Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 191 Invitation

Chapter 191 Invitation

Li Guangsheng and He Yijun put down their wine glasses and looked at Lin Qirong in surprise.

"Don't think I'm pitying you."

Lin Qirong said seriously, "My current company is seriously short of people. The most important thing is that I am the only one in the screenwriting department, so I can't do anything at all.

Our company's animation industry is developing well now, and it is still making money.

There are investments in TV dramas and variety shows, but they are all supported by me alone, and there is a serious shortage of talents.

So I need someone I can trust and have strength to do the job.

Whether it is a screenwriter or a director who may become a director in the future, we all need your help.

I am very aware of your strengths. Love Saints have a rich imagination, are good at both urban and comedy themes, and are also suitable for outreach work.

If you can correct the problem of glibness and calm down, you will definitely be a top-notch screenwriter and even a director.

Yijun has a calm personality and is suitable for internal management. Of course, your accomplishments in historical subjects should not be underestimated.

You just have fewer opportunities now. I believe you will succeed.

How about it?Would you like to help me?The only ones I can trust are you.

I promised the teacher to help him bring some interns, you have to squeeze them hard for me. "

Li Guangsheng sighed, "Qirong, I understand your intentions very well, and I am happy to help you.

But you have to know that I offended someone. If you offend him because of helping me and the company is affected, I will feel very guilty. "

Lin Qirong nodded, "Can you tell me who it is? I know a few people in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. If everyone can reconcile, then it's easy to talk about anything. If it doesn't work, let's find a way."

Li Guangsheng looked at Lin Qirong in surprise, with disbelief and more excitement.

If this time bomb can be dismantled, he can do things without any worries, and he won't have to work so hard like that girl.

He Yijun patted him heavily on the shoulder, "Let's give it a try, what if it succeeds?
Qirong is not a person who speaks freely, he should be sure that he dares to say so. "

Li Guangsheng nodded earnestly, looked at Lin Qirong expectantly and said, "His name is Wang Yihao. I heard that he is a very powerful figure in the circle of Shanghai Stock Exchange. That woman is called Pang Xiumei, and she is a second-tier actress."

Lin Qirong nodded. He had never heard of this name, so he probably wasn't the person who shared the room with Zhao Mingchuan that day.

In this case, he shouldn't be too powerful.

With this thought in mind, he dialed Jiang Jingdong's phone number.

"Why is Qirong contacting me when you have time?" Jiang Jingdong said with a smile, "Do you have a good script to cooperate with me?"

"If there is a good script, I will show it to you as soon as possible." Lin Qirong said with a smile, "I want to ask you about someone."

"You said, as long as it's on the Shanghai stock market, it should be fine."

"His name is Wang Yihao. I wonder if Mr. Jiang has heard of him?"

"So it's Hao Zai?" Jiang Jingdong's words made Lin Qirong feel relieved, "Actually, he was also at the scene that day, but he was in the hall and couldn't reach Chuan Shao."

"So that's how it is," Lin Qirong said, "I don't know if Young Master Jiang can talk to him? A friend of mine offended him before, and I want to trouble him to show his respect."

Jiang Jingdong hesitated for a moment and then said, "I tell you it's no problem, and he will give me face.

But I still suggest you find Chuan Shao, Hao Zai is his younger brother. "

Lin Qirong thought of Zhao Mingchuan's eyes, if possible, he really didn't want to deal with him.

But for Li Guangsheng, I had to find him.

He dialed Zhao Mingchuan's number, and there was a sexy female voice on the other side of the phone. He remembered it was the beautiful actress.

"Hi, I'm Lin Qirong, I visited Young Master Chuan with Sister Chen Meng last time.

I would like to trouble you to let Young Master Chuan listen. "

The other party didn't speak, and then Zhao Mingchuan's voice came.

"Qirong, you're not authentic. You haven't been here since we met last time. Didn't I say you can come here anytime?"

"Thank you Chuan Shao for the invitation." Lin Qirong smiled, "Recently there are a lot of things at home, and the company is also a bit busy, so I didn't visit you, and I will definitely go there some other day."

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Mingchuan said, "As long as there is a chance to make money together."

"That's for sure. I also want to make money with Chuan Shao."

"Haha, I like this." Zhao Mingchuan said with a smile, "How? What's the matter?"

Lin Qirong said the matter again before speaking.

"Young Master Chuan, it is true that my friend didn't understand the rules, he also knew his mistake, and he has also received a profound lesson, no one dares to use him now.

Do you think Hao Shao can give me a face and have a meal together, so that my friend can apologize in person, and the two sides shake hands and make peace? "

"Okay, I'll give him a call."

Zhao Mingchuan hung up the phone.

"How?" Li Guangsheng and He Yijun asked nervously.

"It should be fine." If Zhao Mingchuan still can't solve it, then Li Guangsheng should be ready to leave the Shanghai stock market.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Mingchuan called back.

"It's done, Haozai doesn't even remember this, and that woman seems to have been dumped by him too.

It is estimated that he forgot about it, so what he explained before still affected your friend.

Don't worry, no one will target your friends in the future.

There is no need to have a meal together, just come over for a drink and make a fortune together when you are free. "

Lin Qirong was not surprised, this was the norm in their circle.

"Then thank you very much." Lin Qirong said happily, "If there is a chance, we will definitely cooperate."

After hanging up the phone over there, Lin Qirong taught Li Guangsheng what Zhao Mingchuan said.

"It's all right now, you don't have to worry."

Li Guangsheng remained silent, picked up the wine glass and drank it down. He slammed the glass on the table and covered his face with tears.

"The thing that made it almost impossible for us to live has long been forgotten."

Lin Qirong patted him on the shoulder silently, this is the way of the world, you can only accept it.

After all, he was the one who provoked this incident, so he should learn a lesson if he suffers a little.

The water in the entertainment industry is very muddy, and it is definitely not a place where one can act recklessly.

Like Li Guangsheng's character of flirting with flowers and grass in the past, even if he didn't offend Haozai, he would offend other people.

Then it won't just be like this now.

So although this lesson is too profound, it is still Li Guangsheng's precious wealth.

"Thank you, Qirong." Li Guangsheng raised his head and wiped away the tears on his face, "I will join your company and I will work hard, don't worry."

"I'll join too." He Yijun, who had been silent all this time, also said, "I also want to try, and see if I can do better."

"That's right." Lin Qirong said happily, "A better life is the best revenge for her leaving you.

Work hard, and one day you'll stand in front of her and tell her she's wrong. "

He Yijun nodded vigorously, sparks ignited in his eyes.

The same is true for Li Guangsheng.

The two silent hearts began to slowly glow with vitality.

They also had dreams, and they hoped that their works would be seen and even recognized by more people, and they also hoped to become famous screenwriters and even great directors.

It's just that such thoughts were shattered by the cruel reality and buried deep in my heart.

Now Lin Qirong's words made their dreams come to the surface again. It turns out that they have always been there and never left.

For the trust of my brothers and for my own dreams, I must work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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