Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 173 Open Day

Chapter 173 Open Day
With the arrival of Nomura Ichiro, Lin Qirong unexpectedly began to deploy overseas markets.

For Nomura Co., Ltd., he did not have too high requirements.

As long as "Piggy Pig" can be broadcast on Neon's TV station, can log on to Neon's video website, and be seen by Neon's children, he will be satisfied.

Neon's animation industry is developed, and Nomura Co., Ltd. has considerable opportunities but also tremendous pressure.

Because the pressure of competition is too great, it is impossible to quickly open up the situation, and we can only take it step by step.

I believe Nomura Ichiro also understands this. All he has to do is make a good start, lay a solid foundation, and wait for the moment when Peggy's popularity explodes among the children of Neon.

Of course, other follow-up works and products should also keep up. Xiao Yunfang is already speeding up the production of "Dora the Explorer".

This cartoon is completely different from "Peppa Pig", which pays more attention to music, interaction, education and enlightenment, and is more suitable for preschool children to watch.

Of course, its plot is more complicated and more colorful, involving various stories, fairy tales, and scenes, and the difficulty of production is more than doubled.

For this reason, Xiao Yunfang's team had to start working overtime again.

Fortunately, Hu Mei recruited a lot of animation professionals to join the company during this time, sharing some of the pressure for them.

Because of the success of "Little Pig Peggy", Tonghua Entertainment is quite well-known in the animation circle, so some of the newly recruited employees are very capable, they can help Xiao Yunfang a lot, and the progress has also been greatly accelerated. .

Also benefited is Liu Xueying's team, and the third season of "Peggy Pig" she is in charge of has also made great progress.

Therefore, Tonghua Entertainment seems to be in chaos, but everything is moving forward in an orderly manner, becoming stronger step by step.

When things were settled properly, Lin Qirong also relaxed.

He only needs to arrange things properly, and the rest will be handed over to the person in charge for specific advancement. He only needs to trust them and wait for the result slowly.

So when he attended the kindergarten's parent open day, he was in a very relaxed mood.

This made Han Ying very upset.

Ever since she took over the show "Don't Talk to Strangers", she has entered a state of madness, thinking about how to make this TV series well and achieve the effect she wants.

She has thought carefully about every detail of the script, and what kind of effect the actors should achieve.

What troubled her the most was that the actors hadn't been decided yet. Apart from Mei Zhihe who was confirmed to play Mei Xiangnan, the main male lead hadn't been decided yet.

She contacted several male actors with good acting skills but failed to negotiate, and she didn't want those whose acting skills were not up to standard, because they couldn't make the film she wanted.

Recently, I was communicating with a powerful actor, and there was no concrete result yet, and I was worrying in my heart. Seeing Lin Qirong's leisurely expression, I couldn't help but get angry.

Was he the screenwriter or one of the investors in this drama, and he gave himself a big problem, making it hard for him to eat and sleep well, but he turned out to be really cool?

"Calm down." Lin Qirong said with a smile, "I also have half a day to spare, the company has a lot to do.

It's just that people can't let things affect their mood, otherwise what's the point. "

"You." Han Ying couldn't help but shook her head.

"I don't care. When the filming starts, you have to come and talk to the actors, especially An Jia and this character. I'm really worried that ordinary actors won't be able to handle it."

Lin Qirong nodded, "No problem, this role is too complicated, it is indeed difficult to control, if I can help, I will definitely help, and I am always on call."

"That's about the same." Han Ying's mood improved a lot.

The so-called Parents Open Day actually means that the children go to class normally, and the parents are on the sidelines to experience the children's learning and living conditions throughout the day.

From morning exercises, breakfast, morning classes, inter-class exercises, various group interest activities, etc.

The chaotic scene that was originally worried about did not appear. Although the children were a little distracted by the arrival of the parents, they still followed the teacher's arrangement and moved step by step.

And their enthusiasm is obviously much greater. Every time the teacher asks a question, a lot of people raise their hands and rush to answer.

I have to say that the teachers in the kindergarten are very professional. There are so many children without confusion, which also allows parents to see the progress of their children.

In the morning, it is time for group interest activities.

The children come to their own area to carry out activities in the order of rotation.

There is a cooking area where children can practice simple cooking skills.

There is a craft area where children can do crafts.

There is a painting area where children can freely doodle.

There is a sci-fi area where children can swim in the ocean of science.

There is a role-playing area where children can act as doctors, nurses, policemen and other professions to complete prescribed tasks.

Parents spent a happy morning with their children.

Tongtong's interest activity area is the performance area.

There is a small stage here, and children can choose what they want to perform.

Lin Qirong was surprised to see Tongtong walk up to the stage with a microphone and start hosting.

Standing on the stage, Tongtong hosted in a stylish manner, introducing each program one by one, interviewing the performers after the performance, and extending the microphone to other children to let them express their opinions and control the performance. Looks like it, as a host, it can be said that it is basically qualified.

He could also tell that she was very popular among the children, both boys and girls liked her very much and cooperated well.

Sitting behind him watching all this, he couldn't help stretching out his thumbs to give her a thumbs up, making Tong Tong who looked at him smile like a flower.

She loves school and loves it all.

In the end, the children gathered together and surrounded Zuo Youran.

Zuo Youran played the piano, and the children performed a sign language dance for the parents.

"Mom and Dad, you have worked hard, I have grown up, and I can help you with many things.

You work hard, we study happily, and we will reward you when we grow up. "

Seeing the children express their gratitude to them clumsily with childlike singing and non-standard dancing, the eyes of many parents are moist.

Seeing the children grow up like this, no matter how hard it is, it is worth it.

At noon, the open day for parents ended.

The parents gradually left with a sense of contentment.

"It's amazing." Lin Qirong and Zuo Youran said.

"This is why I like being a teacher." Zuo Youran smiled, "Compared to being a star, let the children continue to grow and become better and better. This kind of satisfaction and sense of accomplishment is something that stars cannot give us. .”

Lin Qirong nodded, "Yeah, being a celebrity should only be empty, no matter how glamorous the surface is, the heart is empty, more like a walking dead."

"It's not that exaggerated." Zuo Youran covered her mouth and chuckled, "The more you pursue, the greater the price you pay, and the higher you stand, the more empty you may feel.

My grandpa told me to do what you like and help people who can help.

Whether it is doing big things or doing small things, it will enrich yourself and make your life more meaningful. "

"This is the wisdom of the old man," Lin Qirong sighed. "Only a man of great wisdom can say such a thing. He must be very remarkable."

Zuo Youran thought about it carefully, "It seems to be quite remarkable, but I rarely go to see him. It seems that he is not doing well enough."

"It's work, I can't help myself." Lin Qirong smiled, "Aren't you busy with choreography recently? How is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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