Chapter 334

Tonghua Entertainment, which has not made a sound for a long time, finally issued a new statement, and it was a blockbuster, which made people dumbfounded.

"Starting today, Tonghua Entertainment will completely abolish the authorization given to other toy manufacturers to produce various types of dolls and other physical toys, and will retain cooperation that only uses portrait rights.

The statement is effective immediately. From today, no manufacturer is allowed to produce various physical toys including dolls of Tonghua Entertainment and Tonghua Animation.

If such things happen again, Tonghua Entertainment will take legal measures to pursue its responsibility.

Tonghua Entertainment will bear relevant breach of contract responsibilities strictly in accordance with the provisions of the contract and give a clear explanation to all partners.

Tonghua Entertainment will take legal measures to investigate the responsibility for the breach of the contract.

In addition, we are also renegotiating with major toy manufacturers to reach new cooperation. "

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and there was a lot of discussion from the outside world about Tonghua Entertainment’s radical approach.

Most people think that Tonghua Entertainment is trying to survive with a broken arm and destroy its future.

The originally thriving surrounding industries were hit hard by a cliff in an instant, and the future is unknown.

A small number of people realized the purpose of Tonghua Entertainment, which was completely plugging the loopholes in the company, and no longer giving opportunities for interested people to continue to lead the rhythm, to pick themselves out of the whirlpool of public opinion, and then consider more suitable ones. Development methods.

As long as Tonghua Animation's cartoons continue to maintain strong ratings and reputation, their peripheral industries can still continue to develop, and even have new gains.

The strange thing is that the toy manufacturers whose contracts were broken did not jump out to accuse Tonghua Entertainment, which is surprising.

Among them, Li Gaojie and his colleagues have done a lot of work, but no one knows it.

Such an intense method surprised Zhao Mingchuan and others who were about to start a new provocative action, and had to stop the action they were preparing.

If we stir up trouble again now, doesn't it mean that someone is deliberately stirring up trouble?And it has no impact on Tonghua Entertainment.

They were beaten ahead by Lin Qirong again.

"How dare he?" When Zhao Mingchuan heard the news, he was so excited that he pinched Yaoyao beside him into unbearable pain.

"This is not a matter of 200 to [-] yuan, nor is it a matter of [-] million yuan, it is a loss of [-] to [-] million yuan.

How dare he say that if he breaks the contract, he will break the contract?Aren't you afraid of liquidated damages to pay him to death? "

Faced with his anger, everyone present was silent. Yaoyao even endured the pain and gently stroked Zhao Mingchuan's back, making him slowly calm down.

The reason why she was able to stay with Zhao Mingchuan for so long without being squeezed out by the young and beautiful girls who replaced him like a lantern was because of her understanding.

When Zhao Mingchuan was in a bad mood, she could always calm him down.

Sure enough, Zhao Mingchuan slowly calmed down, "Do you think our plan was leaked? Is Lin Qirong cutting off his wrist?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help complaining again, "At least a few hundred million in compensation, is he willing?"

"I don't know. Even if he knew, he wouldn't be so decisive. I think he might have other actions."

Zhao Mingchuan waved his hand, signaling him to leave.

Lin Qirong blocked another loophole that could make a fuss, and he couldn't think of anything else to do.

Think about it, although Lin Qirong suffered a lot of losses, he was light-hearted and could travel lightly.

When he thought of this, he couldn't suppress the evil fire in his heart. Everything he did before was very smooth. Why did he hit a wall everywhere when he came to Lin Qirong?
How many resources I have used this time, even relationships that I have not used for a long time, and I owe countless favors. The purpose is to use such things to completely bring down Tonghua Entertainment, and then go in to take over.

Didn't a health care empire worth tens of billions collapse overnight?

How many companies in China can withstand joint investigations by various departments?

But this tried-and-tested tactic has been defeated by Lin Qirong, really.

Yaoyao silently massaged him gently, then she let out a cry and was pulled into her arms and pressed under her body, and then her body was cold, and a burst of pain hit her, but she could only wrap her hands around his neck, letting He takes it out on himself.

This is not the first time that this kind of thing happened. When Zhao Mingchuan is in a good mood, he is extremely gentle to you, but when he is in a bad mood, he will turn into a beast and be extremely rough.

All she can do is accept this fate.

It's just that there seems to be a glimmer of light in this fate.


"Actually, our losses are not that big."

Li Gaojie talked eloquently.

"I personally communicated with each partner, and if the other party is willing to sign another cooperation contract, we are willing to give the most preferential treatment.

Of course, the liquidated damages we need to pay are not that high.

Most manufacturers are willing to continue to cooperate with us. We will send people to the factory to supervise the entire production process. After strict review and obtaining the inspection approval document, the products can be released to the market. "

He couldn't help but sigh, "This is also because our peripheral products have already had great influence, and children like these toys the most.

They will have to agree to our request because they are reluctant to part with the huge profits.

Of course, our sincere attitude and the range of profit sharing are enough to move their hearts. "

"That's good." Lin Qirong was silent for a while before nodding.

"The Huaxia market is big enough. We alone can't afford such a big market. Let's make money together. We can gain more friends and occupy the market as soon as possible. I completely agree with your decision.

But we must pay close attention to the quality control, and never allow the previous situation to reappear. "

"I told them the cause and effect of this incident, and they understood our difficulties and said they would not allow such self-destructive things to happen."

"That's good." Lin Qirong smiled, "It seems that you are ready to stand alone."

Li Gaojie nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, I'm ready, boss, just put the burden on me."

"Haha, then hurry up and prepare. There will be a press conference in a few days to officially announce this matter. You must also attend."

"I see." Li Gaojie said excitedly, looking at Hu Mei next to him with strange eyes.

But Hu Mei ignored him, and quietly waited for Lin Qirong's order.

After he left, Lin Qirong and Hu Mei smiled and said, "How? Are you envious?"

Hu Mei shook her head.

"If the time is right, I can release you to stand alone."

Hu Mei shook her head again, "I know my abilities, apart from being able to do chores, I don't have any special abilities, which are different from them.

So I'll just stay by your side and follow your instructions to arrange various jobs.

Now this position, I feel very suitable for me. "

Lin Qirong laughed, "It seems that you don't have any idea about him crushing you."

Hu Mei's face turned slightly red, and she turned her head away embarrassedly.

The whole company knew about Li Gaojie's pursuit of her. After such a long time, she was a little moved and felt that Li Gaojie was not as carefree as he appeared.

But it's just a little more goodwill, not to that extent.

Now her main focus is on how to complete the various tasks assigned by her boss.

"Don't worry, he will still listen to you in the future." Lin Qirong said with a smile, "I don't want my future executive director to become a daughter-in-law. A strong woman is what you should be like."

Hu Mei pursed her lips and chuckled, "Then I have to continue to work hard and strive to have the ability to be qualified for this position."

"It's good to have this determination, but you also have to be mentally prepared to shoulder a heavy burden." Lin Qirong gave her a thumbs up, "How are you preparing for things?"

"I've arranged it myself."

"Then let's make an announcement, and some media units also send out invitations, all related to the content, it's their business whether they come or not.

We must do a good job of receiving them. These are uncrowned kings. We are not afraid of them, but we will not offend them either. "

"I see."


After throwing a blockbuster, Tonghua Entertainment issued another statement, but this time it made everyone a little confused.

"A press conference? Shouldn't it be a press conference?"

"He thinks he is Warwick, doing a new product launch?"

"But holding a press conference at this time must have a purpose, right?"

"Even if they want to avoid the important thing and use this kind of thing to guide public opinion, it is impossible to avoid it. The reporters present will definitely make them remember this incident."

"I heard that many media outlets have received invitations. What do they want to do? Put themselves on the muzzle of a gun?"

"Anyway, everyone can just watch the show. This Lin Qirong really has a hot search physique. From last year to this year, how many things have happened?"

"It feels a little strange, but I believe in him because his works can touch people, and people who can create such good songs are definitely not bad people."

"In an absolute sense, this incident has nothing to do with Tonghua Entertainment.

But they didn't immediately shirk their responsibility. Instead, they immediately sent people to the tobacco market to cooperate with the investigation, and they went to the child many times to condolences, willing to provide help. Until now, the general manager of Tonghua Animation is still staying in the tobacco market.

It can be seen from this that this is a responsible company, at least not the kind of company that only cares about making money and doesn't care about anything else. "

"According to internal information, many departments went to Tonghua Entertainment to investigate, but nothing was found. Otherwise, how could it be so calm now? It would have been turned upside down long ago."

"An entertainment company can't find out the problem? Impossible?"

"I heard that this is indeed the case, otherwise, how could there be no news?

Don’t you think the previous rhythm is familiar?Someone is simply setting the pace. Being so calm now shows a lot of things. "

"I see, I feel the same way. Is there really a ghost here?"

"But if there are ghosts, why didn't Mr. Truth come out?"

"No matter what, you'll know after the press conference is over, right?"


Because this matter has attracted a lot of attention, and also because of Lin Qirong's celebrity status, this press conference has received a lot of attention, and public opinion has been completely directed to this matter without knowing it.

This matter, which has been dragged on for almost half a month, is finally about to be settled.

(End of this chapter)

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