Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 34 Recruitment (2)

Chapter 34 Recruitment ([-])

"Our company is called Tonghua Entertainment Studio, and the current main business is to write scripts and then sell them to investors. The business we are preparing for is to produce a children's animation.

As for what business will be expanded in the future, I don’t know for the time being. I hope you can go down slowly with me. "

Lin Qirong introduced the basic situation of the company to them.

The office is located in a prosperous area with convenient transportation, and there is a subway not far away, which is convenient for commuting to and from get off work.

"The salary is a basic salary of 5000 yuan plus bonus, five social insurances and one housing fund. I believe it will gradually increase as the company develops."

Hu Mei and Liu Xueying looked at each other and nodded. This kind of treatment is not very low for a fledgling college student.

"If you think it's okay, you can sign this contract, and then I'll take you to the company to have a look."

Hu Mei and Liu Xueying carefully read the contract. This is a standard contract provided by the big talent market. The remuneration and conditions mentioned by Lin Qirong are all listed on it. After confirming that there is no problem, they signed it.

Finally got a good harvest, Lin Qirong was in a good mood, and led Lin Yitong to stand up.

"Let's go, let's go back to the company."

"There is no need to continue here..." Liu Xueying pointed to the recruitment platform and asked.

Lin Qirong took off the recruitment sign and shrugged, "I've been waiting for you two all morning. It's too inefficient. It's better to go back to the company and wait for someone who's interested to come to you."

The two of them thought about it too. They were recruiting here with a child, and they didn't want to come here at first.

But it seems to end well.

Back to the office by taxi, the two girls were attracted by the dreamy LOGO as soon as they entered the gate.

"It's so beautiful." Liu Xueying murmured.

"My father designed it himself." Lin Yitong was already familiar with them in the car, and when he heard her words, he said proudly.

"Really? It's amazing."

He led them around to get familiar with the environment.

"That's it for the time being. You are the first batch of employees of the company, so even though you don't have much experience, you have to catch the ducks and put them on the shelves."

Hu Mei said cheerfully, "No problem, just give us your orders. There is no need to treat us as students who have just left school.

We won't pretend to understand what we don't understand, we just ask you for instructions if we don't understand. "

Lin Qirong nodded, "That's the mentality, but the company has just been established and there are not too many things to do. There are a few things that you need to do.

Hu Mei, your job is to be responsible for all kinds of chores in the office, to see what office supplies, daily necessities, etc. need to be purchased, to ensure the normal operation of the studio.

There will be people applying for jobs recently, and you will be in charge of receiving them and interviewing them with me.

If you need to go out to negotiate business, you may also need to go with me.

Of course, there is another very important task, as a favor to me, that is, to help take care of Tongtong when I have something to do. "

Hu Mei didn't expect Lin Qirong to throw her a lot of things, she was taken aback for a moment and then agreed.

With her personality, it would be uncomfortable if she didn't have to do anything. The busier she was, the happier she was.

"As for you," Lin Qirong and Liu Xueying said, "your only job right now is to study, further improve your skills, and learn to use the various software here."

He pointed to the computer in the design room, "This is your workplace, just choose a location yourself, and discuss with Hu Mei if you have anything to do."

"Okay." Liu Xueying nodded lightly, she also knew that there was still a gap in her ability.

But she has loved painting since she was a child, and this is her favorite job.

"Then these are your main tasks. When you can perfectly draw these original drawings on the computer and get my approval, our work will officially begin."

He handed Liu Xueying a document bag, and she took it out to see that it was a stack of drawing paper, each drawing paper had various shapes of animals drawn on it.

It's the same style as the piggy I drew before.

It's all so cute.

Could this be the original character design of the children's animation produced by my studio?
It's so simple, it's just an image drawn with lines, how can the produced animation look better?

She also likes watching anime, whether it is Chinese manga, Japanese manga, or American manga, she is very familiar with it.

These animations are all for the purpose of exquisite production, especially Japanese animations, every anime character is very delicate.

Even for children's animation, the effect of such a simple character image should be terrible, right?
Lin Qirong saw her worry, but he didn't explain it to her.

This can be regarded as a test.

There are several reasons for choosing the children's animation "Peppa Pig" as the first work of Tonghua Entertainment Studio.

It is simple to make, low in cost, requires few personnel, and has low technical content.

What really makes this two-dimensional animation popular is its plot and the ideas it conveys.

This is the conclusion he reached when discussing with a few friends in his previous life.

Chinese people make animations for children with an adult mind, aiming at making money, but the results are not loved by children at all, and the plots full of negative energy make parents not happy for their children to watch this kind of animation. animation.

The children's animations in Europe and the United States start from the standpoint of children and make animations that children like.

The plot is simple and the painting style is simple. It doesn't matter. The key is that children like it and can learn something from it. Even adults can watch it together and learn a lot.

As for the upsurge of "piggy page tattoos, applause for the public" that became popular on social networks later, it is another matter.

Of course, he chose to do children's animation, the main purpose is to let Lin Yitong have better children's animation to watch, he really can't compliment those shoddy animation.


At noon, he invited two new employees to have a simple lunch, and then took Lin Yitong home to rest.

As for the two girls, they chose to return to the office. They were enthusiastic about their new jobs and wanted to start working as soon as possible.

When Lin Qirong came to the office again in the afternoon, the place was completely new.

The table and the floor were wiped clean, and the office supplies that had been piled up in the corner had been put into various places where they were needed.

It seems that Hu Mei has been working hard all afternoon.

"Boss." Hu Mei was typing in front of a computer when she saw him get up quickly.

"Don't be so polite in the future." Lin Qirong waved his hand, "Good job, the whole studio is more orderly."

"After I came back, Yingying and I cleaned it together. If the environment is better, everyone's mood will be better."

Hu Mei said, "In addition, I checked the information carefully. Our studio also needs to purchase some necessary daily necessities, such as water dispensers and microwave ovens, so that employees can drink water during breaks and heat up meals at noon."

Lin Qirong smiled and said, "It's still your thoughtfulness, so you can buy it when you have time. I'll give you the money later, remember to enter the invoice."

"Okay." Hu Mei didn't delay either, this was exactly her duty.

"come on."

Lin Qirong smiled with her, and led Lin Yitong into his office.

When passing by the design studio, I saw Liu Xueying was immersed in painting, with a strand of long hair hanging beside her ear, adding a touch of charming charm.

Looks like she's getting into character too.

It seems that this time I have recruited good employees.

Ability can be exercised, but character, attitude and responsibility are very rare.

Have both ability and political integrity, put morality first, this sentence is applicable at any time.


In the afternoon, two people came to apply for the job, but they obviously looked down on such a small company.

One of them talked about his ability, experience, and work experience in a large studio, full of contempt for Tonghua Entertainment, as if it was condescending to apply for a job here.

The other is to ask for high salary and free working hours, and the studio can't rush the progress, as if he is already an indispensable part of Tonghua Entertainment Studio, and he can't play without him.

Regarding their attitude, Lin Qirong could only be speechless, and asked them to leave after a few words to deal with.

Tonghua Entertainment can't afford to support such an uncle.

"Aren't they mentally ill?" Hu Mei said indignantly, "It's not such an attitude if you are capable, you are here to apply for an employee, not to be an uncle.

Besides, if they have that kind of business ability, why would they need to come to a small company like ours to apply for a job? "

Lin Qirong laughed and said, "There are so many wonders in this world, it's normal to have such wonders, and they would not dare to do this when applying for a job in a big company.

It's just a show of superiority in a small company like ours.

This kind of employees, whether they are high or low, are unwilling to work hard in a down-to-earth manner. No matter which company they go to, they will not be able to get along. "

Hu Mei nodded thoughtfully. Today, Lin Qirong conveyed a message intentionally or unintentionally. Tonghua Entertainment needs not only capable employees, but also employees with responsibility and good attitude.

She would be foolish if she couldn't taste something carefully from it.

As expected, the workplace is full of knowledge, and I have to continue to study hard.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

Just as he was talking, a voice came from outside, soft and soft, like a ray of spring breeze blowing across his face in his ears, very comfortable.

"Hello, yes." Hu Mei hurried out and led a girl in after a while.

This girl is about 20 years old, her elegant eyes are as pure as water, her appearance is beautiful, and she has an aura that makes people very close.

Her long black hair was tied back with a white ribbon.

She was wearing a tight-fitting white one-piece dress on her slender body, standing there quietly, like a classical beauty coming out of a landscape painting, beautiful and elegant.

She bowed slightly, "Hello, my name is Xiao Yunfang, and I'm here to apply for the job."

The soft voice immediately warmed up the entire reception room.

(End of this chapter)

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