Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 455 Tongtong's Competition

Chapter 455 Tongtong's Competition

Chapter 448 Tong Tong's Competition
When he returned to the Shanghai stock market, Tong Tong had already fallen asleep, Zuo Youran saw him push the door to look, and glanced at Tong Tong who was already asleep in surprise, then got up and fell into his arms.

"Thank you." Lin Qirong hugged her and said softly. During this period of time, she was basically the only one who took care of Tongtong and took her to practice dancing and piano. She was more responsible than her mother.

Zuo Youran shook her head in his arms, but didn't speak.

But Lin Qirong knew what she was thinking, and was so moved, he stretched out his hand to raise the head of the person in his arms, and lowered his head to hold those soft lips.

it is more than words.

Early the next morning, Tongtong woke up and saw Lin Qirong, and shouted in surprise.

"Dad, when did you come back?"

"Dad came back last night." Lin Qirong replied with a smile while wearing an apron and busy arranging the dishes.

"No wonder the teacher told me that there was a surprise just now." Tong Tong giggled.

Being able to see Dad was the biggest surprise.

Zuo Youran saw the look in Lin Qirong's eyes, her face was flushed, and she couldn't help but think of the beauty of last night, and her face couldn't help feeling hot.

"Haha." Lin Qirong smiled smugly, and stroked Tongtong's hair, "Baby's important competition, how could Dad not come back to participate?"

"But isn't dad going to make a film?" Tongtong asked with some concern, "Will it affect your work?"

Lin Qirong couldn't help laughing, and hugged her tightly in his arms, his good daughter would think of him, it really warmed my heart.

"Don't worry, Uncle Guangsheng and Uncle Yijun are watching.

And no matter how many things there are, things are not as important as baby things. In Dad's heart, baby is the most important thing. "

"Hee hee, what about the teacher?" Tong Tong asked suddenly.

Lin Qirong glanced at Zuo Youran, and replied with a smile, "The teacher is also the most important person to Dad, just as important as you."

"En." Tongtong nodded in approval, the teacher is a mother, of course it is as important as herself.

Zuo Youran's eyes were slightly red, she didn't feel anything no matter how hard or tired she was before, but now a single word from this father and daughter can make her nose sore.

Being with them is really the luckiest thing for me.

Lin Qirong sighed softly in his heart, Zuo Youran is now helping him with Tongtong in a very embarrassing capacity, the pressure must be under great pressure, I am sorry for her.

Time to wrap things up and give her a credit.

"This time our piano competition is also going to Kyoto. Can we go to our grandparents to play?"

"Are they the teacher's parents? Okay, okay." Tongtong said happily.

She likes Wen Ziyun very much.

"Then let's say it like this, the baby has to play well, and then we will go to see them."

"Take the trophy to see them, and make grandparents happy." Tong Tong suggested.

"Haha." Lin Qirong laughed loudly, "Then you have to work hard."

"Well, I will work hard." Tongtong clenched his fists to encourage himself.

Zuo Youran looked at them amusedly, "Hurry up and eat, it's time to practice again in a while."

"Understood." Lin Qirong and Tongtong looked at each other, laughed together, sat down at the dinner table and started eating.

The next afternoon, the Shanghai Grand Theater held the finals of the National Children's Dance Competition.

Children from all over the country brought their own well-rehearsed dances.

The Angel Dance Training Center where Tongtong is located carefully selected children from all over the city to participate in this dance competition. Tongtong became the lead dancer and successfully occupied the C position.

In the competition, Tongtong, who has experienced countless performances, fully demonstrated her strength, and brought a dance that had been rehearsed for a long time with her friends, which amazed the audience.

Standing in the middle, Tongtong seemed to have a halo, and every movement attracted the attention of the audience, making it impossible to move their eyes away.

Unknowingly, that timid little girl has successfully transformed into a confident superstar.

Before Lin Qirong's eyes, it seemed that he had just transmigrated into this world a few years ago. The little man in his arms had tears in his eyes and a look of fear, which hit him deep in his heart.

From then on, the two had a deep bond and lived with each other.

For her, he worked hard all the way until today, seeing Tongtong's brilliant performance on the stage, he was filled with pride.

When I came to this world, my greatest achievement is to make Tongtong grow up happily and healthily to this day, and become an excellent child who is loved by everyone.

Everything else seemed so insignificant in front of her smile.

Zuo Youran beside him saw the look in his eyes, and reached out to grab his hand.

She understands the bond between father and daughter best, and no one can do without the other.

When Tong Tong and her little friends finished their performance, the audience burst into the warmest applause, mixed with some cheers.

In a corner, Tongtong's fan group "Tonghua Legion" cheered enthusiastically. They are the most loyal fans of Tongtong. They will participate in almost every event in Tongtong, and it is the same today.

Lin Qirong is deeply grateful for this, and Tonghua Entertainment has also introduced many measures to give back to these fans, allowing them to feel the kindness and gratitude from the stars they support, and support their idols even more.

As a result, a virtuous circle was formed, and Lin Qirong was quite satisfied with the effect.

In addition to the dance troupe of the Angel Dance Training Center where Tongtong is located, children from all over the country also brought wonderful performances, many of which were eye-catching.

These are some of the best dancers in the country, and it's no surprise that they're doing that.

But Lin Qirong knew that Tongtong was the most special one in the audience. Even though there were many second-generation stars among these children, and there were children like dolls that made people shine, Tongtong was still the most shining one. lose to any child.

This made Lin Qirong full of pride. What could be more proud than his own child being so outstanding?

The final award results also proved this point.

The dance troupe of the Angel Dance Training Center won the silver award and missed the gold award, but Tongtong still won the most shining child star award representing the best dance performers.

The loud applause from the audience means that everyone recognizes this award, and Tongtong deserves it.

"It's just a silver medal."

After the show, Tongtong was obsessed with not winning the gold medal, and he was very team spirit, and he didn't look very happy when he won the personal award.

"This is a national competition." Lin Qirong stroked her hair and smiled, "You have seen that many children performed very well.

So no matter what result we get, it's normal, as long as you work hard, it's fine, isn't it?

Think about it carefully, have you and your friends tried their best? "

Tongtong thought about it carefully before nodding. They really did their best.

"Since I played my best, there is nothing to regret if I didn't get the first place in the end.

Moreover, our eyes should not only focus on No.1, but also look at the side and the back. You must know that it is very difficult to get No.2 among so many people. "

Tongtong said, "I know, we have to continue to practice hard in the future."

"Just understand." Lin Qirong stroked her hair lovingly. "Now we should thank the fans who came here to cheer for you. It's not easy for them. We should express our gratitude to them."

"Okay." Tongtong obediently held the trophy he had won and followed Lin Qirong out of the theater door, and came to the fan group waiting there to celebrate with them.

The fans of "Tonghua Legion" were also very excited and took photos with Tongtong one after another. The atmosphere was very warm.

"Tonghua Legion" is the exclusive title of Tongtong's fan group, and Lin Qirong also has an exclusive fan group, and the number of people is larger than that of Tongtong.

"Glory" is their name. They are composed of all the fans who support Lin Qirong. Some of them like his songs, some of his variety shows, and some of his TV series. It is more complicated than Tongtong fans.

In addition, another artist Ayim's fan group "Goddess of the Moon" is also growing and has a strong fighting capacity.

These fans are the most solid foundation for a star like Lin Qirong in the entertainment industry, and also the greatest strength to rely on.

What is a traffic star?It is a star whose every move will attract attention. There must be a large number of loyal fans behind him, so that he can become a top traffic star.

Lin Qirong and Zuo Youran watched Tong Tong mingle with her fans, the unhappiness just now was gone, and her face was full of bright smiles.

Back home, she smiled happily from time to time, hugging the gift they gave her and couldn't put it down.

"Do you like them?" Lin Qirong asked.

"I like it, they are all nice people." Tongtong said happily.

"They are gathered together because of you, and because of your wonderful performance, more and more people are our strongest supporters.

Their support is our greatest strength and we must be grateful to them.

Do you know how to thank them? "

"I know." Tongtong said loudly, "Just practice harder, and then perform better and better next time, and they will be happier."

"This is very important, but we can do more, such as chatting and meeting with them frequently, sending them blessings and gifts every festival, and if there is anything we want to get them, if they have difficulties, We also have to find ways to help.”

Lin Qirong said earnestly, "We and them are mutually fulfilling, we can't just ask for nothing in return, it shouldn't be."

"I see."

(End of this chapter)

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