Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 451 VITORY

Chapter 451 VITORY
When the time entered July, the atmosphere of the [-]th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China gradually became stronger.

After decades of rapid development, China has gradually become stronger and is no longer the poor and backward country it once was. People still highly recognize this.

This year is the [-]th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the whole country attaches great importance to it. Since the beginning of the year, various celebration plans have been released, and everyone is using different methods to celebrate the [-]th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The same is true in the entertainment industry. Since this year, the number of historical films, documentaries, and military films related to the founding of the Party and the country has almost tripled. Every TV station has requirements to broadcast songs and works with the main melody.

Of course, CCTV is the most important department. It has been preparing various celebration programs since the beginning of the year. In July, the productions have been completed, and they have been broadcast on the screen one after another.

Among the many programs, a MV started to play quietly, but the timing of its broadcast was very particular. It was chosen at the prime time of the evening—the end of the news broadcast. This time is the time when everyone is waiting for the live broadcast of the weather.

Moreover, the news broadcast is also the content that all major TV stations have to broadcast, and the coverage is unimaginable. This shows how much the top management attaches importance to and expects this MV.

Amidst the low-pitched music, what appeared was the uniform military appearance of the guard of honor of the three armed forces, followed by the army, navy, and air force. They and their equipment were neatly arranged.

Tanks, missiles, airplanes, aircraft carriers and other equipment were all on display, and the scene was particularly spectacular. With the low and passionate music, it was full of the taste of autumn soldiers on the battlefield.

As the drums sounded and the music became more exciting, the guard of honor of the three services began to move, marching forward with neat steps, and then a fog rose, and the guard of honor of the three services stepped into the fog and disappeared.

As the screen turned, a tragic war scene appeared, with the rumble of guns on the sea, and the smoke of war everywhere in China. Amid the slightly sad music, the subtitles slowly emerged: 1840, the first Opium War.

Then there are scenes of history: the Sino-Japanese War, the Eight-Power Allied Forces burning the Old Summer Palace, the May [-]th Movement, the September [-]th Incident, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, the Battle of Songhu, the Battle of Changsha, the Nanjing Massacre...
The bloody history was uncovered one by one, making people realize once again how much suffering China suffered in the past, compared with today's happy life, it is like heaven and earth.

When the music is in the middle, gorgeous female voices join in, like the goddess of victory singing on the top of a mountain, singing more and more intensely, pain and joy, reality and dreams, all intertwined, rotated, condensed and sublimated in the vigorous singing .

The history of Huaxia has also undergone a huge turning point, and victories have come one after another. Huaxia has ushered in a new life, and the magnificent war scenes are exciting.

History moves forward with the song, passing through the dark history and ushering in a bright future. China has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The screen changed again, and the guard of honor of the three armed forces came out of the fog of history and appeared on Chang'an Avenue again, but it was more majestic and majestic than before.

Then various formations and weapons and equipment slowly passed by, aircraft roared past in the sky, and aircraft carriers rode the wind and waves on the sea...
The goddess' singing stopped abruptly, and the passionate music slowly fell down, gradually returning to calm.

It was the prime time at night, and many viewers turned on the TV to watch the news broadcast. They thought they saw this impassioned MV just before the end. Many people were dumbfounded, and when they realized it, their eyes were already wet.

Unknowingly, they have been shocked and deeply infected by this song and this MV, and the feelings in their hearts burst out with nowhere to vent.

After a while, the Internet was full of discussions about this song, and it directly parachuted to the top of the hot search list.

"Who can tell me about this song? It's so awesome that I'm going to fall to my knees."

"Epic-like music, which combines the history of China's century-old suffering and revival into such an amazing piece of music, full of epic sense, the director is not an ordinary cow."

"It's just like watching a movie. The background music and the pictures are completely integrated, and the history in the pictures doesn't feel outdated at all. I really want to watch a war movie, with all the history packed into it."

"I like it very much. It's majestic and the music fits the picture very well, especially the female voice in the middle. I'm really shocked."

"I doubt that anyone in China can make such music?"

"It really made my hair stand on end just now. This is the most exciting song I have ever heard. I am inexplicably proud of being a Chinese. I have no regrets in my life to enter China."

"Just now I listened to this song with my dog. Seeing the look in its eyes, I knew it wanted to ride me to the battlefield..."

Shocked netizens flocked to the Internet to discuss the song and express their thoughts.

They were really shocked.

Soon someone posted the song’s information.

"The title of the song is "VITORY", composer: Lin Qirong, director: Lin Qirong, partner: CCTV.

This is an epic work that overcomes difficulties and wins victory. We call it epic music.

This piece of music is characterized by its super-powerful momentum and tragic and passionate coexistence. Accompanied by the passionate singing of female voices, it demonstrates the determination of the heroes to destroy the enemy with the power of thunder and overwhelming forces. The scene is very broad and shocking. .

CCTV sought Lin Qirong's cooperation and together created this majestic and impassioned epic music. It was precisely in the hope that this song would be used to pay the highest respect to the brave and fearless heroes who fought against foreign invaders and established New China. The upcoming [-]th anniversary gift.

Entering China without regret in this life, never forget that we are the descendants of the dragon, our motherland is not strong enough, we still need everyone to work hard to build it well.

By the way, this song has been released on major music platforms for free! "

As soon as such news came out, netizens flocked to major music platforms one after another, downloaded the song called "VITORY" immediately, and once again felt the chills.

On the charts of all major platforms, this work soared up with an unstoppable momentum, reaching the top five positions overnight.

"It turned out to be Lin Qirong. No wonder he can create such shocking music. It's him, so I'm not surprised."

"I admire Lin Qirong's five-body casting, what kind of talent and what kind of mind is needed to create such a song."

"I apologize to Lin Qirong, I have been complaining that he doesn't show up much, he doesn't appear on the show, and there are no new releases of songs.

Now I know, it turns out that he was silently preparing for this piece of music. Even if he doesn't release a new song for a year, I think it's worth it to have this piece of music. "

In the next period of time, with the full broadcast of the MV, this song "VITORY" became the most popular music, successfully occupying the top of the charts of all major music platforms, and its status cannot be shaken.

Countless people were shocked by this song, and they all felt that their souls had been baptized once.

Lin Qirong's talent has been further recognized. What else is there to say about being able to create such an epic piece of music?Just kneel and lick.

CCTV's goal has been achieved, and this work has achieved an effect beyond imagination, which has attracted the attention of all parties.

As the one who promotes this project and this song, he is particularly conspicuous when other programs have not achieved obvious results, and he has been praised, which can be said to have a lot of benefits.

When he thought of this, he was filled with emotion.

When I first met Lin Qirong a few years ago, he was still a young man who needed his own help.

At that time, I just felt that he had personality, so I helped him for Su Qiyun's sake.

Who knew that a few years later, he would already be a well-known first-line star in China, a great screenwriter, director, famous music creator, and billionaire company boss. See.

This time I had the cheek to ask him for help, but the result was this shocking music that sparked countless discussions, and the effect far exceeded his imagination.

"Really don't know how he did it."

Su Muyang shook his head and smiled wryly, checked the time before calling Lin Qirong.

It's already evening now, Lin Qirong should be free.

Otherwise he wouldn't answer the phone while filming.

"Brother Su." After waiting for a long time, the call was connected, and Lin Qirong's voice came, with a hint of exhaustion.

"It took another day?" Su Muyang asked.

He is very aware of the hard work of the film crew, whether it is the director or the actors, what 996 is weak in front of them.

"Fortunately," Lin Qirong chuckled, "I'm already off work and don't have to work overtime. Only by combining work and rest can I be in good shape.

I was in a video chat with Tongtong just now, so I didn't hear the phone ringing, sorry. "

"It's okay, big things are not as important as having a video call with your precious daughter." Su Muyang smiled.

"Thank you." Lin Qirong said, thinking of Tongtong and himself reluctantly turning off the video in the video just now, he felt a little uncomfortable.

It’s time to go back again this weekend, otherwise my precious daughter might be angry.

Su Muyang smiled and said, "The MV is broadcast today, have you watched it?"

"I see, you have notified me, I must read it." Lin Qirong said.

"The effect is unexpectedly good." Su Muyang said excitedly, "Combining China's century-old history of suffering and revival history together, and using this majestic music to connect them together, it's really thanks to your idea, and it's really I did it for you.

According to some people, this MV alone is better than thousands of episodes of historical documentaries. "

 "Victory" is a single from Two Steps From Hell from the album Battlecry and is by far TSFH's most popular song.The shocking female voice and chorus, as well as the majestic melody, are enough to conquer the hearts of the audience.The best scene in the MV for this song is probably the war scene in "The Battle of the Five Armies". Those who are interested can check it out and listen to it. It is really a song that makes people's ears pregnant.

(End of this chapter)

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