Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 231 The Wedding and Chapter Premiere

Chapter 231 The Wedding and the Premiere of the Show

Su Qiyun stood beside the man with a calm expression, arm in arm, and walked forward slowly.

On both sides are their relatives and friends, and each one of them may be a great person when taken outside.

At this moment, they all blessed them with warm applause and said beautiful words.

"The bride is so beautiful."

"The groom is so handsome, and young and promising."

"A man with talent and a woman with looks are really a match made in heaven."

She suddenly felt as if she had become the animals in the zoo, doing the prescribed things in the prescribed area, and being pointed at by the tourists outside.

They are also in the same mood. They think these animals are so cute and beautiful, but they never thought that maybe these animals don't like to stay in such a place, and they don't like to be pointed at by them.

Her eyes flicked across the crowd, and she saw Su Muyang looking at her worriedly, maybe she was worried that she would do something exaggerated?

Too bad she can't.

On the other side, a beautiful and elegant girl is smiling and clapping, sending her the most sincere blessings.

However, I envy her the most, because she can decide her own life. After graduating from university, she went to Shanghai to be a kindergarten teacher.

If she told such a thing, she would probably be laughed out of her mind, but she was very envious of her. If she could, she would be willing to be a little teacher.

Shanghai stock market?Thinking of this place, the appearance of a person appeared in front of her eyes.

He can't be called handsome, and he was very downcast when we met for the first time, but he has a unique temperament and extraordinary talent.

When we met again, although his stubbornness made me very angry, I didn't feel it afterward. Instead, I felt that his persistence was very difficult and cute.

Now he has become a well-known screenwriter, with his own company, the future is limitless.

Originally, she was a little bit tempted by him, but unfortunately she had no choice, and she extinguished this feeling by herself.

"By the way, the premiere of the new show he participated in will be broadcast in a few days, I wonder what kind of performance he will have in it?

With the influence of Shonan Satellite TV, it is estimated that he will get a lot of attention. If he performs well, he might become a star.

Step by step, he is still amazing. "

There were thousands of turns in their hearts, but it was only a moment in reality. They walked across the red carpet and came to the stage.

Then everything went smoothly.

Swearing oaths, exchanging rings, drinking glasses of wine...

The two went through all the procedures amidst everyone's cheers, and came to the part of throwing flowers.

Many unmarried men and women ran over and stood behind them waiting to receive flowers.

It is said that those who can get the bride's bouquet will fall in love and get married in the coming year.

Su Qiyun turned around and threw the flowers high with both hands.

Then the bouquet of flowers drew a graceful arc, passed over the heads of many unmarried men and women behind him, fell on the side seat, and just landed in the arms of that elegant and blue girl.

The girl was stunned for a moment, and glanced at the bouquet in her hand. She didn't know what to think of, and her face turned red. The already extremely beautiful face was even more charming, which stunned everyone around her.

The host laughed loudly, "It seems that our beauty will soon have a wishful husband.

Now that our wedding ceremony is officially over, please give us warm applause once again to send the most sincere blessings to the couple, and wish them a happy marriage for a hundred years, an early baby, and a happy wedding! "

Amid applause like the heavens, waiters dressed in festive costumes filed in and served the first dishes to each table.

The wedding banquet has officially started.


Lin Qirong didn't know that a wedding was held with great fanfare in Kyoto. After completing the press conference, he returned to Shanghai.

The next thing is to wait for the show to air.

Blue Ocean Satellite TV's "The Voice of China" was broadcast last Friday. The newly upgraded competition system and the powerful orchestra configuration on the spot made the show full of highlights.

The four mentors still maintain the classic match of three men and one woman, but with fine-tuning, the invitation of singer-songwriter Jin Fengchen, a hall of fame in the Chinese music scene, is very interesting.

The carefully selected students still have good strength, which brought a lot of surprises to the audience.

The tutor's comment session is also everyone's favorite session. They all come up with unique tricks in order to grab people, which is very joyful.

The final ratings are also relatively satisfactory, the premiere breaks three.

Although it is not as strong as breaking five at its peak, it is already a rare achievement.

But this is when the other two rivals have not yet appeared.

This Friday, Red Maple TV's "Happy Running" and Shonan TV's "Where Are We Going, Dad" are about to debut. It is still unclear who will win the battle among the three TV stations.

Lin Qirong read "Voice of China" carefully.

This program is very similar to the most popular variety show every summer in its previous life. It adopts the model of preliminary selection and then team elimination, and finally determines the champion.

Its main direction is also to win by singing skills, not judge people by their appearance, and find more potential singers among amateurs to introduce to the audience.

The difference is that it does not use blind selection, nor does it have the classic red swivel chair, which is less interesting.

The audience also had a lot of dissatisfaction with this issue. The biggest opinion was on the singers, who thought that there were too many double-cooked meats, and there were no singers who caught everyone's eyes. The overall quality of the singers was also unsightly.

"If it doesn't change, I won't watch it again."

"Anyway, I will only watch "Happy Running" next week, and I am very much looking forward to Tian Yuxiang's performance."

"I am very interested in "Where Are We Going, Dad" and want to see how dads take care of their children."

"This summer is really lively, and the troubles of happiness."

"What are you worrying about? You can choose to watch one, and then get up tomorrow to finish reading the remaining two. Isn't that all right?"

"Get ready for the weekend to stay at home."

Amid all the turmoil, it's Friday again.

"Where Are We Going, Dad" is finally about to air.

The time is eight o'clock in the evening, which is the golden time for the family to sit in front of the TV and watch TV together after dinner at home.

Because of the overwhelming publicity of Shonan Satellite TV, many viewers knew that such a special parent-child variety show was about to be broadcast, and many people waited in front of the TV.

Lin Qirong's hometown, Central Garden Community.

"Is this the station?" Kuang Meilan asked, pointing to the Shonan Satellite TV logo.

"Yes, Mom." Lin Qixiang replied, "Tongtong is talking about this station."

"My granddaughter can't, she's all on TV."

Kuang Meilan happily said that she often video chats with Tongtong, knowing that they participated in the program of Shonan Satellite TV, which will be broadcast today, so she asked Lin Qixiang to tune the TV early.

Usually she doesn't watch this station, she only watches other TV series she likes to watch.

Lin Jianguo, Lin Qixiang and Chen Liying sat next to her, waiting for the program to air.

When Chen Liying heard Kuang Meilan's flowers, she couldn't help touching her belly. When will she have her own child?
Although Lin Qixiang worked very hard, there was still no movement so far, and she was also a little anxious.

"Don't worry." Lin Qixiang hugged her and said in a low voice, "This kind of thing depends on the timing, I just keep working hard."

Chen Liying spat and pushed him, really shameless, but her heart was as sweet as honey.

She is very satisfied with her husband, this family, and her current life.

Now there is only one child left.


Kyoto, a high-end residential area.

Su Qiyun was wearing a nightgown and was half leaning on the sofa, with a glass of red wine in front of her, quietly waiting for the show to start.

I knew he was a talented screenwriter, but I didn't know what he would be like as a father.

Will he be at a loss like other fathers, right?

But I heard that he is a single father, so it shouldn't be too bad, right?

child?I guess I won't have it in my life.

She looked back at the deserted room and sighed deeply.

Not far from her, Zuo Youran was also guarding in front of the TV.

In her room, a bouquet of flowers was quietly placed there.

"What are you looking at?" Her mother, Wen Ziyun, who was over fifty and still graceful, asked her strangely.

She never watched these TVs before, either thinking about dancing in the room or practicing the piano.

"One of my students participated in a program, and I want to see her performance." Zuo Youran said.

"Oh?" Wen Ziyun sat down next to her, gently stroked her hair and sighed, "I didn't expect you to really like being a teacher. I thought you were just playing for fun."

Zuo Youran stuck out her tongue and said playfully, "Isn't this like you, you were also a teacher back then."

"I was just rebellious for a while, but being able to know your father is what I am most proud of."

"Then I'm different. I really like being a teacher and I like children."

Zuo Youran wrinkled her nose and said, "Seeing the children happy makes me happy too.

I don't want to be like Sister Qiyun and have to marry a man I don't like. "

"Who knows whether she likes it or not? Qin Chuan is very good, and everyone thinks highly of him."

Zuo Youran shook her head, "It's your business if you like it, anyway, if I don't like it, sister Qiyun shouldn't like it either."

Wen Ziyun said helplessly, "You can do as you like, anyway, I have no right to say anything about you, your grandfather loves you so much, your father also wants to pick you the stars in the sky, who dares to ask you to do anything?
But you have to be more careful, you can't be deceived. "

"Did you get tricked by your father?"

"How could it be?" Wen Ziyun said with a smile on her face, "We fell in love at first sight at first sight, he is much better than I imagined, he is the most suitable husband for me.

Choosing him is also the proudest thing in my life. "

Seeing her happy smile, Zuo Youran couldn't help wondering, "What does it feel like to fall in love at first sight?"

Wen Ziyun raised her head and thought for a while, then shook her head, "I don't feel anything, just thinking of him will be very sweet, and I will miss him very much if I don't see him, I feel very stable with him, and I won't have any troubles."

"is it?"

Zuo Youran didn't know what to think of, her face turned reddish.

A vigilant look appeared in Wen Ziyun's eyes, remembering the bouquet of flowers in her room that hadn't been thrown away yet.

"This child, can't be..."


"Dad, the show has started."

Seeing the content on the screen change, Tong Tong shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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