Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 412 The game is in progress (4)

Chapter 412 The game is in progress ([-])
The two walked side by side.

"Did you tear Sha Hanyang apart just now?"

"Well, one-on-one, it took a lot of effort."

"It seems that you are still young. It is estimated that the fear of being crushed by the big boss will cover them again, and I will be added to this little boss." Tian Yuxiang laughed.

"It's not that exaggerated. Didn't I get ripped off by you and Brother Yun back then? My daughter was still aggrieved when I went back, so when I came back to participate in the show, she asked me to win.

But it was very hard for me to tear Sha Hanyang alone. Your brand tearing skills are already very good, and I don't even have much confidence.

So you have to help me properly, otherwise Tongtong will be unhappy after going back. "

Tian Yuxiang clenched his fists, "Okay, let's cooperate well, it should be fine, and we must not make Tongtong unhappy."

"Thank you."

The two walked forward for a while and met the combination of Lu Songwen and Zhang Meimei. When they saw the combination of Lin Qirong and Tian Yuxiang, their eyes showed vigilance.

Lu Songwen didn't think that the combination of himself and Zhang Meimei could compete with the combination of Lin Qirong and Tian Yuxiang.

If it was a one-on-one situation, he would be very interested in a showdown with Lin Qirong to avenge the original revenge, but at this time, he wisely chose to retreat, and turned around and ran away with Zhang Meimei.


It's rare to see such an opportunity, how could the two of them let it go?If Lu Songwen and Zhang Meimei could be KOed here, only Yuntian Zhong would be a threat. Two against one would definitely not be a problem.

Lu Songwen's speed was very fast, but Zhang Meimei obviously couldn't outrun a few men, and was overtaken within a short distance.

Lu Songwen had no choice but to turn around, stand in front of Zhang Meimei, and look at Lin Qirong and Lin Qirong warily.

"The plot of the hero saving the beauty." Tian Yuxiang laughed.

"It's a pity that we are going to be villains." Lin Qirong smiled, walked in front of them, bent down, "Come on, one on one?"

Lu Songwen glanced at Tian Yuxiang, nodded, and also bent down, "I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

The two collided hard, their arms entangled with each other, and their feet kept moving. The battle was extremely tragic from the beginning.

Lu Songwen has great strength and is very flexible. This is related to his martial arts training since he was a child, and it is also one of his strengths in the entertainment industry.

However, after the competition, he found that Lin Qirong was not inferior to him in terms of strength or speed, and his skills were not much worse than him who had been playing this game for two years and had many highlight moments.

Slowly, he even felt that he was at a disadvantage, and was almost torn off by Lin Qirong grabbing the name tag several times.

Tian Yuxiang and Zhang Meimei, who were standing aside, had complex expressions after seeing this situation.

When Lin Qirong and Lu Songwen were entangled again, Tian Yuxiang finally took action and sneaked up to them. Under Zhang Meimei's surprised eyes, he went straight to Lin Qirong's name tag with both hands.

He was actually an undercover agent, and he made a move when Lu Songwen showed his disgrace, with the purpose of tearing up Lin Qirong's name tag.

Time seemed to have stood still, Zhang Meimei opened her small mouth slightly, not understanding why Tian Yuxiang would sneak up on her teammates.

Seeing all this, Lu Songwen's eyes were filled with ecstasy. He didn't expect Tian Yuxiang to be on his side. Now, it's two against one, so don't worry about not being able to win.

It was too late, and when Tian Yuxiang was about to grab Lin Qirong's name tag, Lin Qirong's body suddenly accelerated like a spinning top, spinning half a circle along Lu Songwen's body, tearing, and his left hand had already written Lu Songwen's name tag. The cards were torn off.

Time seemed to stand still, and several people opened their mouths wide open, unable to believe such a Jedi reversal.

Lin Qirong was clearly in a desperate situation, why was Lu Songwen suddenly torn off?

Seeing Lin Qirong's half-smile face, Tian Yuxiang shook his head helplessly and smiled.

"When did you doubt me?"

For this sneak attack, it was obvious that Lin Qirong was mentally prepared, that's why he didn't succeed in the sneak attack.

But for such a thing to happen, it is obvious that Lin Qirong has long suspected that he is an undercover agent, and he probably guessed it before tearing up the famous brand.

Under such circumstances, he was able to remain so calm, without revealing any clues, and even thought he had fooled him, which is really a remarkable acting skill.

"It was just a little skeptical at first, but it was confirmed just now."

Lin Qirong handed back the name tag to the frustrated Lu Songwen, and patted him on the shoulder to apologize.

Perhaps compared to being torn off his name tag, Lu Songwen cared more about the fact that he had never been regarded as a threatening opponent by Lin Qirong.

The fierce battle with him was just a bait to lure Tian Yuxiang to make a move.

"Can you tell me something?"

"You played very seriously in the first game, so we won the first level of the game."

Lin Qirong laughed and said, "At the second level, you put your mind on not only being funny, but also intentionally sabotaging it, which made us lose the game."

"But this should be Long Yunzhu's problem, she can't guess."

Lin Qirong shook his head, "I asked her, and many of the answers she answered were specious, and she couldn't recognize the words because of a little difference. I remember that you didn't place your position properly a few times, even though it was just a little bit. But for Long Yunzhu, who is not rich in association, it is enough."

"and then?"

"At the third level, you really worked hard, and the problem lies with other people, but at the critical moment, there is always a problem with the person you come into contact with.

If it's because of you, then this makes sense. It's too easy for you to do a little trick below. "

"So you're sure I'm an undercover agent?"

Lin Qirong shook his head, "This is just my guess, how can I dare to make a direct conclusion? If we guess wrong, we will lose a lot."

"So you acted with me on purpose?"


"Then when did you confirm that I was an undercover agent?"

"When I mentioned Tongtong, your face was unnatural for a moment. If I hadn't been paying attention, I wouldn't have noticed."

Tian Yuxiang smiled wryly, "Just because of this?"

Lin Qirong nodded, "I have great confidence in Tongtong, there is no one who knows her who doesn't like her.

The unnaturalness that flashed across your face at that time should not have been faked. "

"I didn't expect it to be because of this."

Tian Yuxiang smiled and said, "When you mentioned this, I felt really guilty. I was an undercover agent and I had to tear you apart to win.

But when I think that you will be sad if you lose Tongtong, I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

I didn't expect you to see through this. "

He froze for a moment, then suddenly called out, "You couldn't have done this on purpose, did you?"

The corners of Lin Qirong's mouth turned up slightly, he smiled and said nothing.

"Haha." Tian Yuxiang shook his head, "I didn't expect that I would be deceived by you. It's really amazing that I was blinded by geese after hunting geese all day long."

In the show, he always appears as a veteran, and others are often fooled around by him.

I didn't expect to fall into Lin Qirong's trap today.

He clapped his hands, signaling Zhang Meimei to come behind him.

"But even though the eulogy was torn up by you, we still have two people now, two against one, our odds of winning are still high.

I won't let it go this time. The worst I can do is go back and apologize to Tongtong. "

In the past two years, he and Yun Tianzhong have been the two most powerful players in the game of tearing up famous brands. Even in the face of Lin Qirong, he still has a lot of confidence.

What's more, there is Zhang Meimei to help, even if it only plays a diversionary role.

Lin Qirong showed a look of pity in his eyes, shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, you have no chance."

"What do you mean?"

Tian Yuxiang was a little confused. Just when he frowned, he felt the name tag on his back being ripped off.

It was Zhang Meimei he was protecting who tore him apart.

"Are you... an undercover agent?" Tian Yuxiang seemed to be petrified, and the accident came too fast.

"sorry Sorry."

Zhang Meimei held his name tag to him with both hands, and kept apologizing.

"As you can see, she is the undercover agent of the red team."

Lin Qirong smiled and gave Zhang Meimei a high five.

"None of us guessed it, how did you guess it?"

"I guessed it before, but the look in her eyes told me the answer just now."

Lin Qirong gently hugged Tian Yuxiang, "I'm sorry."

Tian Yuxiang laughed heartily and patted his arm, "Awesome, one person can play with us in the palm of his hand, but there is no shame in losing to you two.

Let's continue to work hard, Tianzhong is not easy to deal with, he is the character we must find a way to get rid of every issue, otherwise we will have no chance to win.

I guess he has long wanted to compare with you. "

"I think now that we're four against two, he's not going to have that chance."

As soon as Lin Qirong finished speaking, the announcement sounded again from the loudspeaker.

Yao Junyuan and Long Yunzhu were both eliminated.

"Okay." Lin Qirong smiled helplessly, "It seems that you are right, I have to face him if I don't want to."

"We're looking forward to the final result."

After Tian Yuxiang was taken away by the man in black, Lin Qirong turned to look at Zhang Meimei.

There was a nervous look on her pretty face.

"Don't be afraid." Lin Qirong comforted, "Two against two, it's not certain who wins and who loses."

Zhang Meimei nodded, "I've watched the previous programs, Teacher Yun is very good."

"I'm not bad either." Lin Qirong smiled.

He thought for a while, then said.

"I will face off against Yun Tian in a while, it should be very difficult to have a chance to take care of you.

Your opponent is Ayigul, are you confident? "

Zhang Meimei shook her head, looking confused.

"Don't be afraid." Lin Qirong said, "Use all your strength to protect your name tag, and then find a way to tear off the name tag on her back."

Zhang Meimei looked helpless. Who wouldn't say such a thing?

"I'll teach you a few ways."

Lin Qirong thought about Ayigul's figure and characteristics, shared his thoughts with Zhang Meimei, and showed her how to defend and how to attack.

"You girls aren't that complicated or that intense."

He laughed, "So confidence is the most important thing. Take courage and strength to tear her away, and then we will win."

"Okay." Zhang Meimei nodded vigorously.

"Then let's go and find our opponent."


(End of this chapter)

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