Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 344 One More Blessing

Chapter 344 A little more blessing

But it was impossible for Lin Qirong to follow, they were here to give gifts, not to be guests.

After finally explaining to them clearly, the program team had already set up a place, and Lin Qirong and others had to give gifts to the villagers here.

What they chose this time was to send Spring Festival couplets to everyone, and they were written on the spot.

On the long table, a team of blank Spring Festival couplets are already waiting there.

Lin Qirong was in charge of writing Spring Festival couplets, while the girls showed their strengths. Some drew pictures for everyone, some tied lanterns for everyone, and some cut window grilles for everyone. It seemed that they had made careful preparations.

The most difficult one is of course Lin Qirong's side. Writing Spring Festival couplets is a technical task. Not only must the writing be beautiful, but also the lines must be neat and tidy, which is very skillful.

And this is a live broadcast, any problems will be directly seen clearly by netizens.

When Lin Qirong suggested that he could write this, the program crew was taken aback.

Originally, they were planning to make full use of Lin Qirong's cooking skills and cook a feast for everyone.

"Baby, can you press the paper for Dad?" Lin Qirong said to Tongtong while grinding the ink.

"Okay." Tongtong said happily, following his words and carefully holding down one end of the Spring Festival couplets to prevent it from sliding away.

"Master, what do you want to write?"

Lin Qirong's clients are basically old people, and young people go in front of pretty girls.

The old man in the first line shook his head in a daze.

Lin Qirong pondered for a while and suggested, "The first line means that the family and people are prosperous and all blessings will come; the second line means that the children and grandchildren are around the house, and the horizontal line means that the family and everything are prosperous.

What do you think of this? "

"This is good, this is good." The old man nodded happily.

"That's it."

Lin Qirong smiled slightly, the brush in his hand was stained with ink, and he waved it on the Spring Festival couplets.

With the stroke of a pen, a Spring Festival couplet was completed in one go.

"Master, do you still like it?" Lin Qirong showed the Spring Festival couplets to the uncle.

"Okay, the writing is very good." The uncle nodded in satisfaction and gave him a thumbs up.

Lin Qirong was not complacent. Although his intermediate calligraphy skills were not as good as those of those calligraphers, he could still easily handle writing a Spring Festival couplet.

He put the couplets on the long table aside and arranged them, and after they were dry, the uncle could take them back and stick them up.

With the release of the first Spring Festival couplets, everyone has seen his ability. It is indeed very well written, and the selected couplets also have beautiful blessings, which everyone likes very much. They queued up and wanted a picture written by Lin Qirong himself. Spring couplets.

This place became lively all of a sudden.

"Take your time."

Lin Qirong said with a smile, "As the sky grows, as time goes by, people live longer, and the world is full of spring and happiness, what do you think of this?

OK, so write this. "

"Fortune is like the long flowing water in the East China Sea, and your lifespan is not as old as Nanshan. Old man, you will surely live a long life."

"A happy family with both wealth and honor, and a safe house with both prosperity and wealth. This sentence is also good, you can think about it."

Lin Qirong spoke in an orderly manner while writing down what they needed.

Tong Tong earnestly helped his father hold the couplet, as if she would help his father cook by the side.

When they were busy, a live camera also broadcast the lively scene on the Internet simultaneously, attracting a large number of netizens to watch.

Prior to this, it was announced that Lin Qirong and his daughter and SWEET girl would appear in this episode of the live broadcast, so many of their fans flooded into the live broadcast room, and more than 2000 million people watched it online.

Lin Qirong wrote Spring Festival couplets for the villagers on the spot, which aroused the interest of netizens.

"I have the posture, but I don't know how to write. Writing Spring Festival couplets is no different from writing other things. It uses calligraphy, which is very difficult to write well.

With the current ignorant status of celebrities, it is unlikely that they will perform astonishingly. "

However, as soon as his message was sent, the entire couplet written by Lin Qirong was clearly broadcast live.

The flamboyant font and neat structure are completely qualified and even excellent Spring Festival couplets.

There seemed to be a slapping sound in the air.

"It's interesting, how can this Lin Qirong still write calligraphy? And he can write very well.

It is said that the handwriting is like a person, and a person who can write such a beautiful font must be a very good person. "

"Brilliant talent is not something to brag about. I wouldn't be surprised if Lin Qirong said he could paint another day."

"Other celebrities write crookedly when they write with a pen. Except for the signature because they have been specially practiced, the other characters are like dogs crawling, which is too different from their image.

That's not to mention calligraphy.

I didn't expect Lin Qirong's calligraphy to be so good. No wonder he always has an elegant temperament about him. It turns out that he was nurtured.

Poetry and poetry in the belly are self-sufficient, only stars with talent in the stomach can have such a demeanor. "

"Anyway, I'm a fan. Lin Qirong didn't do it for show, but actually sent well-prepared gifts to the villagers and praised him."

Of course, in terms of popularity, it is impossible for Lin Qirong to compare with the girls. Among other things, the effect produced by the gathering of nine girls is far greater than nine.

The girls are naturally the target of the camera, and it is believed that the process of making gifts for the villagers was recorded.

It's just that their speed is much slower.

Of course, their "customers" won't mind and would rather wait a little longer.


Suddenly there was a scream.

"I made a typo."

The sweet-looking Zhang Meimei frowned and looked at the writing in the pen pitifully.

When writing the word "Fu" to a villager at his request, she accidentally wrote an extra dot.

It didn't matter if she didn't say it. As soon as she said it, everyone looked up.

Sure enough, she wrote one more point.

Zhang Meimei only felt that countless fiery eyes surrounded her, as if she was laughing at herself, even spelling the word "Fu" wrong, what is it if she is ignorant?
She could even feel the deeply gloating look of the sisters behind her.

They all feel that they are not strong enough, and only rely on luck and the support of straight men to make it all the way to the end.

So they despise themselves.

Now that they have made a fool of themselves, they may feel happy in their hearts.

What's more important is that it's being broadcast live now, and it is estimated that this matter will be fermented tonight.

"Let me write you a new one." She said in a panic, about to tear off the previous one.

"I feel very good."

A voice suddenly broke in and said.

"A little more blessings means more blessings, and it represents your best wishes to them, isn't it great?

If you don't want it, then I'll just ask for this blessing. "

Lin Qirong and the boy in front of him laughed.

"No," the boy shook his head, "I want this one, you are right, the more blessings, the more blessings.

Such a special word of blessing, others can't get it if they want it. "

"That's it, yours is out of print, maybe when she becomes a big star in the future, you can take out this blessing for auction.

Do you know about the wrong version of banknotes?That is still a counterfeit currency, but ask the person who got this counterfeit currency if they are happy? "

"Yes, yes." The boy smiled, very happy.

Both the program team and Zhang Meimei breathed a sigh of relief.

After giving Lin Qirong such a gag, the awkward atmosphere caused by Zhang Meimei's mistake finally eased a lot.

What might have been raised to the level of "no culture" and "no quality" was cleverly described by Lin Qirong as a small mistake, and it was a very beautiful mistake.

The extra lucky characters are scarcer than the normal lucky characters, and they were written by a beautiful woman named Zhang Meimei. It is estimated that the boy who gets her lucky characters will laugh in his dreams tonight.

"Thank you." Zhang Meimei whispered.

"You're welcome, don't pay too much attention to such a small mistake, who doesn't miss it?"

Lin Qirong waved to her, walked back to his seat and continued to write Spring Festival couplets with the villagers.

His speed was very fast, and he wrote dozens of couplets in a short time. Basically every household got one, and the crowd in front of him dispersed a lot.

After writing a Spring Festival couplet for the last villager, the other side was still crowded with people, which was extremely lively.

Zhang Meimei is the most popular one, her face is too easy to arouse boys' desire to protect, especially straight men can't resist her charm.

Followed by the domineering Wang Yuxi, her figure is very attractive, so she is no less popular than Zhang Meimei.

However, Lin Qirong could find that there were quite a few problems between the two of them, or between the nine girls.

This is also normal. Although we are a team, our popularity may be high or low, and it is normal to be dissatisfied with each other.

Especially Zhang Meimei, many people may feel that she is not worthy of virtue, lacks high quality, lacks ability, and cannot take on the important task of the core position of the team, and she should not be the object of the company and fans.

On the contrary, those who sang better and danced better did not get the rewards they deserved.

It can be tolerated for a short time, but over time, if the gap continues to widen, it is estimated that there will be a rift between the groups.

However, Lin Qirong understands this situation very well. The company will promote Zhang Meimei because she is beautiful and popular with people.

She may not be that persuasive, but she can't support her popularity, and she can bring profits to the company. It's normal to choose.

Of course, if she is satisfied with the status quo and doesn't think about improving herself, she will be eliminated sooner or later.

Lin Qirong would help her smooth things over just because he didn't want to spoil this live broadcast.

Since it is to send blessings and gifts to the villagers here, it is better not to have other things happen.

Otherwise, the news and public opinion in the future will all say that she wrote typos and uneducated things, then this program will lose its meaning.

Although there was a small episode, the show ended smoothly. They successfully sent New Year blessings and meaningful gifts to the villagers here.

(End of this chapter)

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