Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 272 Invitation to the Mid-Autumn Festival Party

Chapter 272 Invitation to the Mid-Autumn Festival Party

Lin Qirong saw what they were thinking and explained.

"We are naturally incomparable with giants like Disney, but we must aim far, and we must work hard in this direction.

This is also my request to you. Tonghua Entertainment, including Tonghua Animation, will never use shoddy production to make so-called quick money, nor will it consume the feelings of the audience.

We want to make the works that the audience likes and agree with our works from the bottom of their hearts. The concept that Tonghua's products must be high-quality goods is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and gradually establish our image in the hearts of the public.

One day, we can become a giant comparable to Disney.

Of course, this requires hard work from everyone. "

Everyone applauded enthusiastically. It is a very challenging thing to be ambitious and grow together with the company.

They love a challenge like this.

"I will pay attention to this matter." Xiao Yunfang smiled, "I also believe that Xueying can complete this difficult task."

Liu Xueying looked at Lin Qirong with a firm expression.

"I will work hard, no matter what, I will make this movie."

"That's hard work. Tell me if you have any difficulties, and I will help you solve them." Lin Qirong nodded with her.

"The work of the second part is very simple, to further explore the potential of the theme of "Dora the Explorer".

It is an all-encompassing subject, full of whimsical ideas, whether it is good or not depends on whether your brains are clear and strange, and whether you are big enough.

All kinds of fairy tales and fairy tales are the best themes, and the interaction with the audience is the biggest feature. It needs to persevere to promote positive energy.

If the conditions are ripe, you can also try to make a big movie. "

Wu Yingxiang smiled wryly, "I'm under a lot of pressure. Although this cartoon is very popular with children, especially girls, it has encountered certain difficulties in the development of peripheral products.

We will work hard to solve this problem, and when three or four seasons come out and the market is almost cultivated, then we will consider big movies? "

Lin Qirong nodded, "Thoughtful thinking, you don't need to be too ambitious, just follow the steps.

The pressure of the third part should not be that great, so let's work hard for the first season. "

Lu Wenzheng nodded calmly, "The most difficult part is the professional knowledge of various animals. With the guidance of Teacher Hu, we can write various plots easily.

However, the workload is relatively large and it will take a certain amount of time. "

"Time doesn't matter, the key is quality, let the children like it."

Lu Wenzheng nodded, he likes to speak with practical actions.

"What about the fourth part?" Lin Qirong turned to Liu Jinshan and asked.

Liu Jinshan clapped the thick plan in his hand, "With the script provided by the boss, we have no problem."

Lin Qirong nodded, "Don't underestimate this theme, my plan is to make a series, an early childhood education series exclusively for Huaxia children.

Through cartoons, games, and nursery rhymes, it covers a variety of life common sense, learning knowledge, safety common sense, etc., involving art creation, intellectual development, social etiquette, language training, living habits, cognitive encyclopedia and other fields, making it truly accompany Children grow.

It may not make money, but it must become a benchmark for children to educate and entertain.

You will be under a lot of stress. "

"I like this challenge." Liu Jinshan said with a smile, "What I like most about the company is that each work has a clear goal and must be made into a series.

This will help our staff slowly build their own animation world and integrate what they want to express into it. "

"Then do it well, I trust you."

"Thank you."

The business that Lin Qirong assigned to the four departments is the super IP "Baby Bus", which belongs to the real early education field, which is different from children's animation and has richer content.

In the previous life, this APP had more than 2 million active independent users and over 6000 million monthly active users. It has a great influence in the field of early childhood education and has a considerable influence in the world.

It does not charge for content as a profit method, and most of the content is free to watch and play.

The main profit model is through traffic charges and brand advertising to make profits. The rich content and effective educational effects make most families happy for their children to watch its cartoons and play its games.

It is naturally impossible for Sibu to make money from this IP at the beginning, but it is not without potential.

Lin Qirong hopes that Liu Jinshan can find more ways to achieve the best of both worlds.

In the end, Lin Qirong concluded, "Whenever we make any work, we must carefully weigh economic interests and social benefits.

The two are not completely in conflict, the key is whether we can find a way to integrate the two.

I always firmly believe that as long as the children like our works from the bottom of their hearts, and parents feel that their children can learn something by watching our cartoons, they will be willing to pay for related peripheral products.

And if there is a conflict between economic interests and social benefits, my opinion is to choose social benefits without hesitation.

Making money is not the most important thing, we still have many things to pursue.

This is the pattern that an ambitious enterprise should have, and I hope everyone will always remember this. "

Xiao Yunfang applauded lightly and said, "We will convey your idea to all employees, and use this as the standard to make every work, please rest assured."

Lin Qirong smiled and said, "With you here, I have nothing to worry about."

Xiao Yunfang smiled and said nothing. The thing she felt most fortunate was that she came to Shanghai Stock Exchange.

In addition to finding his own love, he also found a platform where he can give full play to his abilities.

She firmly believes that the future of Tonghua animation is extremely broad.

After this meeting, the future development direction of Tonghua Animation has been determined.

Everyone must go all out under the leadership of Xiao Yunfang to make Tonghua animation better.

After the meeting, Lin Qirong came to Xiao Yunfang's meeting room and handed her two documents.

"Now we don't have enough employees, and the company's funds don't allow it to spread too much at once, so you should read these two documents first, and consider launching these two projects when the conditions are ripe.

I think they will be another two IPs worthy of vigorous expansion after "Little Pig Peggy" in our Tonghua animation. "

The materials he handed over to Xiao Yunfang included two popular IPs, "The Great Contribution of Wang Wang Team" and "Super Wings".

In the former, the story unfolds based on the completion of various rescue missions by the Wangwang team. The dogs with full of personality and their equipment are the biggest highlights.

The beautiful flying dog Tiantian, the cute and spider-afraid firefighter Xiaoli, the responsible spy dog ​​Archie, and the confused firefighter Maomao are all very popular among children.

There are also a variety of special vehicles with different unique functions that are also very interesting.

The peripheral products derived from this have a large market.

The latter is based on the story of the Super Wings team going all over the world to help different children realize their wishes and overcome difficulties.

Super Wings with different functions and the scenery and culture all over the world are very interesting.

The peripheral products of each Super Wings are also hot-selling products.

Lin Qirong took these two popular IPs out, hoping that Tonghua Animation can produce these two themes when the conditions are ripe.

With the support of these themes, the future development of Tonghua Animation will be fully guaranteed, forming a series of excellent works—the industrial chain of peripheral products, and it is possible to really become an excellent animation company in the eyes of the public, laying a solid foundation for future development Lay the real foundation.

It is impossible for him to have too much time to worry about the Tonghua animation business in the future, so he can only hand it over to Xiao Yunfang to produce these two IPs, making them more suitable for China's children's market.

Just like "Super Wings", in the first two seasons, he plans to put the content mainly in China, and put the scenery, culture, and customs of major cities in China into it, so that children can appreciate it through this cartoon. The great rivers and mountains of China, feel the culture of each region.

It was only later that the development to the world was considered, and all regions of the world were included in it.

This naturally requires a lot of work, and only Xiao Yunfang can do it well.

Xiao Yunfang took the file bag without saying anything.

I just need to follow the boss's plan, and I don't need to ask other things.

"I will study it carefully."

"Thank you for your hard work. I am relieved to entrust Tonghua animation to you."

Xiao Yunfang laughed happily, "I'm under a lot of pressure when you're like this."

"Challenges lead to progress."

"Then what can we do, we have to work hard."

"Pay attention to your body, otherwise Joe will make trouble for me."

"He doesn't dare," Xiao Yunfang said with a smile, "He himself is not busy all day long."

"That's true."


Time goes by.

"Where Are We Going, Dad" continued to air, and the ratings continued to maintain a good level, and the popularity of star dads and cute babies continued to rise.

Especially the broadcast of the Grassland special, in the ethereal and ethereal singing of Goshawk lead singer Aruna, the beauty of the grassland and the sound of nature are perfectly integrated, making all the audience mesmerized.

People recognized Lin Qirong's extraordinary talent once again, and his popularity soared.

Fathers should pay more attention to and participate in the growth of their children. It has become the consensus of society to return father's love to the family and make children grow up healthier.

This is also the result of Shonan Satellite TV's vigorous publicity. They put the focus of the publicity on the point of calling for father's love to return to the family, which played a positive role in public opinion.

Some mainstream media even wrote an article to analyze this special parent-child program, thinking that it is a model of the perfect integration of entertainment programs and social benefits, making this program more important.

I believe that Shonan Satellite TV has played a big role in this.

At such a time, the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, and the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of various David TVs is also in full swing.

As the guests of the popular program, Lin Qirong and his daughter have undoubtedly received the invitation from Shonan Satellite TV.

(End of this chapter)

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