Chapter 196
The next morning, everyone rushed to the recording studio of the TV station to continue practicing.

The producer is a veteran producer of the TV station, and his strength is beyond doubt.

Under his guidance, everyone has a deeper understanding of this song, and the children gradually understand how they should sing it.

"Tongtong is great."

Perhaps because of the previous experience of recording "Angel", Tongtong performed particularly well among the children, basically meeting the requirements of the producer, and was praised by him, which made several children very envious.

However, their performance was not bad, and they gradually met the requirements.

After all, this is just an ordinary theme song, as long as they pronounce the words clearly, can find the key, and can sing their own characteristics, the requirements are naturally different from those of singers who release new songs.

If the song is sung cheerfully, joyfully, and full of childlike innocence, it will be considered a success.

Chen Yuxin was a little weaker. The producer adjusted the content for her, instead of singing alone, she only participated in the chorus, which perfectly solved this problem.

It was the first time that she was praised by the producer, and Chen Yuxin showed a bright smile, and she finally became happy.

Chen Xiaofeng also breathed a sigh of relief and determined to let Chen Yuxin learn singing after returning home, otherwise he would encounter more and more situations like this in the future, which would be difficult to handle.

After a break at noon, the recording officially started.

once, twice, three times...

The children finally achieved the best results and all completed the recording.


The producer turned on the music, first there was a dialogue between Zhang Chengzhi and Zhang Xing, and they sang the song "Little Star" together.

The parent-child interaction was very interesting. Amidst their laughter, beautiful music sounded, and Wei Jiale's voice came out first.

"I have a cool guy in my family..."

Then came Zheng Yanlin's voice, "Three heads and six arms are invulnerable..."

Tong Tong's voice then joined in, soft and pleasant to hear.

"His palm is a little thick..."

Then the children's chorus, "Take me and taught me to walk."

Then it was time for the star dads to play, each with their own characteristics.

Wei Zhiqiang is rough and full of strength, Zhang Xing is gentle and caring, and Chen Xiaofeng's singing is also good and professional.

Zheng Yingzhou was a little blunt but sincere, while Lin Qirong's voice was magnetic and charming.

With their cooperation, a song was performed perfectly. Although they were not as good as professional singers, they were very satisfied.

"Singing is good." Zhang Xing took the initiative to say to Lin Qirong.

As a professional, he could tell that among the other four, Lin Qirong's singing skills were the best, which can be said to be at a professional level.

"Thank you." Lin Qirong smiled.

For this recording, he exchanged elementary singing skills, elementary breath control skills, etc. After a period of practice, he has performed well, and he is quite satisfied with this.

"I think we can form a band." Chen Xiaofeng had a whim.

"That's a good idea." Zhang Xing clapped his hands, "It's also good to play music together when you have time."

Lin Qirong nodded, "If everyone is interested, I think it's not bad. It's our combination in the show. You can consider performing in the show."

"It can also be a group in reality." Wei Zhiqiang agreed, "It's also good to have the opportunity to get together to perform."

"If I hold a concert, I will definitely ask everyone to perform on stage." Zhang Xing said.

"Then it's settled." Zheng Yingzhou said excitedly, "What name should we choose?"

Chen Xiaofeng said tentatively, "We all have children, or we can just call it the Daddy Band."

"Daddy Band? It's very interesting." Lin Qirong was the first to agree.

"I agree, it fits our identity very well."

Zhang Xing and others also agreed to the name, which was officially confirmed.

"The lead singer is undoubtedly Zhang Xing." Wei Zhiqiang said, "How about the other positions?"

"I can play guitar and bass." Chen Xiaofeng raised his hand.

"I have only learned guitar." Zheng Yingzhou said helplessly.

"I can play guitar or drummer." Wei Zhiqiang said, "I practiced a few times before."

Lin Qirong raised his hand and said, "Then I'll be the keyboard player, half a bucket of water."

"Then we'll all work together, what a coincidence." Zhang Xing said happily, "Fate."

He looked at Lin Qirong and raised his eyebrows.

"Qirong, how about we write a song separately?"

Lin Qirong shook his head, "How can I compare to you?"

Zhang Xing is a famous singer-songwriter who has created many classic songs before.

Although there are almost no new songs coming out now, it is not comparable to Lin Qirong.

"Don't be humble." Zhang Xing waved his hand, "I can't guarantee that I can create this song "Where Are You Going, Dad", so don't be humble.

How about we each write a song and perform it together? "

"Yeah, it would be interesting if you guys could create songs and our band would have our own repertoire."

Chen Xiaofeng said.

Others also spoke one after another, typically watching the excitement without taking it too seriously.

"Then let me try." Lin Qirong had no choice but to agree.

"Then it's settled." Zhang Xing said with a smile, "I will create it as soon as possible, and you can't be too slow."

Lin Qirong smiled bitterly and nodded.

"Would you like to have a drink? Celebrate the establishment of our Daddy Band." Wei Zhiqiang said.

"Agreed." Everyone else said.

The children were even more excited. After two days of getting along, they have become good friends.

With this little episode, everyone's relationship has become much closer at once.

After all, we are all a team.

This is very helpful for filming this show well.


Director Mu Qianshan was also very happy when he found out.

“I think we can consider adding your performance to the show,” he said.

"I think so too." Lin Qirong agreed with him, "But you must practice, otherwise the performance will be boring if it doesn't look good.

In the script, we have to be exposed to the culture of various places, and music is one of the main contents.

I think it can be enriched in terms of musicality. Everywhere I go, I have to show the local characteristic music.

For example, Cantonese songs and Hokkien songs in the south, northwest wind folk songs in the northwest, Humai songs of the grassland people, etc.

The same goes for the background music. For example, in the southwest, we can hear the melodious sounds of nature and feel the beauty of the mountains and rivers there.

When we arrived in the desert, we could hear the wind blowing the sand and the sound of camel bells, which made everyone feel the vastness and majesty of the yellow sand all over the sky.

When we arrive at the grassland, we can hear the purest nomadic voice of the grassland, and we can immediately take everyone into the grassland scenery where the sky is vast and the grass is blowing and the grass is low.

Adding these contents will make our program richer.

Allowing children to accept the influence of various music not only broadens their horizons, but also cultivates their musical literacy, which is conducive to their growth. "

Mu Qianshan thinks this is very good content.

"I will let the staff pay attention to this aspect, and I will also invite music masters to participate in the production.

You also need to help us a lot, I know your creative talent. "

Lin Qirong nodded, "I will do my best to help you."

Although it was more difficult, Mu Qianshan was even more excited.

If the musicality of the program can be enriched, then the program will definitely be upgraded to another level.

Although this investment will be greater and more time and energy will be consumed, he thinks it is worth it.

This is a new path worth exploring.

(End of this chapter)

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