Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 426 Start Recording

Chapter 426 Start Recording

In the midst of being busy, June has passed by in a hurry.

Lin Qirong finally completed the production of the entire song and the MV. Su Muyang came to Shanghai in person and watched the song for the first time, which took a long time, a lot of hard work, and countless resources.

Needless to say, he listened to the whole song with his mouth open, trembling all over.

Lin Qirong knew that this was the reason for his excitement, and few people could hear this song without being excited.

When a song was played, Su Muyang turned his head, his eyes were red, and said a little embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I lost my composure. It's really your song and this MV that are so shocking."

He thinks that he has always had strong self-control, but today he was completely shocked by this song and couldn't control himself.

Lin Qirong handed him a tissue and said with a smile, "I can understand, because even though I created this song, every time I hear it or see it, I will still be inexplicably shocked.

Perhaps there are too many and heavy things in it, so we can't help but be moved. "

Su Muyang nodded, "Thank you, thank you so much, thank you for making such an epic work for us, I think people all over China will like it, I promise."

Lin Qirong smiled lightly, he had absolute confidence in this song.

"Then I'll take it back." Su Muyang said, "It's already July, and various promotions have started one after another, and this song is about to be on stage.

I'm looking forward to what kind of impact it will have when it first appears in front of everyone's eyes. "

"It's my pleasure."

This song carries too many thoughts of Lin Qirong, and he is also very concerned about the effect after it is broadcast.

"By the way," Su Muyang suddenly remembered something, "Minister Zhao asked me when can you go to the capital?

The preparatory work for the "Huaxia Poetry Conference" has been in full swing for a long time. The program team flew all over the country to collect a group of outstanding poetry lovers, and the stage and everything are almost ready.

Considering that the schedule is scheduled for the fourth quarter, Minister Zhao would like to ask you when you can come over and prepare for the recording. "

"It's only September." Lin Qirong said helplessly, "It would be better to give more time to prepare. I will contact Minister Zhao to discuss this matter together."

"I see." Su Muyang was just passing on Zhao Zhiyong's words. It's not a big problem to start broadcasting in October and start recording in September.

What's more, the setting of the most important stage art still takes some time to prepare.

"Your senior sister also said that she hasn't seen you for a long time."

Lin Qirong froze for a moment, then smiled wryly.

"Senior Sister is really good at joking, and I even called to discuss work together a few days ago.

I went over to report to her as soon as I had time. "

"If Miss Dong doesn't agree with you, she's still very young."

"That's my fault."

After sending Su Muyang away, Lin Qirong knew how busy he would be in the second half of the year. The recording of "Voice of China" was about to begin. He had promised Tongtong to go out to play during the summer vacation, and there was also a new drama that had been planned for a long time. , The cooperation with CCTV has to go there in person.

It's really exhausting.

"No matter how busy you are, Tongtong is the most important." He said to himself, and this will never change.

The TV series directed by Han Ying has already started filming. This TV series has invited several popular and powerful actors from entertainment companies to play the leading role. The young actors of Tonghua Dream Entertainment Brokerage Company have also got a lot of opportunities in it.

Aimu did not participate in this film, one is because she is still a student, participating in too many filmings will affect her studies; the other is because Lin Qirong has other arrangements for her.

The investment in this TV series is not low, the actors' status is not low, and it is directed by Han Ying herself, so it can be said that a lot of things are entrusted.

The newly established Tonghua Fantasy Entertainment needs to rely on this drama to open up the situation, and tell everyone with actual results that Fantasy Entertainment has not fallen, and the new Tonghua Fantasy Entertainment will become a force that cannot be ignored.

Many people are looking forward to its completion.

After Lin Qirong arranged things properly, he immediately flew to the blue sea and started the journey of helping out as a mentor.


Seeing the six students again, Lin Qirong was surprised by the changes in them.

"That's right, I'm more confident." He nodded with satisfaction, "It seems that this period of time has gained a lot."

"Your mentor has composed for them personally, don't they still have confidence?" Yang Daiqiu said with a smile, "The three songs used by our team are all new songs, which can be said to be the first time in the world. You are really lucky.

Remember to behave well and don't let us down. "

"Mr. Yang is teasing you, don't be under pressure."

Lin Qirong laughed and said, "I still say the same thing, don't think about the competition, you should think about me performing. I want to perform this work perfectly with my teammates, so that the audience can get the ultimate music enjoyment." .

In addition to polishing some small details in the past two days, relax your mind and have a good rest. Don't stay up late. The most important thing is to maintain a good state. "

"Your teacher Lin is showing off his theory again, but it does make sense." Yang Daiqiu said with a smile, "He is better than me in this aspect, so it is definitely correct to listen to him."

"Understood, teacher."

"Okay, now we should see what kind of progress you have made during this time."

Yang Daiqiu clapped his palms, "Come in groups, we will grasp the details, detail by detail, and strive for perfection."

"Let me accompany you." Lin Qirong volunteered.

"That would be the best."

Next, the three groups of students sang the competition songs they had prepared for a long time. The three groups of students and three different styles gave people a very good listening experience.

Lin Qirong could tell that they had made considerable progress in the past period of time, their respective weaknesses had been greatly strengthened, and their respective strengths had also improved.

Especially for a few students who are good at treble, they are no longer as floating as before in the treble area, but have become much more solid.

This shows that they have a lot more Qi, and the long-term exercise still has an effect, which will undoubtedly make them develop better in the future.

However, Yang Daiqiu obviously still has a lot of dissatisfaction with them, and pointed out one problem after another, all of which are in the details.

The timing of breathing, the devotion of emotion, the tacit understanding of cooperation, etc., if these problems can be overcome, it will undoubtedly make them go further.

Even Lin Qirong learned a lot from the sidelines. After all, she is a queen, and she is definitely not a vase-like existence. What she sees is always different from others.

Zhang Tairan and others naturally accepted it humbly, and continued to work hard to correct it after returning home.

After they left, Yang Daiqiu nodded in satisfaction.

"It's quite a sense of accomplishment, everyone has made great progress, and has initially possessed the strength of a debut singer, and each has its own characteristics.

There were times when I actually wanted to applaud, but I didn't want to give them a chance to be proud before recording, so I held back. "

Lin Qirong nodded approvingly, "Yes, they are all very good young people. Especially Leng Wanning, I think her future is the brightest."

Yang Daiqiu frowned, "Leng Wanning's voice is indeed distinctive and recognizable, but it puts higher demands on her singing skills.

More importantly, she needs to have special songs to show her vocal characteristics, which is relatively restricted.

It's actually a bit unfair to put her and Ma Xiaoyang together this time, because Ma Xiaoyang should be the strongest in our group. "

Lin Qirong smiled and said nothing.

"You don't agree?"

Lin Qirong shook his head, "I agree that Ma Xiaoyang is indeed very strong, but her strength lies in her overall quality. In a single song, her performance may not be able to firmly hold down Leng Wanning.

Of course, this is under the condition that Leng Wanning can display her strength normally. "

"Then I look forward to their performance in this group."

"Let's just wait and see."

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet other mentors."


Following Yang Daiqiu, Lin Qirong got to know the other three mentors and their supporting mentors respectively.

Geng Bowei, Shi Liangjun, Shen Yuxing, the three mentors are all at the level of Taishan Beidou in the Chinese music scene, symbolizing the first golden age of the development of the Chinese music scene.

The relationship between Yang Daiqiu and them is very good, and even Lin Qirong has received a lot of praise. He got acquainted with several mentors and exchanged contact information respectively, which is not a small gain.

"I heard that your team conducted a closed training camp, how effective is it?" Shen Yuxing and Yang Daiqiu laughed.

Yang Daiqiu raised his eyebrows, "Being a mentor for the first time, you always have to be serious. Anyway, you have assigned tasks to them. It depends on the individual to what extent you can do it. Revolution depends on self-consciousness.

I also heard that your programs are very rich. "

"We believe that there is no music without brothers. It is normal for us to have a good relationship." Shen Yuxing laughed, "We recorded in one night. I hope my little brothers will not be upstaged by your students."

"With that group of weirdos in your team, who can steal their limelight?" Yang Daiqiu said.

"Haha." This is what Shen Yuxing is proud of, winning by surprise has always been his favorite.

Other tutors also joined in one after another, spying on each other's situation.

Before the recording started, the instructors played Infernal Affairs first, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Lin Qirong also realized that the mentors of several heavenly kings and queens also had a childish side.

Especially Shen Yuxing, just like a child, he claimed to be an old urchin and was proud of it.

But for so many years, being able to play music and playing it wonderfully is his most appreciated trait, and he is a veteran of "Voice of China".

After two days of preparation, the second stage of "Voice of China" finally started recording.

(End of this chapter)

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