Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 376 Visit (3)

Chapter 376 Visit ([-])

Wen Ziyun felt very happy.

When we went to our house to pay New Year's greetings during Chinese New Year, everyone started talking about Zuo Youran and Lin Qirong.

When the sister-in-law talked about Lin Qirong, she had some disdain. In her opinion, Zuo Youran should find a well-matched man to marry.

This made her very unhappy.

This was Zuo Youran's personal choice, and it was also a candidate she recognized. Both his character and talent were impeccable.

In the past, she would not sacrifice her own happiness for the sake of her family, and now she will not sacrifice her daughter for the sake of her family.

At that time Wen Ziyuan stood up and told everyone clearly that Lin Qirong brought him great help and also opened a breakthrough for his governance.

He who had no confidence at first is now fully confident that he will achieve considerable political achievements in a few years, and it is the kind of political achievements that are quality rather than GDP-oriented.

As the only third generation of the Wen family to be in politics, Wen Ziyuan's future can be said to have a great relationship, but Lin Qirong can be his greatest help in this respect.

To the Wen family, this is much more important than marriage.

Although Wen Ziyuan didn't have this idea, Wen Ziyun could still hear the slap in the face, which made her very happy.

My sister-in-law looked very unhappy at that time, but she didn't care at all.

Who told her to dare to say that Lin Qirong is not good, and dare to doubt Yoyo's principles?
Back then, Miss Wen's temper was notoriously fearless. Even the old man couldn't handle her, so would he care about other people?
The Zuo Yifei she chose back then impressed everyone in her family, but the Lin Qirong chosen by Zuo Youran now impressed everyone from the very beginning.

A young man is better than a good man, and his daughter is much better than him.

"If you have a chance in the future, please help Ziyuan as much as you can."

Wen Ziyun said, "It's not easy for them to take this road. Not to mention they are not as free as you, and the pressure is still great. If you want to go up, you must have solid political achievements to support it.

I can see that Ziyuan appreciates you very much. "

"Don't worry, Auntie." Lin Qirong nodded, "In addition to the Tonghua Forest project, we have other plans to implement, and if Brother Ziyuan is willing, we can cooperate together.

I have cooperated with many TV stations and big companies like Hongda Group, and I will cooperate with more and bigger projects in the future.

Guanzhong area is a good choice. "

Wen Ziyun and Zuo Yifei looked at each other, and felt that they still underestimated Lin Qirong.

But that's a good thing, isn't it?
"But you don't need to do anything special because of Ziyuan, it will damage the interests of your company." Wen Ziyun said with some concern.

"Thank you for your concern, auntie. I think there is room for maneuver in these matters.

For example, for the Tonghua Forest project, our company spends at least [-] million yuan to operate it every year, and Hongda Group and other companies will also spend a lot of money to do this.

I guess I don't have the charm to make them treat us like this?
The only explanation is that they are still profitable, but it is the reputation of the company, the government's words and the effect of advertising.

The same is true for us. Our APP users must do various tasks and purchase our products in order to generate energy and have the opportunity to plant their own trees.

The fan stickiness and advertising revenue generated by this are very considerable, and the various products sold are also very profitable.

That's why we think that this is a win-win project for all parties, and no one suffers. "

Zuo Yifei thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Everyone gets what they need. The most powerful part of this plan is that everyone's strength is gathered together, each pays some acceptable price, and then gets what they need.

Or advertising effects, or your favorite products, or pure psychological satisfaction.

But as long as more and more trees are planted, it will be worth it.

Nobody is a loser.

This kind of thing is not difficult to put it bluntly, the reason is the same, but no one wants to get it.

Therefore, Lin Qirong, who was able to think of such a genius idea and put it into practice, is the biggest contributor.

No wonder he can achieve such astonishing achievements. What kind of mind and awareness should he have to do such a thing?
From this point of view, Zuo Yifei felt that Lin Qirong was much better than the three outstanding third generations of the Wen family.

It seems that it is really appropriate to give my daughter to this boy.

With this realization, the two looked at Lin Qirong with a much gentler look.

Especially Wen Ziyun showed a mother-like kind look.

It was said that the mother-in-law liked her son-in-law more and more, and now she is like this, she completely regards Lin Qirong as her future son-in-law, and thinks he is very good in every aspect.

I don't care about the remaining little flaws, how can a good man not be sought after?What's more, Lin Qirong only had a fling with his classmate whom he had a crush on for many years, at most he had a daughter, and she still likes Tongtong very much.

With the addition of a beautiful woman, Lin Qirong only has two women in total, so what's the point?
Just like Zuo Yifei back then, how could such an excellent man not have a few women staring at him?
Zuo Youran was able to snatch him, just like she snatched Zuo Yifei back then, it's worth bragging about.

Lin Qirong was a little embarrassed by their eyes, but he also knew that he should have passed the test, and he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

This is much more tiring than performing on stage.

But it's worth it to satisfy Zuo Youran's parents and make Zuo Youran happy instead of continuing to follow her like this under pressure.

The atmosphere suddenly relaxed, and Wen Ziyun asked about the TV series that Lin Qirong was filming.

"This is my first TV series, so I'm more careful."

Lin Qirong explained, "I chose a sitcom script to describe the joys, sorrows and joys of a few young people when they were working hard in a big city.

The cost is low and the difficulty is not too great, which is just suitable for me to practice, but I still have certain hopes for it, and hope that it can bring laughter and happiness to everyone. "

"After all, it's the first time, so it's always good to be careful." Wen Ziyun said understandingly, "You are a screenwriter yourself, so you should be able to handle it well in terms of material selection."

"Yes, the key is to see what level your ability can control."

Lin Qirong smiled and said, "If possible, I also hope to make works like "The First Half of My Life", "Don't Talk to Strangers" and other classic foreign TV series.

I can even move to the film market in the future, and shoot my own works according to my own ideas, so that the whole of China and even the whole of China can see my works and be moved by my works. "

Wen Ziyun found that when she said this, Lin Qirong's eyes were very bright, and she knew that it was the light of dreams.

And he has the ability to realize such a dream.

Men with dreams are not bad, and they are also very attractive.

Now she understood why Zuo Youran was so devoted to him. If she were back to that age and met such a treasure boy, I believe she would also be tempted by him.

"Will you make war TV series?" she asked cautiously.

"War?" Lin Qirong was stunned for a moment, "Auntie is talking about military dramas, right? Anti-Japanese dramas, modern military dramas?"

"That's right." Wen Ziyun sighed, "My old man is also from the military, has participated in many wars, and has a deep affection for the army.

Now that he is older, he likes to recall things from the past, and the only thing that can relieve his boredom is TV series. "

"Divine drama?" Lin Qirong asked.

"It's those magical dramas." Wen Ziyun said gloomily, "It's either the kind of mine hidden in the crotch, or all kinds of explosive seeds, tearing living people with hands, and the kind where a few people can drive devils away.

The old man was watching and cursing, saying that this is unreasonable and that is too exaggerated. If it was put on the battlefield, he would have been killed by devils, and he would be very angry every time.

But I have to watch it again next time, which makes me feel helpless and worried that he will be physically angry. "

Lin Qirong couldn't help laughing when he thought of an old man watching a TV series while slapping the table and scolding him.

Why don't you watch a drama, isn't it looking for abuse?
"However, what the elderly like to watch is not TV dramas, but the smoky days before."

"Yes." Wen Ziyun sighed, "The old comrades around me left one by one, although the old man is not very old, he is still very sad.

It's normal to think about the former comrades-in-arms and the old days, we can't give him these things. "

"So Auntie wants me to write a military-themed script, and then film it for your grandpa?"

"Yes, I hope so." Wen Ziyun nodded, "It would be the best if possible, this can be regarded as a small wish of mine.

But don't force yourself if you have difficulty. "

"Auntie, I understand." Lin Qirong smiled, "I will take this matter to heart, collect materials from now on, and try to write a script.

However, with my current skills, it is still difficult to control the grand scenes of military themes, especially war themes, so please give me some time, and I will try to shoot them as soon as possible. "

"Don't be so anxious, it's best if you have it, and it doesn't matter if you don't."

Wen Ziyun waved her hands again and again and said, "It's not easy, I know, otherwise there wouldn't be so many dramas."

Lin Qirong laughed, "Don't worry about that, I'm quite confident, and I will definitely let my grandfather see the TV series he likes to watch and not scold."

"Then look at it, don't put too much pressure on it."


"How about staying here tonight?"

Lin Qirong froze for a moment, then shook his head, "Thank you, Auntie, but it still doesn't work.

Tongtong and Youran can live at home, they will fly back to Shanghai tomorrow, and Tongtong has to go to class.

I still have to stay in Kyoto to do some errands. If you have anything to do, just call me directly, and I promise to be there on call. "

"Okay." Wen Ziyun couldn't help laughing, knowing that what she said was a little anxious.

"You do your job well, what can we do? Tongtong can live here, I like her very much."

"I don't doubt that."

(End of this chapter)

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