Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 492 Talking Hearts

Chapter 492 Talking Hearts
The three of Lin Qirong flew to Kyoto, so they naturally visited Zuo Youran's house first.

"You don't want to live outside this time, how can you have a home outside?" Wen Ziyun and Lin Qirong said.

As she got to know more about this boy, she felt more and more how outstanding this boy was. Even in ordinary circles, she could often hear his name, and he was also the idol of many wealthy children.

Although he is an entertainer, an entertainer who is looked down upon by their circle, he can do it to the point where CCTV even asks him to, and now both father and daughter are on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

This is not something ordinary artists can do.

Not to mention that Tonghua Entertainment under his name has now developed into a large company integrating animation production, peripheral product development, artist brokerage, film and television investment and production, and is already a leading enterprise in the animation field.

She has never seen any young man who is better than him, even the three brothers of the Wen family and such an expensive company as Qin Chuan.

Seeing the eyes of those princess-like girls shining brightly when they talked about him, she realized that she still underestimated his excellence.

This will be an existence that will become a national idol.

Sometimes when she thinks about this, she will suddenly feel a little worried, worried that Zuo Youran is not good enough for him, this kind of thinking makes her a little unbelievable.

You must know that Zuo Youran is definitely her greatest pride, the object of pursuit of countless nobles, but she is actually worried that she is not good enough for Lin Qirong, but she really agrees with it in her heart.

This is also the reason why she took the initiative to approach Lin Qirong's parents and bring up their marriage. Some time ago, Lin Jianguo and his wife came to the capital, and everyone hit it off on this matter and basically settled it.

It can be said that now Lin Qirong and Zuo Youran are only one procedure away.

That's why she took the initiative to ask Lin Qirong to stay. This is really treating him like a son-in-law.

Lin Qirong didn't know what was going on in her heart, so he nodded slightly after thinking for a while, "Then I'll trouble Auntie."

"It's nothing to worry about, we're all family."

Wen Ziyun smiled brightly, "It's very troublesome to live alone in a hotel outside, not to mention that living at home is comfortable, there is a piano store nearby where you can practice, and it's not far from CCTV, you can go there anytime to participate in the rehearsal, and after the rehearsal, you'll have dinner right away when you get home. You can take a good rest, and a good rest is also very important."

"Auntie said that," Lin Qirong nodded, "It is indeed very important to have a good rest and maintain a good condition, especially in Tongtong. It is not suitable for too much running around, but it may take a lot of work for Auntie."

"What's the hard work?" Wen Ziyun waved her hand, "You are going to participate in the Spring Festival Gala this year, and we will prepare dinner at home for you to eat when you come back. The whole family can just have a reunion dinner."

"That may be a little later. I don't know the playing time yet."

"It doesn't matter how late it is, it's close after all."

"That's right." Lin Qirong laughed, "We will perform well and try not to let you down."

"I'm sure you can do it."

Zuo Youran and Zuo Yifei looked at each other and smiled, it was indeed the familiar Wen Ziyun.

The room that Wen Ziyun helped Lin Qirong prepare was spacious and bright, and it was neatly tidied up. It can be imagined that Wen Ziyun was well prepared.

Open the curtains, and you can see the scenery outside. The CCTV building is not far away, and it really is very close.

After a while, it will usher in the biggest gala of the year, the Spring Festival Gala, an annual gala that all Chinese people pay attention to.

What kind of performance will he and Tongtong have on it?

In the afternoon, Zuo Youran took them to find a piano shop near the community, which was very large, just enough for him and Tongtong to practice every day.

To perform well in the Spring Festival Gala, they must practice hard, especially the ensemble, which requires close cooperation between father and daughter, which also requires more time to practice.

10 minutes on stage, ten years of practice off stage, behind the brilliance is arduous practice, there is no doubt about it, Lin Qirong naturally dare not take it lightly.

After dinner, Zuo Yifei and Lin Qirong were drinking tea together, Wen Ziyun and Zuo Youran were washing dishes in the kitchen, and Tong Tong was sitting in front of the TV watching his cartoons.

Tonghua Animation has launched more and more programs. The successful model has allowed other animation companies to see another way of animation production, and they have also begun to develop in this direction. They have also produced many animations, some of which are not bad.

Children's animation began to show a blowout trend.

Because Tongtong usually has too tight schedule, she hardly has time to watch cartoons, and now Lin Qirong naturally won't let her watch them.

Anyway, she is very good, she knows what to do, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

Zuo Yifei said, "Do you feel overwhelmed?"

Lin Qirong nodded, "Yes, everything is crowded together, and I want to do everything well, and there is simply not enough time.

Fortunately, I have Youran to help me manage the entertainment industry, and I have a few capable generals to help me manage the company. This year's affairs are going smoothly. "

"There is such a problem in the rapid development." Zuo Yifei said, "Although capital is said to be king in this era, if there are not enough talents to operate the capital, it will lose money every minute.

So no matter when, talent is the most important. "

Lin Qirong thought for a while and said with approval, "This is our biggest shortcoming at present. Although we have been working hard, there is still a big gap with those big companies that have developed for more than ten years or even decades.

Ordinary talents are easy to find, but high-end talents are very difficult to find no matter where they are, let alone top talents, which are easy to find but hard to find. This is the biggest shackle of our company. "

"This is indeed a problem faced by many new companies," Zuo Yifei nodded, "A genius idea or an excellent product may make a company rise suddenly, but when the company develops to a certain level, there will be problems that cannot be solved." The shackles of avoidance restrict their further progress.

If they cannot continue to move forward, these companies will eventually be eliminated under the tide of the times, and those companies that continue to move forward and establish their own core competitiveness will be able to become the top existence in the industry step by step.

We can call it innovation or talent, but they all mean the same thing. "

Lin Qirong was thoughtful, Zuo Yifei was very thorough in this research, he is indeed one of the top officials in this field.

Those companies that were able to stand at the top of the industry in the previous life all have their own core competitiveness, otherwise a wave will come and be submerged in minutes.

The stars are strong enough, and the US almost collapsed with a single order; and because Huawei has its own core technology, no matter whether you are restricted by the US alone, or several powerful countries unite to persecute it, you can't make it succumb to half a point.

The core competitiveness is the foundation of an enterprise, relying on external forces will always be restricted.

"This kind of thing can only be done slowly, there is no rush." ​​He shook his head and said, "At present, our core business is still in the animation side, and we are doing pretty well. The reserve talents are being cultivated, and we will gradually get better. .”

Now employees are recruited every day and then assigned to various positions for training. As long as they are capable people, they will be reused soon, no matter which subsidiary they are in.

This is especially true in Tonghua Animation. With the development of the overseas R&D studio plan, a large number of outstanding young people are about to take up more important positions and show their demeanor.

Zuo Yifei nodded, "I don't know much about enterprises, but it takes a certain amount of time to cultivate talents, and it takes a lot of accumulation to make a fortune."

"I understand, thank you uncle for reminding."

Lin Qirong naturally knew that Zuo Yifei was waking him up, and he was very grateful.

"I remember there was a cultural exchange event in the first half of the year." Zuo Yifei said, "Are you also in it?"

Lin Qirong nodded, "Minister Chen from the Shanghai Stock Exchange recommended it mainly to South Korea for cultural exchanges with Neon. We are already making intensive preparations and hope to gain something."

"Oh, what's your plan?" Zuo Yifei asked with great interest.

"We still focus on animation, and then some TV dramas will also be promoted."

Lin Qirong said, "We hope to promote our works to these two countries through this cultural exchange activity, so that more people will recognize our works, then accept our works, and finally establish a stable output channel."

"If this can be done, it would be a great thing." Zuo Yifei became interested, "Although South Korea and Neon are essentially branches of our Chinese culture, because of the relationship between history and economic development, they have always been None of them recognize this.

The development of China's entertainment industry has also experienced learning from Neon and South Korea, and then slowly formed its own characteristics.

So in these respects, some of them look down on us.For example, in terms of entertainment, South Korea considers itself No. [-] in Asia and No. [-] in the world. In terms of animation, Neon is one of the best in this industry.

If you can promote your work and form a stable output channel, it is really a remarkable achievement, and it is an achievement worthy of special mention. "

"So our company has been working hard for this matter." Lin Qirong smiled, "Other companies are also working hard to prepare, and our goal is the same on this point. Of course, if the Ministry is willing to give us more support, we will More confidence to succeed.

It doesn’t need to have any political connotation, nor does it need to contain any ideology, as long as our works can be recognized by the people of the other side, we will surely succeed.

In the final analysis, the quality of our works is the key. The market accepts our works, and the ideas of our directors and screenwriters will naturally affect the audience with these works.

Isn't that what America does? "

Zuo Yifei thought about it carefully, then nodded, "I understand what you mean, maybe I can help a little, but don't expect too much from me."

"I understand that."

(End of this chapter)

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