Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 402 Swimming

Chapter 402 Swimming
The water in the pool was a bit cool, so Tong Tong followed Lin Qirong's example and squatted down to get a handful of water to wipe his body, then he walked into the water slowly holding Lin Qirong's hand tightly.

"Look, it's not deep at all, you can stand in it, right?"

Lin Qirong led Tongtong to the center of the children's pool, and the water depth was just up to Tongtong's shoulders.

Tongtong has grown a lot taller.

Tongtong stepped hard on the tiles at the bottom of the pool, and her originally uneasy heart calmed down.

"Yeah." She nodded, stretched out her hand and turned around, giggling, "Dad, I can stand inside now."

"Of course." Lin Qirong smiled, "Get used to it first, can we practice later?"

"it is good."

Tong Tong happily walked up and down in the water, looking down at the clear bottom of the pool curiously from time to time, wanting to drill down to see what is underneath, whether it is full of magic like the sea in the storybook. thing.

But she didn't dare to really go down, she could only look close to the surface of the water, she looked very cute.

At this time, Zuo Youran also walked into the swimming pool and walked to their side.

"Okay, let's start practicing now."

After a while, Lin Qirong laughed.

"Like just now, take a breath and sink into the water, exhale slowly when you can't hold it back, and get up at about the same time, is it okay?"

Looking at the pool water in front of him, Tongtong was a little scared.

"Don't be afraid, father and teacher will be by your side to accompany you." Lin Qirong encouraged her.

"Teacher believes that Tongtong will definitely do it." Zuo Youran also said softly.

Tongtong nodded, took a breath and slowly sank into the water, but immediately raised his head and coughed violently.

Obviously, she choked on the water.

Lin Qirong quickly reached out to hug her, patted her on the back lightly, and let her go only after she recovered.

"It doesn't matter, if you don't know what to do the first time, you will know after practicing a few times.

Swimming is the same as playing the piano. No one can play it well all at once. It takes very serious practice to learn it successfully, you know? "

"Got it." Tong Tong said seriously, "I will continue to practice."

"That's right."

With the first experience, Tongtong was less panicked when he started to practice again. Although he raised his head immediately after going down, at least it was not the same as before.

Gradually, she held her breath longer and longer, and became more and more accustomed to the feeling of being in the water.

"Hee hee, it's really fun."

She immediately fell in love with this feeling, and practiced again and again, enjoying herself.

Lin Qirong seemed to have seen her when she stayed in the bathtub and refused to get up when she was a child.

Time seems to have passed for a long time.

"I'll stay here with her." Zuo Youran said softly, her fair skin was even more attractive against the backdrop of the pool.

"Okay, we take turns to accompany her, and the other person can swim, otherwise such a large pool will be wasted."

Zuo Youran pursed her lips and smiled, it is indeed a pity that such a large swimming pool is not used.

When Lin Qirong walked into the deep water area and began to swim happily, she turned her head and continued to stare at Tongtong carefully.

Stealing half a day's leisure, whether it is Lin Qirong or Tongtong, the schedule is very tight.

For them, such time is precious, and they just need to enjoy such warm moments.

After Lin Qirong swam for a while, when he came over again, Tong Tong was trying to float face down on the water under Zuo Youran's guidance.

This is also a very critical step, so that children can fully feel the buoyancy of the water, so that they can dare to make movements in the following studies without fear of sinking into the water.

Zuo Youran reached out to hold Tongtong's hand, so that she would have a place to rely on when she was floating on the water, so that she would not panic so easily.

"Don't worry, relax your body slowly, and then float on the water with your legs apart, yes, that's it, it's awesome."

Compared with Lin Qirong, Zuo Youran is obviously more suitable for coaching. After all, he has been a teacher before, he is more patient than Lin Qirong, and his methods are better than his.

Under her guidance, Tongtong floated on the water and was practicing seriously.

After repeated several times, Zuo Youran began to try to let go, and after reminding Tongtong, he let go of his hand gently, allowing Tongtong to float on the water by himself.

Losing the support in his hands, Tongtong immediately panicked, waving his hands indiscriminately, stood up from the water, and coughed again.

This time I drank water again.

"Even if there is no grip, it can float on the water normally."

Lin Qirong walked over and said with a smile, "The water is not deep, even if you sink, you can stand up immediately. So don't worry, just float on the water and get up by yourself.

The main content of today's practice is like this. After you write it down, you can practice according to the movements taught by your father and teacher, and then play happily in the water.

When you can float on the water and count thirty by yourself, Dad will teach you the next move. "

Tongtong nodded.

"I'll watch her from now on, you go and play for a while." Lin Qirong and Zuo Youran laughed.

"Okay." Zuo Youran nodded, gently patted Tongtong's head, took two steps forward, plunged into the water, and drew a beautiful arc on the water, like a mermaid.

"It's so beautiful." Tongtong looked at her swimming posture full of envy.

"It's very beautiful." Lin Qirong smiled and patted her head, "As long as you practice hard, you will soon be like the teacher, swimming very well."


"Of course, Dad won't lie to you."

"Well, I'll work hard."

"Then let's get on with it."

After practicing for a period of time, Tongtong has fully adapted to this exercise. Although he can't hold his breath for too long, he will no longer choke on water.

She likes the feeling of floating on the water with her limbs spread out, and she enjoys playing alone.

The sound of water coming out of the water came, and Zuo Youran emerged from beside him. Water droplets fell from her body, creating a beautiful picture of a beauty coming out of the water.

Lin Qirong looked away from her and swallowed hard.

Zuo Youran smiled sweetly, "Tongtong learns quickly."

"Yeah, very talented, the key is not afraid of water or choking, as long as you are not afraid, it is actually easy to learn.

Many people in foreign countries put their children directly into the water after they are born, and let the children learn to swim naturally.

But this kind of thing is not possible in our Huaxia, after all, everyone still dare not experiment with children. "

Zuo Youran nodded, she had heard of this kind of news, but it was really difficult to do it in Huaxia, and she was always afraid in her heart.

Will I have children with him in the future?At that time, I will also learn to swim with them like now.

Unknowingly, she became a little crazy and leaned on Lin Qirong unconsciously.

Lin Qirong looked back at her reddish face, and stretched out his arms to wrap around her small waist without a trace of fat, the place where he touched was soft and smooth.

Well, it feels very good in the hand.

Tongtong played happily beside them, floating on the water for a while, and sinking into the bottom of the water with his knees hugged, wanting to explore the underwater world.

The sun is shining outside and everything is so beautiful.

After playing for nearly two hours, Tongtong finally felt a little tired.

Lin Qirong led her out of the swimming pool, wrapped her in a big towel and wiped off the water droplets on her body.

"My hair is a little wet too, I have to take a shower quickly."

"Let's go, teacher will take you to take a bath." Zuo Youran smiled, she also wanted to take a good bath, otherwise she would feel uncomfortable.

"Then I'll stay and prepare for the night."

In the evening, Qiao Feng and other friends will come to visit, so he naturally needs to make some preparations.

"Let's go, let's take a shower together." Tong Tong took Zuo Youran's hand and ran into the house cheerfully, not at all tired as before.

Seeing the two beauties, one big and one small, walking into the room hand in hand, Lin Qirong felt a sense of happiness in his heart.

This is the feeling of home.

Lin Qirong looked up and looked outside, the sky was very blue, and the high-rise buildings outside fully revealed the atmosphere of the modern metropolis of Shanghai.

Now, there is only one thing left, and then I can truly live for myself and for this family.

When the sky darkened, the guests came one after another.

Qiao Feng, Xiao Yunfang, Li Guangsheng, He Yijun, Ni Jiayin, Chen Meng, Han Ying, Li Gaojie, Liu Xueying and many other friends and colleagues were present.

Aimu was also invited and became a guest tonight.

She is very popular now, and she has a bright feeling in the TV series "Love Apartment" that just finished.

Especially in the early stage compared with the later stage, the progress visible to the naked eye also made everyone realize that this beautiful girl has not bad talent, and all lamented that Tonghua Dream Entertainment has picked a treasure, Lin Qirong's vision is really good.

"She, she's been in a low mood recently." Chen Meng paid close attention to herself as an artist, and told Lin Qirong about her recent situation.

"What's the matter?" Lin Qirong asked with a smile.

"Nothing." Aimu said in a low voice.

"She was excluded by other classmates."

Chen Meng explained with a smile.

"Squeeze out?" Lin Qirong's face darkened, "Chen Pengyi and the others?"

"No, no." Ayimu waved his hands again and again, "They just saw that I signed a contract with the company and felt that I did something wrong..."

"Oh." Lin Qirong nodded, "So you care about what they say, and you're in a bad mood?"

Aimu hesitated for a moment before nodding.

As classmates who used to film together and will continue to film in the future, the few of them will often organize parties.

At parties, there would always be people who would sneer at her, more or less implying that she used a special method to make Lin Qirong look at her differently in order to sign a contract with Tonghua Entertainment.

She understood that they said this because they were jealous that she signed with Tonghua Dream Entertainment, and that she would have a lot of opportunities to be promoted in the future, and they couldn't balance their hearts, so they said such words.

Even so, she felt uncomfortable and didn't understand why her former companions became like this.

Obviously, when filming, everyone has a good relationship, and they are all excited about the opportunity to learn.

All I think about is how to better play the role, and the words are full of gratitude to Senior Brother Lin.

It's just that after such a short time, they have become like this.

She couldn't figure out why?
(End of this chapter)

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