Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 224 "Happy Hour" (2)

Chapter 224 "Happy Hour" ([-])
In the familiar music, the happy family walked briskly to the front stage surrounded by the dance troupe, and said hello to the audience respectively.

They had a very high popularity, which naturally caused cheers.

"Our guests today are a little special."

Holding the microphone in hand, Han Bing introduced today's theme with a smile.

"They are five groups of star fathers and cute children composed of fathers and children."

Luo Shujuan continued, "Yes, they are the cute star dads who participated in the new variety show "Where Are We Going, Dad" produced by our Shonan Satellite TV.

Dads need to take their children outside to complete various tasks.

We all know that it is very simple for an adult to go out, just eat and sleep.

But with a four or five-year-old child, it is very troublesome to worry about his eating and drinking.

If it was brought by mother, there would be no problem at all, but if it is carried by father, it seems a bit..."

"Yes, this is our common problem too."

He Bing said with a smile, "Next, we invite our star dads and cute babies to come on stage."

Beautiful background music sounded, and the background slowly opened.


The audience in the audience exclaimed, and it turned out that what appeared in front of everyone was a curtain, and some figures and equipment could be seen inside, but it was not clear who it was.

"It's still a mystery."

When such thoughts came to their minds, beautiful music sounded from behind the curtain.

"It turns out that I want to perform, I really know how to play."

The guitar sound, bass sound, keyboard sound and low drum sound are mixed together, which really seems to be the case, but it is impossible to see who is performing, which makes the audience itch.

"Kiss my baby..."

As soon as Zhang Xing's voice came out, the audience cheered, and his fans held up the support objects and shouted his name loudly.

Although he is no longer a popular singer, the popularity accumulated over the years is still not to be underestimated.

And his voice is also the kind that God appreciates food, very discerning.

So everyone recognized his voice as soon as he came out, and naturally supported him immediately.

Zhang Xing's warm and powerful voice made the audience mesmerized.

Various bubbles began to pop up on the stage, making the scene colorful.

"Hula huh huh huh huh..."

Halfway through the singing, the children's chords were added, making the song even more warm and touching.

"It's so nice, like a father talking to his child gently."

murmured an audience member.

"Father's love is like a mountain, and father is also an indispensable person in our life."

When the song was halfway through, the curtain slowly fell, revealing the people who were performing.

Zhang Xing, Wei Zhiqiang, Zheng Yingzhou, Chen Xiaofeng and Lin Qirong.

The children were sitting on a bench in beautiful clothes, shaking their heads, and playing along with the music seriously, they were really cute.

"Wow, so cute."

The audience in the audience was even more excited, because these five children are so cute.

"Tongtong is the cutest."

Hu Mei and others cheered happily, sending the warmest cheers to Tongtong.

They all grew up watching Tongtong. When Tonghua Entertainment was first established, Lin Qirong brought Tongtong to work in the company almost every day. They took turns taking Tongtong to play, teaching her to draw and so on.

So their relationship is very deep.

Seeing Tongtong standing on the stage of "Happy Time" on Shonan Satellite TV now, their moods are also very complicated.

Tongtong is about to become a star too.

"la la blah blah blah blah
最后 还 要 平安 回来

回来 告诉 你 那 一切

kiss my baby"

As the last line of the lyrics fell, the children stood up from the bench and walked to their fathers.

"I have a cool guy in my family..."

The theme song "Where Are We Going, Dad" played, and a flash of lightning flashed across the large screens on both sides of the door, followed by a promotional photo specially taken by Wei Zhiqiang and his son Wei Jiale.

Wei Zhiqiang put down the drumstick in his hand, took Wei Jiale's little hand and walked down the steps together. He walked to the center of the stage waving with the audience, and struck a cool pose together before walking to the side.

Then Zheng Yingzhou and his son.

Then came Lin Qirong and Tongtong. They came to the center of the stage amid the sound of music. Tongtong held her skirt with both hands and made a princess salute.

"Wow, so cute."

Her cute movements overwhelmed everyone in the audience, and immediately captured many fans.

Then came Chen Xiaofeng and his daughter, and Zhang Xing and his son made their grand finale appearance.

The background music slowly disappeared, and everyone stood on the sides of the happy family Han Bing and Luo Shujuan.

"Welcome, welcome to our cute star dads."

Han Bing applauded and laughed, "The opening performance just now was very exciting, may I ask what kind of performance it is?"


Zhang Xing took the microphone and said, "After our fathers got to know each other, we formed a band called the Daddy Band, and the five of us were the members.

This song is created by ourselves and specially written for our children. The song is called "Kiss My Baby". I hope you like it. "

There was applause from the audience.

"Daddy's Band? It really lives up to its name."

Han Bing said with a smile, "Then we once again welcome the five groups of star dads and cute babies to our "Happy Hour" with warm applause."

The applause resumed, and after the subdued, Han Bing interviewed each group of families in turn.

Starting from Wei Zhiqiang, introduce yourself, briefly talk about the feeling of participating in this program, and comment on other guests.

They also had to answer the questions raised by Han Bing and Luo Shujuan, and then the other three hosts next to them made jokes. Each group took about 5 minutes.

Han Bing controlled the time and rhythm, guiding the guests and children to answer questions, especially highlighting the characteristics of the children, and the scene was very joyful.

Finally, it was the turn of Lin Qirong and his daughter.

"Hi everyone, I'm Lin Qirong. My main occupation is a baby daddy, and my secondary occupation is a screenwriter."

Tongtong also greeted everyone obediently, "Hello everyone, I am Lin Yitong, and I am four years old this year."

"Mr. Lin." Han Bing said with a smile, "You said your main job is a baby daddy?"

Lin Qirong nodded, "Yes, being a baby daddy is the main job."

The audience in the audience looked puzzled.

Only Xiao Yunfang and others understood that what he said was the truth.

Lin Qirong's painstaking effort and time devoted to Tongtong far exceeded what he had devoted to the company and the script.

So he said that his main job was to take care of Tongtong, and there was nothing wrong with him.

"I admire." Han Bing said to the audience in the audience, "From Mr. Lin's answer, it can be seen that he has a deep love for Tongtong.

Here I would like to introduce to you that Mr. Lin is an excellent screenwriter.

His works include the popular TV series "The First Half of My Life" and the variety show "Happy Running".

There are also children's animations "Peppa Pig" and "Dora the Explorer" and so on.

He is also the screenwriter of our "Where Are We Going, Dad?"

In addition, he is also an excellent songwriter and has created many excellent songs.

The theme song of the same name of "Where Are We Going, Dad" and the song "Kiss My Baby" just performed are his works.

From here we can also see that he is really trying to create the best growth environment for his children. "

The audience let out a cry of surprise, originally they were not familiar with Lin Qirong at all, and many of them had never even heard of his name.

But they knew that the most popular TV series some time ago was "My First Half of Life".

The story of "Happy Running" is also cast a magical color.

The most popular and most acclaimed cartoon is "Peppa Pig".

After the first three seasons were aired, it became extremely popular.

"Dora the Explorer", which has just started airing, is also well received, but its reputation is relatively small and it is not familiar to young people.

Coupled with the beautiful song performed just now, everyone fully realized that this little-known Lin Qirong is actually a talented screenwriter.

"Mr. Lin, what is your original intention for participating in this program?" Luo Shujuan asked.

"Original intention?" Lin Qirong pondered for a while before answering.

"I hope that through this program, I can take Tong Tongdao around, spend more time with her, see more scenery, meet more friends, and learn more things.

There are many things that she cannot touch in her usual study.

Facts have proved that this is a correct choice, and she has grown a lot in a short period of time.

Not only did I learn to care for others, I learned to be independent to complete tasks within my capacity, but I also made a good friend like Xinxin, which was very rewarding.

We also hope to tell all dads through this program that your responsibility is not only to make money to support your family, but your children also need your care and love.

Fathers can give children different things, and the company of fathers can help children grow up healthier.

And as our children grow up, we also grow up together and become better and better fathers. "

"That's great." Han Bing applauded and laughed.

"Calling for the return of love is the theme of our program. We hope that fathers can go home more often to accompany their children so that they can grow up healthier.

Alright, let me ask Tongtong now. "

He knelt down and handed the microphone to Tongtong.

"Hello Tongtong, do you like your father to take you to participate in this show?"

"I like it." Tongtong replied crisply.

"Why do you like it?"

"Because my father is with me." Tongtong said with a pair of big eyes flashing.

"Oh, I like daddy to take you to play, don't you?"

Tongtong nodded.

"Can you tell Uncle where you went?"

Tong Tong flexed his fingers and pointed, "I went to a very beautiful village, and then went to the desert, where we took camels and planted trees together.

Finally went to a very beautiful place with a lot of water. "

"Oh, so I have already been to three places, and there are three more places to come, right?"

Tongtong shook his head and looked at Lin Qirong.

Lin Qirong said, "Yes, there are three more places."

"Yes, three places." Tong Tong stretched out three fingers.

"So cute."

Han Bing stroked her hair and stood up smiling.

"Okay, now our interviews are over. Please take a seat aside and get ready to start playing games."

(End of this chapter)

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