Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 243 Archery Competition

Chapter 243 Archery Competition
Sun Kai, dressed as a herdsman, officially released the mission.

The guests need to learn horse riding with the herdsmen, and then ride the horses to the camping area tonight.

"Father, are you going to ride a big horse?" Tong Tong asked curiously.


Tongtong bit his finger, "I want to ride too."

"It's too high, wait until Dad learns to hold you and ride together."

"Oh." Tongtong was a little disappointed.

"Babies can ride too." Sun Kai smiled, "We also prepared ponies for you."

"Really?" The children jumped up happily.

"Of course, they're all over there."

Following Sun Kai's pointing, a group of herdsmen rode over from a distance, and stopped skillfully when they got close.

Five big horses and five small horses. On the backs of the small horses are five little boys who are about the same age as children. Their proficiency in riding on small horses is no less than that of their elders.

"Now, please choose your favorite horse, and its owner will teach you how to get along with it."

"I like this one." Tong Tong fell in love with a pony at first sight, not only beautiful but also very clean.

The owner of this pony was a little boy with a little dark skin and a rather energetic appearance. Seeing that Tongtong had chosen his horse, a shy smile appeared on his face.

Obviously, the little princess-like Tongtong made him a little embarrassed.

"Then why don't you ask your little master how to ride a horse?" Lin Qirong laughed.

"Yeah." Tongtong nodded, walked up to the little boy and asked, "Can I ride it?"

"Of course." The little boy nodded and whispered, "It's very docile and obedient."

"But I'm a little scared." Tong Tong looked at the tall horse's back and said worriedly.

"I'll hold it."

"Thank you." Tong Tong smiled happily, "My name is Tong Tong, what about you?"


"What a strange name."

The little boy Zalhei rubbed his head and smiled embarrassedly.

With the help of Zalhei, Tongtong tried to climb onto the pony's back, and gently stroked the pony's back according to the method he taught.

"Little Ma, don't be angry, walk slowly, okay?"

It was miraculous to say that the pony, which was a little restless, calmed down slowly and kicked its hooves lightly.

"It likes you very much," Zalhey said.

"Really? That's great." Tongtong said happily, "Can I go now?"


Zalhei led the pony in front, and Tongtong gently clamped the horse's belly according to his request.


The pony walked lightly, very docilely.

"It's really fun." Tongtong shouted happily to Lin Qirong, "Dad, I can ride a horse now."

"That's great, but be careful not to run too fast."


On the other side, several other children also climbed on the horseback with the help of herdsmen, and happily started their first horse riding experience.

On the contrary, fathers have to be more embarrassed, it is difficult to deal with their own Malaysia, and they have fallen off once or twice more or less.

The same is true for Lin Qirong. According to the herdsman's method, the effect of communicating with the horse is very poor. After climbing up with great difficulty, he was bumped and then fell down.

The most successful one was Zhang Xing. After two failed attempts, he finally succeeded in controlling the horse and began to circle slowly at his words, which made him very excited.

Immediately afterwards, everyone also achieved success one by one, and could control the horse to do simple movements.

By this time, the children had already gone around countless times with their ponies.

"Then let's set off." Sun Kai announced loudly.

The convoy of the program group was in front, and everyone drove their own horses to follow. At first, they walked slowly, and then began to trot, feeling the thrill of galloping horses.

Tongtong rode her pony and ran ahead for a while, and ran behind for a while. She was so happy that she sprinkled a series of crisp laughter on the grass.

Her little friend Zalhei rode another pony and followed closely beside her, with a tight face, ready to prepare for possible accidents at any time.

This is the task entrusted to him by the program team and the adults, to protect this beautiful little girl who loves to laugh.

Fortunately, there were no accidents along the way, and everyone enjoyed the joy of riding horses.

You must know that riding a horse on the prairie is a completely different feeling from riding a car on the prairie.

It was dusk at this time, and the sun was setting, casting a golden light on this green grassland.

Riding his horse and walking in this wilderness, Lin Qirong felt a special feeling in his heart, as if he saw the sky, grassland, snow-capped mountains, lakes, and the scenes of herdsmen living here for generations, and saw one after another full of people. A story of laughter and tears.

In the grassland where the wind blows, there is the person in my heart, wind, you blow gently, and listen to his sad song.

Moon, you illuminate him, fire, you warm him.

There seemed to be an ethereal female voice singing a song softly in his ears, everything in front of him was so appropriate and integrated.

Perhaps it was in such an environment that Teacher Daiqingtana and the AYA Orchestra in the previous life created classic songs one after another, including this classic "Silent Sky", which hits people's hearts directly and makes the soul tremble .

With the sound of nature echoing in their hearts, Lin Qirong and others finally arrived at the campsite.

In the open wilderness, several huge yurts of different shapes stand.

"Okay, we finally arrived at our campsite, but if we want to live in our favorite residence, we still need to play a game.

The five yurts are naturally good and bad, and they were given up by these five herdsmen families.

Let's give them a round of applause. "

Everyone applauded warmly, thanking Zalehei and other five families.

Facing the applause from Lin Qirong and others, they all showed simple and honest smiles.

"Is your home okay?" Tongtong asked Zale's underworld crisply.

"It's okay." Zalhey said.

"Is it the best?" Tongtong continued to ask.

Zalhei thought about it carefully, then nodded.

It seems that he is very confident in his yurt.

"Father, we want to win the game, and then choose their family, okay?" Tongtong and Lin Qirong said.

"Father can only do his best, not necessarily."

Tongtong made a cheering gesture, "Come on, Dad, you will definitely be able to."

Lin Qirong smiled helplessly and became serious.

For Tongtong, I have to work harder.

Sun Kai announced the content of the competition, "In the archery competition, each person has five arrows, and the one with the most rings wins.

If the number of rings is the same, there will be additional matches until the winner is determined. "

The bows used in the competition are relatively primitive, unlike the bows used in the bow and arrow competition, they should be used by herdsmen.

The arrows are game arrows, not triangular sharp arrows with feathered tails.

This time, there were also herdsmen who taught them how to aim and grasp the target.

Lin Qirong's teacher was Zalhei's father, a simple herdsman, who carefully explained the essentials of the operation to Lin Qirong.

How to stand on foot, how to draw the bow, and when to shoot the arrow are all very particular.

On the side, Tongtong also held a small bow and learned from Zalehei.

Teach seriously, learn seriously.

After basically mastering the skills, everyone practiced again before officially starting the competition.

The distance is only 20 meters, which is more than half of the real competition, but it is still a very long distance for this group of amateurs.

Chen Xiaofeng, who was the first to appear on the stage, shot a three-point arrow with his first arrow, and the arrow he shot disappeared, which made everyone burst into laughter.

Chen Xiaofeng didn't believe in evil, and challenged again, and succeeded in hitting the target with three consecutive arrows, which made him feel ecstatic. The fifth arrow was shot without aiming at the wine seriously, but it missed the target again.

"Damn it."

Chen Xiaofeng walked back muttering, and when he saw Chen Yuxin's contemptuous eyes, his expression suddenly collapsed.

It's over, are you going to live in the worst place again this time?

He could already predict his daughter's contempt and his wife's criticism after returning home.

His negative teaching materials had the desired effect. Others hit the target one after another, at least three arrows, at most five arrows, and their results were better than him.


Accompanied by the screaming sound, an arrow was nailed straight to the bull's-eye position of the target, hitting the red heart.

"Ten rings." The herdsman in charge of the target announcement announced.

"Yeah, daddy is the best."

Tongtong jumped up happily and cheered.

Lin Qirong got a good result of the tenth ring with the last arrow and successfully won No.1.

It also means they can be the first to choose a house.

"Which family is yours?" Tongtong asked.

Zalehei pointed to the huge yurt in the middle.

"That's it." Tongtong announced his choice loudly.

"Okay, Tongtong chose the No. [-] yurt."

Chen Xiaofeng and his daughter did not accidentally choose the worst No. [-] yurt.

Lin Qirong shook his head and smiled helplessly, there was nothing he could do about it.

They led Tongtong to the yurt in the middle, opened it and saw that the decoration inside was extremely luxurious, completely beyond their imagination.

Wide space, reasonable layout, thick carpet and luxurious big bed, it feels like a five-star hotel.

"It's great." Tongtong took off her shoes and stepped on the blanket happily. She liked this yurt very much.

Zalhei followed her, smiling foolishly.

He is also very happy that Tongtong can choose his own home.

Zalhei's mother is also a typical herdsman. She brought out the milk tea she made by herself and invited Lin Qirong and his daughter to drink tea together.

This is a very popular dairy product in this place. It is called "Sutai eggplant" in the grassland language, and it is also a must for entertaining guests.

Zalhey's father brought out a pile of food and invited them to taste it.

"Thank you, thank you." Lin Qirong sat cross-legged at the table, drinking milk tea and eating air-dried beef and other food, chatting with them, and thanked them for their warm reception.

When it was almost time, the family got up and left to rest somewhere else, leaving the yurt to Lin Qirong and his daughter.

"Remember to take me to ride a pony tomorrow." Tongtong and Zalehei said.

"Okay." Zalehei nodded vigorously and agreed.

In a short period of time, the two people have become good friends.

(End of this chapter)

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