Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 446 Film and Television City

Chapter 446 Film and Television City

Although it was only a short one-week trip, they lived a very fulfilling life and had wonderful experiences. They saw and learned a lot in three countries with strong artistic atmosphere.

On the plane, looking at Tong Tong who was soundly asleep, Lin Qirong laughed contentedly.

"At least Tongtong has gained a lot."

Although the three countries have some shortcomings compared to the top three European countries, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, they are definitely not inferior to the three countries in terms of culture and scenic spots.

In particular, the music atmosphere of Austria, the humanities and arts of Italy, and the aloofness of Switzerland can all give people the ultimate enjoyment.

Tongtong was able to see all kinds of buildings in these places that are completely different from the Chinese style, come into contact with various special music, see the wonderful performances of the Philharmonic Orchestra and the Kailin Rui Orchestra, and held a street concert with Hayden Concerts are very rich and rewarding.

In addition, the video of their performance on the streets of Vienna was recorded by tourists from all over the world and uploaded to their respective social networks, which attracted the attention of many people and became quite famous in various countries.

Have to say it was a pleasant surprise.

Zuo Youran smiled lightly and said nothing, this trip was also an unforgettable experience for her.

"It's going to be busy again."

Lin Qirong nodded, "Some things have to be done. Now we are no longer just a single person. There are too many people attached to us, and every move will cause a lot of impact."

Zuo Youran leaned gently on his shoulder, "You can do it, I believe in you."

"Thank you."

Once again setting foot on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the three of them had an unrealistic feeling.

Yesterday they were still looking at the snow-capped mountains in the snow-capped Swiss town, but today they returned to the hot Shanghai stock market, the difference is really too big.

However, I unconsciously felt a sense of steadfastness and peace of mind, because this is Huaxia.

After resting for a day, Lin Qirong was ready to set off.

"Father." Tong Tong hugged his arm with some reluctance.

Lin Qirong knelt down and hugged her gently, "Father also has work to do, and he has to work hard to finish it.

Just like you, you have your own tasks that you have to work hard to accomplish, and we are all in the same situation.

But Dad promises you that he will definitely come back once a week. "

"Really?" Tong Tong asked.

"Of course, in fact, the place where Dad went is not far away, it's just that Dad is busy with work this time, so he can't come back at night.

In the future, Dad will try to go out as little as possible and stay with you at home more, okay? "

"Yeah." Tongtong nodded seriously, "I will practice hard at home."

"Be good." Lin Qirong rubbed her hair, "You have to listen to the teacher and behave well. When the time comes, Dad wants to see your wonderful performance. It must be very exciting then."

"I see."

Lin Qirong stood up and hugged Zuo Youran gently.

"Thanks a lot."

"It should, isn't it?" Zuo Youran chuckled lightly.

Lin Qirong smiled happily, waved goodbye to them, then turned around and got into the car, started slowly and left.

Behind him, Tong Tong waved his hands, tears falling down in strings.

She knew that her father would be away for a long time this time.

"Don't cry." Zuo Youran held her in his arms and said, "Didn't Dad say he would come back every week? And we can video chat with Dad every day.

Dad is working hard over there, so we should also practice hard at home and try to surprise Dad, okay? "

"Yeah." Tong Tong nestled in Zuo Youran's arms, "Teacher, will you always be with me?"

"Of course, didn't the teacher promise you a long time ago?"

"Hee hee, I just want to ask."

"Little villain." Zuo Youran gently tapped her forehead, "Hurry up and wash your face, and then we will start practicing."


Blue Sea Film and Television City is the largest film and television shooting base in Asia. Every day there are countless film crews filming here. Every day, the joys and sorrows of the emperors and generals, down to the common people, are shown.

Up to now, here is not only a simple film and television shooting base, but also an integrated place for various industries of film and television production. From the preparation of a film and television drama to post-production and distribution, you can find corresponding companies here. Responsible.

People are another key element of this film and television base. All kinds of professional and technical talents, experienced group performers, and extras make a living here. A crew only needs to name the talents they want, and someone will be there immediately. Self-recommendation.

It can be said that a crew can find everything they need here, including actors.

Nuo Da's film and television city extends in all directions, and there are crowds of people, mixed with people wearing various clothes.

Don’t be surprised if you see a girl in costume eating an ice cream. Maybe she just finished her scene from one set and bought an ice cream to relieve herself while rushing to another set. Just to satisfy my craving.

Therefore, if no one came to pick him up, Lin Qirong believed that he would really get lost.

Fortunately, Li Guangsheng and He Yijun waited at the gate early and took them into a house.

"The short-term rental business is very popular here, because a film crew here takes several months to shoot. Except for a few big names, there are not many people who can stay in hotels every day, so various short-term rentals have emerged."

Li Guangsheng took him into a room and explained with a smile, "With Mr. Zhong's network and Manager Sha Mingjuan's stroke of a pen, we rented this building for a few months.

In this way, everyone can have a good place to rest during filming. There is also a small canteen on the first floor, which can just solve our food problem. "

"It's a waste of money to stay in a hotel, but this kind of place is quite suitable."

Lin Qirong nodded, approved his words, and turned around to look at his room.

This is a suite with a living room outside, where they can gather to drink tea and discuss the plot.

Inside is the lounge, with a small balcony, standing on it overlooking the entire film and television city, the scenery is very good.

"Be careful, the conditions are very good."

"Several principals, several leading actors, and several important business backbones basically live in this condition. Others are worse, but not too bad. At most, two people share a room."

Li Guangsheng said, "In general, everyone's living conditions are relatively good this time, so morale is pretty good."

Lin Qirong nodded, "It's a good thing that everyone can devote themselves to the shooting without any worries.

I would like to inform everyone that we will hold a meeting in the evening to discuss the script together. "

"Okay." Li Guangsheng agreed quickly, "One thing, Qirong, do you really want Sujie to star?"

"Of course." Lin Qirong nodded, with a half-smile, "Why? I'm afraid she won't want you because of this drama?"

"How come? I have great confidence in myself." Li Guangsheng waved his hand and said, "I just feel a little unrealistic."

"I know that Su Jie's acting skills are never bad, it's just a little bit of luck and opportunity." Lin Qirong said with a smile, "This role is very suitable for her, why can't I consider her as the leading role?

We don't care what people from the outside say, as long as the work comes out, we can tell them to shut up. "

Li Guangsheng nodded, "I see, then I will not be polite, and I also hope that she will not play a small role all the time, but can also be a leading role for a while.

If Sujie doesn't behave well, don't be polite, just point it out, at worst I'll start a quarrel with her later. "

"Then it depends on what's wrong." Lin Qirong put his arms around his shoulders and smiled, "You are the only couple in our group, don't spread dog food, we can't afford a sweet crit."

He Yijun also showed a hint of a smile, apparently getting to the point of Lin Qirong's words.

"Fuck you." Li Guangsheng pushed him, "Sujie is living alone this time, but she didn't live with me.

In addition to needing time and space to ponder the script, she also needs to have a good relationship with the other leading actors. I won't cause any trouble to her. "

"I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend like you."

"It seems like you are talking about how bad you are."


Lin Qirong and He Yijun looked at each other and smiled.

Lin Qirong has Zuo Youran, He Yijun has Ni Jiayin, and Li Guangsheng has Yang Sujie.

Unknowingly, the three brothers walked out of the shadows of the past and found their own happiness again.

"If we don't know how to cherish, we'd be so stupid."

"We have no problem, but we don't know if you will relapse after you become a great director, and return to the love saint mode of living among thousands of flowers without even touching your body."

Li Guangsheng shook his head again and again, "Impossible, it can be said that he is young and frivolous and ignorant to do this.

After so many things, if I still make Sujie, who has given everything for me, cry, I will not forgive myself. "

"Then I'm relieved." Lin Qirong patted him on the shoulder, "Otherwise, I really have to consider whether or not to let you take charge."

"So you don't trust me so much?" Li Guangsheng looked resentful.

"No." Lin Qirong denied, "I have full confidence in you."

"Come on."

Li Guangsheng laughed, "We three brothers have finally embarked on the right path. I don't know what achievements we will achieve in the future."

"It's okay to make movies and TV shows that people love to watch, and then make more money."

"I like this idea. The other empty heads are not interesting at all. They usually seem to be very popular, but when a Hollywood blockbuster comes over, they all become cannon fodder."

"This question is so profound."

"Yeah, who knows what will happen in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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