Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 267 Amusement Park

Chapter 267 Amusement Park

With the end of the concert, Tongtong's summer vacation is almost over.

During this summer vacation, she experienced many things, followed Lin Qirong to travel all over the world, and became a trapeze artist.

Completed the filming of "Where Are We Going, Dad", and her true performance made her the cutest baby, her popularity soared.

After practicing the piano hard, his playing skills have improved by leaps and bounds. He performed very well in small town parties in New Zealand and music concerts in Shanghai.

At the same time, dance and painting techniques have made great progress.

After traveling in New Zealand, her spoken English has also improved a lot.

So in order to reward her for her dedication this summer, Lin Qirong fulfilled her wish and took her to the amusement park.

Accompanying him was Zuo Youran.

The amusement park he chose is the largest and most famous children's amusement park in Shanghai, with a lot of children's amusement items.

There are also many animation characters and performances, which are very suitable for children to play.

The sun was very hot, so they all put on sunglasses and went to the amusement park to buy tickets to enter.

Although the weather is very hot, there are many people in the amusement park, and there are parents playing with their children everywhere.

It is often seen that the children are enthusiastically pulling the feeble parents forward.

It seems that this is a very challenging thing.

But obviously he has no worries in this regard.

In front of her, Tongtong pulled Zuo Youran and walked happily. Zuo Youran patiently explained to her the scenery and games she saw.

He only needs to carry a bag and follow behind with two freshly bought mineral waters.

This amusement park does not bring water and food in, and the things inside are even more expensive.

Sure enough, the world is as black as crows.

There are many games in the amusement park, and naturally there are many children playing them.

Tongtong looked at this and that, everyone wanted to play.

"Don't worry, let's just play slowly."

Lin Qirong put a pink bracelet on her wrist, and handed the other bracelet to Zuo Youran to put it on.

Thanks to the VIP system of the amusement park, they can spend money to buy VIP qualifications. Wearing a wristband, they can skip the line when playing games and go directly to play games through the VIP channel.

Otherwise, like when playing some popular games, you have to wait in line for an hour or two. It would be great to be able to play a few games in a day.

After playing several popular games in a row, they came to the Ferris wheel, sat in a carriage, and slowly rose with the movement of the drive shaft.

"Wow, it's so high." Tong Tong yelled as he looked at the scenery outside.

In this box, you can see far and far, and the scenery is very beautiful.

She couldn't be happier.

"Be careful baby."

Lin Qirong supported her with trepidation, for fear that she would move too much.

Now it's in mid-air.

Zuo Youran smiled brightly, and turned to look at the scenery outside.

She has been to places like this before, but the feeling is very different.

It's completely different from whoever came. For example, now, she feels very peaceful in her heart and has a faint sense of happiness.

This feeling is intoxicating, and she seems to like this feeling at some point.

It's like when I was a child, although my family was not rich, I was very happy every day.

Because Mom and Dad will accompany me every day, Dad will tell stories to me, play games with me, and make a lot of toys for me to play with.

Just like how Lin Qirong treats Tong Tong today.

"Teacher." Seeing her in a daze, Tong Tong walked up to her and waved his little hand.

"what's wrong?"

Zuo Youran grabbed her little hand and said with a smile.

"It's nothing." Tong Tong lay in her arms and giggled.

She is so happy.

"Silly child." Zuo Youran hugged her and smiled dotingly.

Such a loving scene left Lin Qirong on the side stunned.


A thought flashed through his mind, but he quickly came to his senses and shook his head slightly.

I think too much.

After getting off the Ferris wheel, the three of them came to an indoor venue again.

In the big pool, small cars chased and collided with each other, screaming one after another.

It is the bumper car game.

"Dad, I want to play this." Tongtong was very excited.

"Okay, let's line up."

Lin Qirong led her to line up.

"I'll wait for you outside."

Zuo Youran walked outside the guardrail, watching the two father and daughter line up for a while, before it was their turn to go in and choose a pink car.

Tongtong really likes pink, she couldn't help but sigh.

This little girl is really like a little princess, spoiled by her father.

However, she is so well-behaved and sensible, and she has no willful or coquettish performance at all, which is really amazing.

But it's because of this that he loves her so much, doesn't he?

In it, Lin Qirong is in charge of driving the vehicle, dexterously dodging other vehicles, and then rams into a vehicle when he sees it, and hits each other accurately.

Tongtong on the side screamed in fright when seeing cars passing by, and then giggled coquettishly.

"Two little kids."

Seeing Lin Qirong and his daughter having a great time playing, Zuo Youran couldn't help but smiled and shook his head, feeling relaxed.


When Lin Qirong drove a vehicle past her, she would raise her hand to greet them, signal them to look this way, and take a few photos of them with her mobile phone.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and Tong Tong reluctantly climbed out of the car and followed Lin Qirong out of the bumper car venue.

"Not fun?"

Zuo Youran took out a tissue and handed it to Lin Qirong, and then took out another tissue and carefully wiped the sweat off Tong Tong's face.

"It's fun." Tongtong said happily.

At first she was a little scared, but later she was not afraid at all, urging her father to rush up again and again.

"Bolder than me." Lin Qirong laughed while wiping off his sweat.

"Hee hee." Tong Tong smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go to lunch."

Zuo Youran nodded, "It's time to eat."

Tongtong still wants to continue playing.

"Let's continue playing after dinner." Zuo Youran said to her.

"Whether it's at school or at home or playing outside, you have to eat on time, otherwise you won't grow taller."

"I want to grow taller." Tongtong is very obsessed with this matter.

"Then be obedient and eat first."


The three found a restaurant nearby and sat down in a corner.

"What would you like to eat?"

"It's all right, just look at it."

"Me too."

Lin Qirong looked at the two people sitting together and whispering, couldn't help smiling, and ran to the window to order food.

The price of food here is naturally imaginable, but since you come here to play, you are mentally prepared.

So at most, I will complain in my heart, and I still have to buy what should be bought.

Lin Qirong ordered three set meals, took the meal tickets, and bought three more juices before returning to his seat with the juices.

"Here, your favorite mango juice." Lin Qirong pushed a bottle of juice in front of Tongtong.

"Yeah, mango juice is my favorite. Thank you Dad." Tong Tong cheered.

"Drink it slowly." Lin Qirong smiled and handed another bottle of juice to Zuo Youran.

"Thank you." Zuo Youran nodded, and took the juice from him.

"You're welcome, I've worked hard for you today, and you are with Tongtong most of the time."

Zuo Youran shook his head, "It's not hard, I haven't been to these places for a long time, I'm very happy.

And Tongtong is so well-behaved and not tired at all. "

Lin Qirong glanced at Tong Tong who was drinking juice with his eyes squinted, feeling a little embarrassed.

Tongtong was a poor child. Wu Tongyu passed away for some unknown reason, and her real father left because of overwork. He occupied this body and became her father.

No matter how hard I try, I can only give her father's love at most, but there is no way to give her mother's love, which is the most indispensable thing for children.

More than once, when Tongtong fell asleep at night, he heard her crying and calling for his mother in a dream, which made him a little overwhelmed.

Sure enough, Tongtong is also very eager for maternal love and misses her mother very much.

No matter how hard I try, I can't take her place.

It's just that she is very good at ordinary times, she doesn't cry in front of Lin Qirong, she only misses her mother in her dreams.

That's why after going to kindergarten and getting to know Zuo Youran, Tongtong was so clingy to her, and sometimes even made him a little jealous.

On the first day after returning from kindergarten, Tong Tong said that he liked Teacher Zuo Youran and thought she was like a mother.

Later, Zuo Youran's performance also proved this point, she really loved Tongtong very much, and made her live happily every day.

Every day in the kindergarten is the time that Tong Tong looks forward to and is the happiest.

Maybe she really treats Zuo Youran as her mother.

Thinking about it now, the Zuo Youran in front of him really has many similarities with the memory of Wu Tongyu in his mind.

Beautiful face, elegant temperament like orchid, gentle character like water, caring for Tongtong...

Seeing Zuo Youran gently helping Tongtong wipe away the juice from the corner of his mouth, Lin Qirong couldn't help feeling a little dazed, as if Wu Tongyu was in front of him.

If she really becomes Tongtong's mother, it seems to be fine...

An idea suddenly popped up in Lin Qirong's mind.

He shook his head quickly, what was he thinking?

Zuo Youran saw him staring at him in a daze, his face was reddish, and he lowered his head.

He seems to be in a daze a lot lately.

"Sir, the set meal you ordered."

Lin Qirong was awakened by the waiter's voice, he couldn't help laughing, and got up to help the waiter put the food away.

"Okay, let's eat quickly, after we finish eating, let's go on to play other fun games."

"Okay, continue to play games." Tongtong said happily, picked up the spoon and prepared to eat.

"Wait a minute, I haven't wiped my hands yet." Zuo Youran stopped her, and took out a wet tissue to help her wipe her hands.

"Little sloppy."

"I'm not a little slob, but my father is." Tong Tong said with a pout, "Dad also washes his hands."

"I got it, I got it, you wash and eat first." Zuo Youran helped her wipe her hands clean and said with a smile.

"Yeah." Tong Tong lowered his head and began to eat.

Lin Qirong and Zuo Youran smiled at each other, and Zuo Youran also handed him a wet tissue.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

(End of this chapter)

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