Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 338 Effect

Chapter 338 Effect
The next day, news about the conference was flying everywhere.

The reporters who left Tonghua Entertainment contentedly gave Lin Qirong enough face.

In the news, they described the press conference as unprecedentedly grand, boasting about the new animation and app launched by Tonghua Entertainment, and even full of praise for the plan of Tonghua Forest.

"If Tonghua Entertainment's plan can be implemented smoothly, it will point out a bright road for the whole society.

The power of the country is very strong, but it is impossible to bet all on it, so there are limitations in this aspect, and long-term investment is required to see results.

But the power of the whole society is infinite, and the biggest highlight of this plan lies in the combination of capital power and social power.

The public does not need to spend a single penny, they only need to complete the necessary things every day to do a good deed, and everyone is willing to do it.

After all, everyone has a kindness in their hearts, but they have too little power and too much pressure in life, so they don't have the idea of ​​doing such a thing.

If good deeds can be done without any cost, then everyone is willing to contribute.

Although the power of capital has spent money and energy to do this kind of thing, it can get a huge advertising effect and further increase the stickiness of fans. I think major companies are also very happy.

With the combination of capital and social forces and the participation of the whole society, the cause of afforestation and sand control will be greatly accelerated, and Huaxia may create a miracle of environmental governance.

This is the greatest significance of Tonghua Entertainment's plan.

I have to admire Lin Qirong, he came up with a genius idea, which will definitely have a huge impact. "

And the fans who participated in the conference even exaggerated what happened that day in various fan groups.

Lin Qirong's sincere attitude made everyone very happy and further increased their loyalty.

Then more people joined their group and became Lin Qirong's fans.

Many people have become fans of Lin Qirong because of the impact of this press conference, thinking that he is a star worth following.

After the official Tonghua World app was officially launched on Tonghua Entertainment's official website and major app stores, he and Tongtong's fans downloaded it one after another and entered it immediately.

Many parents immediately downloaded this APP and registered as members because their children like to watch cartoons produced by Tonghua Animation.

This way their children can watch more cartoons.

According to the 24-hour statistics of Tonghua World APP, the download volume of major application platforms has exceeded 1000 million times, and it is still rising.

This kind of achievement has surprised countless people, and it also proves the influence of Lin Qirong and Tonghua Entertainment.

“Whether it’s because they support Tonghua Entertainment’s cartoons or they like Lin Qirong or Tongtong, these people have gathered together through the Tonghua World app and become Lin Qirong’s base and his biggest support force.

This force is terrifying, they can do too many things together, and bring countless benefits to Lin Qirong.

More importantly, with this official APP, Tonghua Entertainment or Lin Qirong don't need to care about the smears and attacks on them on the Internet.

Because people who support them have gone to this APP, they can get their official response immediately.

They only need to be responsible to those who support them, and why should they care about other people outside.

As a result, both Tonghua Entertainment and Lin Qirong got rid of the influence of news and public opinion on them, and the situation like the previous few public opinion wars would not happen again.

Perhaps this is Lin Qirong's real purpose. "

After the data of Tonghua World came out, it is said that many entertainment companies are tempted and are planning to launch similar apps to further increase their influence.

Especially for a company like Qianhua Entertainment, there are many artists. If the fans of these artists are gathered in one app, how many fans will there be?How big of an impact will this have?
Regardless of this, fans who downloaded Tonghua World gained a better understanding of the APP after registering as members, and also received quite a surprise.

They can do some small things with little effort, participate in the plan of Tonghua Forest, and contribute their own strength to afforestation.

They can see the latest and most complete updates about Lin Qirong and Tongtong here.

They can see the most complete works, such as the cartoons of Tonghua Animation, the performance videos of Lin Qirong and Tongtong.

You can also hear all the songs composed by Lin Qirong, and you can also watch the life videos of Lin Qirong and Tongtong that cannot be seen elsewhere.

For example, the life documentary "Tong Tong and Her Friends", which was edited by Lin Qirong himself, records many interesting things in Tong Tong's life, so that everyone can learn more about the daily life of this lovely girl.

Her friends also entered the scene, Jiajia, Xuanxuan, Xinxin, Zalehei, Rachel, etc., brought a lot of highlights to this documentary.

In addition, fans can express their own opinions and put forward their own opinions and suggestions in various forums such as music, animation, film and television, and variety shows, and there will be special personnel to follow up. If there are beneficial suggestions, they will be replied as soon as possible.

Of course, if you want to make all kinds of comments, you must reach a certain level, and those who want to make trouble want to achieve their goals, and the cost will be much higher.

Even if there are people dedicated to doing such things, there are people from the Internet Department who are watching them every day. Once any abnormalities are discovered, they can immediately block accounts and delete comments.

From this perspective, the outside world’s speculation is correct.

Now Lin Qirong can completely ignore the public opinion outside.

In the mall, fans saw a dazzling array of various products.

All kinds of peripheral products, support items, and souvenirs are all exquisitely designed, which makes many people excited.

These can be redeemed with points, and there are also various lottery draws every month and on holidays, and lucky ones can get exquisite gifts.

Even if they are not lucky enough and it is difficult to accumulate points, they can still get certain discounts when purchasing various goods (of course, there is a certain quantity limit).

In short, fans felt Lin Qirong's full sincerity.

His sincerity is definitely not limited to words only.

Such a discovery made the fans very happy, full of a sense of superiority and belonging.

And this kind of feeling will make them get used to this app gradually, and they have to open it every day to take a look and become a part of their life.


"According to the background data, the daily number of logins has reached 500 million, and the number of active users has reached 1000 million. The usage viscosity is surprisingly high."

Zuo Youran stood at the door and reported what he had collected.

Lin Qirong was concentrating on cooking while listening to her talk.

This situation is not unexpected. Think about WeChat and Alipay in the previous life, which active users are not hundreds of millions?
The resulting commercial value is endless.

The world of Tonghua is just getting started.

"Because of this data, many advertisers have already contacted us, hoping to advertise on our APP."

Lin Qirong nodded, "We can cooperate, but we must pay attention to screening, there must be no bad advertisements, and it must not affect the user experience of members.

At the same time, the advertisements on the video side must be closed at any time. We don't learn from those video platforms to spend money to buy members. "

Zuo Youran recorded what he said, and later conveyed it to other departments.

"The second good news is that the sales data of the mall keeps rising, and the momentum is very good. It seems that everyone likes to buy things on it."

"This is the power of fan stickiness." Lin Qirong said with a smile, "Looking at it every day, we can use big data to accurately push advertisements, and they will always be tempted.

For example, when watching cartoons with children and seeing peripheral products related to cartoons, adults will have the urge to buy them for children.

The same is true for other things, as long as you use it a lot, you will always be tempted by a certain product.

What we have to do is to continuously enrich our products so that they have more choices. "

"I understand, I am also very aware of the terror of the Hand-Slayer Party."

"Yes, the Hand-Severing Party, geez."

Zuo Youran laughed happily, she thought of Luo Meihong, every time she would buy a lot of things online, and then many of them were never used, and finally piled up in the room as useless things.

She had laughed at her several times, but she didn't expect that there were so many doorways in it.

Lin Qirong said with a smile, "I heard a famous entrepreneur say that the most important thing for any enterprise is to study the psychology of the public and make decisions based on it.

The public's consumption preferences are essentially a social and psychological problem. If you have a good grasp of the enterprise, you can move forward.

The same is true for us, whether they are supporters of Tonghua Entertainment or supporters of Tongtong and I, what do they need, what make them happy, and under what circumstances are they willing to spend money to buy our products? This is what we need to grasp and Keep working hard for it. "

"En." Zuo Youran nodded, looking at Lin Qirong with a trace of admiration.

The big eyes full of lethality and the beautiful appearance are so attractive that Lin Qirong turned his head a little bit unbearably, touched his nose and said, "Go and see Tongtong, my preparations are almost done here. .”

Zuo Youran came to her senses, blushed in response, and hurried to find Tongtong, she was playing crazy in the garden again.

Lin Qirong was stunned for a while, then he sighed and returned to the kitchen to continue cooking hard.

Today is Tongtong's birthday, but Lin Qirong didn't invite other people, but cooked a table of delicious dishes himself, which Tongtong likes to eat.

Today they are simply going to celebrate.

But that doesn't mean others don't know it's her birthday.

The living room was filled with gifts, which were given by employees of Tonghua Entertainment or friends of Lin Qirong. There were also some specially sent by Tongtong fans, which were piled up in the corners of the living room.

It seems that a gift room will be specially prepared for her in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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