Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 428 Students who work hard on their own

Chapter 428 Students who work hard on their own
Three groups of students stepped onto the stage, ready to meet the instructor's assessment.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

"Forget winning or losing, forget about other things, only have this stage in your eyes, overcome fear, conquer this stage, and then conquer the live audience.

This is what I ask of you, and it is also a small suggestion for your future career as a singer. "

Yang Daiqiu said affectionately to several of her students that she has also established a deep relationship with them after several months of getting along.

If possible, she really doesn't want these children to face such a cruel assessment, and hopes that everyone can become a singer smoothly.

But rules are rules, and now that she is on this stage, both she and the students must abide by such rules.

Several students nodded in agreement. Following Wen Yiren's prompts, Meng Ge and Ji Yuankai stayed on the stage. They would be the first to accept the instructor's assessment.

Lin Qirong reached out and slowly sank his hand on his chest, signaling them not to be nervous, to relax and enjoy the happiness brought by the music.

However, I believe this can only be his good wish. On such a stage, even he himself may not be immune to nervousness, let alone these young people.

Intense music sounded, and the dynamic melody made the scene boil instantly.

Meng Ge and Ji Yuankai also shook their bodies with the rhythm of the music, immersed in the extremely familiar melody.

"I'm not tired at all. I've been dancing for three days and three nights. I'm in the mood now and will get drunk even if I drink soda..."

Meng Ge first sang, and the extremely penetrating voice made the audience exclaim at once, and it was a very high pitch, which also means that this song will bring a very terrifying high-pitched bombardment.

Can Ji Yuankai pick it up?Can they maintain such a high note all the time?

People can't help but have such doubts.

Amid everyone's questions, Ji Yuankai opened his mouth and continued singing.

"I won't get tired at all. I will dance for another three days and three nights. My mood is so light that I can fly..."

He picked up the high notes brought by Meng Ge without any difficulty at all, and sang his own characteristics.

If Mengge's high note is like piercing clouds and cracking stones, then Ji Yuankai's high note is full of power and grandeur.

Their subsequent performances also refreshed everyone's understanding time and time again.

High, can be higher, still raising KEY...
The two sang together completely, bouncing and dancing on the stage, singing and dancing to their heart's content, and the most difficult chorus part was also very tight, the combination of the two voices brought another fresh feeling.

The most important thing is that after soaring such high notes for a long time, they did not experience any instability of breath at all, which was worse than most singers.

Only Yang Daiqiu and Lin Qirong knew how much hard work these two big boys had put in to control the breath in the high-pitched area. Ji Yuankai, who was originally a little fat, had already developed eight-pack abs.

The hard work paid off, and tonight's song "Three Days and Three Nights" completely released their talents.

Judging from the audience's reaction, you can tell that their performance completely turned the audience upside down, and they became famous in the first battle.

After a song was over, the two big boys finally stopped, panting and thanking everyone.

At this time, their singing seems to be echoing around people's ears, and the reverberation is lingering.

"Huh, huh, huh." Including a few mentors, the audience stood up and gave them the warmest applause. The song just now was really amazing.

"Oh, it's really amazing." Geng Bowei was amazed, "It's very difficult to keep such a high pitch in the high pitch range, and you can do it, how much effort is required to do it ? Really amazing kid."

"I can explain this." Yang Daiqiu said with a smile, "In order to master the problem of keeping their breath stable in the high range, they have to do at least two hours of fitness exercises every day, try to find the most suitable high range for them, and keep it go down.

Originally, I was also very worried about them, because the difficulty is too great, even I may not be able to do this.

I didn't expect them to perform it flawlessly. It's amazing, and I'm very proud of it. "

Shen Yuxing asked, "Isn't this song written by Mr. Lin?"

Lin Qirong nodded, "They are born with high notes, and high notes are their greatest weapon, so I created this song specially for them, which is both an opportunity and a challenge for them.

Thankfully, they did a great job with the song and gave everyone an unforgettable performance, which I'm so proud of. "

There was thunderous applause at the scene, not only for the two excellent singers, but also for the two excellent mentors.

Everyone can see that the two young singers have made great progress compared to the audition, and this song fully reflects it.

"The next step is to enter the tutor selection process." Wen Yiren said with a smile, "Teacher Yang Daiqiu, have you made a decision yet?"

"Oh my God, this is the scariest thing." Yang Daiqiu wailed, "Just now I was so excited that I forgot that such a thing was waiting for me here."

“We don’t have to worry about this.” Geng Bowei smiled, “So we can reminisce about this song.

No matter what, you have to make a decision. Is it painful to keep one and give up one?We've been through this before, and now it's your turn. "

Yang Daiqiu looked at Lin Qirong as if asking for help.

She originally thought that she could make a decision easily, but when it really came to this time, she found it difficult for her to make a final decision.

We must know that these children have worked hard for their musical dreams for a long time, no matter how hard the training is, they can bear it, and no matter how crazy the plan is, they have completed it.

These are good kids.

But now I have to end the music dream of one of them with my own hands, and let him stop from now on, which is really cruel.

Lin Qirong smiled helplessly, he could tell that Yang Daiqiu was not acting, but was really having a hard time making such a decision.

The queen still has a soft heart.

He said softly, "Sister Yang, this is the rule, we all have to act within the rule, if we try to break the rule, it will be unfair to the show, other instructors and even the students.

Now that they have chosen to step onto this stage, they are already mentally prepared to accept any outcome.

Weakness is the original sin, no one can deny this.

Besides, no matter who wins or who loses, it is not the end of the world for them. As long as they don't give up their dreams, they will definitely step on this stage in the future and prove to everyone that he is an excellent singer.

In the future, regardless of his accomplishments, he will appreciate what you have done for them before. "

Yang Daiqiu's eyes slowly recovered, and he couldn't help but smiled wryly, "This is the first time I've made such a decision, but I feel very uncomfortable, thank you."

"You're welcome, this is the duty of the supporting instructor, isn't it?"

"So what do you suggest? Who do you think performed better?"

"This is the right of your mentor, I cannot influence your decision.

I can only give a suggestion according to my thoughts. As far as this song is concerned, I think Mengge's performance is more amazing. "

Yang Daiqiu nodded and sat up straight.

"It seems that Teacher Yang Daiqiu has made his own decision, right?"

Yang Daiqiu said helplessly, "I really don't want to eliminate someone, but Qirong is right, this is a competition, and we must abide by the rules of the competition.

I eliminated one of you, not because you are not good enough, but because your teammates are better than you in this performance.

I hope that no matter which of you two is eliminated, you will remember what Teacher Lin and I told you before, chasing dreams is not only on this stage.

This is just a transit station for you. As long as you keep going, you will realize your dreams one day. "

Both Meng Ge and Ji Yuankai nodded frequently, compared to Yang Daiqiu, they seemed very calm.

Perhaps as Lin Qirong said, when they come to this stage, anyone may be eliminated, and they are mentally prepared for this.

Under Wen Yiren's urging and everyone's nervous gaze, Yang Daiqiu finally said the name she chose to stay on this stage.

"Mongolian song."

After finishing speaking, she turned her head away, not wanting to see Ji Yuankai disappointed.

Wen Yiren asked Ji Yuankai to give his farewell speech after the two people on the stage hugged.

Ji Yuankai looked up at the sky and took a deep breath before picking up the microphone and speaking.

"Actually, after the performance, I knew the result. Meng sang better than me. This result is deserved.

Although I have some regrets, I can no longer continue to fight with the two teachers and brothers and sisters, but I have no regrets, and I even feel very fortunate that I have come to Teacher Yang's team.

I have learned a lot of things here, and gained a lot of things. More importantly, I am honored to cooperate with Mengge to complete this song written by Mr. Lin himself. I am satisfied, It is also satisfying.

Even if I leave today, I have no regrets. Thank you two teachers again. You have given me a lot of help and taught me a lot. I will keep these in my heart and continue to persevere in the future. "

Lin Qirong looked sideways at Yang Daiqiu, her face was covered with tears, it seemed that it was impossible to speak for the time being.

He thought for a while before saying, "Yuan Kai, you are an excellent student. You don't talk much, but you are one of the most assiduous students. During this period of time, you have made great progress. It can be said that you are already a Qualified singer.

Strictly speaking, this song is unfair to you, because Meng Ge is more suitable for this song than you, and it is easier to play well.

Under such circumstances, you still tried your best to complete this song and worked together to give us such an amazing performance. I am very pleased.

You still have a long way to go in the future, please keep your state of mind and continue to work hard. I believe that those who work hard will not be let down. "

"Thank you."

Amid the applause of the audience, Ji Yuankai walked off the stage, embraced Yang Daiqiu and Lin Qirong respectively, and bid farewell to the stage reluctantly.

 "Three Days and Three Nights" is a song written and composed by Aguai and sung by Zhang Huimei. Ge Yusen and Zhang Wei sang this song during the PK of the first season of The Voice of China, which caused a sensation in the audience.To be honest, the first season of The Voice was the most impressive. There were many excellent and distinctive singers, and almost all of them later embarked on the path of singers.

(End of this chapter)

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