Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 482 Coming

Chapter 482 Coming
"Dad, happy new year."

In the morning, Tongtong happily sent New Year's greetings to Lin Qirong.

The little girl who woke up was still full of energy.

"Happy New Year." Lin Qirong stroked her hair, "Did you have a good time last night?"

"Of course I'm happy." Tongtong said happily, "I like playing the piano and performing, and I have music written by my father for me. Of course I'm happy."

Lin Qirong felt warm in his heart, this is the best compliment to himself.

"Then let's go to have breakfast quickly. Dad will take you to play today, and you will go back tomorrow."

"Okay." Tongtong clapped her hands and smiled, pulling Lin Qirong to get off the elevator for breakfast. She was already looking forward to it.

Lin Qirong and Zuo Youran, who was packing up, shook their heads helplessly, and followed her downstairs for breakfast.

After breakfast, the three of them went straight to their destination by car.

The most famous scenic spots in southern Shonan are Orange Island, Yuelu Mountain, Yuelu Academy, and Normal University. Each scenic spot has many historical and cultural stories. Lin Qirong and others learned a lot of knowledge from the local tour guide.

In the afternoon, they went to Yueyang Tower. When they arrived, there was a light rain in the sky, allowing them to really feel the style of Yueyang Tower in the misty rain in this ancient pavilion, and also felt that Fan Wenzheng The public has the mind of "worrying about the world's worries first, and enjoying the world's joys later".

Dongting Lake is covered with a layer of water mist. Although there is no spectacular scene of "gas steaming Yunmengze, waves shaking Yueyang City", it has a misty beauty.

It was already night when we got back to the hotel, and Tong Tong, who had played all day, fell asleep soon after taking a shower.

Zuo Youran came out and sat beside Lin Qirong after Tongtong fell asleep, snuggling into his arms, "Shall we go back tomorrow?"

Lin Qirong sniffed the fragrance of her body lightly, and nodded slightly, "I have to stay and participate in the recording of "Singer". I have to PK with the singer recommended by the whole people first, and then I will participate in the kick-off competition next week."

Zuo Youran nodded, she naturally knew the importance of "Singer" to Lin Qirong.

Although many powerful singers resisted this program and rejected the invitation of the program group many times, they thought that such a competition was really not suitable for them.

In their eyes, whether singing is good or not is determined by the public. They have proved themselves for so many years. It is ridiculous to participate in such a competition and hand over the decision to [-] non-professional audiences.

Therefore, several god-level singers in the music world are unwilling to participate in this show.

Although "Singer" does have various problems, it is undeniable that it is the most professional and focused on bringing more and better music to the public, and it has the greatest influence among music competition programs.

It is naturally inappropriate to entrust the decision-making power to [-] listeners, but for music, a type of music that everyone has their own preferences, there is no hard and fast standard.

In contrast, it is a more acceptable solution to leave the decision to the audience and let them decide which song and singer they like.

The result is not the most important thing, more singers bring more and better music on this stage is the most important.

For so many seasons, the old singers have become famous on this stage and continued their mythology.

New singers brought more style and energy to the stage, and they became better singers as a result.

Every year, some outstanding singers will appear on this stage, leading the trend of Chinese music with their works and singing.

Music styles such as rock, love songs, jazz, rap, blues, country, and folk songs have all been presented on this stage, which opened the eyes of the audience and led to the continuous improvement of everyone's music appreciation level.

In the beginning, treble was king, but later it pursued variety. The audience's tastes are changing every season. Singers must constantly improve themselves and provide more changes in order to win the audience's love.

In this sense, "Singer" is still very important to the Chinese music scene and has considerable influence.

Lin Qirong's ability to participate in this show, even as a kick-off singer, is the public's recognition of him, and it is of great help to him to truly become a first-line star.

If Lin Qirong performed well on this show, then he should have greater influence and greater ability to do what he wants to do.

No matter what, she will support him.

"Don't think so much." Lin Qirong caressed her delicate face, and his fingertips slid across her fragile skin, very comfortable.

"It's just a show, and it's fine to treat it with a normal mind. Anyway, I don't expect fame to eat."

Zuo Youran snorted softly, and rubbed her head against his arms, her skin trembled as his fingers passed by, but she didn't try to stop the movement of his hands.

Soon, Zuo Youran's face was already bright red, and his eyes were blurred, Lin Qirong couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed her, and then got a fierce response.

After a long time, the two separated. Lin Qirong also took out his hand and chuckled at Zuo Youran who was blushing.

Zuo Youran's face was flushed, and she was arranging her clothes in a hurry. This time, she was bullied miserably.

Lin Qirong gently hugged her from behind, "Do you understand? My uncle and aunt seem to be on the phone with my parents."

Zuo Youran paused, "Really?"

"Yes, they said that these two children are together every day, and sooner or later something will happen. Anyway, they will be together sooner or later. Instead of waiting for something to happen, it is better to book their names first.

My parents agreed, and have already been to Kyoto to discuss with my uncles and aunts to finalize this matter. "

Zuo Youran felt uneasy and sweet at the same time, "Aunt and uncle don't feel bad, do they?"

"How come? They hope that I will get a certificate with you immediately and give birth to a fat baby for them to hug."

Lin Qirong laughed, "It's too late for them to be happy to have a fairy-like girl like you as their wife."

Zuo Youran naturally knew that things couldn't be as simple as Lin Qirong said, but as long as Lin Jianguo and the others didn't object to being together with Lin Qirong, it would be fine.

Lin Qirong pointed at her towering place, "So I will let you go today, and when the status is settled, I will give you a good memory."

Zuo Youran shyly smiled and pushed his hand away, "What are you talking about?"

"Haha." Lin Qirong embraced her with open arms, "Tongtong has grown up so well, you have worked hard, and with you behind me, I can do my things with confidence."

Zuo Youran smiled brightly, "Tongtong is very good, we are very happy together, don't worry."

"Of course I'm relieved." Lin Qirong sighed, "It should be almost time, and soon we will be able to live happily together."

Zuo Youran didn't say anything. She knew that Lin Qirong had his own secret, and she just needed to support him.

"Singer, come on."

"Of course, I promised Tongtong to enter the finals."

"Don't have such a great pressure, only the ordinary mind can show its own level."

"As ordered."


The next day, Zuo Youran and Tongtong flew back to the Shanghai stock market to continue their classes, and soon Tongtong would also be on winter vacation.

But this winter vacation is not destined to be easy for her, because she will perform on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala this year, which is another huge challenge for her.

For this reason, she has to carry out hard training and participate in many rehearsals before she can shine on this stage.

The same is true for Lin Qirong, under tremendous pressure.

So he will spend this period of time in southern Shonan. While participating in the recording of "Singer", he will also prepare for the performance of the Spring Festival Gala.

Zhao Zhiyong promised him to let him perform with Tongtong. It must be a fun thing to perform in front of the national audience.

A few days later, the recording of the fifth round of "Singer" began, and Lin Qirong came to the scene along with the staff of the program team.

However, he entered the studio through the back door, and then rested in a room for a long time, during which he had no chance to meet other singers.

In order to bring enough surprises to the audience, the program team also tried their best.

This time Lin Qirong was really in a situation where I was in the dark and the enemy was in the light.

In the lounge, he can watch live performances of the seven competing singers.

The seven singers are four male singers, Qi Hongyu, Ye Yu, He Ziang, and Yuan Hongyi, and three female singers, Guan Yuantong, Su Xiaoling, and Vivienne Adelaide. , and it is the peak time of singing and creation.

Their status at the New Year's Eve concert is completely different from their status on the "Singer" stage. The more professional stage, more top-level dance beauty, and more professional studio have brought the top performance and the best Wonderful effect.

Lin Qirong felt his whole body trembling, it was not fear, but excitement, the desire to go on stage and compete with these singers.

The wonderful performances of the seven singers came to an end, but Lin Qirong's performance has just begun.

Because it was the second round of the competition, everyone knew the rules and consciously stayed and prepared to enjoy the performance of the two singers.

The votes in their hands will select who can participate in the kick-off competition next week.

Lin Qirong's opponent is Pang Jiazhi, a singer who signed up and was recommended by the whole people. He is a powerful singer with tens of millions of fans.

The Internet is full of confidence that he can successfully enter the kick-off competition.

In fact, he also proved that he really has such strength, bringing a wild and soulful song, which is quite exciting, and the audience's reaction is the best performance.

"It's your turn, Teacher Lin." The executive director said with a smile.

"Thank you." Lin Qirong took the microphone, calmly walked out from the backstage side door with surprised eyes all the way, and then walked onto the stage.

Ahead, lights came on and applause sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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