Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 494 The Spring Festival Gala Begins

Chapter 494 The Spring Festival Gala Begins

With the passage of time, Lin Qirong, Tong Tong and the symphony orchestra have become more and more proficient in cooperating, and have initially achieved the desired effect.

Then entered the intense rehearsal stage.

Lin Qirong saw many familiar faces here, such as Zhao Zhiyong, Dong Manqing, Sun Xiuwen and so on.

The chief director of the Spring Festival Gala is Yao Zimo, a director with rich experience in large-scale evening shows.

The rehearsal of each program is closed, except for CCTV staff, no one can see all the content of the program.

When Lin Qirong, Tongtong and the orchestra completed this piece of music, Yao Zimo and others couldn't help but applaud.

"Grand and magnificent, the effect is very good, it is really a very good adaptation, and the thought is very comprehensive."

"I was also fascinated." Dong Manqing said with emotion, "Qirong's thoughts are very clever."

"Where?" Lin Qirong smiled embarrassedly, "Actually, it's just a coincidence, because I want to cooperate with Tongtong, so I came up with this method, I hope Director Yao will like it, and don't cut off my program."

Yao Zimo shook his head, "It's too late for me to cherish such a good show, how could I cut your show?
I think if this program can be accompanied by elaborate special effects, I believe the effect will be better. "

Lin Qirong nodded, "I think so too, I wonder if Director Yao can arrange and help make it."

"Of course you can." Yao Zimo smiled, "But you have to come up with the idea, and you must know that your ideas in the "Huaxia Poetry Conference" are really amazing and have given us a lot of inspiration.

So this Spring Festival Gala will have a lot of special effects, hoping to bring more exciting viewing effects to the audience. "

"I think it will definitely help, but even the best special effects can only serve as an auxiliary and icing on the cake. The key lies in the content. If the content of the program is liked and recognized by audiences across the country, plus wonderful special effects, it will definitely It was a successful evening.

And if the content of the program is not good-looking, the gorgeous special effects will overwhelm the guest, but it will not be beautiful. "

Yao Zimo applauded and said, "Speaking of the point, I think so too, but you also know that exciting and meaningful programs are very rare, and we are still working hard to screen them, but your program must be fine up.

We look forward to your official performance on stage. "

"Thank you Director Yao, then I'll be impolite, tell the masters of the special effects team about my idea, and ask them to help me make it."

"No problem." Yao Zimo waved his hand, indicating that he can find someone by himself, "Let's prepare for the next show."

It's not far from the start of the Spring Festival Gala. Every program has to be revisited and revised over and over again.

His task was very heavy and tiring, and he lost a lot of weight, which proved that this job was really not done by a human being, and the pressure was too great.

"In comparison, our work is much easier." Dong Manqing accompanied Lin Qirong to find the special effects team, and said with a smile.

"Actually, it's not easy for you at all. Everything is going well, but if something goes wrong, it's up to you to control the field." Lin Qirong said.

"So we hope it goes well."

"I think it must be."

When he came to the special effects team, Lin Qirong discovered that most of the staff in the special effects team were acquaintances. They had worked closely together at the "Huaxia Poetry Conference", and they admired Lin Qirong very much.

So when Lin Qirong expressed his request, they immediately understood what he meant, patted their chests and expressed that they would help Lin Qirong to make the special effects perfectly.

"Right? I said it would be fine." Dong Manqing smiled.

"It's my honor." Lin Qirong smiled, "I didn't expect everyone to be so awesome."

"It means that everyone recognizes you." Dong Manqing said, "If it was someone else, this group of bosses probably wouldn't raise their eyes."

Lin Qirong smiled, he didn't expect this to happen.

Because of the "Chinese Poetry Conference", he is familiar with these CCTV elites, but these people are also the backbone of the Spring Festival Gala.

So when he participated in the Spring Festival Gala, he met familiar friends such as Zhao Zhiyong, Dong Manqing, Sun Xiuwen and the special effects team.

He didn't feel nervous at all here, because almost everyone around him was someone he knew, and the staff would basically give him face.

You must know that even those first-line stars are not used to coming to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, because the staff here are all arrogant and will never support them.

When it comes to the Spring Festival Gala, if you are a tiger, you have to lie on your stomach, and if you are a dragon, you have to curl up. Many celebrities have proved this point over the years.

But here he is like a fish in water, it has to be said that this is a very special situation.

But this is what he won by himself, and he feels at ease.

After the rehearsal, there is a rehearsal, once, twice, three times, each time is more demanding, which is a great torture for every participant.

Lin Qirong himself didn't care, but Tongtong was very tired, and went to bed early every day when he returned to Zuo Youran's house, which made Wen Ziyun's heart ache.

"It's just the last show, why are you so tired?"

Lin Qirong shook his head helplessly, "This is the Spring Festival Gala after all. People all over the country are watching. The requirements must be higher. Once something goes wrong, it will be a big problem. Although Tongtong is young, he cannot relax his requirements because of this. On the stage I won't tolerate you just because you are young.

Besides, this is also a good training for her, making her understand that she must go through hard work to get the best results, which is good for her growth.

Don't worry, I will pay attention to her physical condition and won't make her sick. "

"Okay." Wen Ziyun sighed, "What you said makes sense, I used to be so cruel to Yoyo, but now I can't bear to see Tongtong working so hard.

Tomorrow morning, I will make some soup for you, and you can take it to drink to replenish your body. "

"Thank you auntie."

I have to say that because of Wen Ziyun's caring, although Lin Qirong and Tongtong worked hard every day, they had guaranteed food and rest, so there was no problem.

They can devote themselves to practice and various rehearsals.

Time passed, and finally came to the last day of the year. The New Year's Eve is the day when thousands of families reunite.

After the family reunion dinner, the family just sat in front of the TV while watching the Spring Festival Gala, while chatting about family affairs, the feeling of home came out.

Up to now, the Spring Festival Gala is not just a party, but a representative symbol of the reunion of thousands of families, and a sustenance in the hearts of countless Chinese people. No matter whether the program is good or not, they have to turn on the TV, as if this is the end a spring festival.

But for artists such as Lin Qirong who participated in the Spring Festival Gala, it was not so comfortable.

Since the morning, Zuo Youran has been making arrangements for Lin Qirong and Tongtong. The costumers and makeup artists are arranged by the company, otherwise they can only count on the staff of CCTV to help. Of course, it is not as good as a private costumer and makeup artist use.

When they were almost ready, they came to the CCTV building, and under the arrangement of the director team, they walked the stage again to familiarize themselves with the location of the performance.

After dinner at noon, all the programs had a final rehearsal, and once again clarified their order of appearance, and after emphasizing the specific details, everyone rested separately, had a simple dinner provided by the TV station, and began to prepare for the evening program. The show gets busy.

The backstage of the Spring Festival Gala stage is divided into several parts. It is composed of the backstages of several studios. They are allocated according to the order of appearance. Each backstage has a large number of staff to ensure that every link is in place without any mistakes. .

Lin Qirong and Tongtong were arranged to play in the middle, and after dinner they found a place to rest backstage.

The biggest impression of the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala is that there are many people, and there are artists performing various programs.

They saw performers in heavy Peking opera costumes, acrobats in cool clothes, monks sitting cross-legged and resting, and dancers leaning on prop boxes with their eyes closed.

Several regular guests of the Spring Festival Gala sat together drinking tea and chatting relaxedly; several old people from the Guanzhong area gathered together, bowed their heads and concentrated on tuning their musical instruments; several young people from the south kept tuning their instruments The robots in front of me let them do various actions along with the music; there are also a few well-known young stars playing games together...
The scene was like a huge vegetable market, with various people walking around, and the tension that the Spring Festival Gala was about to start filled the air.

"Don't look around, take a good rest."

Seeing Tong Tong waiting with big eyes looking around and glasses twitching, Lin Qirong amusedly pulled her back and sat down beside him, lying on his lap.

"If you don't rest well now, you won't perform well when you perform at night."

"Understood." Tongtong responded obediently, closed his eyes and rested obediently, and did not move any more.

"You're so good." Lin Qirong also closed his eyes and meditated.

How to meet the performance in the best condition is a very learned thing. It is also a matter of concentration to be able to bear the temper and rest among so many people. Both Lin Qirong and Tongtong have done it.

This made Chen Deng and other orchestra players resting on the other side nod frequently, knowing that this is the best way.

Only artists who are full of awe for the stage, full of sincerity to the audience, and hope to bring the best performance with the best state will do this.

For this alone, Lin Qirong deserves great praise.

Time passed by every minute and every second, the outside gradually became noisy, the audience entered, and then the screens of each backstage also lit up, and everyone could see the situation in the studio in real time.

The annual Spring Festival Gala is finally about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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