much work to do, I'm almost worn out.

The seven regular hosts have also been decided, the original seven. After all, after so many seasons, both our team and the audience are used to them. Without any one of them, there is no feeling of running a family. "

"This is also the case. This kind of affection and tacit understanding are also very important."

"Yes, but we have also communicated with them separately. In the new season, everyone has to pay more attention to it, and we can't hold on to it."

"I believe they will not, after all, their words and deeds will be magnified and affect their popularity and reputation."

"I hope." Qiao Feng nodded, "I've also been promoted to take charge of Tian Yuxiang's follow-up and various matters."

"Are you a director?"

Qiao Feng smiled, "It doesn't count, but it's just a preparation. After all, there are many things that are already the work of the director."

"Congratulations, you are one step closer to your dream."

Lin Qirong was also happy for him.

Qiao Feng smiled wryly, "Isn't it thanks to you? By the way, Director Hong has something for me to ask you."

Lin Qirong was stunned for a moment, "What's the matter?"

"He asked, can you be the bell man in the first episode?"

(End of this chapter)

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