Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 181 Recording (2)

Chapter 181 Recording ([-])

After a short break, the recording officially started.

He Yonghao nodded in approval when he saw Zuo Youran and the children taking their positions in the recording studio.

Recording children is the most troublesome thing. If Lin Qirong hadn't given him enough money and he was quite famous in the industry, he wouldn't have agreed.

But what I didn't expect was that this group of children seemed to be very well-behaved. Although they were a little noisy occasionally, the beautiful teacher could control the scene very well, and the practice effect was not bad.

Or you can leave work early today.

Intense and dynamic music sounded, and the children inside were all excited, and several children even jumped up.

Tongtong stood at the front, looking at Zuo Youran seriously, ready to speak at any moment.

Zuo Youran watched them nervously, and only raised her hand when the melody was almost the same, and the children immediately opened their mouths to sing.

"la. la. la la"

He Yonghao frowned immediately, but he didn't say anything, and he signaled to stop after they finished singing this passage.

"It's a bit messy, the voices are not together, there is no hierarchy." He and Zuo Youran explained.

"I see." Zuo Youran nodded.

She looked back and looked at her children and explained softly, reemphasizing the note.

When I started again, the effect had improved a lot, but I was still told to stop by He Yonghao.

"It's been a lot better, but there's still room for improvement.

The children may be impatient, please comfort them. "

Zuo Youran nodded, "It's okay, I will pay attention."

For the first paragraph alone, the children recorded it five or six times, and He Yonghao was satisfied.

"Take a break, the children are not easy."

Lin Qirong nodded knowingly, and asked Zuo Youran to take the children to rest and take a sip of water to slow down.

When it started again, the children seemed to have forgotten the hard work just now, and their spirits improved.

"Take apart the phone to see if someone lives in it, sleep with the spaceship and I'll go to outer space.

I really didn’t mean to get dirty by playing in the mud. When I grow up, I will make money to buy you toys. "

This time the children performed much better, and He Yonghao also showed a happy smile on his face.

"You are my angel and I am happy to see you..."

Next was Zuo Youran's performance, which was also stopped several times by He Yonghao.

"Your singing is very professional, should you be from a major?"

Zuo Youran nodded.

“There’s nothing wrong with pitch, the key is that your voice should reflect playfulness and give people a childlike feeling.

Your voice is too gentle, and your style is a bit out of place. "

Zuo Youran was a little helpless, it was true that she did not do well.

"Don't worry." Lin Qirong comforted her.

"Just think of yourself as the king of children, play games with the children, sing that feeling, and try to make your voice a little louder."

Zuo Youran nodded, and tried again. He Yonghao was still not satisfied, but he admitted that he had made progress.

She gradually found the feeling and learned better.

"It's amazing, but this song is actually quite difficult."

He Yonghao nodded involuntarily, and said to Lin Qirong.

Lin Qirong nodded and smiled, "Yes, but I believe they can do it perfectly, please give me some pointers."

"No problem, it's my job."

Lin Qirong smiled, this song "Angel" was sung by Xu Huaiyu, the queen of Treasure Island in her previous life, and it is a song with a very unique style.

It contains a lot of musical elements, with a lively rhythm and full of childlike innocence. It is one of the favorite songs for children's dance.

It is used in many schools' inter-class exercise songs, and it can be said to be one of the most familiar songs to students.

For Zuo Youran and the children, who are not professionals, this song is quite difficult.

After careful consideration, Lin Qirong exchanged this song for Zuo Youran.

Unexpectedly, she liked it very much, so she directly decided to use it as the song for this dance performance.

But there is no ready-made song for this. Lin Qirong simply suggested that she take the children to complete this song, so that it would be more suitable for their dance.

So with today's recording, he found He Yonghao, a well-known producer in the industry, to complete the song together.

He has already prepared a lot in the early stage, such as the extremely fast rap-like rap at the beginning, as well as the arrangement and melody of the whole song.

Today is the final recording. If the effect is satisfactory, they can start rehearsing with this song.

Seeing Zuo Youran gradually getting into the mood, Lin Qirong quietly left the recording studio and went outside to arrange lunch.

It will definitely not be completed in the morning, and lunch must be arranged, otherwise the parents will go crazy.

They are very happy to know that their children can participate in this recording, but if they know that their children have no lunch, they will also go crazy.

Lin Qirong didn't want to see Zuo Youran being scolded by them pointing his nose.

When he arranged for lunch and took the staff to arrange the meals in the hall outside the recording studio, it was time for a break.

"How about eating first, then taking a rest before continuing the recording?"

He and He Yonghao suggested.

He Yonghao was stunned for a moment, the nature of his job was quite special, he would forget to eat even when he was busy, but he didn't expect this.

However, he also knew that these were children and could not be hungry, so he did not object and just let everyone rest.

"Let's eat."

Lin Qirong greeted Zuo Youran and said.

"En." Zuo Youran said, calling the children to wash their hands and eat.

The children washed their hands and stretched out their hands for her to check before they could eat at the table.

"It's really not easy." He Yonghao sighed when he saw this, "If I am asked to take care of so many children, I will go crazy."

"So they are professionals." Lin Qirong laughed.

He knew that Zuo Youran would not find it troublesome and enjoyed it.

But it is indeed a profession worthy of admiration.

"The children's part is almost recorded in the morning, and it's almost time to modify some details after eating."

"That's the best, if it's too late, they will get sleepy." Lin Qirong said.

"I know, so I recorded the children's part first in the morning, and the teacher's part still needs time."

"I see. I'll talk to her later."

He Yonghao smiled narrowly, "It's a song gift and it costs money, so it's a lot of thought.

But such a top-notch girl is also worthy of your actions, which is admirable. "

Lin Qirong couldn't help but laugh, it's really easy to be misunderstood by himself.

How precious a good song is, it would be incredible for a teacher and a group of children to play with a lot of singers crying and waving checks when they released it.

Who says he owns the system? As long as it can make Tongtong happy and increase her reputation, he is willing to do it.

As for He Yonghao's misunderstanding, let him misunderstand.

(End of this chapter)

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