Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 418 Definition of happiness

Chapter 418 Definition of happiness

The first episode of the first season of "Sound on the Scene" was successfully recorded, and everyone was very satisfied.

The audience was a little unfulfilled, and reluctantly left the recording site. They kept talking about the wonderful content of the recording site just now. This trip was really worth it.

"Cui Zhengyi is really charming. When he walks out, he is a man with his own BGM. He is really awesome."

"I think Hu Mingyang's arrogant and mean-spirited look is particularly heart-warming. He is extremely fluent in various languages ​​and can switch seamlessly, which is amazing."

"I didn't expect that Mr. Xin Xiujie, the great god in the dubbing world, is such a person. It's so interesting. In fact, he can make his debut. He looks like a star."

"Tao Xinji is also very fun. Who knew that the domineering person on the screen could be so shy in real life."

"The four are all powerful actors, the ones who kneel. At first, I really couldn't hear it. I thought it was the original voice. I didn't expect that they all have such abilities."

"Yeah, if you compare them in terms of popularity, they all can't compare to a traffic star.

But in terms of acting ability and line skills, ten traffic stars tied together are not as good as any of them. "

"Anyway, I'm following this show. With such a wonderful performance in the first episode, it's hard to imagine what great masters will come out later, and what big surprises will appear."

"Am I the only one who thinks that Lin Qirong is the best? It's another show written by him, and another show destined to become a hit variety show."

"Yeah, Lin Qirong is the best. If one work is popular, it must be a high-quality work produced by Tonghua. If you want to watch high-quality works in the future, just look for Tonghua Entertainment."

"That sums it up pretty well."

"It seems that the feedback is very good."

After the recording was finished, all the recording staff did not leave, but got together to discuss the situation of the recording just now.

Hearing the audience's feedback gathered by the staff, everyone laughed happily.

The live audience felt good, so will the program broadcast after careful editing be worse?
Maybe this will be another hit variety show, the picture is so beautiful that no one can imagine it.

"The point is, this time is really enjoyable." Cui Zhengyi said with a smile, "It is really enjoyable to be able to compete, compete, and cooperate with three such powerful actors."

Everyone else nodded in approval, even Hu Mingyang, who was always extremely proud, did the same.

Although he won the championship this time, the strength of other people is also very good. In some respects, even he is ashamed of himself. He was able to win because of the freshness brought by his unique foreign performance experience.

So the arrogance in his heart has also subsided a lot, and his relationship with everyone has become better.

"I was worried about the big show at the end." Wan Guangyao smiled, "But the four teachers controlled the situation very well and perfectly performed the effect we wanted. It's really amazing."

The four of them looked at each other and smiled. In the big voice show just now, the four of them showed their skills, and at the same time paid attention to the cooperation between each other. It can be said that they did their best.

"I'm lagging behind in this aspect." Xin Xiujie said sincerely, "Performing on stage is really not my strong point, if it wasn't for the guidance that Director Lin gave me before, I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to be on this stage.

Compared with the three teachers, my acting skills are really embarrassing. "

Lin Qirong waved his hands at him, "Dare to compare your acting skills with professional actors, it means that your performance is still good, otherwise the other teachers will not give you a chance to amaze everyone."

Everyone laughed. In fact, Xin Xiujie didn't reveal too many problems, but he was demanding too much of himself.

"In the future, I will work hard to practice my acting skills." Xin Xiujie said seriously, "If the dubbing industry wants to usher in a spring, we can't expect everyone to like this industry, but should take the initiative to seek changes.

Taking the initiative to learn various skills, such as acting and singing, will help us better integrate into the role and create a more successful role.

Only by bravely coming out from behind the scenes can we usher in the real spring. "

"I think it's pretty good." Wan Guangyao said approvingly, "Our station's ace variety show "Happy Time" seems to have plans to make such an album, so that the voice actors with unique skills will go on stage to show themselves bravely.

Maybe there will be a dubbing actor like Mr. Xin who will be successful because of this, or maybe the entertainment circle will usher in a group of actors with solid lines skills in the future. "

"This is a very interesting situation." Cui Zhengyi said with a smile, "I look forward to such a day."

Everyone laughed, with a hint of anticipation in their eyes.

Yes, if there are more and more capable and hard-working actors, will China's film and television industry get better and better?

As a part of it, such a future is worth looking forward to.

"So we have to work harder."

Wan Guangyao smiled and said, "How about? Let's go have a late-night snack together? I'll treat you."

"That's a must, this time I want to be very spicy."

"I'd better take it lightly. Chili is not good for the throat."

"Look at me eating spicy food every day, how is my throat?"

"I dare not compare myself with you."

Everyone talked and laughed and went out together to prepare for supper.

Wan Guangyao and Lin Qirong walked side by side, "Qirong, thank you."

Lin Qirong was stunned for a moment, and then realized, "You're welcome, Director Wan, I just did what I should do."

"You don't have to be humble with me." Wan Guangyao waved his hand, "You did all the preliminary work, and the four guests were able to have such an outstanding performance, thanks to your suggestions.

It can be said that without you, maybe this show would still be very exciting, but there will definitely be various problems, and if you are not careful, it may overturn.

Do you think I should thank you?
Compared with me, you are actually more suitable to be the chief director of this program. "

"Wan Dao is joking." Lin Qirong shook his head again and again, "At best, I will give you my own advice, and I will definitely not be able to control the overall situation and coordinate all parties.

I think Director Xu and the others must have recognized you by choosing you to be the chief director of this show. I am far behind you, so please don’t tell me this. I will have a problem later on. Responsible. "

"Haha." Wan Guangyao patted him on the shoulder, "I see, I'll make a note of this matter, don't call me Dao Wan in the future, just call me Brother Wan, I also hope to be able to make you my friend."

"Okay, Brother Wan."

"Let's go quickly, or they will eat up all the food in a while."

"Don't worry, the payer hasn't arrived yet, they dare not."


The day after the recording of the program was completed, Lin Qirong declined Xu Qingmin and others' attempts to stay and flew directly back to Shanghai.

Now that the matter is over, he can't wait to go back home to meet his lovely baby and the gentle and pleasant Zuo Youran.

"Father." When get out of class was over, Tongtong saw Lin Qirong and threw himself into his arms happily.

It's been more than a week since she saw her father. She misses him so much.

"Baby." Lin Qirong rubbed her hair lovingly, "Daddy is back."

"Yeah." Tongtong raised his head and asked, "Is dad still going out to work?"

Lin Qirong thought for a while, "I won't for the time being, even if I go out to work, I will try my best to come back to play with you."

"Yeah, that's great." Tongtong cheered happily.

"Come on, dad and teacher will accompany you to practice together."

"I want to carry it." Tongtong opened his hands.

"Okay, Dad, carry the baby." Lin Qirong squatted down, let her lie on his stomach, and walked forward with her on his back.

Zuo Youran smiled and watched the interaction between the two fathers and daughters. This was their special emotional connection, and at this time, even he couldn't get involved.

However, instead of feeling depressed, she was very happy.

Such a warm picture is exactly what I need.

"Father, I've already started to learn how to paddle." Tongtong said while lying on Lin Qirong's back.

"Wow, is it so powerful?"

"That's right." Tongtong said happily, "After learning to breathe, I learned to kick. I am very good. I learned it all at once, and I can swim alone with the support of the floating board.

Two days ago, the teacher started to ask me to paddle, paddling like a frog, kicking my legs, and then raised my head to breathe. "

"Baby is awesome."

"Of course." Tongtong said proudly, and then lowered his voice, "Actually, the teacher taught me very seriously."

"Then did you thank the teacher?"

"Yes, the teacher said you're welcome. This is what she should do. Dad, is this what mom should do?"

Lin Qirong was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Zuo Youran, her face turned red at some point.

He turned back and said with a smile, "Yeah, just like dad, mom has to accompany the baby to do all kinds of things, study, training, swimming, sleeping, and many other things."

"Then is the teacher my mother?" Tong Tong asked again.

Lin Qirong and Zuo Youran beside him looked at each other, stretched out his right hand to gently hold her hand, and said with a light smile, "Well, of course it's okay for you to treat the teacher as your mother."

"Yeah, that's great, Dad, Mom and I, our family is so happy."

Tong Tong danced and danced, so that Lin Qirong had to withdraw his arms and hug her to prevent her from falling off his back.

"Baby, be careful, don't fall." He said angrily.

"Hee hee." Tongtong quieted down, stuck out his tongue embarrassingly, "I'm sorry, I'm too excited and happy."

"I can't be so excited to practice for a while."


There is tenderness in Zuo Youran's eyes. Although she has not made any promise yet, she believes that this man and this little girl beside her will be the most important people in her life in the future.

They must be very happy.

In a warm atmosphere, the piano shop has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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