Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 354 Birthday

Chapter 354 Birthday
After resting at home for a period of time, Lin Qirong and Tong Tong returned to the Shanghai stock market and started a new year of work and study.

The day after returning was Lin Qirong's birthday.

Zuo Youran and Tong Tong personally made cakes for him.

Lin Qirong was filled with happiness when he saw two people making cakes in the kitchen earnestly, with happy laughter from time to time.

I just hope that days like this can continue.

But before that, he had to fulfill the old Lin Qirong's wish, find out the truth, and avenge Wu Tongyu.

From what Zhao Ping said last year, he probably knew that Wu Tongyu was not caught by that, and he probably chose this path to protect his innocence.

Regardless of whether there are other reasons, he must find out the truth, give an explanation to the original host, and give an explanation to Wu Tongyu in the sky.

In this way, he can do what he likes without distraction, and be with the people he likes.

That's why he chose to step into this entertainment circle, only in this way can he get close to the truth.

Being a director should be the most suitable path for him.

So his next major development direction is directing.

While he was in trance, a message rang out, and it was Xue Yuzhi who sent the message.

She sent her blessing specifically for herself.

Today he received a lot of blessings, like friends from Shonan Satellite TV, Chen Xiaofeng, Xiao Ying, Wang Yuhan, etc., all expressed their birthday wishes on Weibo in the early morning.

His fans also specially recorded a small video, editing together the exciting scenes since he participated in "Where Are We Going, Dad?" They were very careful. Lin Qirong's eyes were a little wet when he saw it.

But Xue Yuzhi's belated blessing still made Lin Qirong very happy.

This proves that the girl is undergoing some metamorphosis.

Although there should be no relationship in the future, Lin Qirong still hopes that she can become better and become more independent and self-reliant.

In the future, it is impossible for me to protect her from the wind and rain all the time, and she must also try to face the wind and rain outside by herself.

After staring blankly for a while, I saw Zuo Youran and Tongtong coming out with a strange cake.

It seemed that they had failed.

"Father," Tong Tong lowered his head and said in frustration, "We failed, we didn't do well."

"It's already great." Lin Qirong patted her hair silently and smiled, "We shouldn't look at how well the cake is made, but we should see the hard work you put in to make this cake for Dad.

This kind of thought is the most important thing and also the happiest thing for Dad.

You did your best, didn't you? "

"Really?" Tong Tong asked with wide eyes, "Would you like this cake?"

"Of course." Lin Qirong smiled, "I feel like I can eat a lot."

"I can eat a lot too."

"Then let's compete, who eats more? Anyway, the teacher must eat less."


Zuo Youran was amused to see Tongtong laughing happily after a few words from him, and he also admired him in his heart.

But seeing the long and oddly shaped cakes, she secretly made up her mind to learn cooking skills, and she can no longer be satisfied with being able to eat enough.

Tongtong pulled Lin Qirong to the table, put a crown on him, clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Daddy is the king today."

"Thank you, my little princess."

Zuo Youran lit the candle, then turned off the light, and clapped together with Tongtong and sang a birthday song for him.

Lin Qirong clasped his hands together to make a wish, and the melodious singing voice lingered in his ears, making Lin Qirong's heart warm.

It is a very happy thing to have them by my side to spend my 30th birthday.

Before I knew it, I was 30 years old.

Standing at thirty, I can be considered to have achieved certain results. With such a cute baby like Tongtong, and a confidante like Zuo Youran, I should be satisfied.

"Dad, you can open your eyes now." Tongtong's words brought him back to his senses, and he and Tongtong blew out the candles.

"Father, happy birthday." Tong Tong stretched out his head and kissed him on the face.

"Thank you baby." Lin Qirong rubbed her little face affectionately.

"This is a gift from me." Tongtong handed him a picture.

"Thank you."

Lin Qirong took it over and took a look. The painting was a scene of going on a trip, two big and one small, exactly corresponding to the three of them.

"This is Dad, this is me, and this is the teacher. Let's go on a trip and have a picnic together."

Tongtong explained to him seriously.

"Okay, Dad likes it very much." Lin Qirong put away the drawing paper, "This is a very meaningful gift."

"Hee hee." Tong Tong laughed happily, his eyes curved like crescent moons.

"This is my gift, happy birthday to you."

Zuo Youran also took out her present, which was a tie, a common but practical gift.

I believe Zuo Youran didn't spend too much time choosing.

"Thank you, I like it very much." Lin Qirong said happily, "I will wear it on important occasions."

Zuo Youran smiled, very happy.

You know, it took her a long time to choose this gift before deciding on it, so it's good that he likes it.

"Eat the cake." Tongtong clapped his hands and shouted.

She couldn't wait to try the cake she had a hand in making.

"Okay, let's start eating the cake." Lin Qirong smiled and took out a fork and a plate, cut a piece of cake for Tongtong and handed it to her, and then cut another piece for Zuo Youran.

"Thank you."

Zuo Youran took it and forked a small piece, tasted it, and frowned slightly.

It doesn't taste too bad, but it's not delicious.

It's still far behind the cakes sold outside.

"It's pretty good." Lin Qirong took a sip and commented, "It's not comparable to professional ones, but it's not bad."

Tong Tong felt the same way, and enjoyed eating.

"Yes." Zuo Youran nodded lightly. Although it wasn't very delicious, it was full of her and Tongtong's heart, which was much better than the cake outside.

"I think I can eat a lot too."

"Don't girls have to lose weight?"

"Unfortunately, I'm the kind who can't get fat no matter how much I eat."

After the three of them happily divided up a cake, they sat on the sofa to rest with their stomachs covered.

Lin Qirong and Zuo Youran looked at each other, and suddenly laughed, the laughter was full of joy.

"Giggle." Although he didn't know what father and teacher were laughing at, he knew they must be very happy. Tongtong was infected and laughed too.

She is so happy with her father on the one hand and the teacher on the other.


After finally coaxing the excited Tongtong to sleep, Lin Qirong returned to the living room and saw Zuo Youran sitting on the sofa working seriously.

As Lin Qirong and Tong Tong became more and more famous, her workload also increased a lot, and she was busy even at this time.

Lin Qirong walked up to her and sat down, looking at her quietly.

Under the light, Shengxue's skin reflected the radiance, looking somewhat holy.

The small earlobes are crystal clear, and a strand of hair is mischievously draped over them, which makes people want to lift them up for her.

The pursed lips and focused look are equally touching.

Serious women are just as attractive.

"Tongtong is asleep?"

Feeling his gaze, Zuo Youran blushed slightly, and asked in a low voice.

"Well, she fell asleep. I was so excited that I told several stories before she fell asleep."

"It's normal." Zuo Youran said with a light smile, "It's just a matter of time for us to go over the next work together.

Sister Fangfang and Li Gaojie will be responsible for the relocation of Tonghua Animation and Tonghua Toys. You only need to attend the launching ceremony.

Hu Mei is already preparing to fly to the Guanzhong area to promote the Tonghua Forest Project. Her team has been formed, but it will take some time to officially launch the project.

As far as the company is concerned, nothing else is in a hurry. "

Lin Qirong nodded, "So we have time to do some other things now?"

"What can be confirmed now is that you should participate in the singing part of the "Singer" finals at the end of March.

Then in early May, we will start recording the first issue of "Happy Running", and you are the special guest.

More importantly, in early April, there will be an award ceremony for the Feixian Awards, and you should attend it. "

She closed the notepad, "Except for these things, you can arrange your work as you like in the first half of the year."

Lin Qirong nodded, these three are major events for words to participate in, and the schedule must be booked in advance.

Other things are flexible arrangements.

"There is one more big event," Lin Qirong said with a smile, "After participating in "Singer", we have to go to Kyoto, and we have two cooperation projects with CCTV to discuss."


"Yeah." Lin Qirong nodded, "One is a variety show. I already have a clue. The other is that I promised to compose a song as a gift for the [-]th anniversary. There are many things to discuss with them."

Unexpectedly, even CCTV came to discuss cooperation with Lin Qirong.

Zuo Youran's heart was filled with pride.

By the way, didn't mom say to let him find time to meet up?Isn't that just the right fit?

But she couldn't say it out, after all, they haven't confirmed their relationship yet.

Seeing her shy expression, Lin Qirong gently held her hand beside her. It was as gentle as jade, making people fall in love with it.

Zuo Youran's body suddenly stiffened, not knowing what would happen next.

"Youran," Lin Qirong said, "I used to be such a jerk, I had a good girl like you by my side, I knew I liked you, but I never dared to say it.

I have been unable to let go of Yuzhi, so I have never dared to tell you my heart.

Do you think I'm an asshole? "

Zuo Youran shook her head slightly, "I know about you and her, she has paid a lot for you, even now.

So I understand you, because I also like her very much.

I admire her because she really gave everything for you wholeheartedly.

I also pity her for not breaking out to be with the one she loves.

If you are the kind of person who forgets her when you turn around and is ruthless, I will be very disappointed in you. "

She raised her head, her eyes were as bright as stars, "Do you think I'm weird? How could you admire and like your rival in love?"

(End of this chapter)

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