Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 269 Fermentation

Chapter 269 Fermentation
Back in the community, Lin Qirong and Tong Tong sent Zuo Youran back to the piano shop.

Along the way, Zuo Youran remained silent, answering Tongtong's question absently.

Lin Qirong felt a little embarrassed, knowing that she must still be uncomfortable with what happened before.

Standing at the door of the piano store, he whispered, "I'm sorry to let you encounter such a thing today."

Zuo Youran shook her head lightly.

Lin Qirong smiled helplessly, "Actually, it's because I took it for granted and didn't have the self-consciousness to be a star, so I went there to play without any preparation, and this happened.

Hope it doesn't bother you. "

"It's okay." Zuo Youran said softly, "Everyone doesn't think about it, I just..."

She thought about it carefully, and seemed to be choosing a suitable vocabulary.

"I just couldn't think of it for a while."

Lin Qirong nodded, "Then you have a good rest, we will go back first."

"See you."

Tong Tong reluctantly bid farewell to her, and followed Lin Qirong home.

Watching their leaving figures, Zuo Youran suddenly felt a strange feeling.

It seems that there is a deep gap between myself and them, as if they are not from the same world.

It was very different from the happy atmosphere before.

She bit her lip lightly, she didn't like this feeling.

After staring blankly for a while, she sighed softly, turned and walked into the piano shop.

As a result, I ran into Nijiayin head-on.

"Youran, you are famous." She shouted loudly.

Zuo Youran was stunned for a moment.

"I mean, you've become an internet celebrity." Ni Jiayin explained, "Did you go to the amusement park with Tongtong and the others today?"

Zuo Youran nodded slightly, feeling a bad premonition in her heart.

"That's it." Ni Jiayin said, "Someone posted a video of Lin Qirong and Tongtong playing in the amusement park on Weibo, and you were in it, so I recognized you right away.

You are so beautiful, of course you have been noticed by many netizens.

Now everyone is guessing your identity, what is your relationship with Lin Qirong? "

Zuo Youran's face turned pale all of a sudden, she turned around and rushed up, she didn't look at her phone, she didn't know what happened.

"This is a good thing." Ni Jiayin looked at her back with some puzzlement and muttered, "Looking at Lin Qirong now, how can he argue?

Obviously two people like each other, why are they playing ambiguously?How easy is it to pick it out? "

How could Zuo Youran have the heart to pay attention to her?
After turning on the computer, news about Lin Qirong and Tongtong appearing in the amusement park was flying all over Weibo.

She has also become one of the focal topics, and everyone is full of curiosity about her identity.

"Who the hell is this pretty girl?"

"Is she Lin Qirong's girlfriend?"

"A man of talent and a woman's appearance, the three of them are in the same frame, and they really match well."

Seeing all kinds of guesses, Zuo Youran felt a little complicated.

"This is actually a good thing." Ni Jiayin rambled behind her.

Zuo Youran said helplessly, "If I say it's just a very ordinary game, would you believe me?
Because I promised Tongtong to take her to the amusement park. "

Ni Jiayin gradually nodded, "I believe it, but everyone doesn't believe it, no one believes that you two have such a pure relationship.

Leisurely, tell me, do you believe it yourself?Don't you have any meaning in your heart? "

Zuo Youran covered her head with some headache.

Don’t you have any ideas?There should be some.

Although I know that Lin Qirong already has Xue Yuzhi who is not inferior to me in beauty, temperament, and figure, and is more feminine, but I still maintain a close relationship with Lin Qirong and his daughter, and I do not want to become the most ordinary teacher and The relationship between students and parents, I have more or less thought about other things in my heart.

Although he didn't have too many thoughts, he still enjoyed this faint warmth, every strange look from Lin Qirong, and Tongtong's attachment.

Therefore, I am not qualified to refute Nijiayin.

Seeing her appearance, Ni Jiayin knew the entanglement in her heart, so she couldn't help but sighed.

Unlike the several relationships she had experienced, although Zuo Youran was so beautiful that she was a little jealous, the boys who started pursuing her since college could line up from the east gate to the west gate of the school.

But in fact, I know very well that she has never been in love, she is just like a blank sheet of paper.

So it's normal to be confused when something like this happens.

She hugged Zuo Youran lightly, and said softly.

"You have to see your heart clearly. If you like it, you like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. It's not that complicated."

Zuo Youran shook his head and said nothing.

Ni Jiayin didn't say anything more and asked her to be quiet.

But she soon screamed again.

"Youran, you have been fleshed out."

Zuo Youran was startled, and opened the webpage, and sure enough, all her information was extracted by human flesh and put on the Internet.

Although the information was not complete, it clearly listed her name, occupation, and work unit, pointing out that she was Tong Tong's kindergarten teacher, Zuo Youran.

Then it became lively again, and almost everyone believed that she and Lin Qirong met because of Tongtong, and then got together.

Most people were watching the excitement, but a few people expressed their understanding.

They think it's normal for men to be single and women to be together.

And it also solved a problem that everyone was most concerned about, that is, Tongtong didn't need to worry about her stepmother not liking her.

As her kindergarten teacher, Lin Qirong must have accepted her because she liked her.

"This time, you are really famous." Ni Jiayin said with a wry smile, looking at Zuo Youran.

At least in kindergarten, she was already famous.

Zuo Youran gave a wry smile, it was really an innocent disaster.

Do Lin Qirong and the others have to face such public opinion every day?
Now I feel a little out of breath, how would he feel when his incident was raging?

Inexplicably, she remembered the time when Lin Qirong was slandered by countless navy soldiers. At that time, his situation was probably a thousand times more difficult than hers.

It's not easy for him.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, her phone rang, and it was Lin Qirong calling.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to develop like this."

Lin Qirong immediately apologized.

"It's okay, it's not a bad thing." Zuo Youran said softly.

This is just a gossip, it's really not a bad thing, but it has a big impact on the reputation of a single girl like her.

What would others think of her?

Lin Qirong was also a little helpless, "It's hard for me to say anything about this kind of thing, sometimes it gets darker and darker, so I can only let it cool down slowly.

I don't have that much influence to keep everyone's attention on me. "

"That's the only way to go." Zuo Youran was silent for a while before saying, "Is this the life of your stars? There is no privacy and freedom, and various situations may happen at any time."

Lin Qirong said, "Yes, celebrities all rely on popularity. If someone pays attention to you, it means you are valuable. It is sad when no one pays attention to you and no one recognizes you.

I actually didn't expect it to cause such a big sensation, maybe it's because it's in an amusement park. "

He didn't say a word because she was so beautiful and attracted a lot of people's attention.

That's why everyone diligently dug out her information.

If it was any other ordinary girl, who would care?

He didn't say it, fearing it would arouse her guilt.

Zuo Youran didn't say anything, just said goodbye and hung up the phone.

She could feel Lin Qirong's guilt and helplessness towards her, and the gap between them still existed.

He is an ordinary person, but he and Tongtong are stars, stars that countless people are paying attention to.

They don't understand their world, and they can't live like ordinary people.

Although the two sides are familiar with each other, they are actually in completely different worlds.

I had misunderstood him before, and it turned out that I was not suitable for him.

But why is my heart aching now?

The phone rang again, and when Zuo Youran saw the phone number, his expression suddenly changed, and he took a deep breath before answering the phone.



Lin Qirong didn't know Zuo Youran's mood, but he knew she must be feeling bad.

For her, this was a disaster for no reason, because Lin Qirong and Tongtong had an extra scandal, and it was estimated that they would feel a little uncomfortable at work.

As for him and Tongtong, there is no need to worry at all.

It can even be said that because of this incident, the popularity of him and Tongtong has increased a lot. Sure enough, the world of celebrities is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

His friends all called to tease him.

Tian Yuxiang smiled and said, "Now you can go to an amusement park and you can be on the trending search, you already have the potential to be a big star, when was the last "Happy Run"?
If you come up, the bell man can reveal the secret, and everyone will probably be very interested.

And now everyone has made great progress in tearing up famous brands, and they are all waiting for you to appear on the show and want to tear you up for revenge. "

"Thank you." Lin Qirong knew he was joking and didn't take it seriously.

"But you know, it's not a good time to attend this year."

"Of course, I understand, everyone is still a competitor."

Tian Yuxiang understood and he was just joking.

As the leading stars of the two programs whose ratings are struggling, it is almost impossible to work together this year.

If Lin Qirong appeared on "Happy Running", Shonan Satellite TV would have an idea.

So it is impossible for him to agree to this matter.

Within this year, he can basically only participate in various activities of Shonan Satellite TV, and is not suitable for participating in activities of other TV stations.

This can be regarded as a potential rule.

"But next year, okay?"

"Of course, I'd love to."

"Okay, I'll tell Director Hong to add a special episode for you."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Tian Yuxiang said with a smile, "By the way, that girl is very nice, if she is suitable, you can consider it."

Lin Qirong couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't know how many times he heard this tonight.

Zuo Youran's beautiful face appeared in his mind.

Everyone seemed to think she was fine.

(End of this chapter)

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