Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 471 Progress

Chapter 471 Progress
The final of "Voice of China" was broadcast live, which was a very big test for the producer. After all, recording and live broadcast are completely different concepts, and there are too many things that cannot be controlled in live broadcast.

Seeing the crowds of people at the Kyoto Grand Theater, Lin Qirong, who was sitting at home watching the live broadcast with Zuo Youran and Tongtong, felt a little shocked.

Being able to hold a concert at the Kyoto Grand Theater that can accommodate nearly 7 people should be one of the goals of Chinese singers. Think about how it would be to be able to sing surrounded by tens of thousands of people and enjoy the cheers of 7 people Feeling shocked?
It should be addictive.

And these students are extremely lucky to be able to perform on such a stage before they have officially debuted.

I just hope they can stabilize themselves and give everyone a wonderful performance.

"Actually, you should appear on it." Zuo Youran said.

"That's right, if Dad goes to participate, he must be the best performer." Tongtong fully agrees with Zuo Youran's words.

Lin Qirong smiled and shook his head.

Yang Daiqiu and Blue Sea Satellite TV both sent invitations to him, but he declined.

One is because I hope to have a good time with Tongtong and Zuo Youran, and the main reason is because this is a stage for teachers such as Yang Daiqiu and students such as Leng Wanning, so if I go there by myself, I will feel a little bit stealing the limelight.

So it's better not to participate, but to watch Yang Daiqiu and the others shine brilliantly on this stage.

With the withdrawal of Sand Company, Blue Ocean Satellite TV is now responsible for the production of this program alone. Blue Ocean Satellite TV, which had already had such an idea, quickly took over the production of the program, and adjusted the rules of the program according to its own ideas and the direction desired by the audience. Make drastic changes.

The competition system that was prone to shady scenes was cancelled, and more instructors and students were encouraged to use their own strengths to decide who could have the last laugh.

The audience rating has become the most important criterion, and which company the students are willing to sign with is no longer a matter of determining the final result.

Of course, Blue Ocean Satellite TV will not do anything to lose money. They have signed an agreement with the students. If a company wants to sign them, they must pay a certain amount of training fees.

This is completely understandable. After all, Blue Ocean Satellite TV has devoted a lot of hard work and resources to training these students, and also uses this platform to help them become popular and attract fans. It is entirely reasonable for major companies to sign them and pay a certain training fee. of.

This is a result that many parties are willing to accept.The final result is that major companies have sent representatives to participate in this finals, because there are singers signed by them on the stage of the finals, and they can also observe the real strength of the singers through watching live, and decide how to package in the future ,develop.

Even Lin Qirong has to admire Blue Ocean TV's decision. This should be the best way.

I just don’t know what Sander Company would think if they knew this result?
They could have been the final big winners, but because of their persistence, Blue Ocean Satellite TV, mentors, and students joined forces to kick them out and became losers.

Although they still hold the copyright of "Voice of China" and may make a comeback in the next season, at least they have nothing to do this season.

What they don't know is that Blue Ocean Satellite TV has already made preparations for Sound Company to start anew in the next season. It is because of Lin Qirong's guarantee that they are determined to kick out Sound Company and produce the rest of the content by themselves. .

Next year, Lin Qirong will come up with an even better idea and script, they firmly believe in this.

After all, Tonghua's products must be high-quality products, and Lin Qirong's achievements all the time are enough to convince them of this.

It is much better to cooperate with Lin Qirong and then be responsible for the production myself, without being restricted by others, than to cooperate with Sander Company and be restricted in everything.

The opening song is a song sung by many outstanding students in the audition, and it is also the theme song of the program "Voice of China" "Songs of Time".

Although each person only has one or two lines of lyrics, the students are very serious.

For them, being able to be on this stage is very cherished, and they must fully demonstrate the progress they have made during this period.

After that, it's time for tonight's protagonists to appear.

Under the auspices of Wen Yiren, four mentors, Geng Bowei, Shi Liangjun, Shen Yuxing, and Yang Daiqiu led their students to the stage, and sang a song with their students to cheer them up.

Teacher Yang Daiqiu worked harder, and sang a duet with Ma Xiaoyang and Leng Wanning respectively, but looking at the bright smile on her face, I believe she is very willing.

After the first round, the results of the first round of voting came out. Ma Xiaoyang and Geng Bowei's student Bai Hongzhe went hand in hand, and Leng Wanning ranked No.4, which is a good result.

This also fully shows that Ma Xiaoyang's strength and popularity are very good, and he is very likely to compete for the championship tonight.

And Leng Wanning's chance is even smaller, but there is still a second round, and no one knows what the result will be.

Seeing Ma Xiaoyang, who had a calm face and was not excited by being ranked No. 1, and Leng Wanning, who was slightly excited, Lin Qirong couldn't help thinking of the scene when he trained them before.

Ma Xiaoyang and Leng Wanning should be the two most special students in Teacher Yang Daiqiu's team.

Ma Xiaoyang is powerful, has a variety of styles and an independent personality. If he plays well, he will definitely be a strong contender for the championship.

Leng Wanning's singing skills are the worst in the group, but her voice is the most special and recognizable. This is her talent and the main reason why Yang Daiqiu chose her.

The two, one cold and one hot, one strong and one soft, combined together to bring a wonderful performance.

During the intensive training, Lin Qirong trained on the strengths and weaknesses of the two of them respectively. Ma Xiaoyang wanted her to find the most suitable and most powerful weapon among many weapons. After she had an absolute strength, she could give full play to it. Her varied styles.

If she can do it, she will definitely be an excellent singer.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to design a scene with Yang Daiqiu, and did some tricks in song selection and arrangement, so that Ma Xiaoyang could not use his own advantages when cooperating with Leng Wan Ning, but was unexpectedly defeated. At the last moment, Ma Xiaoyang was defeated. Used the only privileged quota.

The exciting changes like a roller coaster made Ma Xiaoyang's defense that he had built for a long time finally collapse. He cried loudly in front of him and Yang Daiqiu, and finally found the path he should take.

As for Leng Wan Ning, Lin Qirong used the method of supplementing her basic skills and music theory knowledge, doing everything possible to make up for her shortcomings, and then built it according to her advantages so that she could have weapons that could compete with others.

As for other issues, we will talk about them later.

This kind of training has paid off. Although Leng Wanning's defeat of Ma Xiaoyang was a bit unexpected, it was reasonable.

After all, her voice is so recognizable that it is very difficult for Ma Xiaoyang to suppress her.

The weapon that Lin Qirong built for her also shined brilliantly, and unexpectedly entered the finals.

All she needs to do now is to relax and play well.

In the second round, the five students each showed their skills, and the battle was still fierce.

Leng Wanning brought a well-prepared song, and the sound of singing through the cracked rocks wafted over the venue, which was extremely shocking.

And Ma Xiaoyang, who came last on the stage, also prepared a very nice song, which was vividly displayed in her powerful voice.

When the results of the second round came out, Lin Qirong couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Leng Wanning was finally eliminated and stopped in the second round.

But it's still very good that she can get here.

Ma Xiaoyang is still ranked No. 1 entering the final round and entering the final championship battle.

"Both of them have made great progress," Lin Qirong sighed, "It's better than what I've seen before."

He is not exaggerating. Both Leng Wanning and Ma Xiaoyang have made great progress on this stage.

Ma Xiaoyang has undergone tremendous training on this stage, and her mentality has become very strong. Perhaps she has met Lin Qirong's requirements for her. She no longer cares about the results of the competition, and only thinks about how to present a more exciting performance.

Now that she has found her own path, her small body bursts out with huge energy, and her powerful singing style is the most beneficial for singing live, as long as she chooses a good song.

However, she still has a huge room for improvement. Her singing style has not yet been finalized, various singing styles have not yet been blended together, and her diverse styles have not been brought into play.

In time, when she blends all styles together and switches at will, her singing style will really take shape at that time, and she will become a powerful female singer.

Although Leng Wanning was eliminated, she has made the greatest improvement, and being able to reach the finals is the best proof.

You must know that there is basically no shady scene this time, and there are no means such as forced song selection, judge suppression, or manipulation of the results.

Leng Wanning is like this, gradually growing up in the competition that lasted for several months, and now, she is no longer the young student she was back then, but a qualified singer.

This also proves that it is worthwhile for Yang Daiqiu and Lin Qirong to invest a lot of energy in cultivating her.

With a very recognizable timbre, she will become another excellent singer in the music world.

So Lin Qirong was very pleased to see their wonderful performance.

Of course, what made Lin Qirong happiest was that these two girls finally chose to sign with Tonghua Dream Entertainment, and they have become his female singers.

In addition to them, two singers Zhang Tairan and Wang Mengyu also took the initiative to find them and became members of Tonghua Dream Entertainment.

Now Chen Meng is sitting in the guest seat at the scene, watching their performance, I believe she will be very satisfied with their performance, and has a plan to train them.

No one is more professional than Chen Meng in cultivating newcomers.

(End of this chapter)

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