Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 394 The Screening Meeting (2)

Chapter 394 The Screening Meeting ([-])
"Thank you all for coming to Tonghua Entertainment to participate in this preview during your busy schedule."

Lin Qirong took the microphone and expressed his thanks to the surrounding guests and reporters.

"Now I'm very nervous, because I don't know what kind of decision everyone will make after the preview.

This is the first work I have directed. To be honest, it is much harder and more fulfilling than being a screenwriter. Of course, I am also a lot more nervous.

Because if no one is willing to purchase for a while, it means that my work has failed.

Die before leaving the army, it will make the hero burst into tears. I am not a hero, and there will probably be more tears.

But I believe that this should not happen. This drama may not be a classic or a blockbuster, but it is definitely not a bad drama. I am still confident in this.

If everyone thinks that because this is my first work, there is a certain commemorative significance, and I will be very grateful for a little more price later. "

Xu Qingmin and the others burst out laughing, and gave Lin Qirong good-natured applause for his sudden humor.

If it were not for the recognition of Lin Qirong's talent, there would not be so many people coming to this preview today.

Even if his TV series can't make people's eyes shine, it's because it's his first self-written and directed drama, and it's because of his inexperience, not because he's exhausted.

"Not much to say, let's watch the samples first, and then talk about other things."

Lin Qirong did not continue to say anything, and directly asked the staff to turn off the lights and start playing.

He returned to his seat and watched with everyone.

Zhong Yuxin, Li Guangsheng and He Yijun were all sitting next to him, their faces slightly nervous.

Chen Meng and Han Ying also sat aside, full of expectations for Lin Qirong's first TV series.

They also have some concerns about the future of the show.

The LOGO of Tonghua Entertainment slowly emerged. After a short title, the first episode of "Love Apartment" was officially broadcast.

Lu Zhanbo, a talented young man who graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology majoring in computer science, returned to China after his studies, and was spotted by an Internet company as a network engineer.

At the airport, he happened to meet Lin Wanyu, a rich girl who ran away from Lin's company. The two were careless and had no social experience, so they got on a bus bound for the suburbs unknowingly.

Zhanbo originally wanted to join his half-sister Hu Yifei, but when he parked the car, he found that he was lost on the side of a sparsely populated country road...

Hu Yifei is currently preparing for a wedding in the apartment where she lives, but has a fierce conflict with Zeng Xiaoxian, another resident of the love apartment, who is the host of the wedding, over the implementation of the wedding plan.

Lu Ziqiao, a playboy from Taiwan who came to the mainland and failed to start a business, accidentally bumped into a priest in the bathroom of the apartment lobby. Hu Yifei mistakenly thought he was a priest.

Going wrong, he wanted to sell his products by the way during the dinner, but unexpectedly met his ex-girlfriend, a down-and-out cute girl Mika, who also passed by occasionally and planned to stay to cheat for food and drink.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet. They are secretly planning how to expose each other so as to avenge the "dumping" of each other back then.

The wedding was messed up by Hu Yifei and Zeng Xiaoxian, two incompatible guys.The "groom" and "bride" who came out after a long wait turned out to be Zhan Bo and Wan Yu who were sent back by the police, and everyone was surprised.

The real bride and groom finally appeared, and the founder of the apartment sent a congratulatory message, announcing that the couples who fall in love here in the future can reduce the rent by half!

Ziqiao and Meijia understood immediately, and tacitly staged an exaggerated "love at first sight", hoping to live in the apartment.

After an "unforgettable" wedding, the couple proposed to name the apartment - Love Apartment.

So far, the plot of the first episode is over, and the six main characters come on stage one by one, bringing joy to everyone and setting the tone of the whole TV series: joy, fun and youth.

Xu Qingmin frowned slightly. From his point of view, this is not a qualified TV series. Some deliberate plot arrangements, slightly exaggerated performances, and the obviously jerky acting skills of the actors all show that this is not a normal TV series. .

He knew about sitcoms. There were quite a few sitcoms broadcast before that. Although they were quite different from orthodox TV dramas, the results were pretty good.

There are also many sitcoms in foreign countries, some of which are still regarded as classics, which is a very special category of TV dramas.

He understood that Lin Qirong chose a sitcom as his first directorial work, but there was a big gap between this and what everyone expected.

Looking at the faces of the heads of other TV stations around, it seems that they have the same idea.

There are also things that are eye-catching, like the girl who plays Hu Yifei is very beautiful, she should be a girl from the Western Regions, with very obvious traces of her professional background.

Although her acting skills are a bit jerky, she is not awkward in this kind of sitcom. On the contrary, her beauty is very impressive, and she should become a wave of fans after the broadcast.

What surprised him even more was that many people seemed to laugh very hard during the playback?And most of them are young people, including several young people in his team.

This made him a little dazed. Could it be that I don't understand young people's thinking?Why don't I feel pretty at all?
"It's better not to draw any conclusions yet and wait until you watch another episode." He thought to himself.

Others seemed to think the same way, and continued to watch the second episode.

The story in the iPartment continued. Xu Qingmin noticed that the young people around him were indeed laughing non-stop. He carefully watched the clips of their laughter. It was deliberate and boring, but why did the young people laugh so exaggeratedly? ?
Hearing the laughter around him, Lin Qirong's heart was half relieved.

A sitcom, if it can't make people laugh, then it loses its meaning of existence.

No matter what jokes, performances, or plots are used, the purpose of sitcoms is to make the audience laugh. The highest state is naturally to make the audience laugh out loud without knowing it.

For Aimu and others, this requirement is a bit high, but being able to make this group of professionals who are used to watching TV dramas and have a high vision laugh like this is enough to show that this drama still has its unique charm.

Or maybe because there are no classic sitcoms like "Friends" and "The Big Bang Theory" in this time and space, "Love Apartment" can make them feel so fresh?

But in his heart, he still hopes that "Love Apartment" can have his own screenwriting team in the future, write more jokes and jokes of his own, and even talk about some hot social issues in a gag way, forming his own unique style, and continue shooting like this.

"A professional screenwriting team is very important. In the future, Guangsheng can lead this team to think more and come up with as many ridiculous jokes as possible."

While thinking wildly, the second episode finished playing, and the screening room became brighter.

Lin Qirong saw the complex expressions in everyone's eyes, maybe he had a lot of doubts about whether "Love Apartment" is suitable for purchase.

After watching two episodes, experienced people can basically understand the future development of this sitcom.

It is nothing more than the love and killing of seven young people in their lives. When something happened to one of them, everyone united together to help tide over the difficulties, and finally gave birth to each other.

This kind of TV series cannot do without such a routine.

But whether this drama is suitable for purchase, it needs to be carefully considered.

"The trial screening is over." Lin Qirong said with a smile, "Everyone can discuss freely. We have provided enough room for everyone to discuss.

Then you can ask us your questions and ideas at any time. Of course, if you think our drama is not bad, you can make your own offer, and we will be happier. "

"I have a question." Wu Guanghua, the program director of Blue Ocean TV, raised his hand and said.

"Director Wu, please tell me." Lin Qirong said with a smile.

"How many episodes does this show have?"

"Twenty episodes, but this is only the first season. In our plan, there will be a second, third, and even fourth season."

This is because he has enough confidence in his own works, that's why Lin Qirong said this.

"May I ask, where do these actors come from? They all seem to be unfamiliar faces."

"Yes." Lin Qirong nodded, "Except for Lin Wanyu's actors who have some experience, most of the other actors are juniors and sophomores at the Oriental Academy of Arts, and they can be regarded as my juniors and younger sisters.

Although their acting skills are indeed a bit jerky, but this is also the effect I deliberately wanted, and it is not bad so far. "

"I understand, you made a good choice." Wu Guanghua nodded and said, "I have no problem."

"Then please follow our staff to the arranged conference room to discuss it, and you can communicate with us at any time if you have any results.

No matter what the result is, I would like to thank everyone for making this special trip. There is no benevolence and righteousness in business, and we are deeply grateful for your friendship. "

Wu Guanghua and others got up one after another and followed the staff to the conference room.

This also shows that they have certain doubts about Lin Qirong's works, and they need to discuss before they can make a final decision.

Seeing Lin Qirong heaving a sigh of relief, Han Ying walked up to him and said.

"At present, there is no problem with the video platform operators. Their user coverage is wide, and any style of TV drama is acceptable. Your drama is still very distinctive, and they should purchase it."

Lin Qirong nodded, "This is the worst result, but fortunately the cost is not high, even if it is just this result, we still make money."

Because the actors invited are all students like Ayim, the crew members are all employees of Tonghua Entertainment, and the modern financial management system has been introduced, the cost control of the crew is pretty good.

The advertising placement negotiated at a later stage alone is enough to earn back the cost.

Regardless of whether it can be broadcast on the TV station or not, the crew will make money, and there will be no loss of money.

It's just that it would be a pity if this drama couldn't be shown on TV.

He didn't want to encounter Waterloo in the first film he directed.

"Don't worry, maybe there will be a good result." Han Ying comforted.

"Yeah." Lin Qirong nodded, "I think we can have a cup of tea and wait for the results."

"It's a good idea, isn't it?" Han Ying smiled.

"Of course." Everyone responded one after another. A staff member brought the tea set over. Lin Qirong brewed tea himself and waited quietly for the result.

This is a long process.

(End of this chapter)

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