Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 480 Smile

Chapter 480 Smile
On the last day before New Year's Day, after getting up, Lin Qirong and Tongtong were busy preparing for the New Year's Eve party in the evening.

Fitting, maintenance and various preparations are very complicated, but in order to participate in the New Year's Eve party in the best condition, these are all necessary.

After everything was done, they set off to Xiangnan Satellite TV, where they rehearsed again. After confirming the evening's process, they simply had dinner and waited for the party to start backstage.

There were a lot of people backstage, and they all showed enthusiastic smiles when they saw him. Some people even came up to say a few words, and many young stars came over to say hello to him.

After Lin Qirong managed to deal with them, he came to a lounge. This is a lounge specially prepared by Shonan Satellite TV for some famous and experienced stars. It is much quieter than the backstage outside.

The current Lin Qirong is naturally qualified to enter here to rest.

"Brother Rong." Chen Xiaofeng stood up and greeted him. He was sitting there alone and seemed to be in good spirits.

Lin Qirong nodded with him, and sat beside him with Zuo Youran and Tongtong.

"You are very popular now." Xiao Ying did not know when she appeared by her side and patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "But it is understandable, now you are a sweet potato."

"Thank you, it's just for everyone to get to know each other." Lin Qirong replied with a chuckle, not feeling proud.

He can understand why those people are so enthusiastic when they see him.

Now that I am both a director and a singer-songwriter, whether I am an actor or a singer, I hope to have a relationship with myself and get some opportunities.

If you can act in his works or get a work he created, then it is not a dream to become popular overnight.

Isn't Ayimu now being dubbed the title of "Rong Girl" and envied by many people?However, this girl was not affected by these rumors. After filming "Wulin Biography", she went back to school to concentrate on her studies.

Even with the popularity of this TV series, her fame has grown a lot, almost like a second-tier star, she can still calm down, except for reading and practicing, which made Chen Meng full of praise.

Both Lin Qirong and Chen Meng are consciously suppressing her growth, trying to keep her from being disturbed by the outside world as much as possible.

Although she is already a well-known star, she is far from qualified for their expectations of her and needs further training.

Being tired of fame prematurely and running around for fame and fortune is not a good thing for her growth.

As an entertainment agency, it's really incredible that they can resist using her to make money.

Fortunately, Ayimu doesn't have any ideas, and the company does what it is called, which makes people feel at ease.

"Just pretend." Xiao Ying pushed him and said with a smile, "Anyway, you have the capital."

Lin Qirong shook his head helplessly.

Seeing that he ignored her, Xiao Ying turned around and played with Tongtong, very happy.

When the time was about the same, the party officially began, and stars from all walks of life came to the stage to present their New Year's Eve performances.

Lin Qirong watched the performance in the live broadcast with relish, and what he cared most about was the opponents he was about to face - the stars who participated in "Singer".

As participating singers, they naturally appeared on this stage and brought their own performances, and they were all very classic songs, which made the audience hooked.

What Lin Qirong cares about is that their singing styles are very diverse. Some sing two songs, both of which are in different styles, which are very infectious.

"It seems that this year's "Singer" will be very interesting." He thought to himself, a little eager to try.

It should be a lot of fun to compete with them on the same stage.

"You can't be..." Xiao Ying sensitively noticed his abnormality and an idea came to her mind.

"Shhh." Lin Qirong put his finger on his mouth to signal her not to burst out.

"Hey." Xiao Ying lowered her voice and said, "I didn't expect that you could not resist this temptation. Let me tell you, standing on that stage and competing with evenly matched opponents is really a hearty thing."

Lin Qirong smiled slightly, "It can be seen that you are much better than the same period last year, I believe it is because of participating in this program."

"Really? I don't feel anything." Xiao Ying said with a smile, "But now I feel that there are many thoughts in my mind. I have tortured the creators of my company, saying that I have a lot of ghost ideas, and they have to work overtime every day."

"Does that mean your album is coming out? I'm looking forward to it."

He knew that after participating in "Singer", Xiao Ying was basically in a half-rest state, concentrating on preparing her new album.

Perhaps this will be her final album, so he is still looking forward to it.

"It's still quite a bit worse." Xiao Ying curled her lips, "But I'm still satisfied."

"If I can satisfy you, that's probably awesome."

"Hehe." Xiao Ying patted him on the shoulder, "It's very good to keep it secret, this time I made a reservation first, and I will help you sing."

Lin Qirong smiled helplessly, "You have so much confidence in me?"

"I still have confidence that you can win the final championship."


"Hee hee, I lied to you. Anyway, come on, I'm looking forward to your live performance." Xiao Ying said with a smile, "It doesn't matter what your grades are, as long as you sing happily. This is some experience as a senior, right? Although you don't need it at all."

Lin Qirong smiled and said, "It's still needed, thank you senior for your guidance."

Xiao Ying smiled, turned and left satisfied.

After a while, it was time for Tongtong's performance.

She performed two works, one is "Journey to Venice", the piece that Lin Qirong played with her in Venice, appeared in front of the public for the first time.

The leisurely sound of the piano is like a bouncing tour guide, leading everyone to visit Venice, a special water city with a long history, to enjoy the scenic spots along the way, and to feel the cultural history precipitated in it.

Then came "Summer", which is also a favorite piece of music. It was performed again at this New Year's Eve party and aroused a warm response.

Her playing skills have become more and more powerful, turning tens of thousands of audience members into her own audience, who were infected by her piano sound.

When she took the curtain call with a smile, the audience applauded thunderously.

Although she didn't have many opportunities to appear on the screen because she didn't participate in any variety shows this year, people have never forgotten this beautiful and cute little girl with a sweet smile, especially who can play the piano well.

A year has passed, and this little girl has grown sweeter and sweeter. She already has the title of little piano princess. She will definitely become an excellent pianist in the future, which makes everyone feel deeply.

"Awesome." Lin Qirong greeted Tong Tong backstage and gave her a loving hug, "Baby is getting better and better."

From not daring to go on stage alone before, to now calmly completing her performance in front of tens of thousands of people, her progress is unbelievable.

But this is his daughter, his pride.

Tongtong laughed happily and raised his arms to cheer for him, "Come on, Dad, and Uncle Chen too."

"Thank you Baby."

"Thank you Tongtong."

Chen Xiaofeng forced out a smile. His daughter Chen Yuxin was about the same age as Tongtong, and she was also extremely cute. When he thought of this, he felt like a knife in his heart.

She should have grown up carefree like Tongtong, but unfortunately...
"Don't think so much." Lin Qirong patted him on the shoulder, "The performance is the most important thing now."

"I know, don't worry." Chen Xiaofeng nodded.

After waiting for a while, it was finally Lin Qirong's turn to appear.

To the cheers of the audience, he brought the popular song "You Who Were Today", but this time he changed the version.

Fans who were already familiar with this song sang along with the rhythm, and a spectacular scene of tens of thousands of people sang in a chorus was formed later. The hot atmosphere of the scene made other singers dumbfounded.

"Such a person is not a professional singer, so how dare we people call ourselves professional singers?"

Xiao Ying watched Lin Qirong's performance with a smile, "Come on, I'm looking forward to your performance on "Singer", I believe it will bring out your full strength."

After singing a song, Lin Qirong panted and introduced his partner, "Welcome my good friend and tonight's partner Chen Xiaofeng to come on stage, please give us warm applause."

The audience froze for a moment, then applauded and cheered.

It turned out that when the media reported, Chen Xiaofeng should have attended the New Year's Eve party with Liang Huixin on Red Maple TV, and even the posters were published at that time.

But when the incident of Liang Huixin's derailment broke out later, Chen Xiaofeng has been in a state of being out of contact, and no one knows what he is doing or thinking.

Whoever it is, should not be able to bear this kind of thing, how can it be impossible to keep silent, say nothing and do nothing, just let this matter slowly cool down, and let Liang Huixin Get through this most difficult time.

Many netizens thought that Chen Xiaofeng was too weak, and would swallow his breath in the face of such a shame and humiliation.

From the perspective of interests, many people think that Chen Xiaofeng kept silent because he was afraid of affecting his career, and it is good for him to maintain a wronged position.

In short, all kinds of conspiracy theories are raging, and everyone feels that they are Sherlock Holmes.

Everyone is still discussing how embarrassing it would be for him to sing with Liang Huixin if he continues to participate in Red Maple TV's New Year's Eve party.

But if you withdraw directly, you have to bear the responsibility for breach of contract, and you may lose a sum of money. It is really a dilemma.

This makes everyone look forward to the New Year's Eve party of Red Maple TV.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xiaofeng suddenly appeared at Shonan Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party, and he was going to sing with Lin Qirong.

Seeing Lin Qirong who was smiling and embracing Chen Xiaofeng who trot out, everyone realized that maybe this was Lin Qirong's initiative.

So they subconsciously applauded more enthusiastically.

"Let's get started." Lin Qirong and Chen Xiaofeng smiled at each other and stood in front of two wheat racks.

(End of this chapter)

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